Exemple #1
void ModifyStartupFile(GString &strStartupKey,GString &strServerPassword,GString &strRoot,GString &strPort)
	// load the following values fron the startup file:
	GString strCurrentPassword;
	GString strCurrentRoot;
	GString strCurrentPort;
	GString strThisEXEName(GetThisEXEName());
	GString strStartupData;
	if (strStartupKey.Length())
		// look for a file in the root of the file system (c:\)
		// with the same name as this .exe
		GString strFile("c:\\");
		strFile += strThisEXEName;

		// load the crypted disk file into clear text memory
		char *pDest;
		int nDestLen;
		GString strErrorOut;
		if (FileDecryptToMemory(strStartupKey, strFile, &pDest, &nDestLen, strErrorOut))
			// parse into the profile data structures
			pDest[7 + nDestLen] = 0; // null terminate it
			strStartupData.write(&pDest[7], nDestLen + 1); // and cap the GString 
			// if the file was not in the root of the file system
			// see if there is an environment setting directing
			// this server to look for the file in another location
			// The variable name is dynamic, matching this .exe name
			// and the environment variable value must be a fully
			// qualified path and file name to the startup file.
			if (getenv(strThisEXEName))
				if (FileDecryptToMemory(strStartupKey, getenv(strThisEXEName), &pDest, &nDestLen, strErrorOut))
					// parse into the profile data structures
					strStartupData.write(&pDest[7], nDestLen-7);

		// parse stored settings in startup file to startup variables
		if (strStartupData.Length())
			GStringList lstOptions("&&",strStartupData);
			GStringIterator it(&lstOptions);
			if (it()) strCurrentPassword = it++;
			if (it()) strCurrentRoot = it++;
			if (it()) strCurrentPort = it++;

	// new values over write the old ones
	if (strServerPassword.Length())
		strCurrentPassword = strServerPassword;

	if (strPort.Length())
		strCurrentPort = strPort;

	if (strRoot.Length() && strRoot.CompareNoCase("none") != 0)
		strCurrentRoot = strRoot;
	else if (strRoot.CompareNoCase("none") == 0)
		strCurrentRoot = "";

	// use root of file system to store the startup file 
	// unless specified otherwise by environment setting
	GString strOutFile("c:\\");
	strOutFile += strThisEXEName;
	if (getenv(strThisEXEName))
		strOutFile += getenv(strThisEXEName);
	// create the new startup file
	GString strTempFile;
	strTempFile << strServerPassword << "&&" << strRoot << "&&" << strPort;
	GString strErrorOut;
	FileEncrypt(strStartupKey, "tempfile", strOutFile, strErrorOut);
void CSocketHTTPDataSource::SendHelper(const char *pzRequest, int nRequestLen, GString &destinationStream, const char *pzNamespace)
	int fd, numbytes;  
#ifdef _WIN32
	WSADATA wsaData;
	WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 1, 0 ), &wsaData);

	int nNamespaceLen = (int)strlen(pzNamespace);

	struct sockaddr_in their_addr; 
	their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;      
	their_addr.sin_port = htons(m_nPort); 
	their_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (GetServerAddress());
	if (their_addr.sin_addr.s_addr == -1)
		// resolve a DNS server name if inet_addr() came up empty.
		struct hostent *pHE = (struct hostent *)gethostbyname(GetServerAddress());
		if (pHE == 0)
			GString strError;
			strError.Format("gethostbyname() failed to resolve[%s]",GetServerAddress());
			throw CSocketError(errno,(const char *)strError);
		memcpy((char *)&(their_addr.sin_addr), pHE->h_addr,pHE->h_length); 
	memset(&(their_addr.sin_zero),0, 8);//zero the rest of the struct

	if ((fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) 
		throw CSocketError(0,"socket");
	CSocketWrap sockfd(fd); 

	// local bind() is not required on WIN32 platform
	struct sockaddr_in localAddr; 
	localAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
	localAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
	localAddr.sin_port = htons(0);
	int rc = bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &localAddr, sizeof(localAddr));
		GString strError;
		strError.Format("failed to bind([%s]:%d)",GetServerAddress(),(int)m_nPort);
		throw CSocketError(errno,(const char *)strError);

	if (connect(fd, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1) 
		GString strError;
		strError.Format("failed to connect([%s]:%d)",GetServerAddress(),(int)m_nPort);
		throw CSocketError(errno,(const char *)strError);

	// 200 bytes in excess
	char *pSendBuf = new char[200 + nRequestLen + nNamespaceLen];
	sprintf(pSendBuf,"POST /XMLServer/UBT.dll?%s HTTP/1.1\r\nUser-Agent: XML_Object_Framework_DataSource\r\nHost:\r\nContent-Length:  ",pzNamespace);
	GString strTemp;
	strTemp.Format("%d\r\n\r\n%s",(int)nNamespaceLen + nRequestLen,pzNamespace);
	strcat(&pSendBuf[120],(const char *)strTemp);
	int nHeaderLen = (int)strlen(&pSendBuf[120]) + 120;

	int nTotalMessageLength = nHeaderLen + nRequestLen;

	if ((numbytes=sendto(sockfd, pSendBuf, nTotalMessageLength, 0, 
		 (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr))) == -1) 
		delete[] pSendBuf;
		throw CSocketError(sockfd,"sendto");
	delete[] pSendBuf;

	int nCumulativeBytes = 0;
	numbytes = 0;
		if ((numbytes=recv(sockfd, m_winsockBuffer, sizeof(m_winsockBuffer), 0)) == -1) 
		nCumulativeBytes += numbytes;
	}while( numbytes != 0 );
Exemple #3
void WINAPI TimeServiceMain(DWORD dwArgc, LPTSTR *lpszArgv) 
#ifdef _WIN64
   unsigned __int64 dwCompKey  = CK_SERVICECONTROL;
   DWORD dwBytesTransferred;
   BOOL bPasswordCompileEmbedded = 0;

// We must get the private password for connecting to this machine.
// The password can be compiled into the server any of the following ways......

//  1 way - the easiest way, just uncomment and put any value between the quotes
//  then remove the code between --Load External Password Begin & End-- below
//  ***** example of very simple integrated password ********
//  GString strPassword("Password");
//	GString strPort("80");
//	GString strRoot;
//	bPasswordCompileEmbedded = 1;

//  Another way - a most secure way to embed the password.
//  ***** example of integrated password ********
//  GString strPassword;
//	MakePassword(strPassword);    // Go read the MakePassword() routine above.
//	GString strPort("80");
//	GString strRoot;
//	bPasswordCompileEmbedded = 1;

//              OR

// The password can be retrieved from an external disk location.
// Passwords can be obtained from disk in two different ways.
// Either in a registry key matching the (probably renamed) 
// executable file that is this server, OR by loading a 
// predefined file name at a predefined location. 
// This file must be present while starting the server, but can be
// removed once this process has fully started.

//  --Load External Password Begin--
GString strPassword;
GString strPort;
GString strRoot;

if (!bPasswordCompileEmbedded)
	GString strThisEXEName(GetThisEXEName());
	GString strStartupKey;

	// use our runtime image name as the registry key
	char buf[512];
	long lSize = sizeof(buf);
	if (RegQueryValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,(const char *)strThisEXEName,buf,&lSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
		// uudecode the startup key
		unsigned int nDecoded;
		uudecode(buf, &b, &nDecoded, false);
		strStartupKey.write((const char *)b.pBuf,nDecoded);

	GString strStartupData;
	if (strStartupKey.Length())
		// look for a file in the root of the file system (c:\)
		// with the same name as this .exe
		GString strFile("c:\\");
		strFile += strThisEXEName;

		// load the crypted disk file into clear text memory
		char *pDest;
		int nDestLen;
		GString strErrorOut;
		if (FileDecryptToMemory(strStartupKey, strFile, &pDest, &nDestLen, strErrorOut))
			// parse into the profile data structures
			pDest[7 + nDestLen] = 0; // null terminate it
			strStartupData.write(&pDest[7], nDestLen + 1); // and cap the GString 
			// if the file was not in the root of the file system
			// see if there is an environment setting directing
			// this server to look for the file in another location
			// The variable name is dynamic, matching this .exe name
			// and the environment variable value must be a fully
			// qualified path and file name to the startup file.
			if (getenv(strThisEXEName))
				if (FileDecryptToMemory(strStartupKey, getenv(strThisEXEName), &pDest, &nDestLen, strErrorOut))
					// parse into the profile data structures
					strStartupData.write(&pDest[7], nDestLen-7);

		// parse stored settings in startup file to startup variables
		if (strStartupData.Length())
			GStringList lstOptions("&&",strStartupData);
			GStringIterator it(&lstOptions);

			if (it()) strPassword = it++;
			if (it()) strRoot = it++; // currently not used
			if (it()) strPort = it++;

//  --Load External Password End--

	GString strFile;
	GString strConfigFileDefault;
	GString strErrorOut;
	int bSetStartupFile = 0;

#ifdef _WIN32
	SetPriorityClass(GetCurrentProcess(),HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS); // = 1 point above normal

   // Create the completion port and save its handle in a global
   // variable so that the Handler function can access it.
   g_hIOCP = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, CK_PIPE, 0);

   // Give SCM the address of this service's Handler
   // NOTE: hSS does not have to be closed.
   hSS = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler((const char *)strServerName, TimeServiceHandler);

   // Do what the service should do.
   // Initialize the members that never change
   ss.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; 
   ss.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | 

   do {
      switch (dwCompKey) {
         // We got a new control code
         ss.dwWin32ExitCode = NO_ERROR; 
         ss.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; 
         ss.dwCheckPoint = 0; 
         ss.dwWaitHint = 0;

         if (fdwControl == SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE) {
            SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);

         // Determine which PENDING state to return
         if (dwSrvCtrlToPend[fdwControl] != 0) {
            ss.dwCurrentState = dwSrvCtrlToPend[fdwControl]; 
            ss.dwCheckPoint = 0;
            ss.dwWaitHint = 500;   // half a second
            SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);

         switch (fdwControl) {
            case SERVICE_CONTROL_RUN:
					if (strRoot.Length() && strPort.Length())
						GString strCfgData;
						strCfgData.Format(pzBoundStartupConfig,(const char *)strRoot,(const char *)strPort);
						SetProfile(new GProfile((const char *)strCfgData, (int)strCfgData.Length(), 0));

						if (!server_start())
							ss.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; 
							ss.dwCheckPoint = ss.dwWaitHint = 0;
							SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);
						// No password compiled in - and no valid startup file found
						for(int i=0; i<3;i++)
							// three beeps
						ss.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; 
						ss.dwCheckPoint = ss.dwWaitHint = 0;
						SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);
				catch ( GException &)
					ss.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; 
					ss.dwCheckPoint = ss.dwWaitHint = 0;
					SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);

				if (dwSrvPendToState[ss.dwCurrentState] != 0) 
					ss.dwCurrentState = dwSrvPendToState[ss.dwCurrentState]; 
					ss.dwCheckPoint = ss.dwWaitHint = 0;
					SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);

            case SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE:
            case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP:
				if (dwSrvPendToState[ss.dwCurrentState] != 0) 
					ss.dwCurrentState = dwSrvPendToState[ss.dwCurrentState]; 
					ss.dwCheckPoint = ss.dwWaitHint = 0;
					SetServiceStatus(hSS, &ss);

         // Determine which complete state to return


      if (ss.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) {
         // Sleep until a control code comes in or a client connects
         GetQueuedCompletionStatus(g_hIOCP, &dwBytesTransferred,
            &dwCompKey, &po, INFINITE);
         fdwControl = dwBytesTransferred;
   } while (ss.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED);

   // Cleanup and stop this service