/* static */
    const GT_PrimitiveHandle& prim,
    const char *attrName,
    bool defaultValue ) 
    if( prim ) {
        GT_DataArrayHandle data;
        if( prim->getPrimitiveType() == GT_GEO_PACKED ) {
            GT_AttributeListHandle instAttrs = 
                UTverify_cast<const GT_GEOPrimPacked*>(prim.get())->getInstanceAttributes();
            if( instAttrs ) {
                data = instAttrs->get( attrName );
        if( !data ) {
            GT_Owner own;
            data = prim->findAttribute( attrName, own, 0 );
        if( data ) {
            return bool( data->getI32(0) );

    return defaultValue;
    GU_Detail&              destgdp,
    UsdGeomImageable        prim, 
    const SdfPath&          primPath,
    const UT_Matrix4D&      xform,
    const GT_RefineParms&   rparms,
    bool                    addPathAttributes ) const
    GT_PrimitiveHandle gtPrim = 
                    m_purposes );

    if( !gtPrim ) {
        const TfToken &type = prim.GetPrim().GetTypeName();
        if( type != "PxHairman" && type != "PxProcArgs" )
            TF_WARN( "Can't convert prim for unpack. %s. Type = %s.", 
                      type.GetText() );
        return false;
    GusdPrimWrapper* wrapper = UTverify_cast<GusdPrimWrapper*>(gtPrim.get());

    if( !wrapper->unpack( 
#if SYS_VERSION_FULL_INT < 0x10050000
	    intrinsicViewportLOD( getPrim() ),
            m_purposes )) {

        // If the wrapper prim does not do the unpack, do it here.
        UT_Array<GU_Detail *>   details;

        if( prim.GetPrim().IsInMaster() ) {

            gtPrim->setPrimitiveTransform( new GT_Transform( &xform, 1 ) );

        GA_Size startIndex = destgdp.getNumPrimitives();

        GT_Util::makeGEO(details, gtPrim, &rparms);

        for (exint i = 0; i < details.entries(); ++i)
            copyPrimitiveGroups(*details(i), false);
#if SYS_VERSION_FULL_INT < 0x11000000
            unpackToDetail(destgdp, details(i), true);
            unpackToDetail(destgdp, details(i), &xform);
            delete details(i);

        if( addPathAttributes ) { 
            // Add usdpath and usdprimpath attributes to unpacked geometry.
            GA_Size endIndex = destgdp.getNumPrimitives();

            const char *path = prim.GetPrim().GetPath().GetString().c_str();

            if( endIndex > startIndex )
                GA_RWHandleS primPathAttr( 
                    destgdp.addStringTuple( GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, GUSD_PRIMPATH_ATTR, 1 ));
                GA_RWHandleS pathAttr( 
                    destgdp.addStringTuple( GA_ATTRIB_PRIMITIVE, GUSD_PATH_ATTR, 1 ));

                for( GA_Size i = startIndex; i < endIndex; ++i )
                    primPathAttr.set( destgdp.primitiveOffset( i ), 0, path );
                    pathAttr.set( destgdp.primitiveOffset( i ), 0, fileName().c_str() );
    return true;
GusdRefiner::addPrimitive( const GT_PrimitiveHandle& gtPrimIn )
    if(!gtPrimIn) {
        std::cout << "Attempting to add invalid prim" << std::endl;
    GT_PrimitiveHandle gtPrim = gtPrimIn;     // copy to a non-const handle
    int primType = gtPrim->getPrimitiveType();
    DBG( cerr << "GusdRefiner::addPrimitive, " << gtPrim->className() << endl );
    string primName;
    // Types can register a function to provide a prim name. 
    // Volumes do this to return a name stored in the f3d file. This is 
    // important for consistant cluster naming.
    string n;
    if( GusdPrimWrapper::getPrimName( gtPrim, n )) {
        primName = n;

    bool refinePackedPrims = m_refinePackedPrims;
    bool primHasNameAttr = false;
    if( primName.empty() ) {

        GT_AttributeListHandle primAttrs;
        if( primType == GT_GEO_PACKED ) {
            primAttrs = UTverify_cast<const GT_GEOPrimPacked*>(gtPrim.get())->getInstanceAttributes();

        if( !primAttrs ) {
            primAttrs = gtPrim->getUniformAttributes();
        if( !primAttrs ) {
            primAttrs = gtPrim->getDetailAttributes();

        GT_DataArrayHandle dah;
        if( primAttrs ) {
            dah = primAttrs->get( m_pathAttrName.c_str() );

        if( dah && dah->isValid() ) {
            const char *s = dah->getS(0);
            if( s != NULL ) {
                primName = s;
                primHasNameAttr = true;
        if( primAttrs ) {
            GT_DataArrayHandle overXformsAttr = primAttrs->get( GUSD_OVERTRANSFORMS_ATTR );
            if( overXformsAttr ) {
                if( overXformsAttr->getI32(0) != 0 ) {
                    refinePackedPrims = false;

    // The following is only necessary for point instancers. Prototypes 
    // can't be point instancers.
    if (!m_buildPrototypes) {

        // Check per prim if we are building a point instancer. This may cause
        // problems for point instancers with discontiguous packed prims.
        bool localBuildPointInstancer = false;
        // If we have imported USD geometry get the type to see if it is a
        // point instancer we need to overlay.
        if(auto packedUSD = dynamic_cast<const GusdGT_PackedUSD*>( gtPrim.get() )) {
            if(packedUSD->getFileName()) {

                // Get the usd src prim path used for point instancers
                const SdfPath& instancerPrimPath =

                GusdStageCacheReader cache;
                if(UsdPrim prim = cache.GetPrimWithVariants(
                    packedUSD->getFileName(), instancerPrimPath).first) {
                    // Get the type name of the usd file to overlay
                    m_pointInstancerType = prim.GetTypeName();
                    // Make sure to set buildPointInstancer to true if we are overlaying a
                    // point instancer
                    if (m_pointInstancerType == _tokens->PointInstancer ||
                        m_pointInstancerType == _tokens->PxPointInstancer) {
                        localBuildPointInstancer = true;
        // If we find either an instancepath or usdinstancepath attribute, build a
        // point instancer.
        GT_Owner owner;
        if(gtPrim->findAttribute("instancepath", owner, 0) ||
            gtPrim->findAttribute("usdinstancepath", owner, 0) ) {
            localBuildPointInstancer = true;

        if (m_buildPointInstancer || localBuildPointInstancer) {
            // If we are building point instancer, stash prims that can be 
            // point instanced. Build the point instancer in the finish method.
            // If given a prim path, pass it to the collector for a custom
            // usd scope. Otherwise pass an empty SdfPath.
            SdfPath instancerPrimPath;
            if( !primName.empty() ) {
                instancerPrimPath = SdfPath(createPrimPath(primName));

            if( auto packedUSD = dynamic_cast<const GusdGT_PackedUSD*>( gtPrim.get() )) {
                // Point instancer from packed usd
                instancerPrimPath = instancerPrimPath.IsEmpty() ? packedUSD->getSrcPrimPath() : instancerPrimPath;
                m_collector.addInstPrim( instancerPrimPath, gtPrim );
            else if( gtPrim->getPrimitiveType() == GT_PRIM_INSTANCE ) {
                // Point instancer from packed primitives

                // A GT_PrimInstance can container more than one instance. Create 
                // an entry for each.
                auto instPrim = UTverify_cast<const GT_PrimInstance*>( gtPrim.get() );

                // TODO: If we put all geometry packed prims here, then we break
                // grouping prims for purpose
                for( size_t i = 0; i < instPrim->entries(); ++i ) {
                    m_collector.addInstPrim( instancerPrimPath, gtPrim, i );

            if( primType == GT_PRIM_PARTICLE || primType == GT_PRIM_POINT_MESH ) {
                // Point instancer from points with instancepath attribute

                // Check for the usdprototypespath attribute in case it is not
                // a point or primitivie attribute.
                GT_AttributeListHandle uniformAttrs = gtPrim->getUniformAttributes();
                uniformAttrs = findAndAddStringAttribute(uniformAttrs, "usdprototypespath", gtPrim);

                // Find and add a custom prototype scope attribute.
                uniformAttrs = findAndAddStringAttribute(uniformAttrs, "usdprototypesscope", gtPrim);

                gtPrim = new GusdGT_PointInstancer( 
                                    uniformAttrs );
                primType = gtPrim->getPrimitiveType();
    // We must refine packed prims that don't have a name
    if( !primHasNameAttr && !refinePackedPrims ) {
        refinePackedPrims = true;

    if( primName.empty() && 
        gtPrim->getPrimitiveType() == GusdGT_PackedUSD::getStaticPrimitiveType() ) {

        auto packedUsdPrim = UTverify_cast<const GusdGT_PackedUSD *>(gtPrim.get());
        SdfPath path = packedUsdPrim->getPrimPath().StripAllVariantSelections();
        if( m_useUSDIntrinsicNames ) {
            primName = path.GetString();
        else {
            primName = path.GetName();

        // We want prototypes to be children of the point instancer, so we make 
        // the usd path a relative scope of just the usd prim name
        if ( m_buildPrototypes && !primName.empty() && primName[0] == '/' ) {
            size_t idx = primName.find_last_of("/");
            primName = primName.substr(idx+1);
    // If the prim path was not explicitly set, try to come up with a reasonable
    // default.
    bool addNumericSuffix = false;
    if( primName.empty() ) {

        int t = gtPrim->getPrimitiveType();
        if( t == GT_PRIM_POINT_MESH || t == GT_PRIM_PARTICLE )
            primName = "points";
        else if( t == GT_PRIM_POLYGON_MESH || t == GT_PRIM_SUBDIVISION_MESH )
            primName = "mesh";
        else if( t == GT_PRIM_CURVE_MESH )
            primName = "curve";
        else if( t == GusdGT_PointInstancer::getStaticPrimitiveType() )
            primName = "instances";
        else if(const char *n = GusdPrimWrapper::getUsdName( t ))
            primName = n;
            primName = "obj";
        if( !primName.empty() ) {
            addNumericSuffix = true;

    string primPath = createPrimPath(primName);

    TfToken purpose = UsdGeomTokens->default_;
        GT_Owner own = GT_OWNER_PRIMITIVE;
        GT_DataArrayHandle dah = gtPrim->findAttribute( GUSD_PURPOSE_ATTR, own, 0 );
        if( dah && dah->isValid() ) {
            purpose = TfToken(dah->getS(0));

    if( primType == GT_PRIM_INSTANCE ) {
       auto inst = UTverify_cast<const GT_PrimInstance*>(gtPrim.get());
        const GT_PrimitiveHandle geometry = inst->geometry();

        if ( geometry->getPrimitiveType() == GT_GEO_PACKED ) {

            // If we find a packed prim that has a name, this become a group (xform) in 
            // USD. If it doesn't have a name, we just accumulate the transform and recurse.

            auto packedGeo = UTverify_cast<const GT_GEOPrimPacked*>(geometry.get());
            for( GT_Size i = 0; i < inst->transforms()->entries(); ++i ) {

                UT_Matrix4D m;

                UT_Matrix4D newCtm = m_localToWorldXform;
                newCtm = m* m_localToWorldXform;

                SdfPath newPath = m_pathPrefix;
                bool recurse = true;

                if( primHasNameAttr || 
                    ( m_forceGroupTopPackedPrim && m_isTopLevel )) {

                    // m_forceGroupTopPackedPrim is used when we are writing instance 
                    // prototypes. We need to add instance id attributes to the top 
                    // level group. Here we make sure that we create that group, even 
                    // if the user hasn't named it.

                    newPath = m_collector.add(  SdfPath(primPath), 
                                                m_writeCtrlFlags );
                    // If we are just writing transforms and encounter a packed prim, we 
                    // just want to write it's transform and not refine it further.
                    recurse = refinePackedPrims;

                if( recurse ) {
                    GusdRefiner childRefiner(
                                    newCtm );
                    childRefiner.m_refinePackedPrims = refinePackedPrims;
                    childRefiner.m_forceGroupTopPackedPrim = m_forceGroupTopPackedPrim;
                    childRefiner.m_isTopLevel = false;

                    childRefiner.m_writeCtrlFlags = m_writeCtrlFlags;
                    childRefiner.m_writeCtrlFlags.update( geometry );

                    childRefiner.refineDetail( packedGeo->getPackedDetail(), m_refineParms );
                    childRefiner.refineDetail( packedGeo->getPrim()->getPackedDetail(), m_refineParms );

    if( (primType != GT_GEO_PACKED || !refinePackedPrims) && 
                            GusdPrimWrapper::isGTPrimSupported(gtPrim) ) {

        UT_Matrix4D m;
        if( primType == GT_GEO_PACKED ) {
            // packed fragment
            UTverify_cast<const GT_GEOPrimPacked*>(gtPrim.get())->getFullTransform()->getMatrix(m);
        else {

        UT_Matrix4D newCtm = m_localToWorldXform;
        newCtm = m* m_localToWorldXform;

        m_collector.add( SdfPath(primPath),
                         m_writeCtrlFlags );
    else {
        gtPrim->refine( *this, &m_refineParms );