std::string CGUIDialogSelectGameClient::ShowAndGetGameClient(const GameClientVector& candidates, const GameClientVector& installable)
  std::string gameClient;

  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Select game client dialog: Found %lu candidates", candidates.size());
  for (const auto& gameClient : candidates)
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Adding %s as a candidate", gameClient->ID().c_str());

  if (!installable.empty())
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Select game client dialog: Found %lu installable clients", installable.size());
    for (const auto& gameClient : installable)
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Adding %s as an installable client", gameClient->ID().c_str());

  CContextButtons choiceButtons;

  // Add emulators
  int i = 0;
  for (const GameClientPtr& gameClient : candidates)
    choiceButtons.Add(i++, gameClient->Name());

  // Add button to install emulators
  const int iInstallEmulator = i++;
  if (!installable.empty())
    choiceButtons.Add(iInstallEmulator, 35253); // "Install emulator"

  // Add button to manage emulators
  const int iAddonMgr = i++;
  choiceButtons.Add(iAddonMgr, 35254); // "Manage emulators"

  // Do modal
  int result = CGUIDialogContextMenu::ShowAndGetChoice(choiceButtons);

  if (0 <= result && result < static_cast<int>(candidates.size()))
    // Handle emulator
    gameClient = candidates[result]->ID();
  else if (result == iInstallEmulator)
    // Install emulator
    gameClient = InstallGameClient(installable);
  else if (result == iAddonMgr)
    // Go to add-on manager to manage emulators
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Select game client dialog: User cancelled game client selection");

  return gameClient;
Exemple #2
bool CGameUtils::FillInGameClient(CFileItem &item, bool bPrompt)
  using namespace ADDON;

  if (item.GetGameInfoTag()->GetGameClient().empty())
    // If the fileitem is an add-on, fall back to that
    if (item.HasAddonInfo() && item.GetAddonInfo()->Type() == ADDON::ADDON_GAMEDLL)
    else if (bPrompt)
      // No game client specified, need to ask the user
      GameClientVector candidates;
      GameClientVector installable;
      bool bHasVfsGameClient;
      GetGameClients(item, candidates, installable, bHasVfsGameClient);

      if (candidates.empty() && installable.empty())
        int errorTextId = bHasVfsGameClient ?
            35214 : // "This game can only be played directly from a hard drive or partition. Compressed files must be extracted."
            35212;  // "This game isn't compatible with any available emulators."

        // "Failed to play game"
        KODI::MESSAGING::HELPERS::ShowOKDialogText(CVariant{ 35210 }, CVariant{ errorTextId });
      else if (candidates.size() == 1 && installable.empty())
        // Only 1 option, avoid prompting the user
        std::string gameClient = CGUIDialogSelectGameClient::ShowAndGetGameClient(item.GetPath(), candidates, installable);
        if (!gameClient.empty())

  return !item.GetGameInfoTag()->GetGameClient().empty();
void CGUIDialogSelectGameClient::LogGameClients(const GameClientVector& candidates, const GameClientVector& installable)
  CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Select game client dialog: Found %u candidates", static_cast<unsigned int>(candidates.size()));
  for (const auto& gameClient : candidates)
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Adding %s as a candidate", gameClient->ID().c_str());

  if (!installable.empty())
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Select game client dialog: Found %u installable clients", static_cast<unsigned int>(installable.size()));
    for (const auto& gameClient : installable)
      CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "Adding %s as an installable client", gameClient->ID().c_str());