#include "TestingMolecules.hpp"
#include "UniformDielectric.hpp"
#include "IEFSolver.hpp"
#include "Symmetry.hpp"

/*! \class IEFSolver
 *  \test \b NH3GePol tests IEFSolver using ammonia and a GePol cavity
TEST_CASE("Test solver for the IEFPCM with NH3 molecule and a GePol cavity", "[solver][iefpcm][iefpcm_gepol-NH3]")
    Molecule molec = NH3();

    double area = 0.4;
    double probeRadius = 0.0;
    double minRadius = 100.0;
    GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, probeRadius, minRadius);

    double permittivity = 78.39;
    Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator> gfInside = Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>();
    UniformDielectric<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator> gfOutside =
    UniformDielectric<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>(permittivity);
    bool symm = true;
    IEFSolver solver(symm);
    solver.buildSystemMatrix(cavity, gfInside, gfOutside);

    double Ncharge = 7.0;
    double Hcharge = 1.0;
    size_t size = cavity.size();
    Eigen::VectorXd fake_mep = computeMEP(molec, cavity.elements());
    // The total ASC for a dielectric is -Q*(epsilon-1)/epsilon
    double totalASC = -charge * (permittivity - 1) / permittivity;

    /*! \class IEFSolver
     *  \test \b pointChargeGePolC1 tests IEFSolver using a point charge with a GePol
     * cavity in C1 symmetry
     *  We are forcing the usage of the buildAnisotropicMatrix method.
     *  The results are compared with Gauss' theorem and the results from the
     * buildIsotropicMatrix method
     *  The point charge is at the origin.
    WHEN("the point group is C1") {
      Molecule point = dummy<0>(2.929075493);
      double area = 0.4;
      double probeRadius = 0.0;
      double minRadius = 100.0;
      GePolCavity cavity(point, area, probeRadius, minRadius, "C1");

      IEFSolver aniso_solver(symm);
      aniso_solver.buildAnisotropicMatrix(cavity, gf_i, gf_o, op);

      IEFSolver iso_solver(symm);
      iso_solver.buildIsotropicMatrix(cavity, gf_i, gf_o, op);

      int size = cavity.size();
      Eigen::VectorXd fake_mep = computeMEP(cavity.elements(), charge);

      THEN("the total apparent surface charge is") {
        Eigen::VectorXd aniso_fake_asc = aniso_solver.computeCharge(fake_mep);
        Eigen::VectorXd iso_fake_asc = iso_solver.computeCharge(fake_mep);

        int nr_irrep = cavity.pointGroup().nrIrrep();
Exemple #3
#include <Eigen/Core>

#include "GePolCavity.hpp"
#include "Molecule.hpp"
#include "PhysicalConstants.hpp"
#include "Symmetry.hpp"
#include "TestingMolecules.hpp"

TEST_CASE("GePol cavity for the benzene molecule", "[gepol][gepol_C6H6]")
    double area = 0.3 / convertBohr2ToAngstrom2;
    double probeRadius = 1.385 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    // Addition of spheres is enabled, but will not happen in this particular case
    double minRadius = 10.0 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
    Molecule molec = C6H6();
    GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, probeRadius, minRadius, "c6h6");

    /*! \class GePolCavity
     *  \test \b GePolCavityC6H6AddTest_size tests GePol cavity size for C6H6 in C1 symmetry with added spheres
    SECTION("Test size")
        int size = 644;
        size_t actualSize = cavity.size();
        REQUIRE(size == actualSize);

    /*! \class GePolCavity
     *  \test \b GePolCavityC6H6AddTest_area tests GePol cavity surface area for C6H6 in C1 symmetry with added spheres
            Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>();
        bool symm = true;

        double charge = 8.0;
        double totalASC = - charge * (eps1 - 1) / eps1;
        /*! \class IEFSolver
         *  \test \b pointChargeDiffuseGePol tests IEFSolver using a point charge with a GePol cavity and a spherical diffuse interface
         *  The spherical diffuse interface is centered at the origin, while the point charge is away from the origin.
        WHEN("the spherical diffuse layer is centered at the origin and the charge is away from the origin")
            Molecule point = dummy<0>(2.929075493, origin);
            double area = 1.0;
            double probeRadius = 0.0;
            double minRadius = 100.0;
            GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(point, area, probeRadius, minRadius);

            SphericalDiffuse<CollocationIntegrator, OneLayerTanh> gfOutside =
                SphericalDiffuse<CollocationIntegrator, OneLayerTanh>(eps1, eps2, width, center, Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), 3);
            IEFSolver solver(symm);
            solver.buildSystemMatrix(cavity, gfInside, gfOutside);
            size_t size = cavity.size();
            Eigen::VectorXd fake_mep = computeMEP(cavity.elements(), charge, origin);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                INFO("fake_mep(" << i << ") = " << fake_mep(i));
            THEN("the apparent surface charge is")
                Eigen::VectorXd fake_asc = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(size);
                fake_asc = solver.computeCharge(fake_mep);
                double totalFakeASC = fake_asc.sum();
#include "Molecule.hpp"
#include "Vacuum.hpp"
#include "UniformDielectric.hpp"
#include "CPCMSolver.hpp"
#include "TestingMolecules.hpp"

/*! \class CPCMSolver
 *  \test \b C2H4GePolD2h tests CPCMSolver using C2H4 with a GePol cavity in D2h symmetry
TEST_CASE("Test solver for the CPCM and the C2H4 molecule in D2h symmetry", "[cpcm][cpcm_symmetry][cpcm_gepol-C2H4_D2h]")
  Molecule molec = C2H4();
  double area = 0.2 / convertBohr2ToAngstrom2;
  double probeRadius = 1.385 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
  double minRadius = 100.0 / convertBohrToAngstrom;
  GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, probeRadius, minRadius, "cpcm_d2h_noadd");

  double permittivity = 78.39;
  Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator> gfInside = Vacuum<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>();
  UniformDielectric<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator> gfOutside =
    UniformDielectric<AD_directional, CollocationIntegrator>(permittivity);
  bool symm = true;
  double correction = 0.0;

  CPCMSolver solver(symm, correction);
  solver.buildSystemMatrix(cavity, gfInside, gfOutside);

  double Ccharge = 6.0;
  double Hcharge = 1.0;
  size_t size = cavity.size();
  Eigen::VectorXd fake_mep = computeMEP(molec, cavity.elements());
using dielectric_profile::OneLayerErf;
using dielectric_profile::OneLayerTanh;
using green::SphericalDiffuse;
using green::SphericalSharp;
using green::UniformDielectric;
using green::Vacuum;

SCENARIO("A collocation integrator with approximate diagonal elements",
         "[bi_operators][bi_operators_collocation]") {
  GIVEN("A GePol cavity for a single sphere in the origin") {
    double radius = 1.44;
    Eigen::Vector3d offset;
    offset << 1.0, 2.0, 3.0;
    Molecule molec = dummy<0>(1.44 / bohrToAngstrom(), offset);
    double area = 10.0;
    GePolCavity cavity = GePolCavity(molec, area, 0.0, 100.0);
    Eigen::MatrixXd results = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cavity.size(), cavity.size());
    Eigen::MatrixXd reference = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(cavity.size(), cavity.size());
    Collocation op;

    /*! \class Collocation
     *  \test \b CollocationTest_vacuum tests the evaluation by collocation
     * of the vacuum matrix representations of S and D
    WHEN("the vacuum Green's function is used") {
      Vacuum<> gf;
      THEN("the matrix elements of S are") {
        results = op.computeS(cavity, gf);
        reference = cnpy::custom::npy_load<double>("vacuum_S_collocation.npy");
        for (int i = 0; i < cavity.size(); ++i) {
          for (int j = 0; j < cavity.size(); ++j) {