void CUIGameData::Invite_Confirm()
	// Activate game ui
	CBaseModPanel &ui = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton();
	if ( !ui.IsVisible() )
		// Activate game ui to see the dialog
		engine->ExecuteClientCmd( "gameui_activate" );

	// Get current window
	CBaseModFrame *pFrame = NULL;
	WINDOW_TYPE wt = ui.GetActiveWindowType();
	if ( wt != WT_NONE &&
		pFrame = ui.GetWindow( wt );

	// Show a prompt
	GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
		static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( ui.
		OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, pFrame, false ) );

	GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
	data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_LeaveInviteConf";
	data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_LeaveInviteConfTxt";
	data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
	data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	data.pfnOkCallback = Invite_Approved;
	data.pfnCancelCallback = Invite_Declined;

	s_nInviteApprovalConf = confirmation->SetUsageData(data);

	Invite_MapUserForUiInput( INVITE_USER_ALLOW_INPUT );
Exemple #2
void Audio::OnKeyCodePressed(KeyCode code)
	int joystick = GetJoystickForCode( code );
	int userId = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();
	if ( joystick != userId || joystick < 0 )

	switch ( GetBaseButtonCode( code ) )
		if ( m_nSelectedAudioLanguage != m_nCurrentAudioLanguage && m_drpLanguage && m_drpLanguage->IsVisible() )

			// Pop up a dialog to confirm changing the language
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );

			GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
				static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

			GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

			data.pWindowTitle = "#GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_Title";
			data.pMessageText = "#GameUI_ChangeLanguageRestart_Info";

			data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
			data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptLanguageChangeCallback;
			data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;
			data.pfnCancelCallback = &CancelLanguageChangeCallback;

			// The nature of Generic Confirmation is that it will be silently replaced
			// with another Generic Confirmation if a system event occurs
			// e.g. user unplugs controller, user changes storage device, etc.
			// If that happens neither OK nor CANCEL callbacks WILL NOT BE CALLED
			// The state machine cannot depend on either callback advancing the
			// state because in some situations neither callback can fire and the
			// confirmation dismissed/closed/replaced.
			// State machine must implement OnThink and check if the required
			// confirmation box is still present!
			// This code implements no fallback - it will result in minor UI
			// bug that the language box will be changed, but the title not restarted.
			// Vitaliy -- 9/26/2009
			// Ready to write that data... go ahead and nav back

Exemple #3
void PagedPoolMemOpenned( DropDownMenu *pDropDownMenu, FlyoutMenu *pFlyoutMenu )
	GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
		static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_VIDEO ), false ) );

	GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

	data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Paged_Pool_Mem";
	data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_VideoOptions_Paged_Pool_Mem_Info";

	data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
	data.pfnOkCallback = AcceptPagedPoolMemWarningCallback;

void CUIGameData::RunFrame_Invite()
	if ( s_nInviteApprovalConf )
		// Check that the confirmation wasn't dismissed without notifying the invite system
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION ) );
		if ( !confirmation ||
			confirmation->GetUsageId() != s_nInviteApprovalConf )
			// Well, pretend like user declined the prompt

	if ( s_pPendingInviteStorageSelector && !IsXUIOpen() )
		SelectStorageDevice( s_pPendingInviteStorageSelector );
		s_pPendingInviteStorageSelector = NULL;
Exemple #5
// If on PC and not logged into Steam, displays an error and returns true.  
// Returns false if everything is OK.
bool CBaseModFrame::CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn()
	// only check if PC
	if ( !IsPC() )
		return false;

#ifndef _X360
#ifndef SWDS
	// if we have Steam interfaces and user is logged on, everything is OK
	if ( steamapicontext && steamapicontext->SteamUser() && steamapicontext->SteamMatchmaking() )
		// Try starting to log on
		if ( !steamapicontext->SteamUser()->BLoggedOn() )

		return false;

	// Steam is not running or user not logged on, display error

	GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
		static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetWindow( WT_GAMELOBBY ), false ) );
	GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;
	data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_LoginRequired";
	data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_SteamRequired";
	data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;

	return true;
void MainMenu::OnCommand( const char *command )
	int iUserSlot = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();

	if ( UI_IsDebug() )
		Msg("[GAMEUI] Handling main menu command %s from user%d ctrlr%d\n",
			command, iUserSlot, XBX_GetUserId( iUserSlot ) );

	bool bOpeningFlyout = false;

	if ( char const *szQuickMatch = StringAfterPrefix( command, "QuickMatch_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
				" network LIVE "
			" } "
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" action quickmatch "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szQuickMatch );

		// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
		if ( GameModeHasDifficulty( szQuickMatch ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( szQuickMatch ) );

		g_pMatchFramework->MatchSession( pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szCustomMatch = StringAfterPrefix( command, "CustomMatch_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			 CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
				" network LIVE "
			" } "
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" action custommatch "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szCustomMatch );

			ui_play_online_browser.GetBool() ? WT_FOUNDPUBLICGAMES : WT_GAMESETTINGS,
			this, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szFriendsMatch = StringAfterPrefix( command, "FriendsMatch_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		if ( StringHasPrefix( szFriendsMatch, "team" ) &&
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotSignedInToLive( this ) )
			// Team games require to be signed in to LIVE

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szFriendsMatch );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ALLGAMESEARCHRESULTS, this, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szGroupServer = StringAfterPrefix( command, "GroupServer_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
				// " mode = "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" action groupserver "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		if ( *szGroupServer )
			pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szGroupServer );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_STEAMGROUPSERVERS, this, true, pSettings );
	else if ( char const *szLeaderboards = StringAfterPrefix( command, "Leaderboards_" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() ||
			CUIGameData::Get()->CheckAndDisplayErrorIfOffline( this,
			"#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SurvivalLeaderboards_Tip_Disabled" ) )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
				" mode = "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szLeaderboards );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_LEADERBOARD, this, true, pSettings );
	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "VersusSoftLock" ) )
		OnCommand( "FlmVersusFlyout" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "SurvivalCheck" ) )
		OnCommand( "FlmSurvivalFlyout" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "ScavengeCheck" ) )
		OnCommand( "FlmScavengeFlyout" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "SoloPlay" ) )
		if ( !asw_show_all_singleplayer_maps.GetBool() )
			KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
			" network offline "
			" } "
			" game { "
			" mode sdk "
			" mission sdk_teams_hdr "
			" } "
			KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

			pSettings->SetString( "Game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( pSettings->GetString( "Game/mode" ) ) );

			g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( pSettings );

			// Automatically start the credits session, no configuration required
			if ( IMatchSession *pMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() )
				pMatchSession->Command( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( new KeyValues( "Start" ) ) );
			KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
				" System { "
				" network offline "
				" } "
				" Game { "
				" mode sdk "
				" mission sdk_teams_hdr "
				" } "
			KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

			// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
			pSettings->SetString( "Game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( pSettings->GetString( "Game/mode" ) ) );

			g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( pSettings );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DeveloperCommentary" ) )
		// Explain the rules of commentary
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#GAMEUI_CommentaryDialogTitle";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_Commentary_Explanation";

		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptCommentaryRulesCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "StatsAndAchievements" ) )
		// If PC make sure that the Steam user is logged in
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );

		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ACHIEVEMENTS, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "FlmExtrasFlyoutCheck" ) )
		if ( IsX360() && CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
			OnCommand( "FlmExtrasFlyout_Live" );
			OnCommand( "FlmExtrasFlyout_Simple" );
	else if ( char const *szInviteType = StringAfterPrefix( command, "InviteUI_" ) )
		if ( IsX360() )
			CUIGameData::Get()->OpenInviteUI( szInviteType );
			CUIGameData::Get()->ExecuteOverlayCommand( "LobbyInvite" );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Game"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_GAMEOPTIONS, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "AudioVideo"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_AUDIOVIDEO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Controller"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CONTROLLER, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Storage"))
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );

		// Trigger storage device selector
		CUIGameData::Get()->SelectStorageDevice( new CChangeStorageDevice( XBX_GetUserId( iUserSlot ) ) );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Credits"))
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
				" network offline "
			" } "
			" game { "
				" mode single_mission "
			" } "
			" options { "
				" play credits "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		g_pMatchFramework->CreateSession( pSettings );

		// Automatically start the credits session, no configuration required
		if ( IMatchSession *pMatchSession = g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchSession() )
			pMatchSession->Command( KeyValues::AutoDeleteInline( new KeyValues( "Start" ) ) );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "QuitGame"))
		if ( IsPC() )
			GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
				static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

			GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

			data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_Quit_Confirm";
			data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_Quit_ConfirmMsg";

			data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
			data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptQuitGameCallback;
			data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;


	else if ( !Q_stricmp( command, "QuitGame_NoConfirm" ) )
		if ( IsPC() )
			engine->ClientCmd( "quit" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "EnableSplitscreen" ) )
		Msg( "Enabling splitscreen from main menu...\n" );

		CAttractScreen::SetAttractMode( CAttractScreen::ATTRACT_GOSPLITSCREEN );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ATTRACTSCREEN, NULL, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DisableSplitscreen" ) )
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SplitscreenDisableConf";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SplitscreenDisableConfMsg";

		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &AcceptSplitscreenDisableCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DisableSplitscreen_NoConfirm" ) )
		Msg( "Disabling splitscreen from main menu...\n" );

		CAttractScreen::SetAttractMode( CAttractScreen::ATTRACT_GAMESTART  );
		OnCommand( "ActivateAttractScreen" );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Audio"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// audio options dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_AUDIO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Video"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// video options dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_VIDEO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Brightness"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// brightness options dialog, PC only
			OpenGammaDialog( GetVParent() );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "KeyboardMouse"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// standalone keyboard/mouse dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_KEYBOARDMOUSE, this, true );
	else if( Q_stricmp( "#L4D360UI_Controller_Edit_Keys_Buttons", command ) == 0 )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenKeyBindingsDialog( this );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "MultiplayerSettings"))
		if ( ui_old_options_menu.GetBool() )
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
			// standalone multiplayer settings dialog, PC only
			if ( m_ActiveControl )
				m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
			CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_MULTIPLAYER, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "CloudSettings"))
		// standalone cloud settings dialog, PC only
		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CLOUD, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "SeeAll"))
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" game { "
			// passing empty game settings to indicate no preference
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		if ( m_ActiveControl )
			m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ALLGAMESEARCHRESULTS, this, true, pSettings );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "OpenServerBrowser" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )

		// on PC, bring up the server browser and switch it to the LAN tab (tab #5)
		engine->ClientCmd( "openserverbrowser" );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "DemoConnect" ) )
		g_pMatchFramework->GetMatchTitle()->PrepareClientForConnect( NULL );
		engine->ClientCmd( CFmtStr( "connect %s", demo_connect_string.GetString() ) );
	else if (command && command[0] == '#')
		// Pass it straight to the engine as a command
		engine->ClientCmd( command+1 );
	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "Addons" ) )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ADDONS, this, true );
	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "CreateGame" ) )
		KeyValues *pSettings = KeyValues::FromString(
			" system { "
			" network LIVE "
			" access public "
			" } "
			" game { "
			" mode = "
			" sdk = "
			" mission = "
			" } "
			" options { "
			" action create "
			" } "
		KeyValues::AutoDelete autodelete( pSettings );

		char const *szGameMode = "sdk";
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mode", szGameMode );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/campaign", "jacob" );
		pSettings->SetString( "game/mission", "sdk_teams_hdr" );

		if ( !CUIGameData::Get()->SignedInToLive() )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/network", "lan" );
			pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );

		if ( StringHasPrefix( szGameMode, "team" ) )
			pSettings->SetString( "system/netflag", "teamlobby" );
// 		else if ( !Q_stricmp( "custommatch", m_pDataSettings->GetString( "options/action", "" ) ) )
// 		{
// 			pSettings->SetString( "system/access", "public" );
// 		}

		// TCR: We need to respect the default difficulty
		pSettings->SetString( "game/difficulty", GameModeGetDefaultDifficulty( szGameMode ) );

		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().PlayUISound( UISOUND_ACCEPT );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GAMESETTINGS, NULL, true, pSettings );
		const char *pchCommand = command;
		if ( !Q_strcmp(command, "FlmOptionsFlyout") )
#ifdef _X360
			if ( XBX_GetPrimaryUserIsGuest() )
				pchCommand = "FlmOptionsGuestFlyout";
		else if ( !Q_strcmp(command, "FlmVersusFlyout") )
			command = "VersusSoftLock";
		else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "FlmSurvivalFlyout" ) )
			command = "SurvivalCheck";
		else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "FlmScavengeFlyout" ) )
			command = "ScavengeCheck";
		else if ( StringHasPrefix( command, "FlmExtrasFlyout_" ) )
			command = "FlmExtrasFlyoutCheck";

		// does this command match a flyout menu?
		BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( pchCommand ) );
		if ( flyout )
			bOpeningFlyout = true;

			// If so, enumerate the buttons on the menu and find the button that issues this command.
			// (No other way to determine which button got pressed; no notion of "current" button on PC.)
			for ( int iChild = 0; iChild < GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
				bool bFound = false;
				GameModes *pGameModes = dynamic_cast< GameModes *>( GetChild( iChild ) );
				if ( pGameModes )
					for ( int iGameMode = 0; iGameMode < pGameModes->GetNumGameInfos(); iGameMode++ )
						BaseModHybridButton *pHybrid = pGameModes->GetHybridButton( iGameMode );
						if ( pHybrid && pHybrid->GetCommand() && !Q_strcmp( pHybrid->GetCommand()->GetString( "command"), command ) )
							// open the menu next to the button that got clicked
							flyout->OpenMenu( pHybrid );
							flyout->SetListener( this );
							bFound = true;

				if ( !bFound )
					BaseModHybridButton *hybrid = dynamic_cast<BaseModHybridButton *>( GetChild( iChild ) );
					if ( hybrid && hybrid->GetCommand() && !Q_strcmp( hybrid->GetCommand()->GetString( "command"), command ) )
						// open the menu next to the button that got clicked
						flyout->OpenMenu( hybrid );
						flyout->SetListener( this );
			BaseClass::OnCommand( command );

	if( !bOpeningFlyout )
		FlyoutMenu::CloseActiveMenu(); //due to unpredictability of mouse navigation over keyboard, we should just close any flyouts that may still be open anywhere.
void ControllerOptions::OnCommand(const char *command)
    if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "EditButtons" ) )
        CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CONTROLLER_BUTTONS, this, true);
        m_bDirty = true;
    else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "EditSticks" ) )
        CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CONTROLLER_STICKS, this, true);
        m_bDirty = true;
    else if( !Q_strcmp( command, pszDuckModes[DUCK_MODE_HOLD] ) )
        CGameUIConVarRef option_duck_method("option_duck_method");
        if ( option_duck_method.IsValid() )
            option_duck_method.SetValue( DUCK_MODE_HOLD );
            m_bDirty = true;
    else if( !Q_strcmp( command, pszDuckModes[DUCK_MODE_TOGGLE] ) )
        CGameUIConVarRef option_duck_method("option_duck_method");
        if ( option_duck_method.IsValid() )
            option_duck_method.SetValue( DUCK_MODE_TOGGLE );
            m_bDirty = true;
    else if( !Q_strcmp( command, pszLookTypes[CONTROLLER_LOOK_TYPE_NORMAL] ) )
        CGameUIConVarRef joy_inverty("joy_inverty");
        if ( joy_inverty.IsValid() )
            joy_inverty.SetValue( CONTROLLER_LOOK_TYPE_NORMAL );
            m_bDirty = true;
    else if( !Q_strcmp( command, pszLookTypes[CONTROLLER_LOOK_TYPE_INVERTED] ) )
        CGameUIConVarRef joy_inverty("joy_inverty");
        if ( joy_inverty.IsValid() )
            joy_inverty.SetValue( CONTROLLER_LOOK_TYPE_INVERTED );
            m_bDirty = true;
    else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "Defaults" ) )
        GenericConfirmation* confirmation =
            static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().
                                               OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, false ) );

        if ( confirmation )
            GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

            data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_Controller_Default";
            data.pMessageText =	"#L4D360UI_Controller_Default_Details";
            data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
            data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

            s_pControllerOptions = this;

            data.pfnOkCallback = ControllerOptionsResetDefaults_Confirm;
            data.pfnCancelCallback = NULL;

        BaseClass::OnCommand( command );
Exemple #8
void InGameMainMenu::OnCommand( const char *command )
	int iUserSlot = CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().GetLastActiveUserId();

	if ( UI_IsDebug() )
		Msg("[GAMEUI] Handling ingame menu command %s from user%d ctrlr%d\n",
			command, iUserSlot, XBX_GetUserId( iUserSlot ) );

	int iOldSlot = GetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot();

	SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( iUserSlot );


	if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "ReturnToGame" ) )
	// --
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "StartNewGame" ) )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenOptionsDialog( this );
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_NEWGAME, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "SaveGame" ) )
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_SAVEGAME, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "LoadGame" ) )
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_LOADGAME, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Gameplay"))
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_GAMEPLAYSETTINGS, this, true );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "StatsAndAchievements" ) )
		if ( CheckAndDisplayErrorIfNotLoggedIn() )
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_ACHIEVEMENTS, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Controller"))
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_CONTROLLER, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Audio"))
		// audio options dialog, PC only
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_AUDIO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Video"))
		// video options dialog, PC only
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_VIDEO, this, true );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "Brightness"))
		// brightness options dialog, PC only
		OpenGammaDialog( GetVParent() );
	else if (!Q_strcmp(command, "KeyboardMouse"))
		// standalone keyboard/mouse dialog, PC only
		m_ActiveControl->NavigateFrom( );
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow(WT_KEYBOARDMOUSE, this, true );
	else if( Q_stricmp( "#L4D360UI_Controller_Edit_Keys_Buttons", command ) == 0 )
		CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenKeyBindingsDialog( this );
	else if ( !Q_strcmp( command, "EnableSplitscreen" ) || !Q_strcmp( command, "DisableSplitscreen" ) )
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, true ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_LeaveMultiplayerConf";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MainMenu_SplitscreenChangeConfMsg";

		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &LeaveGameOkCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

	else if( !Q_strcmp( command, "ExitToMainMenu" ) )
		GenericConfirmation* confirmation = 
			static_cast< GenericConfirmation* >( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, this, true ) );

		GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

		data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_LeaveMultiplayerConf";
		data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_LeaveMultiplayerConfMsg";
		data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
		data.pfnOkCallback = &LeaveGameOkCallback;
		data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

		const char *pchCommand = command;
		// does this command match a flyout menu?
		BaseModUI::FlyoutMenu *flyout = dynamic_cast< FlyoutMenu* >( FindChildByName( pchCommand ) );
		if ( flyout )
			// If so, enumerate the buttons on the menu and find the button that issues this command.
			// (No other way to determine which button got pressed; no notion of "current" button on PC.)
			for ( int iChild = 0; iChild < GetChildCount(); iChild++ )
				BaseModHybridButton *hybrid = dynamic_cast<BaseModHybridButton *>( GetChild( iChild ) );
				if ( hybrid && hybrid->GetCommand() && !Q_strcmp( hybrid->GetCommand()->GetString( "command"), command ) )
#ifdef _X360
					hybrid->NavigateFrom( );
#endif //_X360
					// open the menu next to the button that got clicked
					flyout->OpenMenu( hybrid );

	SetGameUIActiveSplitScreenPlayerSlot( iOldSlot );
void CChangeStorageDevice::OnDeviceFail( FailReason_t eReason )
    // Depending if the user had storage device by this moment
    // or not we will take different actions:
    DWORD dwDevice = XBX_GetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex() );

    switch ( eReason )
    case FAIL_ERROR:
        if ( XBX_DescribeStorageDevice( dwDevice ) )
            // That's fine user has a valid storage device, didn't want to change
            DeviceChangeCompleted( false );
            delete this;
        // otherwise, proceed with the ui msg

    XBX_SetStorageDeviceId( GetCtrlrIndex(), XBX_STORAGE_DECLINED );

    // We don't want to fire notification because there might be unsaved
    // preferences changes that were done without a storage device
    // no: g_pMatchFramework->GetEventsSubscription()->BroadcastEvent( new KeyValues( "OnProfileStorageAvailable", "iController", GetCtrlrIndex() ) );

    m_bAllowDeclined = false;

    GenericConfirmation* confirmation =
        static_cast<GenericConfirmation*>( CBaseModPanel::GetSingleton().
                                           OpenWindow( WT_GENERICCONFIRMATION, CUIGameData::Get()->GetParentWindowForSystemMessageBox(), false ) );

    GenericConfirmation::Data_t data;

    switch ( eReason )
    case FAIL_ERROR:
        data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneC";
        data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceNoneTxt";
    case FAIL_FULL:
        data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullC";
        data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceFullTxt";
    case FAIL_CORRUPT:
        data.pWindowTitle = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptC";
        data.pMessageText = "#L4D360UI_MsgBx_AttractDeviceCorruptTxt";

    data.bOkButtonEnabled = true;
    data.bCancelButtonEnabled = true;

    s_pChangeStorageDeviceCallback = this;

    data.pfnOkCallback = CChangeStorageDevice_Continue;
    data.pfnCancelCallback = CChangeStorageDevice_SelectAgain;

    // The nature of Generic Confirmation is that it will be silently replaced
    // with another Generic Confirmation if a system event occurs
    // e.g. user unplugs controller, user changes storage device, etc.
    // If that happens neither OK nor CANCEL callbacks WILL NOT BE CALLED
    // The state machine cannot depend on either callback advancing the
    // state because in some situations neither callback can fire and the
    // confirmation dismissed/closed/replaced.
    // State machine must implement OnThink and check if the required
    // confirmation box is still present!
    // This code implements some sort of fallback - it deletes the static
    // confirmation data when a new storage device change is requested.
    // Vitaliy -- 9/26/2009
    m_nConfirmationData = confirmation->SetUsageData(data);