Exemple #1
void UTF32ToUTF8(const GenericVector<char32>& str32, STRING* utf8_str) {
  utf8_str->assign("", 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < str32.length(); ++i) {
    UNICHAR uni_ch(str32[i]);
    char *utf8 = uni_ch.utf8_str();
    if (utf8 != nullptr) {
      (*utf8_str) += utf8;
      delete[] utf8;
Exemple #2
bool Wordrec::ChoiceIsCorrect(const UNICHARSET &uni_set,
                              const WERD_CHOICE *choice,
                              const GenericVector<STRING> &truth_text) {
  if (choice == NULL) return false;
  int i;
  STRING truth_str;
  for (i = 0; i < truth_text.length(); ++i) truth_str += truth_text[i];
  STRING normed_choice_str;
  for (i = 0; i < choice->length(); ++i) {
    normed_choice_str += uni_set.get_normed_unichar(choice->unichar_id(i));
  return (truth_str == normed_choice_str);
Exemple #3
GenericVector<char*> M_Utils::lineSplit(const char* txt) {
  int txtlen = (int)strlen(txt);
  // pass 1: find split points
  GenericVector<int> splitpoints;
  for(int i = 0; i < txtlen; i++) {
    if(txt[i] == '\n' && (i < (txtlen-1)))
  // pass 2: iterate split points to do all the splitting
  int prevsplit = 0;
  GenericVector<char*> res;
  if(splitpoints.empty()) {
    // deep copy the string
    char* newstr = strDeepCpy(txt);
    return res;
  for(int i = 0; i < splitpoints.length(); i++) {
    int split = splitpoints[i];
    int newstrsize = split-prevsplit;
    char* ln = new char[newstrsize+2]; // +1 for null terminator and +1 for newline
    for(int i = 0; i < newstrsize; i++)
      ln[i] = txt[prevsplit+i];
    ln[newstrsize] = '\n';
    ln[newstrsize+1] = '\0'; // null terminator
    prevsplit = split;
  // now just need to add the last line
  int lastsplit = prevsplit;
  int newstrsize = txtlen - prevsplit;
  char* ln = new char[newstrsize+1];
  for(int i = 0; i < newstrsize; i++)
    ln[i] = txt[prevsplit+i];
  ln[newstrsize] = '\0';
  return res;
Exemple #4
 * select_blob_to_split
 * These are the results of the last classification.  Find a likely
 * place to apply splits.  If none, return -1.
int Wordrec::select_blob_to_split(
    const GenericVector<BLOB_CHOICE*>& blob_choices,
    float rating_ceiling, bool split_next_to_fragment) {
  BLOB_CHOICE *blob_choice;
  int x;
  float worst = -MAX_FLOAT32;
  int worst_index = -1;
  float worst_near_fragment = -MAX_FLOAT32;
  int worst_index_near_fragment = -1;
  const CHAR_FRAGMENT **fragments = NULL;

  if (chop_debug) {
    if (rating_ceiling < MAX_FLOAT32)
      tprintf("rating_ceiling = %8.4f\n", rating_ceiling);
      tprintf("rating_ceiling = No Limit\n");

  if (split_next_to_fragment && blob_choices.size() > 0) {
    fragments = new const CHAR_FRAGMENT *[blob_choices.length()];
    if (blob_choices[0] != NULL) {
      fragments[0] = getDict().getUnicharset().get_fragment(
    } else {
      fragments[0] = NULL;

  for (x = 0; x < blob_choices.size(); ++x) {
    if (blob_choices[x] == NULL) {
      if (fragments != NULL) {
        delete[] fragments;
      return x;
    } else {
      blob_choice = blob_choices[x];
      // Populate fragments for the following position.
      if (split_next_to_fragment && x+1 < blob_choices.size()) {
        if (blob_choices[x + 1] != NULL) {
          fragments[x + 1] = getDict().getUnicharset().get_fragment(
              blob_choices[x + 1]->unichar_id());
        } else {
          fragments[x + 1] = NULL;
      if (blob_choice->rating() < rating_ceiling &&
          blob_choice->certainty() < tessedit_certainty_threshold) {
        // Update worst and worst_index.
        if (blob_choice->rating() > worst) {
          worst_index = x;
          worst = blob_choice->rating();
        if (split_next_to_fragment) {
          // Update worst_near_fragment and worst_index_near_fragment.
          bool expand_following_fragment =
            (x + 1 < blob_choices.size() &&
             fragments[x+1] != NULL && !fragments[x+1]->is_beginning());
          bool expand_preceding_fragment =
            (x > 0 && fragments[x-1] != NULL && !fragments[x-1]->is_ending());
          if ((expand_following_fragment || expand_preceding_fragment) &&
              blob_choice->rating() > worst_near_fragment) {
            worst_index_near_fragment = x;
            worst_near_fragment = blob_choice->rating();
            if (chop_debug) {
                      " expand_following_fragment=%d"
                      " expand_preceding_fragment=%d\n",
  if (fragments != NULL) {
    delete[] fragments;
  // TODO(daria): maybe a threshold of badness for
  // worst_near_fragment would be useful.
  return worst_index_near_fragment != -1 ?
    worst_index_near_fragment : worst_index;
Exemple #5
bool TessPDFRenderer::EndDocumentHandler() {
  size_t n;
  char buf[kBasicBufSize];

  // We reserved the /Pages object number early, so that the /Page
  // objects could refer to their parent. We finally have enough
  // information to go fill it in. Using lower level calls to manipulate
  // the offset record in two spots, because we are placing objects
  // out of order in the file.

  // PAGES
  const long int kPagesObjectNumber = 2;
  offsets_[kPagesObjectNumber] = offsets_.back();  // manipulation #1
  n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
               "%ld 0 obj\n"
               "  /Type /Pages\n"
               "  /Kids [ ", kPagesObjectNumber);
  if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
  size_t pages_objsize  = strlen(buf);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < pages_.size(); i++) {
    n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
                 "%ld 0 R ", pages_[i]);
    if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
    pages_objsize += strlen(buf);
  n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
               "  /Count %d\n"
               "endobj\n", pages_.size());
  if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
  pages_objsize += strlen(buf);
  offsets_.back() += pages_objsize;    // manipulation #2

  // INFO
  STRING utf16_title = "FEFF";  // byte_order_marker
  GenericVector<int> unicodes;
  UNICHAR::UTF8ToUnicode(title(), &unicodes);
  char utf16[kMaxBytesPerCodepoint];
  for (int i = 0; i < unicodes.length(); i++) {
    int code = unicodes[i];
    if (CodepointToUtf16be(code, utf16)) {
      utf16_title += utf16;

  char* datestr = l_getFormattedDate();
  n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
               "%ld 0 obj\n"
               "  /Producer (Tesseract %s)\n"
               "  /CreationDate (D:%s)\n"
               "  /Title <%s>\n"
               obj_, TESSERACT_VERSION_STR, datestr, utf16_title.c_str());
  if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
  n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
               "0 %ld\n"
               "0000000000 65535 f \n", obj_);
  if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
  for (int i = 1; i < obj_; i++) {
    n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%010ld 00000 n \n", offsets_[i]);
    if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
  n = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
               "  /Size %ld\n"
               "  /Root %ld 0 R\n"
               "  /Info %ld 0 R\n"
               1L,               // catalog
               obj_ - 1,         // info
  if (n >= sizeof(buf)) return false;
  return true;
Exemple #6
char* TessPDFRenderer::GetPDFTextObjects(TessBaseAPI* api,
                                         double width, double height) {
  STRING pdf_str("");
  double ppi = api->GetSourceYResolution();

  // These initial conditions are all arbitrary and will be overwritten
  double old_x = 0.0, old_y = 0.0;
  int old_fontsize = 0;
  tesseract::WritingDirection old_writing_direction =
  bool new_block = true;
  int fontsize = 0;
  double a = 1;
  double b = 0;
  double c = 0;
  double d = 1;

  // TODO(jbreiden) This marries the text and image together.
  // Slightly cleaner from an abstraction standpoint if this were to
  // live inside a separate text object.
  pdf_str += "q ";
  pdf_str.add_str_double("", prec(width));
  pdf_str += " 0 0 ";
  pdf_str.add_str_double("", prec(height));
  pdf_str += " 0 0 cm";
  if (!textonly_) {
    pdf_str += " /Im1 Do";
  pdf_str += " Q\n";

  int line_x1 = 0;
  int line_y1 = 0;
  int line_x2 = 0;
  int line_y2 = 0;

  ResultIterator *res_it = api->GetIterator();
  while (!res_it->Empty(RIL_BLOCK)) {
    if (res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_BLOCK)) {
      pdf_str += "BT\n3 Tr";     // Begin text object, use invisible ink
      old_fontsize = 0;          // Every block will declare its fontsize
      new_block = true;          // Every block will declare its affine matrix

    if (res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_TEXTLINE)) {
      int x1, y1, x2, y2;
      res_it->Baseline(RIL_TEXTLINE, &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
      ClipBaseline(ppi, x1, y1, x2, y2, &line_x1, &line_y1, &line_x2, &line_y2);

    if (res_it->Empty(RIL_WORD)) {

    // Writing direction changes at a per-word granularity
    tesseract::WritingDirection writing_direction;
      tesseract::Orientation orientation;
      tesseract::TextlineOrder textline_order;
      float deskew_angle;
      res_it->Orientation(&orientation, &writing_direction,
                          &textline_order, &deskew_angle);
      if (writing_direction != WRITING_DIRECTION_TOP_TO_BOTTOM) {
        switch (res_it->WordDirection()) {
          case DIR_LEFT_TO_RIGHT:
            writing_direction = WRITING_DIRECTION_LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
          case DIR_RIGHT_TO_LEFT:
            writing_direction = WRITING_DIRECTION_RIGHT_TO_LEFT;
            writing_direction = old_writing_direction;

    // Where is word origin and how long is it?
    double x, y, word_length;
      int word_x1, word_y1, word_x2, word_y2;
      res_it->Baseline(RIL_WORD, &word_x1, &word_y1, &word_x2, &word_y2);
      GetWordBaseline(writing_direction, ppi, height,
                      word_x1, word_y1, word_x2, word_y2,
                      line_x1, line_y1, line_x2, line_y2,
                      &x, &y, &word_length);

    if (writing_direction != old_writing_direction || new_block) {
                   line_x1, line_y1, line_x2, line_y2, &a, &b, &c, &d);
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(a));  // . This affine matrix
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(b));  // . sets the coordinate
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(c));  // . system for all
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(d));  // . text that follows.
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(x));  // .
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(y));  // .
      pdf_str += (" Tm ");                   // Place cursor absolutely
      new_block = false;
    } else {
      double dx = x - old_x;
      double dy = y - old_y;
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(dx * a + dy * b));
      pdf_str.add_str_double(" ", prec(dx * c + dy * d));
      pdf_str += (" Td ");                   // Relative moveto
    old_x = x;
    old_y = y;
    old_writing_direction = writing_direction;

    // Adjust font size on a per word granularity. Pay attention to
    // fontsize, old_fontsize, and pdf_str. We've found that for
    // in Arabic, Tesseract will happily return a fontsize of zero,
    // so we make up a default number to protect ourselves.
      bool bold, italic, underlined, monospace, serif, smallcaps;
      int font_id;
      res_it->WordFontAttributes(&bold, &italic, &underlined, &monospace,
                                 &serif, &smallcaps, &fontsize, &font_id);
      const int kDefaultFontsize = 8;
      if (fontsize <= 0)
        fontsize = kDefaultFontsize;
      if (fontsize != old_fontsize) {
        char textfont[20];
        snprintf(textfont, sizeof(textfont), "/f-0-0 %d Tf ", fontsize);
        pdf_str += textfont;
        old_fontsize = fontsize;

    bool last_word_in_line = res_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_TEXTLINE, RIL_WORD);
    bool last_word_in_block = res_it->IsAtFinalElement(RIL_BLOCK, RIL_WORD);
    STRING pdf_word("");
    int pdf_word_len = 0;
    do {
      const char *grapheme = res_it->GetUTF8Text(RIL_SYMBOL);
      if (grapheme && grapheme[0] != '\0') {
        GenericVector<int> unicodes;
        UNICHAR::UTF8ToUnicode(grapheme, &unicodes);
        char utf16[kMaxBytesPerCodepoint];
        for (int i = 0; i < unicodes.length(); i++) {
          int code = unicodes[i];
          if (CodepointToUtf16be(code, utf16)) {
            pdf_word += utf16;
      delete []grapheme;
    } while (!res_it->Empty(RIL_BLOCK) && !res_it->IsAtBeginningOf(RIL_WORD));
    if (word_length > 0 && pdf_word_len > 0 && fontsize > 0) {
      double h_stretch =
          kCharWidth * prec(100.0 * word_length / (fontsize * pdf_word_len));
      pdf_str.add_str_double("", h_stretch);
      pdf_str += " Tz";          // horizontal stretch
      pdf_str += " [ <";
      pdf_str += pdf_word;       // UTF-16BE representation
      pdf_str += "> ] TJ";       // show the text
    if (last_word_in_line) {
      pdf_str += " \n";
    if (last_word_in_block) {
      pdf_str += "ET\n";         // end the text object
  char *ret = new char[pdf_str.length() + 1];
  strcpy(ret, pdf_str.string());
  delete res_it;
  return ret;
Configuration::Configuration(ServerXML *serverXML, PRBool deleteServerXML)
: ServerXMLSchema::ServerWrapper(serverXML->server),
    // Post process the server.xml configuration
    try {
        int count;
        int i;

        // Hash variable names
        count = getVariableCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
            serverVars.addPair(getVariable(i)->name, getVariable(i)->value);

        // Instantiate a ListenSocketConfig for each ServerXMLSchema::HttpListener
        ServerXMLSchema::Pkcs11& pkcs11 = getPKCS11();
        count = getHttpListenerCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            lscVector.append(new ListenSocketConfig(*getHttpListener(i), 
                                                    pkcs11, this));

        // Instantiate a VirtualServer for each ServerXMLSchema::VirtualServer
        count = getVirtualServerCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            vsVector.append(new VirtualServer(*getVirtualServer(i), this, this));

        // Check for ListenSocketConfigs that have the same IP:port
        count = getLscCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            ListenSocketConfig *lsc1 = getLsc(i);
            if (lsc1->enabled) {
                int j;
                for (j = i + 1; j < count; j++) {
                    ListenSocketConfig* lsc2 = getLsc(j);
                    if (lsc2->enabled && *lsc2 == *lsc1) {

        // Create and populate the table that will hash ListenSocketConfig 
        // IDs to pointers
        count = getLscCount();
        lscHash = new SimplePtrStringHash(findPrime(count));
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // Add this ListenSocketConfig ID-to-pointer mapping
            ListenSocketConfig* lsc = getLsc(i);
            if (!lsc->enabled) {
            if (lscHash->lookup((void*)lsc->name.getStringValue())) {
                throw ConfigurationServerXMLException(lsc->name, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_Configuration_MultiplyDefined));
            lscHash->insert((void*)lsc->name.getStringValue(), (void*)lsc);

        // If we can't bind to INADDR_ANY and a specific IP simultaneously...
        if (!ListenSockets::canBindAnyAndSpecific()) {
            // Give INADDR_ANY ListenSocketConfigs a pointer to non-INADDR_ANY
            // ListenSocketConfigs on the same port
            count = getLscCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                ListenSocketConfig* lsc = getLsc(i);
                if (lsc->enabled && !lsc->hasExplicitIP()) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                        if (j != i) {

        // Create and populate the table that will hash VirtualServer IDs to
        // pointers
        vsHash = new SimplePtrStringHash(findPrime(getVSCount()));
        count = getVSCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            VirtualServer* vs = getVS(i);
            if (!vs->enabled) {
                ereport(LOG_INFORM, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_Configuration_DisabledVs), vs->name.getStringValue());
            if (vsHash->lookup((void*)vs->name.getStringValue())) {
                throw ConfigurationServerXMLException(vs->name, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_Configuration_MultiplyDefined));
            vsHash->insert((void*)vs->name.getStringValue(), (void*)vs);

        // Give ListenSocketConfigs a pointer to their default VirtualServers
        count = getLscCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            ListenSocketConfig* lsc = getLsc(i);
            if (!lsc->enabled)

            // Find default VS for ListenSocketConfig
            VirtualServer* vs = getVS(lsc->defaultVirtualServerName);
            if (!vs) {
                throw ConfigurationServerXMLException(lsc->defaultVirtualServerName, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_Configuration_UndefinedVs));
            if (!vs->enabled) {
                throw ConfigurationServerXMLException(lsc->defaultVirtualServerName, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_Configuration_DisabledDefaultVs));
            vs->bind(); // mark the VS as bound to a ListenSocketConfig

            // Give ListenSocketConfig a pointer to its default VS

            // Check SSL properties
            SSLSocketConfiguration* sslc = lsc->getSSLParams();
            if (sslc) {
                sslc->CheckCertHosts(NULL, lsc);

        // Add each VirtualServer to the listen sockets it's attached to
        count = getVSCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            VirtualServer* vs = getVS(i);
            if (vs->enabled && vs->isUnbound()) {
                ereport(LOG_WARN, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_UnboundVS), vs->name.getStringValue());
            } else {

        // Give VirtualServers a pointer to their MIME files
        SimplePtrStringHash mimeFileHash(getMimeFileCount() + 1);
        count = getVSCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int j;

            VirtualServer* vs = getVS(i);
            if (!vs->enabled)

            // Add VS-specific MIME files
            for (j = 0; j < vs->getMimeFileCount(); j++) {

            // Add server-wide MIME files
            for (j = 0; j < getMimeFileCount(); j++) {

        // Set the name of the default ACL database.  This must be done after
        // we construct the configuration's AuthDbs (the AuthDb constructor
        // calls ACL_VirtualDbRegister) and before we parse its ACL files.
        ACL_DatabaseSetDefault(NULL, defaultAuthDbName);

        // construct ACLLists for the virtual servers
        SimplePtrStringHash globalAclFileHash(251);
        count = getVSCount();
        for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int j;

            VirtualServer* vs = getVS(i);
            if (!vs->enabled)

            // Build a list of all the ACLLists associated with this virtual server
            GenericVector vsAclListVector;
            SimplePtrStringHash vsAclFileHash(3);
            for (j = 0; j < vs->getAclFileCount(); j++) {
                // Check for VS-specific ACL files
                const char *filename = *vs->getAclFile(j);
                if (!vsAclFileHash.lookup((void*)filename)) {
                    ACLListHandle_t *acllist = parseACLFile(*vs->getAclFile(j), globalAclFileHash);
                    vsAclFileHash.insert((void*)filename, (void*)acllist);
            for (j = 0; j < getAclFileCount(); j++) {
                // Check for server-wide ACL files
                const char *filename = *getAclFile(j);
                if (!vsAclFileHash.lookup((void*)filename)) {
                    ACLListHandle_t *acllist = parseACLFile(*getAclFile(j), globalAclFileHash);
                    vsAclFileHash.insert((void*)filename, (void*)acllist);

            if (vsAclListVector.length() == 0)
                // no ACLList for this VS

            ACLListHandle_t *aclroot = NULL;

            if (vsAclListVector.length() == 1) {
                // VS has just one ACLList so it can use the ACL file's ACLList
                // as is
                aclroot = (ACLListHandle_t *)vsAclListVector[0];
                ACL_ListIncrement(0, aclroot);
            } else {
                // VS has multiple ACLLists
                aclroot = ACL_ListNew(0);
                for (j = 0; j < vsAclListVector.length(); j++) {
                    ACLListHandle_t *acllist = (ACLListHandle_t *)vsAclListVector[j];
                    if (ACL_ListConcat(0, aclroot, acllist, 0) < 0) {
                        // XXX this error message could be more intellegible...
                        ACL_ListDecrement(0, aclroot);
                        throw EreportableException(LOG_FAILURE, XP_GetAdminStr(DBT_Configuration_CannotConstructAclLists));

            // copy the pointers over to the vs

        // create an ACL cache for this configuration
        // if "acl-cache" is enabled, then only create ACLCache object
        if (aclCache.enabled) {
            aclcache = new ACLCache();
        } else 
            aclcache = NULL;
    catch (const EreportableException& e) {