Exemple #1
RasterProjection::FinePixelDistance(const GeoPoint &location,
                                    unsigned pixels) const
  enum {
     * This factor is used to reduce fixed point rounding errors.
     * x_scale and y_scale are quite large numbers, and building their
     * reciprocals may lose a lot of precision.
    FACTOR = 256,

  // must have called Set() first otherwise this is invalid
  assert(x_scale != 0);
  assert(y_scale != 0);

  Angle distance = WidthToAngle(M_SQRT2 * FACTOR * pixels);
  GeoPoint p = GeoPoint(location.longitude + distance, location.latitude);
  auto x = location.DistanceS(p);

  distance = HeightToAngle(M_SQRT2 * FACTOR * pixels);
  p = GeoPoint(location.longitude, location.latitude + distance);
  auto y = location.DistanceS(p);

  return std::max(x, y) / FACTOR;
inline void
TaskPointRenderer::DrawIsoline(const AATPoint &tp)
  if (!tp.valid() || !IsTargetVisible(tp))

  AATIsolineSegment seg(tp, flat_projection);
  if (!seg.IsValid())

  #define fixed_twentieth fixed(1.0 / 20.0)

  GeoPoint start = seg.Parametric(fixed(0));
  GeoPoint end = seg.Parametric(fixed(1));

  if (m_proj.GeoToScreenDistance(start.DistanceS(end)) <= 2)

  RasterPoint screen[21];
  screen[0] = m_proj.GeoToScreen(start);
  screen[20] = m_proj.GeoToScreen(end);

  for (unsigned i = 1; i < 20; ++i) {
    fixed t = i * fixed_twentieth;
    GeoPoint ga = seg.Parametric(t);
    screen[i] = m_proj.GeoToScreen(ga);

  canvas.DrawPolyline(screen, 21);
Exemple #3
RasterRenderer::ScanMap(const RasterMap &map, const WindowProjection &projection)
  // Coordinates of the MapWindow center
  unsigned x = projection.GetScreenWidth() / 2;
  unsigned y = projection.GetScreenHeight() / 2;
  // GeoPoint corresponding to the MapWindow center
  GeoPoint center = projection.ScreenToGeo(x, y);
  // GeoPoint "next to" Gmid (depends on terrain resolution)
  GeoPoint neighbor = projection.ScreenToGeo(x + quantisation_pixels,
                                             y + quantisation_pixels);

  // Geographical edge length of pixel in the MapWindow center in meters
  pixel_size = M_SQRT1_2 * center.DistanceS(neighbor);

  // set resolution

  if (pixel_size < 3000) {
    // Data point size of the (terrain) map in meters multiplied by 256
    auto map_pixel_size = map.PixelDistance(center, 1);

    // How many screen pixels does one data point stretch?
    auto q = map_pixel_size / pixel_size;

    /* round down to reduce slope shading artefacts (caused by
       RasterBuffer interpolation) */
    quantisation_effective = std::max(1, (int)q);

    /* disable slope shading when zoomed in very near (not enough
       terrain resolution to make a useful slope calculation) */
    if (quantisation_effective > 25)
      quantisation_effective = 0;

  } else
    /* disable slope shading when zoomed out very far (too tiny) */
    quantisation_effective = 0;

  bounds = projection.GetScreenBounds().Scale(1.5);

  height_matrix.Fill(map, bounds,
                     projection.GetScreenWidth() / quantisation_pixels,
                     projection.GetScreenHeight() / quantisation_pixels,

  last_quantisation_pixels = quantisation_pixels;
  height_matrix.Fill(map, projection, quantisation_pixels, true);
TargetMapWindow::isClickOnTarget(const PixelPoint pc) const
  if (task == nullptr)
    return false;

  ProtectedTaskManager::Lease task_manager(*task);
  const GeoPoint t = task_manager->GetLocationTarget(target_index);
  if (!t.IsValid())
    return false;

  const GeoPoint gp = projection.ScreenToGeo(pc.x, pc.y);
  if (projection.GeoToScreenDistance(gp.DistanceS(t)) < Layout::GetHitRadius())
    return true;

  return false;
Exemple #5
RasterMap::ScanLine(const GeoPoint &start, const GeoPoint &end,
                    TerrainHeight *buffer, unsigned size,
                    bool interpolate) const
  assert(buffer != nullptr);
  assert(size > 0);

  constexpr TerrainHeight invalid = TerrainHeight::Invalid();

  const double total_distance = start.DistanceS(end);
  if (total_distance <= 0) {
    std::fill_n(buffer, size, invalid);

  /* clip the line to the map bounds */

  GeoPoint clipped_start = start, clipped_end = end;
  const GeoClip clip(GetBounds());
  if (!clip.ClipLine(clipped_start, clipped_end)) {
    std::fill_n(buffer, size, invalid);

  double clipped_start_distance =
    std::max(clipped_start.DistanceS(start), 0.);
  double clipped_end_distance =
    std::max(clipped_end.DistanceS(start), 0.);

  /* calculate the offsets of the clipped range within the buffer */

  unsigned clipped_start_offset =
    (unsigned)(size * clipped_start_distance / total_distance);
  unsigned clipped_end_offset =
    uround(size * clipped_end_distance / total_distance);
  if (clipped_end_offset > size)
    clipped_end_offset = size;
  if (clipped_start_offset + 2 > clipped_end_offset) {
    std::fill_n(buffer, size, invalid);

  assert(clipped_start_offset < size);
  assert(clipped_end_offset <= size);

  /* fill the two regions which are outside the map  */

  std::fill(buffer, buffer + clipped_start_offset, invalid);
  std::fill(buffer + clipped_end_offset, buffer + size, invalid);

  /* now scan the middle part which is within the map */

  const unsigned max_x = raster_tile_cache.GetFineWidth();
  const unsigned max_y = raster_tile_cache.GetFineHeight();

  RasterLocation raster_start = projection.ProjectFine(clipped_start);
  if (raster_start.x >= max_x)
    raster_start.x = max_x - 1;
  if (raster_start.y >= max_y)
    raster_start.y = max_y - 1;

  RasterLocation raster_end = projection.ProjectFine(clipped_end);
  if (raster_end.x >= max_x)
    raster_end.x = max_x - 1;
  if (raster_end.y >= max_y)
    raster_end.y = max_y - 1;

  raster_tile_cache.ScanLine(raster_start, raster_end,
                             buffer + clipped_start_offset,
                             clipped_end_offset - clipped_start_offset,