Exemple #1
bool octreeSolid::isColidWithBox(octreeSNode* node, Box &b)
	GeometricFunc geoF;
	if (geoF.collisionBtwBox(b, Box(node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight)))
		if (node->bEnd)
			if (geoF.isPointInBox(b.leftDown, b.rightUp, (node->leftDownTight+node->rightUpTight)/2))
				return true;
			return false;
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				if (node->children[i])
					if (isColidWithBox(node->children[i], b))
						return true;
			return false;

		return false;

Exemple #2
void octreeSolid::intersectWithBox(octreeSNode* node, Vec3f &ldf, Vec3f &ruf, arrayInt &idxs)
	if (!node)

	GeometricFunc geoFc;
	Box boxNode(node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
	if (geoFc.collisionBtwBox(Box(ldf, ruf), boxNode))
		if (node->bEnd
			&& geoFc.isPointInBox(ldf, ruf, boxNode.center))
			// Sine boxIn may slightly cover the node box, we check the center point
			for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
				intersectWithBox(node->children[i], ldf, ruf, idxs);
neighborPos poseManager::possibleNeighbor(meshPiece* parent, meshPiece* child)
	// To be neighbor, they should be in contact or there is no other box between them
	// Best is to check overlap. maximum is the size of voxel
	GeometricFunc geoF;
	Vec3f diag(voxelSizef, voxelSizef, voxelSizef);
	if(geoF.collisionBtwBox(Box(parent->leftDown, parent->rightUp), Box(child->leftDown - diag/2.0, child->rightUp + diag/2.0)))
		Vec3f parentLD = parent->leftDown;
		Vec3f parentRU = parent->rightUp;
		Vec3f childLD = child->leftDown;
		Vec3f childRU = child->rightUp;
		neighborPos *pp = posArray();
		float error = 0.001*voxelSizef;
		for (int xyzd = 0; xyzd < 3; xyzd++) // Test on three direction
			// Check if Plus
			if (childLD[xyzd] > parentRU[xyzd]-error)
				return pp[xyzd * 2];
			if (childRU[xyzd] < parentLD[xyzd] + error)
				return pp[xyzd * 2 + 1];

	return NONE_NB;
neighborPos poseGroupCutManager::possibleNeighbor(meshPiece* parent, meshPiece* child)
	// To be neighbor, they should be in contact or there is no other box between them
	// Best is to check overlap. maximum is the size of voxel
	GeometricFunc geoF;
	Vec3f diag(voxelSizef, voxelSizef, voxelSizef);

	// Otherwise, use center distance
	if (geoF.collisionBtwBox(Box(parent->leftDown, parent->rightUp), Box(child->leftDown - diag / 2.0, child->rightUp + diag / 2.0)))
		// If have face contact
		int direct;
		if (geoF.isBoxFaceContactBox(Box(parent->leftDown, parent->rightUp), Box(child->leftDown, child->rightUp), direct))
			int p = direct*2;
			if (parent->leftDown[direct] > child->leftDown[direct])
			return (neighborPos)p;
			Vec3f pSizef = parent->rightUp - parent->leftDown;
			Vec3f centerP = (parent->rightUp + parent->leftDown) / 2.0;
			Vec3f centerC = (child->rightUp + child->leftDown) / 2.0;

			Vec3f dd = centerC - centerP;
			// scale
			float longest = 0;
			int idx = -1;
			for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				dd[j] = dd[j] / (pSizef[j] / 2.0);
				if (longest < abs(dd[j]))
					longest = abs(dd[j]);
					idx = j;

			neighborPos *pp = posArray();
			if (dd[idx] > 0)
				return pp[idx * 2]; // plus axis direction
				return pp[idx * 2 + 1]; // minus axis direction

	return NONE_NB;
Exemple #5
void octreeSolid::intersectWithBox(octreeSNode* node, Box boxIn, Box &intersectBox, float &volumeSide)
	if (!node)

	GeometricFunc geoFc;
	BOOL isInside;

	if (geoFc.isBoxInBox(boxIn.leftDown, boxIn.rightUp, node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight))
		// Cover entirely. Fit intersect box
		volumeSide += node->volumef;
		geoFc.fitBoxToCoverBox(intersectBox, node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
		Box boxNode(node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
		if(geoFc.collisionBtwBox(boxIn, boxNode))
			if (node->bEnd
				&& geoFc.isPointInBox(boxIn.leftDown, boxIn.rightUp, boxNode.center))
				// Sine boxIn may slightly cover the node box, we check the center point
				volumeSide += node->volumef;
				geoFc.fitBoxToCoverBox(intersectBox, node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					intersectWithBox(node->children[i], boxIn, intersectBox, volumeSide);

Exemple #6
void octreeSolid::intersectWithBox(octreeSNode* node, meshPiece &boxOut, meshPiece &boxIn)
	if (!node)

	GeometricFunc geoFc;
	BOOL isInside;

	if (geoFc.isBoxInBox(boxIn.leftDown, boxIn.rightUp, node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight))
		// Cover entirely. Fit intersect box
		boxOut.volumef += node->volumef;
		enlargerToCoverBox(boxOut, node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
		Box boxNode(node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
		if(geoFc.collisionBtwBox(Box(boxIn.leftDown, boxIn.rightUp), boxNode))
			if (node->bEnd
				&& geoFc.isPointInBox(boxIn.leftDown, boxIn.rightUp, boxNode.center))
				// Sine boxIn may slightly cover the node box, we check the center point
				boxOut.volumef += node->volumef;
				enlargerToCoverBox(boxOut, node->leftDownTight, node->rightUpTight);
				for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
					intersectWithBox(node->children[i], boxOut, boxIn);