Geometry BubbleEmitter::CreateGeometry( unsigned int numOfPatch )
  unsigned int numVertex = numOfPatch*4u;
  std::vector<Vertex> vertexData;
  vertexData.reserve( numVertex );

  unsigned int numIndex = numOfPatch*6u;
  Vector<unsigned int> indexData;
  indexData.Reserve( numIndex );

  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < numOfPatch; i++)
    float curSize = RandomRange(mBubbleSizeRange.x, mBubbleSizeRange.y, mRandomSeed);

    float index = static_cast<float>( i );
    vertexData.push_back( Vertex( index, Vector2(0.f,0.f),         Vector2(0.f,0.f) ) );
    vertexData.push_back( Vertex( index, Vector2(0.f,curSize),     Vector2(0.f,1.f)  ) );
    vertexData.push_back( Vertex( index, Vector2(curSize,curSize), Vector2(1.f,1.f)  ) );
    vertexData.push_back( Vertex( index, Vector2(curSize,0.f),     Vector2(1.f,0.f)  ) );

    unsigned int idx = index * 4;
    indexData.PushBack( idx );
    indexData.PushBack( idx+1 );
    indexData.PushBack( idx+2 );
    indexData.PushBack( idx );
    indexData.PushBack( idx+2 );
    indexData.PushBack( idx+3 );

  Property::Map vertexFormat;
  vertexFormat["aIndex"] = Property::FLOAT;
  vertexFormat["aPosition"] = Property::VECTOR2;
  vertexFormat["aTexCoord"] = Property::VECTOR2;
  PropertyBuffer vertices = PropertyBuffer::New( vertexFormat, numVertex  );
  vertices.SetData( &vertexData[0] );

  Property::Map indexFormat;
  indexFormat["indices"] = Property::INTEGER;
  PropertyBuffer indices = PropertyBuffer::New( indexFormat, numIndex  );
  indices.SetData( &indexData[0] );

  Geometry geometry = Geometry::New();
  geometry.AddVertexBuffer( vertices );
  geometry.SetIndexBuffer( indices );

  return geometry;
Exemple #2
bool Model::EndLoad()
    // Upload vertex buffer data
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertexBuffers_.Size(); ++i)
        VertexBuffer* buffer = vertexBuffers_[i];
        VertexBufferDesc& desc = loadVBData_[i];
        if (desc.data_)
            buffer->SetSize(desc.vertexCount_, desc.vertexElements_);

    // Upload index buffer data
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < indexBuffers_.Size(); ++i)
        IndexBuffer* buffer = indexBuffers_[i];
        IndexBufferDesc& desc = loadIBData_[i];
        if (desc.data_)
            buffer->SetSize(desc.indexCount_, desc.indexSize_ > sizeof(unsigned short));

    // Set up geometries
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < geometries_.Size(); ++i)
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < geometries_[i].Size(); ++j)
            Geometry* geometry = geometries_[i][j];
            GeometryDesc& desc = loadGeometries_[i][j];
            geometry->SetVertexBuffer(0, vertexBuffers_[desc.vbRef_]);
            geometry->SetDrawRange(desc.type_, desc.indexStart_, desc.indexCount_);

    return true;
   * @brief Creates a geometry object from vertices and indices.
   * @param[in] vertices The object vertices
   * @param[in] indices The object indices
   * @return A geometry object
  Geometry CreateTexturedGeometry( Vector<TexturedVertex>& vertices, Vector<unsigned short>& indices )
    // Vertices
    Property::Map vertexFormat;
    vertexFormat[POSITION] = Property::VECTOR3;
    vertexFormat[NORMAL] =   Property::VECTOR3;
    vertexFormat[TEXTURE] =  Property::VECTOR2;

    PropertyBuffer surfaceVertices = PropertyBuffer::New( vertexFormat );
    surfaceVertices.SetData( &vertices[0u], vertices.Size() );

    Geometry geometry = Geometry::New();
    geometry.AddVertexBuffer( surfaceVertices );

    // Indices for triangle formulation
    geometry.SetIndexBuffer( &indices[0u], indices.Size() );
    return geometry;
Exemple #4
 * Set a PropertyBuffer to be used as a source of indices for the geometry
 * This buffer is required to have exactly one component and it must be of the
 * By setting this buffer it will cause the geometry to be rendered using indices.
 * To unset call SetIndexBuffer with an empty handle.
 * @method setIndexBuffer
 * @for Geometry
 * @param {Object} indexBuffer PropertyBuffer to be used as a source of indices
 *                             for the geometry
void GeometryApi::SetIndexBuffer( const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args )
  v8::Isolate* isolate = args.GetIsolate();
  v8::HandleScope handleScope( isolate );

  Geometry geometry = GetGeometry( isolate, args );

  bool found( false );
  PropertyBuffer indexBuffer = PropertyBufferApi::GetPropertyBufferFromParams( 0, found, isolate, args );
  if( !found )
    DALI_SCRIPT_EXCEPTION( isolate, "invalid property buffer parameter" );
Geometry CreateQuadGeometry(void)
  PropertyBuffer vertexData = CreatePropertyBuffer();
  const float halfQuadSize = .5f;
  struct TexturedQuadVertex { Vector2 position; Vector2 textureCoordinates; };
  TexturedQuadVertex texturedQuadVertexData[4] = {
    { Vector2(-halfQuadSize, -halfQuadSize), Vector2(0.f, 0.f) },
    { Vector2( halfQuadSize, -halfQuadSize), Vector2(1.f, 0.f) },
    { Vector2(-halfQuadSize,  halfQuadSize), Vector2(0.f, 1.f) },
    { Vector2( halfQuadSize,  halfQuadSize), Vector2(1.f, 1.f) } };
  vertexData.SetData(texturedQuadVertexData, 4);

  unsigned short indexData[6] = { 0, 3, 1, 0, 2, 3 };

  Geometry geometry = Geometry::New();
  geometry.AddVertexBuffer( vertexData );
  geometry.SetIndexBuffer( indexData, sizeof(indexData)/sizeof(indexData[0]) );

  return geometry;
Exemple #6
void Terrain::CreatePatchGeometry(TerrainPatch* patch)

    unsigned row = (unsigned)(patchSize_ + 1);
    VertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = patch->GetVertexBuffer();
    Geometry* geometry = patch->GetGeometry();
    Geometry* maxLodGeometry = patch->GetMaxLodGeometry();
    Geometry* occlusionGeometry = patch->GetOcclusionGeometry();

    if (vertexBuffer->GetVertexCount() != row * row)
        vertexBuffer->SetSize(row * row, MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_TEXCOORD1 | MASK_TANGENT);

    SharedArrayPtr<unsigned char> cpuVertexData(new unsigned char[row * row * sizeof(Vector3)]);
    SharedArrayPtr<unsigned char> occlusionCpuVertexData(new unsigned char[row * row * sizeof(Vector3)]);

    float* vertexData = (float*)vertexBuffer->Lock(0, vertexBuffer->GetVertexCount());
    float* positionData = (float*)cpuVertexData.Get();
    float* occlusionData = (float*)occlusionCpuVertexData.Get();
    BoundingBox box;

    unsigned occlusionLevel = occlusionLodLevel_;
    if (occlusionLevel > numLodLevels_ - 1)
        occlusionLevel = numLodLevels_ - 1;

    if (vertexData)
        const IntVector2& coords = patch->GetCoordinates();
        int lodExpand = (1 << (occlusionLevel)) - 1;
        int halfLodExpand = (1 << (occlusionLevel)) / 2;
        for (int z = 0; z <= patchSize_; ++z)
            for (int x = 0; x <= patchSize_; ++x)
                int xPos = coords.x_ * patchSize_ + x;
                int zPos = coords.y_ * patchSize_ + z;

                // Position
                Vector3 position((float)x * spacing_.x_, GetRawHeight(xPos, zPos), (float)z * spacing_.z_);
                *vertexData++ = position.x_;
                *vertexData++ = position.y_;
                *vertexData++ = position.z_;
                *positionData++ = position.x_;
                *positionData++ = position.y_;
                *positionData++ = position.z_;

                // For vertices that are part of the occlusion LOD, calculate the minimum height in the neighborhood
                // to prevent false positive occlusion due to inaccuracy between occlusion LOD & visible LOD
                float minHeight = position.y_;
                if (halfLodExpand > 0 && (x & lodExpand) == 0 && (z & lodExpand) == 0)
                    int minX = Max(xPos - halfLodExpand, 0);
                    int maxX = Min(xPos + halfLodExpand, numVertices_.x_ - 1);
                    int minZ = Max(zPos - halfLodExpand, 0);
                    int maxZ = Min(zPos + halfLodExpand, numVertices_.y_ - 1);
                    for (int nZ = minZ; nZ <= maxZ; ++nZ)
                        for (int nX = minX; nX <= maxX; ++nX)
                            minHeight = Min(minHeight, GetRawHeight(nX, nZ));
                *occlusionData++ = position.x_;
                *occlusionData++ = minHeight;
                *occlusionData++ = position.z_;

                // Normal
                Vector3 normal = GetRawNormal(xPos, zPos);
                *vertexData++ = normal.x_;
                *vertexData++ = normal.y_;
                *vertexData++ = normal.z_;

                // Texture coordinate
                Vector2 texCoord((float)xPos / (float)numVertices_.x_, 1.0f - (float)zPos / (float)numVertices_.y_);
                *vertexData++ = texCoord.x_;
                *vertexData++ = texCoord.y_;

                // Tangent
                Vector3 xyz = (Vector3::RIGHT - normal * normal.DotProduct(Vector3::RIGHT)).Normalized();
                *vertexData++ = xyz.x_;
                *vertexData++ = xyz.y_;
                *vertexData++ = xyz.z_;
                *vertexData++ = 1.0f;



    if (drawRanges_.Size())
        unsigned occlusionDrawRange = occlusionLevel << 4;

        geometry->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, drawRanges_[0].first_, drawRanges_[0].second_, false);
        geometry->SetRawVertexData(cpuVertexData, MASK_POSITION);
        maxLodGeometry->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, drawRanges_[0].first_, drawRanges_[0].second_, false);
        maxLodGeometry->SetRawVertexData(cpuVertexData, MASK_POSITION);
        occlusionGeometry->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, drawRanges_[occlusionDrawRange].first_, drawRanges_[occlusionDrawRange].second_, false);
        occlusionGeometry->SetRawVertexData(occlusionCpuVertexData, MASK_POSITION);

Exemple #7
void Terrain::CreatePatchGeometry(TerrainPatch* patch)

    unsigned row = patchSize_ + 1;
    VertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = patch->GetVertexBuffer();
    Geometry* geometry = patch->GetGeometry();
    Geometry* maxLodGeometry = patch->GetMaxLodGeometry();
    Geometry* minLodGeometry = patch->GetMinLodGeometry();

    if (vertexBuffer->GetVertexCount() != row * row)
        vertexBuffer->SetSize(row * row, MASK_POSITION | MASK_NORMAL | MASK_TEXCOORD1 | MASK_TANGENT);

    SharedArrayPtr<unsigned char> cpuVertexData(new unsigned char[row * row * sizeof(Vector3)]);

    float* vertexData = (float*)vertexBuffer->Lock(0, vertexBuffer->GetVertexCount());
    float* positionData = (float*)cpuVertexData.Get();
    BoundingBox box;

    if (vertexData)
        const IntVector2& coords = patch->GetCoordinates();

        for (int z1 = 0; z1 <= patchSize_; ++z1)
            for (int x1 = 0; x1 <= patchSize_; ++x1)
                int xPos = coords.x_ * patchSize_ + x1;
                int zPos = coords.y_ * patchSize_ + z1;

                // Position
                Vector3 position((float)x1 * spacing_.x_, GetRawHeight(xPos, zPos), (float)z1 * spacing_.z_);
                *vertexData++ = position.x_;
                *vertexData++ = position.y_;
                *vertexData++ = position.z_;
                *positionData++ = position.x_;
                *positionData++ = position.y_;
                *positionData++ = position.z_;


                // Normal
                Vector3 normal = GetRawNormal(xPos, zPos);
                *vertexData++ = normal.x_;
                *vertexData++ = normal.y_;
                *vertexData++ = normal.z_;

                // Texture coordinate
                Vector2 texCoord((float)xPos / (float)numVertices_.x_, 1.0f - (float)zPos / (float)numVertices_.y_);
                *vertexData++ = texCoord.x_;
                *vertexData++ = texCoord.y_;

                // Tangent
                Vector3 xyz = (Vector3::RIGHT - normal * normal.DotProduct(Vector3::RIGHT)).Normalized();
                *vertexData++ = xyz.x_;
                *vertexData++ = xyz.y_;
                *vertexData++ = xyz.z_;
                *vertexData++ = 1.0f;



    if (drawRanges_.Size())
        unsigned lastDrawRange = drawRanges_.Size() - 1;

        geometry->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, drawRanges_[0].first_, drawRanges_[0].second_, false);
        geometry->SetRawVertexData(cpuVertexData, sizeof(Vector3), MASK_POSITION);
        maxLodGeometry->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, drawRanges_[0].first_, drawRanges_[0].second_, false);
        maxLodGeometry->SetRawVertexData(cpuVertexData, sizeof(Vector3), MASK_POSITION);
        minLodGeometry->SetDrawRange(TRIANGLE_LIST, drawRanges_[lastDrawRange].first_, drawRanges_[lastDrawRange].second_, false);
        minLodGeometry->SetRawVertexData(cpuVertexData, sizeof(Vector3), MASK_POSITION);

    // Offset the occlusion geometry by vertex spacing to reduce possibility of over-aggressive occlusion
    patch->SetOcclusionOffset(-0.5f * (spacing_.x_ + spacing_.z_));