Exemple #1
GfuiMenuCreateProgressbarControl(void* hscr, void* hparm, const char* pszName)
	std::string strControlPath(GFMNU_SECT_DYNAMIC_CONTROLS"/");
	strControlPath += pszName;
	const std::string strType = GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_TYPE, "");
		GfLogError("Failed to create control '%s' : section not found or not an '%s' \n",
		return -1;
	const char* pszImage =
		GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE, "data/img/progressbar.png");
	const char* pszBgImage =
		GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_BG_IMAGE, "data/img/progressbar-bg.png");
	const float* aOutlineColor = 0;
	const GfuiColor color = getControlColor(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR);
	if (color.alpha)
		aOutlineColor = color.toFloatRGBA();

	const int x = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_X, NULL, 0.0);
	const int y = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_Y, NULL, 0.0);
	const int w = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_WIDTH, NULL, 100.0);
	const int h = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_HEIGHT, NULL, 20.0);
	const float min = GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_MIN, NULL, 0.0);
	const float max = GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_MAX, NULL, 100.0);
	const float value = GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_VALUE, NULL, 50.0);
	const char* pszTip = GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_TIP, "");
	void* userDataOnFocus = 0;
	tfuiCallback onFocus = 0;
	tfuiCallback onFocusLost = 0;
	if (strlen(pszTip) > 0)
		tMenuCallbackInfo * cbinfo = (tMenuCallbackInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(tMenuCallbackInfo));
		cbinfo->screen = hscr;
		cbinfo->labelId = GfuiTipCreate(hscr, pszTip, strlen(pszTip));
		GfuiVisibilitySet(hscr, cbinfo->labelId, GFUI_INVISIBLE);
		userDataOnFocus = (void*)cbinfo;
		onFocus = onFocusShowTip;
		onFocusLost = onFocusLostHideTip;

	int id = GfuiProgressbarCreate(hscr, x, y, w, h, pszBgImage, pszImage, aOutlineColor,
								   min, max, value, userDataOnFocus, onFocus, onFocusLost);
	return id;
GfuiComboboxSetTextColor(void *scr, int id, const GfuiColor& color)
    tGfuiObject* object = gfuiGetObject(scr, id);

    if (object && object->widget == GFUI_COMBOBOX)
		tGfuiCombobox* combo = &(object->u.combobox);
		gfuiLabelSetColor(&combo->label, color.toFloatRGBA());
Exemple #3
/** Actually draw the given label.
    @ingroup	gui
    @param	obj	label to draw
gfuiLabelDraw(tGfuiLabel *label, const GfuiColor& color)
    int of = 0;
    int fw = (int) label->font->getWidth("o");

    // Prevent strtok weirdness
    char *save;
    char text[128];
    strncpy(text, (char *) label->text, 128);

    char *p = strtok_r(text, "\t", &save);

    while (p != NULL)
	// Select the right color from the state/focus.

	// Determine the actual (bottom left corner) coordinates where to draw the text.
	int x;
	switch(label->align & GFUI_ALIGN_HMASK)
			x = label->x + (fw * of);

			x = label->x + (fw * of) + (label->width - label->font->getWidth(label->text)) / 2;

			x = label->x + (fw * of) + label->width - label->font->getWidth(label->text);

	gfuiDrawString(x, label->y, label->font, p);
	of += strlen(p) + 1;
	p = strtok_r(NULL, "\t", &save);
static void
rmRaceResults(void *prevHdle, tRmInfo *info, int start)
    void		*results = info->results;
    const char		*race = info->_reRaceName;
    static char		buf[256];
    static char		path[512];
    char		*str;
	GfLogTrace("Entering Race Results menu\n");

    // Create screen, load menu XML descriptor and create static controls.
    rmScrHdle = GfuiScreenCreate();
    void *hmenu = GfuiMenuLoad("raceresultsmenu.xml");
    GfuiMenuCreateStaticControls(rmScrHdle, hmenu);

    // Create variable title label.
    snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s at %s", race, info->track->name);
    const int titleId = GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "Title");
    GfuiLabelSetText(rmScrHdle, titleId, buf);
	// Get layout properties.
    const int nMaxLines = (int)GfuiMenuGetNumProperty(hmenu, "nMaxResultLines", 15);
    const int yTopLine = (int)GfuiMenuGetNumProperty(hmenu, "yTopLine", 400);
    const int yLineShift = (int)GfuiMenuGetNumProperty(hmenu, "yLineShift", 20);
	const GfuiColor cPlaceGain =
		GfuiColor::build(GfuiMenuGetStrProperty(hmenu, "colorGainedPlaces", "0x32CD32"));
	const float* acPlaceGain = cPlaceGain.toFloatRGBA();
	const GfuiColor cPlaceLoss =
		GfuiColor::build(GfuiMenuGetStrProperty(hmenu, "colorLostPlaces", "0xF28500"));
	const float* acPlaceLoss = cPlaceLoss.toFloatRGBA();

	// Never used : remove ?
    //Get total laps, winner time
    //snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race);
    //int totLaps = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_LAPS, NULL, 0);
    //snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s/%d", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, RE_SECT_RANK, 1);
    //tdble refTime = GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TIME, NULL, 0);

    //Get number of cars
    snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, RE_SECT_RANK);
    int nbCars = (int)GfParmGetEltNb(results, path);
	// Display the result table.
    int y = yTopLine;
	int i;
    for (i = start; i < MIN(start + nMaxLines, nbCars); i++) {
        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/%s/%s/%d", info->track->name, RE_SECT_RESULTS, race, RE_SECT_RANK, i + 1);
        int laps = (int)GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_LAPS, NULL, 0);//Laps covered

        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", i+1);
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "Rank", true, // From template.
								   buf, GFUI_TPL_X, y);

        //Advance (The num.attrib 'index' holds the starting position)
        int advance = (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_INDEX, NULL, 0)) - i;
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", advance);
        const float *aColor =
			advance > 0 ? acPlaceGain : (advance < 0 ? acPlaceLoss : GFUI_TPL_COLOR);
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "Advance", true, // From template.
								   GFUI_TPL_ALIGN, GFUI_TPL_MAXLEN, aColor);

        //Driver short name
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "DriverName", true, // From template.
								   GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_SNAME, ""), GFUI_TPL_X, y);

        //Driver type
        const std::string strModName = GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_MODULE, "");
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "DriverType", true, // From template.
								   GfDriver::getType(strModName).c_str(), GFUI_TPL_X, y);

		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "CarModel", true, // From template.
								   GfParmGetStr(results, path, RE_ATTR_CAR, ""), GFUI_TPL_X, y);

        //Total Time 
        str = GfTime2Str(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TIME, NULL, 0), 0, false, 3); 
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "TotalTime", true, // From template.
								   str, GFUI_TPL_X, y);
        //Best lap
        str = GfTime2Str(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_BEST_LAP_TIME, NULL, 0), 0, false, 3);
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "BestLapTime", true, // From template.
								   str, GFUI_TPL_X, y);
        //Laps covered
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", laps);
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "Laps", true, // From template.
								   buf, GFUI_TPL_X, y);
        //Top speed
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%3.1f", (GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_TOP_SPEED, NULL, 0) * 3.6));
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "TopSpeed", true, // From template.
								   buf, GFUI_TPL_X, y);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_DAMMAGES, NULL, 0)));
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "Damages", true, // From template.
								   buf, GFUI_TPL_X, y);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%d", (int)(GfParmGetNum(results, path, RE_ATTR_NB_PIT_STOPS, NULL, 0)));
		GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "Pits", true, // From template.
								   buf, GFUI_TPL_X, y);

        y -= yLineShift;  //Line feed
    }//for i

    //If it is not the first screen of the results, show a 'Prev' button
    if (start > 0) {
        RmPrevRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
        RmPrevRace.info     = info;
        RmPrevRace.start    = start - nMaxLines;
        GfuiMenuCreateButtonControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "PreviousPageArrow",
          (void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgRaceScreen);
        GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, GFUIK_PAGEUP,   "Previous Results", (void*)&RmPrevRace, rmChgRaceScreen, NULL);
    }//if start

    // Add "Continue" button
    GfuiMenuCreateButtonControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "ContinueButton", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace);
    //Create 'save' button in the bottom right
    //rmSaveButtonId = GfuiMenuCreateButtonControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "SaveButton", info, rmSaveRes);

    //If we did not display all the results yet, let's show a 'Next' button
    if (i < nbCars) {
        RmNextRace.prevHdle = prevHdle;
        RmNextRace.info     = info;
        RmNextRace.start    = start + nMaxLines;
        GfuiMenuCreateButtonControl(rmScrHdle, hmenu, "NextPageArrow", (void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgRaceScreen);
        GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, GFUIK_PAGEDOWN, "Next Results", (void*)&RmNextRace, rmChgRaceScreen, NULL);
    }//if i

    //Link key handlers
    GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, GFUIK_ESCAPE, "Continue", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, GFUIK_RETURN, "Continue", prevHdle, GfuiScreenReplace, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, GFUIK_F12, "Take a Screen Shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(rmScrHdle, GFUIK_F1, "Help", rmScrHdle, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);

gfuiDrawScrollist(tGfuiObject *obj)
	tGfuiScrollList* scrollist = &(obj->u.scrollist);

	GfuiColor fgColor;
	GfuiColor bgColor;
	if (scrollist->selectedElt < 0)
		fgColor = scrollist->fgColor[0];
		bgColor = scrollist->bgColor[0];
		fgColor = scrollist->fgSelectColor[0];
		bgColor = scrollist->bgSelectColor[0];

	if (bgColor.alpha) {
		glVertex2i(obj->xmin, obj->ymin);
		glVertex2i(obj->xmin, obj->ymax);
		glVertex2i(obj->xmax, obj->ymax);
		glVertex2i(obj->xmax, obj->ymin);

	glVertex2i(obj->xmin, obj->ymin);
	glVertex2i(obj->xmin, obj->ymax);
	glVertex2i(obj->xmax, obj->ymax);
	glVertex2i(obj->xmax, obj->ymin);
	glVertex2i(obj->xmin, obj->ymin);

	const int h = scrollist->font->getHeight();
	const int x = obj->xmin;
	int y = obj->ymax;
	int index = 0;
	tGfuiListElement* elt = scrollist->elts;
	if (elt) {
		do {
			elt = elt->next;
			if (index < scrollist->firstVisible) {
			if (index == scrollist->selectedElt) {
			} else {
			if (index > (scrollist->firstVisible + scrollist->nbVisible)) {
			y -= h;
			gfuiDrawString(x+5, y, scrollist->font, elt->label);
		} while (elt != scrollist->elts);
	if (rmResScreenHdle)

	tRmInfo* reInfo = LmRaceEngine().inData();

    // Create screen, load menu XML descriptor and create static controls.
    rmResScreenHdle = GfuiScreenCreate(black, 0, rmResScreenActivate, 0, rmResScreenDeactivate, 0);
    void *hmenu = GfuiMenuLoad("raceblindscreen.xml");
    GfuiMenuCreateStaticControls(rmResScreenHdle, hmenu);

    // Create variable main title (race session) label.
    rmResTitleId = GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmResScreenHdle, hmenu, "Title");

    // Create background image if any specified.
    const char* img = GfParmGetStr(reInfo->params, RM_SECT_HEADER, RM_ATTR_RUNIMG, 0);
    if (img)
		GfuiScreenAddBgImg(rmResScreenHdle, img);
    // Create variable subtitle (driver and race name, lap number) label.
    rmResSubTitleId = GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmResScreenHdle, hmenu, "SubTitle");

    // Create table header label.
    rmResHeaderId = GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmResScreenHdle, hmenu, "Header");

	// Get layout properties, except for nMaxResultRows (see below).
    const int yTopRow = (int)GfuiMenuGetNumProperty(hmenu, "yTopRow", 400);
    const int yRowShift = (int)GfuiMenuGetNumProperty(hmenu, "yRowShift", 20);

	// Allocate row info arrays, if not already done.
	if (!rmResRowLabelId)
		// Load nMaxResultRows/colors only the first time (ignore any later change,
		// otherwize, we'd have to realloc the row info arrays).
		rmNMaxResRows = (int)GfuiMenuGetNumProperty(hmenu, "nMaxResultRows", 20);
		const GfuiColor cNormal =
			GfuiColor::build(GfuiMenuGetStrProperty(hmenu, "rowColorNormal", "0x0000FF"));
		const GfuiColor cHighlighted =
			GfuiColor::build(GfuiMenuGetStrProperty(hmenu, "rowColorHighlighted", "0x00FF00"));
		memcpy(rmColors[0], cNormal.toFloatRGBA(), sizeof(rmColors[0]));
		memcpy(rmColors[1], cHighlighted.toFloatRGBA(), sizeof(rmColors[1]));
		rmResRowLabelId = (int*)calloc(rmNMaxResRows, sizeof(int));
		rmResRowText = (char**)calloc(rmNMaxResRows, sizeof(char*));
		rmResRowColor = (float**)calloc(rmNMaxResRows, sizeof(float*));

    // Create result rows (1 label for each).
    int	y = yTopRow;
    for (int i = 0; i < rmNMaxResRows; i++)
		rmResRowColor[i] = rmColors[0];
		rmResRowLabelId[i] =
			GfuiMenuCreateLabelControl(rmResScreenHdle, hmenu, "Row", true, // from template
									   GFUI_TPL_ALIGN, GFUI_TPL_MAXLEN, rmResRowColor[i]);
		y -= yRowShift;

    // Close menu XML descriptor.
    // Register keyboard shortcuts.
    GfuiAddKey(rmResScreenHdle, GFUIK_F1, "Help", rmResScreenHdle, GfuiHelpScreen, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(rmResScreenHdle, GFUIK_F12, "Screen shot", NULL, GfuiScreenShot, NULL);

    GfuiAddKey(rmResScreenHdle, GFUIK_ESCAPE, "Stop current race",
			   (void*)RE_STATE_RACE_STOP, rmApplyState, NULL);
    GfuiAddKey(rmResScreenHdle, 'q', GFUIM_ALT, "Quit game now, save nothing",
			   (void*)RE_STATE_EXIT, rmApplyState, NULL);

    // Initialize current result row.
    rmCurRowIndex = 0;

    return rmResScreenHdle;
Exemple #7
GfuiMenuCreateComboboxControl(void* hscr, void* hparm, const char* pszName,
							  void* userData, tfuiComboboxCallback onChange)
	std::string strControlPath(GFMNU_SECT_DYNAMIC_CONTROLS"/");
	strControlPath += pszName;

	const std::string strType = GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_TYPE, "");
	if (strType != GFMNU_TYPE_COMBO_BOX)
		GfLogError("Failed to create control '%s' : section not found or not an '%s' \n",
				   pszName, GFMNU_TYPE_COMBO_BOX);
		return -1;

	int id = -1;
	const int x = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm,strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_X, NULL, 0.0);
	const int y = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm,strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_Y, NULL, 0.0);

	std::string strFontName = GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_FONT, "");
	const int font = gfuiMenuGetFontId(strFontName.c_str());

	int width = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm,strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_WIDTH, NULL, 0.0);
	if (width == 0)
	    width = 200;

	const int nArrowsWidth = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_ARROWS_WIDTH, NULL, 0);
	const int nArrowsHeight = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_ARROWS_HEIGHT, NULL, 0);

    const char* pszText = GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_TEXT, "");

	const int maxlen = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_MAX_LEN, 0, 0);

	const char* pszTip = GfParmGetStr(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_TIP, 0);
	void* userDataOnFocus = 0;
	tfuiCallback onFocus = 0;
	tfuiCallback onFocusLost = 0;
	if (pszTip && strlen(pszTip) > 0)
		tMenuCallbackInfo * cbinfo = (tMenuCallbackInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(tMenuCallbackInfo));
		cbinfo->screen = hscr;
		cbinfo->labelId = GfuiTipCreate(hscr, pszTip, strlen(pszTip));
		GfuiVisibilitySet(hscr, cbinfo->labelId, GFUI_INVISIBLE);
		userDataOnFocus = (void*)cbinfo;
		onFocus = onFocusShowTip;
		onFocusLost = onFocusLostHideTip;

	const float* aColor = 0;
	const GfuiColor color = getControlColor(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR);
	if (color.alpha)
		aColor = color.toFloatRGBA();
	const float* aFocusColor = 0;
	const GfuiColor focusColor =
		getControlColor(hparm, strControlPath.c_str(), GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR_FOCUSED);
	if (focusColor.alpha)
		aFocusColor = focusColor.toFloatRGBA();
	id = GfuiComboboxCreate(hscr, font, x, y, width, nArrowsWidth, nArrowsHeight,
							pszText, maxlen, aColor, aFocusColor,
							userData, onChange, userDataOnFocus, onFocus, onFocusLost);

	return id;
Exemple #8
static int 
createTextButton(void* hscr, void* hparm, const char* pszPath,
				 void* userDataOnPush, tfuiCallback onPush,
				 void* userDataOnFocus, tfuiCallback onFocus, tfuiCallback onFocusLost,
				 bool bFromTemplate = false,
				 const char* text = GFUI_TPL_TEXT,
				 const char* tip = GFUI_TPL_TIP,
				 int x = GFUI_TPL_X, int y = GFUI_TPL_Y,
				 int width = GFUI_TPL_WIDTH,
				 int font = GFUI_TPL_FONTID, int textHAlign = GFUI_TPL_ALIGN,
				 const float* aFgColor = GFUI_TPL_COLOR,
				 const float* aFgFocusColor = GFUI_TPL_FOCUSCOLOR,
				 const float* aFgPushedColor = GFUI_TPL_PUSHEDCOLOR)
	if (strcmp(GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_TYPE, ""), GFMNU_TYPE_TEXT_BUTTON))
		GfLogError("Failed to create text button control '%s' : section not found or not a '%s'\n",
				   pszPath, GFMNU_TYPE_TEXT_BUTTON);
		return -1;
	const char* pszText =
		bFromTemplate && text != GFUI_TPL_TEXT
		? text : GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_TEXT, "");
	const char* pszTip =
		bFromTemplate && tip != GFUI_TPL_TIP
		? tip : GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_TIP, "");
	const int nX = 
		bFromTemplate && x != GFUI_TPL_X
		? x : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_X, NULL, 0);
	const int nY = 
		bFromTemplate && y != GFUI_TPL_Y
		? y : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_Y, NULL, 0);
	int nWidth = 
		bFromTemplate && width != GFUI_TPL_WIDTH
		? width : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_WIDTH, NULL, 0);
	if (nWidth <= 0)
		nWidth = GFUI_BTNSZ; // TODO: Get default from screen.xml
	const int nFontId = 
		bFromTemplate && font != GFUI_TPL_FONTID
		? font : gfuiMenuGetFontId(GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_FONT, ""));
	const char* pszAlignH = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_H_ALIGN, "");
	//const char* pszAlignV = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_V_ALIGN, "");
	const int nAlign = 
		bFromTemplate && textHAlign != GFUI_TPL_ALIGN
		? textHAlign : gfuiMenuGetAlignment(pszAlignH); //, pszAlignV);
	GfuiColor color;
	const float* aColor = 0;
	if (bFromTemplate && aFgColor != GFUI_TPL_COLOR)
		aColor = aFgColor;
		color = getControlColor(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR);
		if (color.alpha)
			aColor = color.toFloatRGBA();

	GfuiColor focusColor;
	const float* aFocusColor = 0;
	if (bFromTemplate && aFgFocusColor != GFUI_TPL_FOCUSCOLOR)
		aFocusColor = aFgFocusColor;
		focusColor = getControlColor(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR_FOCUSED);
		if (focusColor.alpha)
			aFocusColor = focusColor.toFloatRGBA();

	GfuiColor pushedColor;
	const float* aPushedColor = 0;
	if (bFromTemplate && aFgPushedColor != GFUI_TPL_PUSHEDCOLOR)
		aPushedColor = aFgPushedColor;
		pushedColor = getControlColor(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR_PUSHED);
		if (pushedColor.alpha)
			aPushedColor = pushedColor.toFloatRGBA();

	if (pszTip && strlen(pszTip) > 0)
		tMenuCallbackInfo * cbinfo = (tMenuCallbackInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(tMenuCallbackInfo));
		cbinfo->screen = hscr;
		cbinfo->labelId = GfuiTipCreate(hscr, pszTip, strlen(pszTip));
		GfuiVisibilitySet(hscr, cbinfo->labelId, GFUI_INVISIBLE);

		// TODO: In this case, we crudely overwrite onFocus/onFocusLost !
		userDataOnFocus = (void*)cbinfo;
		onFocus = onFocusShowTip;
		onFocusLost = onFocusLostHideTip;

	const bool bShowbox = getControlBoolean(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_BOX_SHOW, true);

	const char* pszDisabledImage = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_DISABLED, 0);
	const char* pszEnabledImage = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_ENABLED, 0);
	const char* pszFocusedImage = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_FOCUSED, 0);
	const char* pszPushedImage = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_PUSHED, 0);

	const int imgX = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_X, NULL, 0.0);
	const int imgY = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_Y, NULL, 0.0);
	const int imgWidth = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_WIDTH, NULL, 20.0);
	const int imgHeight = (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_IMAGE_HEIGHT, NULL, 20.0);

	int butId = GfuiButtonCreate(hscr, pszText, nFontId,
								 nX, nY, nWidth, nAlign, GFUI_MOUSE_UP,
								 userDataOnPush, onPush,
								 userDataOnFocus, onFocus, onFocusLost);

	GfuiButtonShowBox(hscr, butId, bShowbox);

	if (pszDisabledImage || pszEnabledImage || pszFocusedImage || pszPushedImage)
		GfuiButtonSetImage(hscr, butId, imgX, imgY, imgWidth, imgHeight,
						   pszDisabledImage, pszEnabledImage,
						   pszFocusedImage, pszPushedImage);

	GfuiButtonSetColors(hscr, butId,
						GfuiColor::build(aColor), GfuiColor::build(aFocusColor),
	return butId;
Exemple #9
static int 
createLabel(void* hscr, void* hparm, const char* pszPath,
			bool bFromTemplate = false,
			const char* text = GFUI_TPL_TEXT, int x = GFUI_TPL_X, int y = GFUI_TPL_Y,
			int font = GFUI_TPL_FONTID, int width = GFUI_TPL_WIDTH, int hAlign = GFUI_TPL_ALIGN,
			int maxlen = GFUI_TPL_MAXLEN, 
			const float* aFgColor = GFUI_TPL_COLOR,
			const float* aFgFocusColor = GFUI_TPL_FOCUSCOLOR)
	if (strcmp(GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_TYPE, ""), GFMNU_TYPE_LABEL))
		GfLogError("Failed to create label control '%s' : section not found or not a '%s'\n",
				   pszPath, GFMNU_TYPE_LABEL);
		return -1;
	const char* pszText =
		bFromTemplate && text != GFUI_TPL_TEXT
		? text : GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_TEXT, "");
	const int nX = 
		bFromTemplate && x != GFUI_TPL_X
		? x : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_X, NULL, 0);
	const int nY = 
		bFromTemplate && y != GFUI_TPL_Y
		? y : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_Y, NULL, 0);
	const int nWidth =
		bFromTemplate && width != GFUI_TPL_WIDTH
		? width : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_WIDTH, NULL, 0);
	const int nFontId = 
		bFromTemplate && font != GFUI_TPL_FONTID
		? font : gfuiMenuGetFontId(GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_FONT, ""));
	const char* pszAlignH = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_H_ALIGN, "");
	//const char* pszAlignV = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_V_ALIGN, "");
	const int nAlign = 
		bFromTemplate && hAlign != GFUI_TPL_ALIGN
		? hAlign : gfuiMenuGetAlignment(pszAlignH); //, pszAlignV);
	int nMaxLen = 
		bFromTemplate && maxlen != GFUI_TPL_MAXLEN
		? maxlen : (int)GfParmGetNum(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_MAX_LEN, NULL, 0);
	GfuiColor color;
	const float* aColor = 0;
	if (bFromTemplate && aFgColor != GFUI_TPL_COLOR)
		aColor = aFgColor;
		color = getControlColor(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR);
		if (color.alpha)
			aColor = color.toFloatRGBA();

	GfuiColor focusColor;
	const float* aFocusColor = 0;
	if (bFromTemplate && aFgFocusColor != GFUI_TPL_FOCUSCOLOR)
		aFocusColor = aFgFocusColor;
		focusColor = getControlColor(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_COLOR_FOCUSED);
		if (focusColor.alpha)
			aFocusColor = focusColor.toFloatRGBA();

	void* userDataOnFocus = 0;
	tfuiCallback onFocus = 0;
	tfuiCallback onFocusLost = 0;
	const char* pszTip = GfParmGetStr(hparm, pszPath, GFMNU_ATTR_TIP, 0);
	if (pszTip && strlen(pszTip) > 0)
		tMenuCallbackInfo * cbinfo = (tMenuCallbackInfo*)calloc(1, sizeof(tMenuCallbackInfo));
		cbinfo->screen = hscr;
		cbinfo->labelId = GfuiTipCreate(hscr, pszTip, strlen(pszTip));
		GfuiVisibilitySet(hscr, cbinfo->labelId, GFUI_INVISIBLE);

		userDataOnFocus = (void*)cbinfo;
		onFocus = onFocusShowTip;
		onFocusLost = onFocusLostHideTip;

	int labelId = GfuiLabelCreate(hscr, pszText, nFontId, nX, nY, nWidth, nAlign, nMaxLen,
								  aColor, aFocusColor, userDataOnFocus, onFocus, onFocusLost);

    return labelId;