void newCode(const GlobalPoint & P1, const GlobalPoint & P2) {

  typedef TkRotation2D<double> Rotation;
  typedef Basic2DVector<double> Point2D;

  Rotation theRotation = Rotation(P1.basicVector().xy());
  Point2D p1 = transform(P1.basicVector().xy(), theRotation);  // (1./P1.xy().mag(),0); 
  Point2D p2 = transform(P2.basicVector().xy(), theRotation);

  std::cout << "\nnew for " << P1 <<", " << P2 << std::endl;
  std::cout << theRotation << std::endl;
  std::cout << p1.x() << " " << p1.y() << std::endl;
  std::cout << p2.x() << " " << p2.y() << std::endl;
  std::cout << transformBack(p1, theRotation) << std::endl;
  std::cout << transformBack(p2, theRotation) << std::endl;

float MtfCoordinateConverter::convertRpc(uint32_t detUnitId, int16_t strip) {

const RPCDetId id(detUnitId);
const RPCRoll* roll = geoRpc->roll(id);
<<" detUnitId: "<<detUnitId
<<" roll:  "<<" "<<roll<<std::endl;
const LocalPoint lp = roll->centreOfStrip(strip);
const GlobalPoint gp = roll->toGlobal(lp);

float globalPhi = gp.phi().value();
return globalPhi;

//copied from L1TriggerDPGUpgrade/L1TMuon/interface/GeometryTranslator.cc
float MtfCoordinateConverter::convertCsc(uint32_t detUnitId, uint16_t halfstrip, uint16_t pattern, uint16_t keyWG) {
    const CSCDetId id(detUnitId);
    // we should change this to weak_ptrs at some point
    // requires introducing std::shared_ptrs to geometry
    std::unique_ptr<const CSCChamber> chamb(geoCsc->chamber(id));
    std::unique_ptr<const CSCLayerGeometry> layer_geom(
    std::unique_ptr<const CSCLayer> layer(

    //const unsigned maxStrips = layer_geom->numberOfStrips();

    // so we can extend this later
    // assume TMB2007 half-strips only as baseline
    double offset = 0.0;
    switch(1) {
    case 1:
        offset = CSCPatternLUT::get2007Position(pattern);
    const unsigned halfstrip_offs = unsigned(0.5 + halfstrip + offset);
    const unsigned strip = halfstrip_offs/2 + 1; // geom starts from 1

    // the rough location of the hit at the ALCT key layer
    // we will refine this using the half strip information
    const LocalPoint coarse_lp =
    const GlobalPoint coarse_gp = layer->surface().toGlobal(coarse_lp);

    // the strip width/4.0 gives the offset of the half-strip
    // center with respect to the strip center
    const double hs_offset = layer_geom->stripPhiPitch()/4.0;

    // determine handedness of the chamber
    const bool ccw = isCSCCounterClockwise(layer);
    // we need to subtract the offset of even half strips and add the odd ones
    const double phi_offset = ( ( halfstrip_offs%2 ? 1 : -1)*
            ( ccw ? -hs_offset : hs_offset ) );

    // the global eta calculation uses the middle of the strip
    // so no need to increment it
    const GlobalPoint final_gp( GlobalPoint::Polar( coarse_gp.theta(),
            (coarse_gp.phi().value() +
                    coarse_gp.mag() ) );

    // We need to add in some notion of the 'error' on trigger primitives
    // like the width of the wire group by the width of the strip
    // or something similar

    // release ownership of the pointers

    float globalPhi = final_gp.phi().value();
    return globalPhi;
void oldCode(const GlobalPoint & P1, const GlobalPoint & P2) {

  typedef TkRotation<double> Rotation;
  typedef Basic2DVector<double> Point2D;

  GlobalVector aX = GlobalVector( P1.x(), P1.y(), 0.).unit();
  GlobalVector aY( -aX.y(), aX.x(), 0.); 
  GlobalVector aZ( 0., 0., 1.);
  TkRotation<double > theRotation = Rotation(aX,aY,aZ); 

  PointUV p1(Point2D(P1.x(),P1.y()), &theRotation);
  PointUV p2(Point2D(P2.x(),P2.y()), &theRotation);

  std::cout << "\nold for " << P1 <<", " << P2 << std::endl;
  std::cout << theRotation << std::endl;
  std::cout << p1.u() << " " << p1.v() << std::endl;
  std::cout << p2.u() << " " << p2.v() << std::endl;
  std::cout << p1.unmap() << std::endl;
  std::cout << p2.unmap() << std::endl;

int main (int argc, char** argv)
  std::string fileName (argv[1]) ;
  boost::shared_ptr<edm::ProcessDesc> processDesc = edm::readConfigFile (fileName) ;
  boost::shared_ptr<edm::ParameterSet> parameterSet = processDesc->getProcessPSet () ;
  edm::ParameterSet subPSetSelections =  parameterSet->getParameter<edm::ParameterSet> ("selections") ;
  edm::ParameterSet subPSetInput = parameterSet->getParameter<edm::ParameterSet> ("inputNtuples") ;
  std::vector<std::string> inputFiles = subPSetInput.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> > ("inputFiles") ;
  // load ntuple
  TChain *chain = new TChain ("EcalCosmicsAnalysis") ;
  EcalCosmicsTreeContent treeVars ; 
  setBranchAddresses (chain, treeVars) ;
  // input files
  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator listIt = inputFiles.begin () ;
       listIt != inputFiles.end () ; ++listIt)
    std::cout << *listIt << " " << std::endl ;
    chain->Add (listIt->c_str ()) ;
  int nEntries = chain->GetEntries () ;
  std::cout << "FOUND " << nEntries << " ENTRIES\n" ;
  // Output file
  std::string outputRootName = "CRAFT_MATCHdistr.root" ;
  TFile outputRootFile (outputRootName.c_str (), "recreate") ;
  outputRootFile.cd () ;
  // output distributions
  TH2F looseAssoc_DETAvsDPHI ("looseAssoc_DETAvsDPHI", "looseAssoc_DETAvsDPHI", PHI_BIN, PHI_MIN, PHI_MAX, 2*ETA_BIN, 2*ETA_MIN, 2*ETA_MAX) ;
  TH1F looseAssoc_DR ("looseAssoc_DR", "looseAssoc_DR", 2*PHI_BIN, 0., 2*PHI_MAX) ;
  TH1F EoverP_loose ("EoverP_loose", "EoverP_loose", 1000, 0., 5.) ;
  TH2F tightAssoc_DETAvsDPHI ("tightAssoc_DETAvsDPHI", "tightAssoc_DETAvsDPHI", PHI_BIN, -0.5, 0.5, ETA_BIN, -0.5, 0.5) ;
  TH1F tightAssoc_DR ("tightAssoc_DR", "tightAssoc_DR", 2*PHI_BIN, 0., 2*PHI_MAX) ;
  TH1F EoverP_tight ("EoverP_tight", "EoverP_tight", 1000, 0., 5.) ;
  TProfile EoverPvsETA_tight ("EoverPvsETA_tight", "EoverPvsETA_tight", ETA_BIN, ETA_MIN, ETA_MAX) ;
  TProfile EoverPvsPHI_tight ("EoverPvsPHI_tight", "EoverPvsPHI_tight", PHI_BIN, PHI_MIN, PHI_MAX) ;
  TProfile EoverPvsPT_tight ("EoverPvsPT_tight", "EoverPvsPT_tight", P_BIN, P_MIN, P_MAX) ;
  TProfile dEvsdX_tight ("dEvsdX_tight", "dEvsdX_tight", 200, 0., 100.) ;
  // loop over entries
  for (int entry = 0; entry < nEntries; ++entry)
    if ((entry % 100000) == 0)
      std::cout << "Reading entry " << entry << std::endl;
    chain->GetEntry (entry) ;
    // if (entry == 100000) break ;
    // association MU-SC
    std::vector<ect::association> looseAssoc ;
    ect::fillAssocVector (looseAssoc, treeVars) ;
    ect::selectOnDR (looseAssoc, treeVars, 1000000.) ;
    std::vector<ect::association> tightAssoc ;
    ect::fillAssocVector (tightAssoc, treeVars) ;
    ect::selectOnDR (tightAssoc, treeVars, 0.1) ;
    //loop on associations vector
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < looseAssoc.size () ; ++i)
      int MUindex = looseAssoc.at (i).first  ;
      int SCindex = looseAssoc.at (i).second ;
      int muonLeg = treeVars.muonLeg[MUindex];
      float muonP = 0.;
      float muonPt = 0.;
      float muond0 = treeVars.muond0[MUindex];
      float muondz = treeVars.muondz[MUindex];
      float muonPhi = 0.;
      float muonEta = 0.;
      float muonTkLengthInEcal = treeVars.muonTkLengthInEcalDetail[MUindex];
      float muonTkLengthInEcalCurved = treeVars.muonTkLengthInEcalDetailCurved[MUindex];
      float superClusterRawEnergy = treeVars.superClusterRawEnergy[SCindex]; 
      GlobalPoint muonTkInternalPointInEcal (treeVars.muonTkInternalPointInEcalX[MUindex],
                                             treeVars.muonTkInternalPointInEcalZ[MUindex]) ;
      float Dphi = treeVars.superClusterPhi[SCindex] - muonTkInternalPointInEcal.phi () ;
      float Deta = treeVars.superClusterEta[SCindex] - muonTkInternalPointInEcal.eta () ;
      if (muonLeg == 1)
        muonP = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitP[MUindex];
        muonPt = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitPt[MUindex];
        muonPhi = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitPhi[MUindex];
        muonEta = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitEta[MUindex];
      else if (muonLeg == -1)
        muonP = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitP[MUindex];
        muonPt = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitPt[MUindex];
        muonPhi = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitPhi[MUindex];
        muonEta = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitEta[MUindex];
      looseAssoc_DETAvsDPHI.Fill (Dphi, Deta) ;
      looseAssoc_DR.Fill (sqrt (Dphi*Dphi + Deta*Deta)) ;
      if (muonLeg == -1)
        EoverP_loose.Fill (superClusterRawEnergy/muonP) ;
    for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < tightAssoc.size () ; ++i)
      int MUindex = tightAssoc.at (i).first  ;
      int SCindex = tightAssoc.at (i).second ;
      int muonLeg = treeVars.muonLeg[MUindex];
      float muonP = 0.;
      float muonPt = 0.;
      float muond0 = treeVars.muond0[MUindex];
      float muondz = treeVars.muondz[MUindex];
      float muonPhi = 0.;
      float muonEta = 0.;
      float muonTkLengthInEcal = treeVars.muonTkLengthInEcalDetail[MUindex];
      float muonTkLengthInEcalCurved = treeVars.muonTkLengthInEcalDetailCurved[MUindex];
      float superClusterRawEnergy = treeVars.superClusterRawEnergy[SCindex]/4*0.9 ;
      GlobalPoint muonTkInternalPointInEcal (treeVars.muonTkInternalPointInEcalX[MUindex],
                                             treeVars.muonTkInternalPointInEcalZ[MUindex]) ;
      float Dphi = treeVars.superClusterPhi[SCindex] - muonTkInternalPointInEcal.phi () ;
      float Deta = treeVars.superClusterEta[SCindex] - muonTkInternalPointInEcal.eta () ;
      if (muonLeg == 1)
        muonP = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitP[MUindex];
        muonPt = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitPt[MUindex];
        muonPhi = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitPhi[MUindex];
        muonEta = treeVars.muonInnTkInnerHitEta[MUindex];
      else if (muonLeg == -1)
        muonP = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitP[MUindex];
        muonPt = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitPt[MUindex];
        muonPhi = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitPhi[MUindex];
        muonEta = treeVars.muonInnTkOuterHitEta[MUindex];
      tightAssoc_DETAvsDPHI.Fill (Dphi, Deta) ;
      tightAssoc_DR.Fill (sqrt (Dphi*Dphi + Deta*Deta)) ;
      if (muonLeg == -1)
        EoverP_tight.Fill (superClusterRawEnergy/muonP) ;
        EoverPvsETA_tight.Fill (muonEta, superClusterRawEnergy/muonP) ;
        EoverPvsPHI_tight.Fill (muonPhi, superClusterRawEnergy/muonP) ;
        EoverPvsPT_tight.Fill (muonPt, superClusterRawEnergy/muonP) ;
        if(muonTkLengthInEcal > 0.)
          dEvsdX_tight.Fill (muonTkLengthInEcal, superClusterRawEnergy) ;
  } //PG loop over entries
  // Save histograms
  looseAssoc_DETAvsDPHI.Write () ;
  looseAssoc_DR.Write () ;
  EoverP_loose.Write () ;
  tightAssoc_DETAvsDPHI.Write () ;
  tightAssoc_DR.Write () ;
  EoverP_tight.Write () ;
  EoverPvsETA_tight.Write () ;
  EoverPvsPHI_tight.Write () ;
  EoverPvsPT_tight.Write () ;
  dEvsdX_tight.Write () ;
  outputRootFile.Close () ;
  return 0 ;