void HlslLinker::buildUniformReflection(const std::vector<GlslSymbol*>& constants)
	const unsigned n_constants = constants.size();
	for (unsigned i = 0; i != n_constants; ++i) {
		GlslSymbol* s = constants[i];
		ShUniformInfo info;
		const std::string& name = s->getName(false);
		info.name = new char[name.size()+1];
		strcpy(info.name, name.c_str());
		if (s->getSemantic() != "") {
			info.semantic = new char[s->getSemantic().size()+1];
			strcpy(info.semantic, s->getSemantic().c_str());
			info.semantic = 0;
		info.type = (EShType)s->getType();
		info.arraySize = s->getArraySize();
		info.init = 0;
bool HlslLinker::link(HlslCrossCompiler* compiler, const char* entryFunc, ETargetVersion targetVersion, unsigned options)
	m_Target = targetVersion;
	m_Options = options;
	if (!linkerSanityCheck(compiler, entryFunc))
		return false;
	const bool usePrecision = Hlsl2Glsl_VersionUsesPrecision(targetVersion);
	EShLanguage lang = compiler->getLanguage();
	std::string entryPoint = GetEntryName (entryFunc);
	// figure out all relevant functions
	GlslFunction* globalFunction = NULL;
	std::vector<GlslFunction*> functionList;
	FunctionSet calledFunctions;
	GlslFunction* funcMain = NULL;
	if (!buildFunctionLists(compiler, lang, entryPoint, globalFunction, functionList, calledFunctions, funcMain))
		return false;
	// uniforms and used built-in functions
	std::vector<GlslSymbol*> constants;
	std::set<TOperator> libFunctions;
	buildUniformsAndLibFunctions(calledFunctions, constants, libFunctions);
	// add built-in functions possibly used by uniform initializers
	const std::set<TOperator>& referencedGlobalFunctions = globalFunction->getLibFunctions();
	libFunctions.insert (referencedGlobalFunctions.begin(), referencedGlobalFunctions.end());
	buildUniformReflection (constants);

	// print all the components collected above.

	emitLibraryFunctions (libFunctions, lang, usePrecision);
	emitGlobals (globalFunction, constants);
	EmitCalledFunctions (shader, calledFunctions);

	// Generate a main function that calls the specified entrypoint.
	// That main function uses semantics on the arguments and return values to
	// connect items appropriately.	
	std::stringstream attrib;
	std::stringstream uniform;
	std::stringstream preamble;
	std::stringstream postamble;
	std::stringstream varying;
	std::stringstream call;


	// Declare return value
	const EGlslSymbolType retType = funcMain->getReturnType();
	emitMainStart(compiler, retType, funcMain, m_Options, usePrecision, preamble, constants);

	// Call the entry point
	call << "    ";
	if (retType != EgstVoid)
		call << "xl_retval = ";
	call << funcMain->getName() << "( ";

	// Entry point parameters
	const int pCount = funcMain->getParameterCount();
	for (int ii=0; ii<pCount; ii++)
		GlslSymbol *sym = funcMain->getParameter(ii);
		EAttribSemantic attrSem = parseAttributeSemantic( sym->getSemantic());
		add_extension_from_semantic(attrSem, m_Target, m_Extensions);

		switch (sym->getQualifier())

		// -------- IN & OUT parameters
		case EqtIn:
		case EqtInOut:
		case EqtConst:
			if (sym->getType() != EgstStruct)
				emitInputNonStructParam(sym, lang, usePrecision, attrSem, attrib, varying, preamble, call);
				emitInputStructParam(sym, lang, attrib, varying, preamble, call);

			// NOTE: for "inout" parameters need to fallthrough to the next case
			if (sym->getQualifier() != EqtInOut)

		// -------- OUT parameters; also fall-through for INOUT (see the check above)
		case EqtOut:

			if ( sym->getType() != EgstStruct)
				emitOutputNonStructParam(sym, lang, usePrecision, attrSem, varying, preamble, postamble, call);
				emitOutputStructParam(sym, lang, usePrecision, attrSem, varying, preamble, postamble, call);

		case EqtUniform:
			uniform << "uniform ";
			writeType (uniform, sym->getType(), NULL, usePrecision?sym->getPrecision():EbpUndefined);
			uniform << " xlu_" << sym->getName();
				uniform << "[" << sym->getArraySize() << "]";
			uniform << ";\n";
			call << "xlu_" << sym->getName();

		if (ii != pCount -1)
			call << ", ";

	call << ");\n";

	// Entry point return value
	if (!emitReturnValue(retType, funcMain, lang, varying, postamble))
		return false;

	postamble << "}\n\n";
	// Generate final code of the pieces above.
		shaderPrefix << kTargetVersionStrings[targetVersion];
		ExtensionSet::const_iterator it = m_Extensions.begin(), end = m_Extensions.end();
		for (; it != end; ++it)
			shaderPrefix << "#extension " << *it << " : require" << std::endl;

	EmitIfNotEmpty (shader, uniform);
	EmitIfNotEmpty (shader, attrib);
	EmitIfNotEmpty (shader, varying);

	shader << preamble.str() << "\n";
	shader << call.str() << "\n";
	shader << postamble.str() << "\n";

	return true;