void FreeTypeFont::doFillGlyphCache(GlyphCache& cache, const std::vector<char32_t>& characters)
    /** @bug Crash when atlas is too small */

    /* Get glyph codes from characters */
    std::vector<FT_UInt> charIndices;
    charIndices[0] = 0;
    std::transform(characters.begin(), characters.end(), charIndices.begin()+1,
        [this](const char32_t c) { return FT_Get_Char_Index(ftFont, c); });

    /* Remove duplicates (e.g. uppercase and lowercase mapped to same glyph) */
    std::sort(charIndices.begin(), charIndices.end());
    charIndices.erase(std::unique(charIndices.begin(), charIndices.end()), charIndices.end());

    /* Sizes of all characters */
    std::vector<Vector2i> charSizes;
    for(FT_UInt c: charIndices) {
        charSizes.push_back(Vector2i(ftFont->glyph->metrics.width, ftFont->glyph->metrics.height)/64);

    /* Create texture atlas */
    const std::vector<Rectanglei> charPositions = cache.reserve(charSizes);

    /* Render all characters to the atlas and create character map */
    unsigned char* pixmap = new unsigned char[cache.textureSize().product()]();
    /** @todo Some better way for this */
    Image2D image(ImageFormat::Red, ImageType::UnsignedByte, cache.textureSize(), pixmap);
    Image2D image(Context::current() && Context::current()->isExtensionSupported<Extensions::GL::EXT::texture_rg>() ?
        ImageFormat::Red : ImageFormat::Luminance, ImageType::UnsignedByte, cache.textureSize(), pixmap);
    for(std::size_t i = 0; i != charPositions.size(); ++i) {
        /* Load and render glyph */
        /** @todo B&W only if radius != 0 */
        FT_GlyphSlot glyph = ftFont->glyph;
        CORRADE_INTERNAL_ASSERT_OUTPUT(FT_Load_Glyph(ftFont, charIndices[i], FT_LOAD_DEFAULT) == 0);

        /* Copy rendered bitmap to texture image */
        const FT_Bitmap& bitmap = glyph->bitmap;
        CORRADE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(std::abs(bitmap.width-charPositions[i].width()) <= 2);
        CORRADE_INTERNAL_ASSERT(std::abs(bitmap.rows-charPositions[i].height()) <= 2);
        for(Int yin = 0, yout = charPositions[i].bottom(), ymax = bitmap.rows; yin != ymax; ++yin, ++yout)
            for(Int xin = 0, xout = charPositions[i].left(), xmax = bitmap.width; xin != xmax; ++xin, ++xout)
                pixmap[yout*cache.textureSize().x() + xout] = bitmap.buffer[(bitmap.rows-yin-1)*bitmap.width + xin];

        /* Insert glyph parameters into cache */
            Vector2i(glyph->bitmap_left, glyph->bitmap_top-charPositions[i].height()),

    /* Set cache image */
    cache.setImage({}, image);
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Containers::Array<char>>> MagnumFontConverter::doExportFontToData(AbstractFont& font, GlyphCache& cache, const std::string& filename, const std::u32string& characters) const {
    Utility::Configuration configuration;

    configuration.setValue("version", 1);
    configuration.setValue("image", Utility::Directory::filename(filename) + ".tga");
    configuration.setValue("originalImageSize", cache.textureSize());
    configuration.setValue("padding", cache.padding());
    configuration.setValue("fontSize", font.size());
    configuration.setValue("ascent", font.ascent());
    configuration.setValue("descent", font.descent());
    configuration.setValue("lineHeight", font.lineHeight());

    /* Compress glyph IDs so the glyphs are in consecutive array, glyph 0
       should stay at position 0 */
    std::unordered_map<UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt> glyphIdMap;
    glyphIdMap.emplace(0, 0);
    for(const std::pair<UnsignedInt, std::pair<Vector2i, Range2Di>>& glyph: cache)
        glyphIdMap.emplace(glyph.first, glyphIdMap.size());

    /** @todo Save only glyphs contained in @p characters */

    /* Inverse map from new glyph IDs to old ones */
    std::vector<UnsignedInt> inverseGlyphIdMap(glyphIdMap.size());
    for(const std::pair<UnsignedInt, UnsignedInt>& map: glyphIdMap)
        inverseGlyphIdMap[map.second] = map.first;

    /* Character->glyph map, map glyph IDs to new ones */
    for(const char32_t c: characters) {
        Utility::ConfigurationGroup* group = configuration.addGroup("char");
        const UnsignedInt glyphId = font.glyphId(c);
        group->setValue("unicode", c);

        /* Map old glyph ID to new, if not found, map to glyph 0 */
        auto found = glyphIdMap.find(glyphId);
        group->setValue("glyph", found == glyphIdMap.end() ? 0 : glyphIdMap.at(glyphId));

    /* Save glyph properties in order which preserves their IDs, remove padding
       from the values so they aren't added twice when using the font later */
    /** @todo Some better way to handle this padding stuff */
    for(UnsignedInt oldGlyphId: inverseGlyphIdMap) {
        std::pair<Vector2i, Range2Di> glyph = cache[oldGlyphId];
        Utility::ConfigurationGroup* group = configuration.addGroup("glyph");
        group->setValue("advance", font.glyphAdvance(oldGlyphId));
        group->setValue("position", glyph.first+cache.padding());
        group->setValue("rectangle", glyph.second.padded(-cache.padding()));

    std::ostringstream confOut;
    std::string confStr = confOut.str();
    Containers::Array<char> confData{confStr.size()};
    std::copy(confStr.begin(), confStr.end(), confData.begin());

    /* Save cache image */
    Image2D image(PixelFormat::Red, PixelType::UnsignedByte);
    cache.texture().image(0, image);
    auto tgaData = Trade::TgaImageConverter().exportToData(image);

    std::vector<std::pair<std::string, Containers::Array<char>>> out;
    out.emplace_back(filename + ".conf", std::move(confData));
    out.emplace_back(filename + ".tga", std::move(tgaData));
    return out;