Exemple #1
bool GrGLCaps::init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface* gli) {

    if (!ctxInfo.isInitialized()) {
        return false;

    GrGLStandard standard = ctxInfo.standard();
    GrGLVersion version = ctxInfo.version();

     * Caps specific to GrGLCaps

    if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) {
    } else {
        SkASSERT(kGL_GrGLStandard == standard);
        GrGLint max;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &max);
        fMaxFragmentUniformVectors = max / 4;
        if (version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 2)) {
            GrGLint profileMask;
            GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, &profileMask);
            fIsCoreProfile = SkToBool(profileMask & GR_GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT);
        if (!fIsCoreProfile) {
            GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS, &fMaxFixedFunctionTextureCoords);
            // Sanity check
            SkASSERT(fMaxFixedFunctionTextureCoords > 0 && fMaxFixedFunctionTextureCoords < 128);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &fMaxVertexAttributes);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &fMaxFragmentTextureUnits);

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = true;
    } else {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
                                    ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8") ||

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
    } else {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0);

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = false;
        fPackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fPackFlipYSupport = false;
    } else {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_CHROMIUM_flipy");
        fPackRowLengthSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
        fPackFlipYSupport =

    fTextureUsageSupport = (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) &&

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        // The EXT version can apply to either GL or GLES.
        fTexStorageSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(4,2) ||
                             ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_storage") ||
    } else {
        // Qualcomm Adreno drivers appear to have issues with texture storage.
        fTexStorageSupport = (version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) &&
                              kQualcomm_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) ||

    // ARB_texture_rg is part of OpenGL 3.0, but mesa doesn't support it if
    // it doesn't have ARB_texture_rg extension.
    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        if (ctxInfo.isMesa()) {
            fTextureRedSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_rg");
        } else {
            fTextureRedSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
    } else {
        fTextureRedSupport =  version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||

    fImagingSupport = kGL_GrGLStandard == standard &&

    // ES 2 only guarantees RGBA/uchar + one other format/type combo for
    // ReadPixels. The other format has to checked at run-time since it
    // can change based on which render target is bound
    fTwoFormatLimit = kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard;

    // Known issue on at least some Intel platforms:
    // http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=946
    if (kIntel_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFragCoordsConventionSupport = ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration ||

    // SGX and Mali GPUs that are based on a tiled-deferred architecture that have trouble with
    // frequently changing VBOs. We've measured a performance increase using non-VBO vertex
    // data for dynamic content on these GPUs. Perhaps we should read the renderer string and
    // limit this decision to specific GPU families rather than basing it on the vendor alone.
    if (!GR_GL_MUST_USE_VBO &&
        (kARM_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor() || kImagination_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor())) {
        fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData = true;

    if ((kGL_GrGLStandard == standard && version >= GR_GL_VER(4,3)) ||
        (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard && version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0)) ||
        ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata")) {
        fDiscardRenderTargetSupport = true;
        fInvalidateFBType = kInvalidate_InvalidateFBType;
    } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer")) {
        fDiscardRenderTargetSupport = true;
        fInvalidateFBType = kDiscard_InvalidateFBType;

    if (kARM_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor() || kImagination_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFullClearIsFree = true;

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||
    } else {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||

    if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            fFBFetchType = kEXT_FBFetchType;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            fFBFetchType = kNV_FBFetchType;

    // Adreno GPUs have a tendency to drop tiles when there is a divide-by-zero in a shader
    fDropsTileOnZeroDivide = kQualcomm_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor();

    this->initFSAASupport(ctxInfo, gli);

     * GrDrawTargetCaps fields
    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        // we could also look for GL_ATI_separate_stencil extension or
        // GL_EXT_stencil_two_side but they use different function signatures
        // than GL2.0+ (and than each other).
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0));
        // supported on GL 1.4 and higher or by extension
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(1,4)) ||
    } else {
        // ES 2 has two sided stencil and stencil wrap
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = true;
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = true;

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fMapBufferFlags = kCanMap_MapFlag; // we require VBO support and the desktop VBO
                                            // extension includes glMapBuffer.
        if (version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) || ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_map_buffer_range")) {
            fMapBufferFlags |= kSubset_MapFlag;
            fMapBufferType = kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType;
        } else {
            fMapBufferType = kMapBuffer_MapBufferType;
    } else {
        // Unextended GLES2 doesn't have any buffer mapping.
        fMapBufferFlags = kNone_MapBufferType;
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_CHROMIUM_map_sub")) {
            fMapBufferFlags = kCanMap_MapFlag | kSubset_MapFlag;
            fMapBufferType = kChromium_MapBufferType;
        } else if (version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) || ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_map_buffer_range")) {
            fMapBufferFlags = kCanMap_MapFlag | kSubset_MapFlag;
            fMapBufferType = kMapBufferRange_MapBufferType;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_mapbuffer")) {
            fMapBufferFlags = kCanMap_MapFlag;
            fMapBufferType = kMapBuffer_MapBufferType;

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        SkASSERT(ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0) ||
        fNPOTTextureTileSupport = true;
        fMipMapSupport = true;
    } else {
        // Unextended ES2 supports NPOT textures with clamp_to_edge and non-mip filters only
        // ES3 has no limitations.
        fNPOTTextureTileSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
        // ES2 supports MIP mapping for POT textures but our caps don't allow for limited MIP
        // support. The OES extension or ES 3.0 allow for MIPS on NPOT textures. So, apparently,
        // does the undocumented GL_IMG_texture_npot extension. This extension does not seem to
        // to alllow arbitrary wrap modes, however.
        fMipMapSupport = fNPOTTextureTileSupport || ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_IMG_texture_npot");

    fHWAALineSupport = (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard);

    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &fMaxTextureSize);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &fMaxRenderTargetSize);
    // Our render targets are always created with textures as the color
    // attachment, hence this min:
    fMaxRenderTargetSize = SkTMin(fMaxTextureSize, fMaxRenderTargetSize);

    fPathRenderingSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_NV_path_rendering") &&

    fGpuTracingSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_debug_marker");

    fDstReadInShaderSupport = kNone_FBFetchType != fFBFetchType;

    // Disable scratch texture reuse on Mali and Adreno devices
    fReuseScratchTextures = kARM_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor() &&
                            kQualcomm_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor();

    // Enable supported shader-related caps
    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fDualSourceBlendingSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
        // we don't support GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, just GL 3.2+ GS
        fGeometryShaderSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,2) &&
                                 ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration;
    } else {
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_standard_derivatives");

    if (GrGLCaps::kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG, &fMaxSampleCount);
    } else if (GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES, &fMaxSampleCount);

    this->initConfigTexturableTable(ctxInfo, gli);

    return true;
Exemple #2
void GrGLCaps::init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo) {

    if (!ctxInfo.isInitialized()) {

    const GrGLInterface* gli = ctxInfo.interface();
    GrGLBinding binding = ctxInfo.binding();
    GrGLVersion version = ctxInfo.version();

    if (kES2_GrGLBinding == binding) {
    } else {
        GrAssert(kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding);
        GrGLint max;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &max);
        fMaxFragmentUniformVectors = max / 4;
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &fMaxVertexAttributes);

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = true;
    } else {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8") ||

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fBGRAFormatSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(1,2) ||
    } else {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
            fBGRAIsInternalFormat = true;
        GrAssert(fBGRAFormatSupport ||
                 kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig != kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig);

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
    } else {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = false;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = false;
        fPackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fPackFlipYSupport = false;
    } else {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport =ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_unpack_subimage");
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_CHROMIUM_flipy");
        // no extension for pack row length
        fPackRowLengthSupport = false;
        fPackFlipYSupport =

    fTextureUsageSupport = (kES2_GrGLBinding == binding) &&

    // Tex storage is in desktop 4.2 and can be an extension to desktop or ES.
    fTexStorageSupport = (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding &&
                          version >= GR_GL_VER(4,2)) ||
                         ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_storage") ||

    // ARB_texture_rg is part of OpenGL 3.0
    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fTextureRedSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
    } else {
        fTextureRedSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_rg");

    fImagingSupport = kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding &&

    // ES 2 only guarantees RGBA/uchar + one other format/type combo for
    // ReadPixels. The other format has to checked at run-time since it
    // can change based on which render target is bound
    fTwoFormatLimit = kES2_GrGLBinding == binding;

    // Known issue on at least some Intel platforms:
    // http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=946
    if (kIntel_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFragCoordsConventionSupport = ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration ||

bool GrGLSLCaps::init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo,
                      const GrGLInterface* gli,
                      const GrGLCaps& glCaps) {
    if (!ctxInfo.isInitialized()) {
        return false;

    GrGLStandard standard = ctxInfo.standard();
    GrGLVersion version = ctxInfo.version();

    * Caps specific to GrGLSLCaps

    if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput = (version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0));
            fFBFetchSupport = true;
            fFBFetchColorName = "gl_LastFragData[0]";
            fFBFetchExtensionString = "GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch";
        else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            // Actually, we haven't seen an ES3.0 device with this extension yet, so we don't know
            fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput = false;
            fFBFetchSupport = true;
            fFBFetchColorName = "gl_LastFragData[0]";
            fFBFetchExtensionString = "GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch";
        else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            // The arm extension also requires an additional flag which we will set onResetContext
            fFBFetchNeedsCustomOutput = false;
            fFBFetchSupport = true;
            fFBFetchColorName = "gl_LastFragColorARM";
            fFBFetchExtensionString = "GL_ARM_shader_framebuffer_fetch";

    // Adreno GPUs have a tendency to drop tiles when there is a divide-by-zero in a shader
    fDropsTileOnZeroDivide = kQualcomm_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor();

    * GrShaderCaps fields

    fPathRenderingSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_NV_path_rendering");

    if (fPathRenderingSupport) {
        if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
            // We only support v1.3+ of GL_NV_path_rendering which allows us to
            // set individual fragment inputs with ProgramPathFragmentInputGen. The API
            // additions are detected by checking the existence of the function.
            fPathRenderingSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_direct_state_access") &&
                                    ((ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(4, 3) ||
                                      ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_program_interface_query")) &&
        else {
            fPathRenderingSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3, 1);

    // For now these two are equivalent but we could have dst read in shader via some other method
    fDstReadInShaderSupport = fFBFetchSupport;

    // Enable supported shader-related caps
    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fDualSourceBlendingSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3, 3) ||
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
        // we don't support GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, just GL 3.2+ GS
        fGeometryShaderSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3, 2) &&
                                 ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration;
    else {
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||

    if (glCaps.advancedBlendEquationSupport()) {
        bool coherent = glCaps.advancedCoherentBlendEquationSupport();
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension(coherent ? "GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent"
                                 : "GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced")) {
            fAdvBlendEqInteraction = kAutomatic_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
        } else {
            fAdvBlendEqInteraction = kGeneralEnable_AdvBlendEqInteraction;
            // TODO: Use the following on any platform where "blend_support_all_equations" is slow.
            //fAdvBlendEqInteraction = kSpecificEnables_AdvBlendEqInteraction;

    this->initShaderPrecisionTable(ctxInfo, gli);

    return true;
Exemple #4
void GrGLCaps::init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface* gli) {

    if (!ctxInfo.isInitialized()) {

    GrGLBinding binding = ctxInfo.binding();
    GrGLVersion version = ctxInfo.version();

     * Caps specific to GrGLCaps

    if (kES2_GrGLBinding == binding) {
    } else {
        GrAssert(kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding);
        GrGLint max;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &max);
        fMaxFragmentUniformVectors = max / 4;
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &fMaxVertexAttributes);

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = true;
    } else {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8") ||

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fBGRAFormatSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(1,2) ||
    } else {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
            fBGRAIsInternalFormat = true;
        GrAssert(fBGRAFormatSupport ||
                 kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig != kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig);

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
    } else {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = false;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = false;
        fPackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fPackFlipYSupport = false;
    } else {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport =ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_unpack_subimage");
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_CHROMIUM_flipy");
        // no extension for pack row length
        fPackRowLengthSupport = false;
        fPackFlipYSupport =

    fTextureUsageSupport = (kES2_GrGLBinding == binding) &&

    // Tex storage is in desktop 4.2 and can be an extension to desktop or ES.
    fTexStorageSupport = (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding &&
                          version >= GR_GL_VER(4,2)) ||
                         ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_storage") ||

    // ARB_texture_rg is part of OpenGL 3.0
    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fTextureRedSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
    } else {
        fTextureRedSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_rg");

    fImagingSupport = kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding &&

    // ES 2 only guarantees RGBA/uchar + one other format/type combo for
    // ReadPixels. The other format has to checked at run-time since it
    // can change based on which render target is bound
    fTwoFormatLimit = kES2_GrGLBinding == binding;

    // Known issue on at least some Intel platforms:
    // http://code.google.com/p/skia/issues/detail?id=946
    if (kIntel_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFragCoordsConventionSupport = ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration ||

    // SGX and Mali GPUs that are based on a tiled-deferred architecture that have trouble with
    // frequently changing VBOs. We've measured a performance increase using non-VBO vertex
    // data for dynamic content on these GPUs. Perhaps we should read the renderer string and
    // limit this decision to specific GPU families rather than basing it on the vendor alone.
    if (!GR_GL_MUST_USE_VBO &&
        (kARM_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor() || kImagination_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor())) {
        fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData = true;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding && version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 2)) {
        GrGLint profileMask;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, &profileMask);
        fIsCoreProfile = SkToBool(profileMask & GR_GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT);

    fDiscardFBSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer");

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||
    } else {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_vertex_array_object");

    this->initFSAASupport(ctxInfo, gli);

     * GrDrawTargetCaps fields
    GrGLint maxTextureUnits;
    // check FS and fixed-function texture unit limits
    // we only use textures in the fragment stage currently.
    // checks are > to make sure we have a spare unit.
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &maxTextureUnits);

    GrGLint numFormats;
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &numFormats);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<10, GrGLint> formats(numFormats);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, formats);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFormats; ++i) {
        if (formats[i] == GR_GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8) {
            f8BitPaletteSupport = true;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        // we could also look for GL_ATI_separate_stencil extension or
        // GL_EXT_stencil_two_side but they use different function signatures
        // than GL2.0+ (and than each other).
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0));
        // supported on GL 1.4 and higher or by extension
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(1,4)) ||
    } else {
        // ES 2 has two sided stencil and stencil wrap
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = true;
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = true;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fBufferLockSupport = true; // we require VBO support and the desktop VBO extension includes
                                   // glMapBuffer.
    } else {
        fBufferLockSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_mapbuffer");

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        if (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0) ||
            ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) {
            fNPOTTextureTileSupport = true;
        } else {
            fNPOTTextureTileSupport = false;
    } else {
        // Unextended ES2 supports NPOT textures with clamp_to_edge and non-mip filters only
        fNPOTTextureTileSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_texture_npot");

    fHWAALineSupport = (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding);

    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &fMaxTextureSize);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &fMaxRenderTargetSize);
    // Our render targets are always created with textures as the color
    // attachment, hence this min:
    fMaxRenderTargetSize = GrMin(fMaxTextureSize, fMaxRenderTargetSize);

    fPathStencilingSupport = GR_GL_USE_NV_PATH_RENDERING &&

    // Enable supported shader-related caps
    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fDualSourceBlendingSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
        // we don't support GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, just GL 3.2+ GS
        fGeometryShaderSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,2) &&
                                 ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration;
    } else {
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_standard_derivatives");

    if (GrGLCaps::kImaginationES_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG, &fMaxSampleCount);
    } else if (GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES, &fMaxSampleCount);