void GroupMgr::LoadGroups()
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all groups whose leader does not exist
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE leaderGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)");
        // Delete all groups with less than 2 members
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM group_member GROUP BY guid HAVING COUNT(guid) > 1)");

        //                                                        0              1           2             3                 4      5          6      7         8       9
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT g.leaderGuid, g.lootMethod, g.looterGuid, g.lootThreshold, g.icon1, g.icon2, g.icon3, g.icon4, g.icon5, g.icon6"
            //  10         11          12         13              14                  15                     16             17          18         19
            ", g.icon7, g.icon8, g.groupType, g.difficulty, g.raiddifficulty, g.legacyRaidDifficulty, g.masterLooterGuid, g.guid, lfg.dungeon, lfg.state FROM groups g LEFT JOIN lfg_data lfg ON lfg.guid = g.guid ORDER BY g.guid ASC");
        if (!result)
            TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = new Group;

            // Get the ID used for storing the group in the database and register it in the pool.
            uint32 storageId = group->GetDbStoreId();

            RegisterGroupDbStoreId(storageId, group);

            // Increase the next available storage ID
            if (storageId == NextGroupDbStoreId)

        while (result->NextRow());

        TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u group definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Group members...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all rows from group_member or group_instance with no group
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM groups)");
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_instance WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM groups)");
        // Delete all members that does not exist
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE memberGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)");

        //                                                    0        1           2            3       4
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, memberGuid, memberFlags, subgroup, roles FROM group_member ORDER BY guid");
        if (!result)
            TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 group members. DB table `group_member` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;

            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = GetGroupByDbStoreId(fields[0].GetUInt32());

            if (group)
                group->LoadMemberFromDB(fields[1].GetUInt64(), fields[2].GetUInt8(), fields[3].GetUInt8(), fields[4].GetUInt8());
                TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "GroupMgr::LoadGroups: Consistency failed, can't find group (storage id: %u)", fields[0].GetUInt32());

        while (result->NextRow());

        TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u group members in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Group instance saves...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();
        //                                                   0           1        2              3             4             5            6
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT gi.guid, i.map, gi.instance, gi.permanent, i.difficulty, i.resettime, COUNT(g.guid) "
            "FROM group_instance gi INNER JOIN instance i ON gi.instance = i.id "
            "LEFT JOIN character_instance ci LEFT JOIN groups g ON g.leaderGuid = ci.guid ON ci.instance = gi.instance AND ci.permanent = 1 GROUP BY gi.instance ORDER BY gi.guid");
        if (!result)
            TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 group-instance saves. DB table `group_instance` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = GetGroupByDbStoreId(fields[0].GetUInt32());
            // group will never be NULL (we have run consistency sql's before loading)

            MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(fields[1].GetUInt16());
            if (!mapEntry || !mapEntry->IsDungeon())
                TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Incorrect entry in group_instance table : no dungeon map %d", fields[1].GetUInt16());

            uint32 diff = fields[4].GetUInt8();
            DifficultyEntry const* difficultyEntry = sDifficultyStore.LookupEntry(diff);
            if (!difficultyEntry || difficultyEntry->InstanceType != mapEntry->InstanceType)

            InstanceSave* save = sInstanceSaveMgr->AddInstanceSave(mapEntry->ID, fields[2].GetUInt32(), Difficulty(diff), time_t(fields[5].GetUInt32()), fields[6].GetUInt64() != 0, true);
            group->BindToInstance(save, fields[3].GetBool(), true);
        while (result->NextRow());

        TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u group-instance saves in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));
void GroupMgr::LoadGroups()
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all groups whose leader does not exist
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE leaderGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)");
        // Delete all groups with less than 2 members (or less than 1 for lfg groups)
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE groups FROM groups LEFT JOIN ((SELECT guid, count(*) as cnt FROM group_member GROUP BY guid) t) ON groups.guid = t.guid WHERE t.guid IS NULL OR (t.cnt<=1 AND groups.groupType <> 12)");
        // Delete invalid lfg_data
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE lfg_data FROM lfg_data LEFT JOIN groups ON lfg_data.guid = groups.guid WHERE groups.guid IS NULL OR groups.groupType <> 12");
        // CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE groups FROM groups LEFT JOIN lfg_data ON groups.guid = lfg_data.guid WHERE groups.groupType=12 AND lfg_data.guid IS NULL"); // group should be left so binds are cleared when disbanded


        //                                                        0              1           2             3                 4      5          6      7         8       9
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT g.leaderGuid, g.lootMethod, g.looterGuid, g.lootThreshold, g.icon1, g.icon2, g.icon3, g.icon4, g.icon5, g.icon6"
            //  10         11          12         13              14                  15            16        17          18
            ", g.icon7, g.icon8, g.groupType, g.difficulty, g.raiddifficulty, g.masterLooterGuid, g.guid, lfg.dungeon, lfg.state FROM groups g LEFT JOIN lfg_data lfg ON lfg.guid = g.guid ORDER BY g.guid ASC");

        if (!result)
            sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!");
            uint32 count = 0;
                Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                Group* group = new Group;
                if (!group->LoadGroupFromDB(fields))
                    delete group;


            while (result->NextRow());

            sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    sLog->outString("Loading Group members...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all rows from group_member with no group
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM groups)");
        // Delete all members that does not exist
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE memberGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)");

        //                                                    0        1           2            3       4
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, memberGuid, memberFlags, subgroup, roles FROM group_member ORDER BY guid");
        if (!result)
            sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group members. DB table `group_member` is empty!");
            uint32 count = 0;
                Field* fields = result->Fetch();
                Group* group = GetGroupByGUID(fields[0].GetUInt32());

                if (group)
                    group->LoadMemberFromDB(fields[1].GetUInt32(), fields[2].GetUInt8(), fields[3].GetUInt8(), fields[4].GetUInt8());
                //    sLog->outError("GroupMgr::LoadGroups: Consistency failed, can't find group (storage id: %u)", fields[0].GetUInt32());

            while (result->NextRow());

            sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group members in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));
Exemple #3
void GroupMgr::LoadGroups()
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all groups whose leader does not exist
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE leaderGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)");
        // Delete all groups with less than 2 members
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM group_member GROUP BY guid HAVING COUNT(guid) > 1)");

        //                                                        0           1           2             3          4      5      6      7      8     9
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT leaderGuid, lootMethod, looterGuid, lootThreshold, icon1, icon2, icon3, icon4, icon5, icon6"
            //                                                10     11     12         13              14        15
            ", icon7, icon8, groupType, difficulty, raiddifficulty, guid FROM groups ORDER BY guid ASC");
        if (!result)
            sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = new Group;

            // Get the ID used for storing the group in the database and register it in the pool.
            uint32 storageId = group->GetDbStoreId();

            RegisterGroupDbStoreId(storageId, group);

            // Increase the next available storage ID
            if (storageId == NextGroupDbStoreId)

        while (result->NextRow());

        sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    sLog->outString("Loading Group members...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all rows from group_member or group_instance with no group
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM groups)");
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_instance WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM groups)");
        // Delete all members that does not exist
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM group_member WHERE memberGuid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM characters)");

        //                                                    0        1           2            3       4
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, memberGuid, memberFlags, subgroup, roles FROM group_member ORDER BY guid");
        if (!result)
            sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group members. DB table `group_member` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;

            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = GetGroupByDbStoreId(fields[0].GetUInt32());

            if (group)
                group->LoadMemberFromDB(fields[1].GetUInt32(), fields[2].GetUInt8(), fields[3].GetUInt8(), fields[4].GetUInt8());
                sLog->outError("GroupMgr::LoadGroups: Consistency failed, can't find group (storage id: %u)", fields[0].GetUInt32());

        while (result->NextRow());

        sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group members in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    sLog->outString("Loading Group instance saves...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();
        //                                                   0           1        2              3             4             5            6
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT gi.guid, i.map, gi.instance, gi.permanent, i.difficulty, i.resettime, COUNT(g.guid) "
            "FROM group_instance gi INNER JOIN instance i ON gi.instance = i.id "
            "LEFT JOIN character_instance ci LEFT JOIN groups g ON g.leaderGuid = ci.guid ON ci.instance = gi.instance AND ci.permanent = 1 GROUP BY gi.instance ORDER BY gi.guid");
        if (!result)
            sLog->outString(">> Loaded 0 group-instance saves. DB table `group_instance` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = GetGroupByDbStoreId(fields[0].GetUInt32());
            // group will never be NULL (we have run consistency sql's before loading)

            MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(fields[1].GetUInt32());
            if (!mapEntry || !mapEntry->IsDungeon())
                sLog->outErrorDb("Incorrect entry in group_instance table : no dungeon map %d", fields[1].GetUInt32());

            uint32 diff = fields[4].GetUInt8();
            if (diff >= uint32(mapEntry->IsRaid() ? MAX_RAID_DIFFICULTY : MAX_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY))
                sLog->outErrorDb("Wrong dungeon difficulty use in group_instance table: %d", diff + 1);
                diff = 0;                                   // default for both difficaly types

            InstanceSave* save = sInstanceSaveMgr->AddInstanceSave(mapEntry->MapID, fields[2].GetUInt32(), Difficulty(diff), time_t(fields[5].GetUInt64()), fields[6].GetBool(), true);
            group->BindToInstance(save, fields[3].GetBool(), true);
        while (result->NextRow());

        sLog->outString(">> Loaded %u group-instance saves in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));
Exemple #4
void GroupMgr::LoadGroups()
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        // Delete all groups with less than 2 members
        CharacterDatabase.DirectExecute("DELETE FROM groups WHERE guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM group_member GROUP BY guid HAVING COUNT(guid) > 1)");

        //                                                        0              1           2             3                 4      5          6      7         8       9
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT g.leaderGuid, g.lootMethod, g.looterGuid, g.lootThreshold, g.icon1, g.icon2, g.icon3, g.icon4, g.icon5, g.icon6"
            //  10         11          12         13              14            15         16           17
            ", g.icon7, g.icon8, g.groupType, g.difficulty, g.raiddifficulty, g.guid, lfg.dungeon, lfg.state FROM groups g LEFT JOIN lfg_data lfg ON lfg.guid = g.guid ORDER BY g.guid ASC");

        if (!result)
            TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 group definitions. DB table `groups` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = new Group(fields[15].GetUInt32());

        while (result->NextRow());

        TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u group definitions in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Group members...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();

        //                                                    0        1           2            3       4
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT guid, memberGuid, memberFlags, subgroup, roles FROM group_member ORDER BY guid");
        if (!result)
            TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 group members. DB table `group_member` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;

            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = GetGroupByGUID(fields[0].GetUInt32());

            if (group)
                group->LoadMemberFromDB(fields[1].GetUInt32(), fields[2].GetUInt8(), fields[3].GetUInt8(), fields[4].GetUInt8());
                TC_LOG_ERROR("misc", "GroupMgr::LoadGroups: Consistency failed, can't find group (storage id: %u)", fields[0].GetUInt32());

        while (result->NextRow());

        TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u group members in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));

    TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", "Loading Group instance saves...");
        uint32 oldMSTime = getMSTime();
        //                                                   0           1        2              3             4             5            6
        QueryResult result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT gi.guid, i.map, gi.instance, gi.permanent, i.difficulty, i.resettime, COUNT(g.guid) "
            "FROM group_instance gi INNER JOIN instance i ON gi.instance = i.id "
            "LEFT JOIN character_instance ci LEFT JOIN groups g ON g.leaderGuid = ci.guid ON ci.instance = gi.instance AND ci.permanent = 1 "
            "GROUP BY gi.guid, i.map, gi.instance, gi.permanent, i.difficulty, i.resettime ORDER BY gi.guid");
        if (!result)
            TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded 0 group-instance saves. DB table `group_instance` is empty!");

        uint32 count = 0;
            Field* fields = result->Fetch();
            Group* group = GetGroupByGUID(fields[0].GetUInt32());
            // group will never be NULL (we have run consistency sql's before loading)

            MapEntry const* mapEntry = sMapStore.LookupEntry(fields[1].GetUInt16());
            if (!mapEntry || !mapEntry->IsDungeon())
                TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Incorrect entry in group_instance table : no dungeon map %d", fields[1].GetUInt16());

            uint32 diff = fields[4].GetUInt8();
            if (diff >= uint32(mapEntry->IsRaid() ? MAX_RAID_DIFFICULTY : MAX_DUNGEON_DIFFICULTY))
                TC_LOG_ERROR("sql.sql", "Wrong dungeon difficulty use in group_instance table: %d", diff + 1);
                diff = 0;                                   // default for both difficaly types

            InstanceSave* save = sInstanceSaveMgr->AddInstanceSave(mapEntry->MapID, fields[2].GetUInt32(), Difficulty(diff), time_t(fields[5].GetUInt32()), (bool)fields[6].GetUInt64(), true);
            group->BindToInstance(save, fields[3].GetBool(), true);
        while (result->NextRow());

        TC_LOG_INFO("server.loading", ">> Loaded %u group-instance saves in %u ms", count, GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime));