bool handle_args (EnvT* e)

    // handle Log options passing via Keywords
    // note: undocumented keywords [xyz]type still exist and
    // have priority on [xyz]log ! 
    static int xTypeIx = e->KeywordIx( "XTYPE" );
    static int yTypeIx = e->KeywordIx( "YTYPE" );
    static int zTypeIx = e->KeywordIx( "ZTYPE" );
    static int xLogIx = e->KeywordIx( "XLOG" );
    static int yLogIx = e->KeywordIx( "YLOG" );
    static int zLogIx = e->KeywordIx( "ZLOG" );
    static int xTickunitsIx = e->KeywordIx( "XTICKUNITS" );
    static int yTickunitsIx = e->KeywordIx( "YTICKUNITS" );
    static int zTickunitsIx = e->KeywordIx( "ZTICKUNITS" );

    if ( e->KeywordPresent( xTypeIx ) ) xLog = e->KeywordSet( xTypeIx ); else xLog = e->KeywordSet( xLogIx );
    if ( e->KeywordPresent( yTypeIx ) ) yLog = e->KeywordSet( yTypeIx ); else yLog = e->KeywordSet( yLogIx );
    if ( e->KeywordPresent( zTypeIx ) ) zLog = e->KeywordSet( zTypeIx ); else zLog = e->KeywordSet( zLogIx );

    if ( xLog && e->KeywordSet( xTickunitsIx ) ) {
      Message( "PLOT: LOG setting ignored for Date/Time TICKUNITS." );
      xLog = FALSE;
    if ( yLog && e->KeywordSet( yTickunitsIx ) ) {
      Message( "PLOT: LOG setting ignored for Date/Time TICKUNITS." );
      yLog = FALSE;
    if ( zLog && e->KeywordSet( zTickunitsIx ) ) {
      Message( "PLOT: LOG setting ignored for Date/Time TICKUNITS." );
      zLog = FALSE;

      if ( nParam ( )==1 )
        if ( (e->GetNumericArrayParDefined ( 0 ))->Rank ( )!=2 )
          e->Throw ( "Array must have 2 dimensions: "
                     +e->GetParString ( 0 ) );

        BaseGDL* p0=e->GetNumericArrayParDefined ( 0 )->Transpose ( NULL );
        ( p0->Convert2 ( GDL_DOUBLE, BaseGDL::COPY ) );
        p0_guard.reset ( p0 ); // delete upon exit

        if ( zVal->Rank ( )!=2 )
          e->Throw ( "Array must have 2 dimensions: "
                     +e->GetParString ( 0 ) );

        xEl=zVal->Dim ( 1 );
        yEl=zVal->Dim ( 0 );

        xVal=new DDoubleGDL ( dimension ( xEl ), BaseGDL::INDGEN );
        xval_guard.reset ( xVal ); // delete upon exit
        if (xLog) xVal->Inc();
        yVal=new DDoubleGDL ( dimension ( yEl ), BaseGDL::INDGEN );
        yval_guard.reset ( yVal ); // delete upon exit
        if (yLog) yVal->Inc();
      else if ( nParam ( )==2||nParam ( )>3 )
        e->Throw ( "Incorrect number of arguments." );
        BaseGDL* p0=e->GetNumericArrayParDefined ( 0 )->Transpose ( NULL );
        ( p0->Convert2 ( GDL_DOUBLE, BaseGDL::COPY ) );
        p0_guard.reset ( p0 ); // delete upon exit

        if ( zVal->Rank ( )!=2 )
          e->Throw ( "Array must have 2 dimensions: "
                     +e->GetParString ( 0 ) );
        xVal=e->GetParAs< DDoubleGDL>( 1 );
        yVal=e->GetParAs< DDoubleGDL>( 2 );

        if ( xVal->Rank ( )!=1 )
          e->Throw ( "Unable to handle non-vectorial array "+e->GetParString ( 1 )+" (FIXME!)" );

        if ( yVal->Rank ( )!=1 )
          e->Throw ( "Unable to handle non-vectorial array "+e->GetParString ( 1 )+" (FIXME!)" );

        if ( xVal->Rank ( )==1 )
          xEl=xVal->Dim ( 0 );

          if ( xEl!=zVal->Dim ( 1 ) )
            e->Throw ( "X, Y, or Z array dimensions are incompatible." );

        if ( yVal->Rank ( )==1 )
          yEl=yVal->Dim ( 0 );

          if ( yEl!=zVal->Dim ( 0 ) )
            e->Throw ( "X, Y, or Z array dimensions are incompatible." );


      GetMinMaxVal ( xVal, &xStart, &xEnd );
      GetMinMaxVal ( yVal, &yStart, &yEnd );
      //XRANGE and YRANGE overrides all that, but  Start/End should be recomputed accordingly
      DDouble xAxisStart, xAxisEnd, yAxisStart, yAxisEnd;
      bool setx=gdlGetDesiredAxisRange(e, "X", xAxisStart, xAxisEnd);
      bool sety=gdlGetDesiredAxisRange(e, "Y", yAxisStart, yAxisEnd);
      if(setx && sety)
      else if (sety)
      else if (setx)
        //must compute min-max for other axis!
      // z range
      GetMinMaxVal ( zVal, &datamin, &datamax );
      setZrange = gdlGetDesiredAxisRange(e, "Z", zStart, zEnd);

      //SHADES: Doing the job will be for nothing since plplot does not give the functionality.
      static int shadesIx=e->KeywordIx ( "SHADES" ); doShade=false;
      if ( e->GetKW ( shadesIx )!=NULL )
        shades=e->GetKWAs<DLongGDL>( shadesIx ); doShade=true;
      } else {
        // Get COLOR from PLOT system variable
        static DStructGDL* pStruct=SysVar::P();
        shades=new DLongGDL( 1, BaseGDL::NOZERO );
        shades_guard.Init ( shades ); // delete upon exit
        shades=static_cast<DLongGDL*>(pStruct->GetTag(pStruct->Desc()->TagIndex("COLOR"), 0)); doShade=false;
      if (doShade) Warning ( "SHADE_SURF: SHADES array ignored, shading with current color table." );
        return false;
Exemple #2
  bool handle_args(EnvT* e) 

      static int t3dIx = e->KeywordIx( "T3D");
      doT3d=(e->KeywordSet(t3dIx)|| T3Denabled());

      //note: Z (VALUE) will be used uniquely if Z is not effectively defined.
      static int zvIx = e->KeywordIx( "ZVALUE");
      e->AssureDoubleScalarKWIfPresent ( zvIx, zValue );
      zValue=min(zValue,0.999999); //to avoid problems with plplot

    // system variable !P.NSUM first
      DLong nsum=(*static_cast<DLongGDL*>(SysVar::P()-> GetTag(SysVar::P()->Desc()->TagIndex("NSUM"), 0)))[0];
      static int NSUMIx = e->KeywordIx( "NSUM");
      e->AssureLongScalarKWIfPresent( NSUMIx, nsum);

      static int polarIx = e->KeywordIx( "POLAR");
      bool polar = (e->KeywordSet(polarIx));

//    DDoubleGDL *yValBis, *xValBis;
//    Guard<BaseGDL> xvalBis_guard, yvalBis_guard;
      //test and transform eventually if POLAR and/or NSUM!
      if( nParam() == 1)
        yTemp = e->GetParAs< DDoubleGDL>( 0);
        if (yTemp->Rank() == 0)
          e->Throw("Expression must be an array in this context: "+e->GetParString(0));
        xTemp = new DDoubleGDL( dimension( xEl), BaseGDL::INDGEN);
        xtemp_guard.Reset( xTemp); // delete upon exit
        xTemp = e->GetParAs< DDoubleGDL>( 0);
        if (xTemp->Rank() == 0)
          e->Throw("Expression must be an array in this context: "+e->GetParString(0));
        yTemp = e->GetParAs< DDoubleGDL>( 1);
        if (yTemp->Rank() == 0)
          e->Throw("Expression must be an array in this context: "+e->GetParString(1));
        //silently drop unmatched values
        if (yEl != xEl)
          SizeT size;
          size = min(xEl, yEl);
          xEl = size;
          yEl = size;
      //check nsum validity

      if (nsum == 1)
        if (polar)
          xVal = new DDoubleGDL(dimension(xEl), BaseGDL::NOZERO);
          xval_guard.Reset(xVal); // delete upon exit
          yVal = new DDoubleGDL(dimension(yEl), BaseGDL::NOZERO);
          yval_guard.Reset(yVal); // delete upon exit
          for (int i = 0; i < xEl; i++) (*xVal)[i] = (*xTemp)[i] * cos((*yTemp)[i]);
          for (int i = 0; i < yEl; i++) (*yVal)[i] = (*xTemp)[i] * sin((*yTemp)[i]);
        { //careful about previously set autopointers!
          if (nParam() == 1) xval_guard.Init( xtemp_guard.release());
          xVal = xTemp;
          yVal = yTemp;
        int i, j, k;
        DLong size = (DLong)xEl / nsum;
        xVal = new DDoubleGDL(size, BaseGDL::ZERO); //SHOULD BE ZERO, IS NOT!
        xval_guard.Reset(xVal); // delete upon exit
        yVal = new DDoubleGDL(size, BaseGDL::ZERO); //IDEM
        yval_guard.Reset(yVal); // delete upon exit
        for (i = 0, k = 0; i < size; i++)
          (*xVal)[i] = 0.0;
          (*yVal)[i] = 0.0;
          for (j = 0; j < nsum; j++, k++)
            (*xVal)[i] += (*xTemp)[k];
            (*yVal)[i] += (*yTemp)[k];
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) (*xVal)[i] /= nsum;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) (*yVal)[i] /= nsum;

        if (polar)
          DDouble x, y;
          for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
            x = (*xVal)[i] * cos((*yVal)[i]);
            y = (*xVal)[i] * sin((*yVal)[i]);
            (*xVal)[i] = x;
            (*yVal)[i] = y;
    return false;