Exemple #1
bool GWFFileLoader::load(QString file_name, QObject *output)
    SCgScene *scene = qobject_cast<SCgScene*>(output);

    // read data from file
    QString errorStr;
    int errorLine;
    int errorColumn;

    QFile file(file_name);
    QDomDocument document;

    mFileName = file_name;

    if (!document.setContent(&file, &errorStr, &errorLine, &errorColumn))
        QMessageBox::information(0, qAppName(),
                                 QObject::tr("Error while opening file %1.\nParse error at line %2, column %3:\n%4")
        return false;

    // Read document
    GwfObjectInfoReader reader;
    if (! reader.read(document))
        mLastError = reader.lastError();
        return false;
    //Place objects to scene
    DefaultSCgObjectBuilder objectBuilder(scene);
    if (objectBuilder.hasErrors())
        mLastError = QObject::tr("Building process has finished with following errors:\n").arg(mFileName);
        foreach(const QString& str, objectBuilder.errorList())
            mLastError += str + '\n';

bool SCgTranslateGWFToSc::translate(QIODevice &device, ScMemoryInterface *memory, const ScUri &set)
    mScMemory = memory;
    Q_ASSERT(mScMemory != 0);

    QScopedPointer<ScHelperInterface> helper(SCgPlugin::rootInterface()->scHelper(mScMemory));

    // read data from gwf
    GwfObjectInfoReader reader;
    if (!reader.read(&device))
        qDebug() << "Error while translate to sc-code: " << reader.lastError();
        return false;

    // iterate all objects and resolve them
    GwfObjectInfoReader::TypeToObjectsMap::const_iterator it;
    for (it = reader.objectsInfo().begin(); it != reader.objectsInfo().end(); ++it)
        GwfObjectInfoReader::ObjectInfoList::const_iterator it_info;
        for (it_info = (*it).begin(); it_info != (*it).end(); ++it_info)

    // setup pair begin and end objects
    const GwfObjectInfoReader::ObjectInfoList &list = reader.objectsInfo()[SCgVisualObject::SCgPairType];
    GwfObjectInfoReader::ObjectInfoList::const_iterator it_info;
    for (it_info = list.begin(); it_info != list.end(); ++it_info)
        SCgPairInfo *pairInfo = static_cast<SCgPairInfo*>(*it_info);
        ScUri pair_uri = mIdToScUri[pairInfo->id()];

        // get begin and end uri's
        ScUri b = mIdToScUri[pairInfo->beginObjectId()];
        ScUri e = mIdToScUri[pairInfo->endObjectId()];

        // setup begin and end
        mScMemory->set_beg(pair_uri, b);
        mScMemory->set_end(pair_uri, e);

    // append objects into parent sets
    for (it = reader.objectsInfo().begin(); it != reader.objectsInfo().end(); ++it)
        for (it_info = (*it).begin(); it_info != (*it).end(); ++it_info)
            SCgObjectInfo *info = *it_info;

            // check if object has a parent
            if (info->parentId() != "0" && !info->parentId().isEmpty())
                ScUri uri = mIdToScUri[info->id()];
                ScUri parent = mIdToScUri[info->parentId()];

                // generate 5 elements construction to append new arc between parent and child into output set
                ScUriVector res;
                ScTemplate templ(parent,
                                 ScElementType(ScArcMain | ScConst | ScPos),
                                 ScElementType(ScArcMain | ScConst | ScPos),

                if (!helper->genElStr(templ, res))
                              QString("Can't append '%1' into '%1'").arg(uri.value()).arg(parent.value()),
                              "bool SCgTranslateGWFToSc::translate(QIODevice &device, ScMemoryInterface *memory, const ScUri &set)");

    // append all translated objects into output set
    ScUriList::iterator it_list;
    ScUriVector res;
    for (it_list = mTranslatedObjects.begin(); it_list != mTranslatedObjects.end(); ++it_list)
        if (!helper->genElStr(ScTemplate() << set << ScElementType(ScArcMain | ScConst| ScPos) << *it_list, res))
                      QString("Can't append '%1 into output set '%2").arg((*it_list).value()).arg(set.value()),
                      "bool SCgTranslateGWFToSc::translate(QIODevice &device, ScMemoryInterface *memory, const ScUri &set)");

    return true;