Exemple #1
static void test_file_attribute()
    int rdata[ATTR1_DIM1];
    int i;

    // Output message about test being performed
    SUBTEST("File Attribute");

    H5std_string file_name;
    try {
        // Create a file using default properties.
        H5File file5(FILE5, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);

        // Create the data space
        hsize_t dims[RANK1] = {ATTR1_DIM1};
        DataSpace space(RANK1, dims);

        // Create two attributes for the file
        Attribute fattr1(file5.createAttribute(FATTR1_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_FLOAT, space));
        Attribute fattr2(file5.createAttribute(FATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));

        fattr2.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, fattr_data);

        try {
            // Try to create the same attribute again (should fail)
            Attribute fattr_dup(file5.createAttribute(FATTR2_NAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));
            // Should FAIL but didn't, so throw an invalid action exception
            throw InvalidActionException("H5File createAttribute", "Attempted to create an existing attribute.");
        catch (AttributeIException& E) // catch creating existing attribute
        {} // do nothing, FAIL expected

        // Create a new dataset
        DataSet dataset(file5.createDataSet (DSETNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));

        // Create an attribute for the dataset
        Attribute dattr(dataset.createAttribute(DATTRNAME, PredType::NATIVE_INT, space));

        // Write data to the second file attribute
        dattr.write(PredType::NATIVE_INT, dattr_data);

        // Test flushing out the data from the attribute object

        // Get and verify the number of all objects in the file
        // Current: 1 file, 2 file attr, 1 ds, and 1 ds attr.
        ssize_t num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_ALL);
        verify_val(num_objs, 5, "H5File::getObjCount", __LINE__, __FILE__);

        num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_GROUP);
        verify_val(num_objs, 0, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_GROUP)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATASET);
        verify_val(num_objs, 1, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATASET)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_ATTR);
        verify_val(num_objs, 3, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_ATTR)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATATYPE);
        verify_val(num_objs, 0, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_DATATYPE)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        num_objs = file5.getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_FILE);
        verify_val(num_objs, 1, "H5File::getObjCount(H5F_OBJ_FILE)", __LINE__, __FILE__);
        // Get the file name using the attributes
        H5std_string fname = fattr1.getFileName();
        verify_val(fname, FILE5, "H5File::getFileName()", __LINE__, __FILE__);

        fname = dattr.getFileName();
        verify_val(fname, FILE5, "H5File::getFileName()", __LINE__, __FILE__);

        // Get the class of a file attribute's datatype
        H5T_class_t atclass = fattr1.getTypeClass();
        verify_val(atclass, H5T_FLOAT, "Attribute::getTypeClass()", __LINE__, __FILE__);

        // Get and verify the number of attributes attached to a file
        int n_attrs = file5.getNumAttrs();
        verify_val(n_attrs, 2, "H5File::getNumAttrs()", __LINE__, __FILE__);

        // Get and verify the number of attributes attached to a dataset
        n_attrs = 0;
        n_attrs = dataset.getNumAttrs();
        verify_val(n_attrs, 1, "DataSet::getNumAttrs()", __LINE__, __FILE__);

        // Read back attribute's data
        HDmemset(rdata, 0, sizeof(rdata));
        dattr.read(PredType::NATIVE_INT, rdata);
        /* Check results */
        for (i = 0; i < ATTR1_DIM1; i++) {
            if (rdata[i] != dattr_data[i]) {
                cerr << endl;
                cerr << "element [" << i << "] is " << rdata[i] <<
                        "but should have been " << dattr_data[i] << endl;
    }   // end of try block

    catch (Exception& E)
        issue_fail_msg("test_file_attribute()", __LINE__, __FILE__, E.getCDetailMsg());
}   // test_file_attribute()