void createNewProject() { if (!askToSaveProject()) return; static struct NewProjectParameters params; if (DialogBoxParam(fceu_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TASEDITOR_NEWPROJECT), taseditorWindow.hwndTASEditor, newProjectProc, (LPARAM)¶ms) > 0) { FCEUMOV_CreateCleanMovie(); // apply selected options setInputType(currMovieData, params.inputType); applyMovieInputConfig(); if (params.copyCurrentInput) // copy Input from current snapshot (from history) history.getCurrentSnapshot().inputlog.toMovie(currMovieData); if (!params.copyCurrentMarkers) markersManager.reset(); if (params.authorName != L"") currMovieData.comments.push_back(L"author " + params.authorName); // reset Taseditor project.init(); // new project has blank name greenzone.reset(); if (params.copyCurrentInput) // copy LagLog from current snapshot (from history) greenzone.lagLog = history.getCurrentSnapshot().laglog; playback.reset(); playback.restartPlaybackFromZeroGround(); bookmarks.reset(); branches.reset(); history.reset(); pianoRoll.reset(); selection.reset(); editor.reset(); splicer.reset(); recorder.reset(); popupDisplay.reset(); taseditorWindow.redraw(); taseditorWindow.updateCaption(); } }
// returns true if Taseditor is engaged at the end of the function bool enterTASEditor() { if (taseditorWindow.hwndTASEditor) { // TAS Editor is already engaged, just set focus to its window if (!taseditorConfig.windowIsMaximized) ShowWindow(taseditorWindow.hwndTASEditor, SW_SHOWNORMAL); SetForegroundWindow(taseditorWindow.hwndTASEditor); return true; } else if (FCEU_IsValidUI(FCEUI_TASEDITOR)) { // start TAS Editor // create window taseditorWindow.init(); if (taseditorWindow.hwndTASEditor) { enableGeneralKeyboardInput(); // save "eoptions" saved_eoptions = eoptions; // set "Run in background" eoptions |= EO_BGRUN; // "Set high-priority thread" eoptions |= EO_HIGHPRIO; DoPriority(); // switch off autosaves saved_EnableAutosave = EnableAutosave; EnableAutosave = 0; // switch on frame_display saved_frame_display = frame_display; frame_display = 1; UpdateCheckedMenuItems(); // init modules editor.init(); pianoRoll.init(); selection.init(); splicer.init(); playback.init(); greenzone.init(); recorder.init(); markersManager.init(); project.init(); bookmarks.init(); branches.init(); popupDisplay.init(); history.init(); taseditor_lua.init(); // either start new movie or use current movie if (!FCEUMOV_Mode(MOVIEMODE_RECORD|MOVIEMODE_PLAY) || currMovieData.savestate.size() != 0) { if (currMovieData.savestate.size() != 0) FCEUD_PrintError("This version of TAS Editor doesn't work with movies starting from savestate."); // create new movie FCEUI_StopMovie(); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR; FCEUMOV_CreateCleanMovie(); playback.restartPlaybackFromZeroGround(); } else { // use current movie to create a new project FCEUI_StopMovie(); movieMode = MOVIEMODE_TASEDITOR; } // if movie length is less or equal to currFrame, pad it with empty frames if (((int)currMovieData.records.size() - 1) < currFrameCounter) currMovieData.insertEmpty(-1, currFrameCounter - ((int)currMovieData.records.size() - 1)); // ensure that movie has correct set of ports/fourscore setInputType(currMovieData, getInputType(currMovieData)); // force the input configuration stored in the movie to apply to FCEUX config applyMovieInputConfig(); // reset some modules that need MovieData info pianoRoll.reset(); recorder.reset(); // create initial snapshot in history history.reset(); // reset Taseditor variables mustCallManualLuaFunction = false; SetFocus(history.hwndHistoryList); // set focus only once, to show blue selection cursor SetFocus(pianoRoll.hwndList); FCEU_DispMessage("TAS Editor engaged", 0); taseditorWindow.redraw(); return true; } else { // couldn't init window return false; } } else { // right now TAS Editor launch is not allowed by emulator return true; } }