WebSearchableFormData::WebSearchableFormData(const WebFormElement& form, const WebInputElement& selectedInputElement)
    HTMLFormElement* formElement = static_cast<HTMLFormElement*>(form);
    HTMLInputElement* inputElement = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(selectedInputElement);

    // Only consider forms that GET data.
    // Allow HTTPS only when an input element is provided.
    if (equalIgnoringCase(formElement->getAttribute(methodAttr), "post")
        || (!isHTTPFormSubmit(*formElement) && !inputElement))

    WTF::TextEncoding encoding;
    getFormEncoding(*formElement, &encoding);
    if (!encoding.isValid()) {
        // Need a valid encoding to encode the form elements.
        // If the encoding isn't found webkit ends up replacing the params with
        // empty strings. So, we don't try to do anything here.

    // Look for a suitable search text field in the form when a
    // selectedInputElement is not provided.
    if (!inputElement) {
        inputElement = findSuitableSearchInputElement(*formElement);

        // Return if no suitable text element has been found.
        if (!inputElement)

    HTMLFormControlElement* firstSubmitButton = buttonToActivate(*formElement);
    if (firstSubmitButton) {
        // The form does not have an active submit button, make the first button
        // active. We need to do this, otherwise the URL will not contain the
        // name of the submit button.

    Vector<char> encodedString;
    bool isValidSearchString = buildSearchString(*formElement, &encodedString, encoding, inputElement);

    if (firstSubmitButton)

    // Return if the search string is not valid.
    if (!isValidSearchString)

    String action(formElement->action());
    KURL url(formElement->document().completeURL(action.isNull() ? "" : action));
    RefPtr<EncodedFormData> formData = EncodedFormData::create(encodedString);
    m_url = url;
    m_encoding = String(encoding.name());