status_t HModuleRoster::HandleRequest( RequestPB *pb )
	BEntry		entry;
	BNode		node;
	BNodeInfo	info;
	char		mimeType[128], vmimeType[128];
	status_t 	status = B_OK;
	int32		parentCount = 0;
	BPath 		absPath, resourcePath( "/" );
	resourcePath.Append( pb->brURI->path );
	pb->resourcePath = &resourcePath;
	pb->mimeType = mimeType;
	// fix for "hostname//" request crash
	// wade majors <[email protected] - Mar-09-2001
    if (resourcePath.Path() == NULL)
      pb->resourcePath = &resourcePath;
	VResource	*vres = NULL;
	// *****
	// Look for "real" resource
	// *****
		// Small optimization... if not done, the path normalizer will 
		// be tickled when a resource does not exit
		if( (resourcePath.Path())[1] == 0 )
			status = B_ERROR;
		absPath.SetTo( pb->webDirectory->Path(), resourcePath.Path()+1 );

		if( (entry.SetTo( absPath.Path(), true ) == B_OK)&&(node.SetTo( &entry ) == B_OK)
		&&(info.SetTo( &node ) == B_OK) )
			const char *resMIME;
			// Cheap hack for directories without a MIME type
			if(info.GetType( mimeType ) != B_OK)
				strcpy( mimeType, "application/x-vnd.Be-directory" );
			if( (resMIME = pb->vresources->MatchVRes( pb->brURI->path, true, &vres )) )
				strcpy( vmimeType, resMIME );
				strcpy( vmimeType, mimeType );
	}while( (status = resourcePath.GetParent( &resourcePath )) == B_OK );
	if( node.InitCheck() )
	// *****
	// Look for Virtual Resource if no "real" resource was found.
	// *****
	if( (status != B_OK)||((parentCount != 0)&&(strcmp(mimeType, "application/x-vnd.Be-directory") == 0)) )
		const char *resMIME;
		if( (resMIME = pb->vresources->MatchVRes( pb->brURI->path, false, &vres )) )
			strcpy( vmimeType, resMIME );
			strcpy( mimeType, resMIME );
			HTTPResponse	response;
			response.SetHTMLMessage( 404 ); // Not Found
			pb->request->SendReply( &response );
			return B_ERROR;
	// *****
	// Find handler module for resource
	// *****
	HModule		*module, *prefModule = NULL;
	int32		priority, highestPriority = 0;
	for( int32 i=0; (module = (HModule *)moduleList.ItemAt(i)); i++ )
		if( module->CanHandleResource( vmimeType, pb->request->GetMethod(), &priority )&&
			(priority > highestPriority) )
			highestPriority = priority;
			prefModule = module;
	// *****
	// Setup PB
	// *****
	pb->HandleRequest = HModuleRoster::HandleRequest;
	pb->Logprintf = log_printf;
	pb->moduleList = &moduleList;
	if( vres )
		pb->authenticate = vres->Authenticate();
		pb->extras = &vres->extras;
		pb->extras = NULL;
	// *****
	// Invoke Handler Module to handle the request
	// *****
	if( highestPriority > 0 )
		status = prefModule->HandleRequest( pb );
		return status;
	else // No handler found... send error
		HTTPResponse	response;
		response.SetHTMLMessage( 501 ); // Not Implemented
		pb->request->SendReply( &response );
		return B_ERROR;
	return B_OK;
bool RHServer::MessageReceived( HTTPRequest *request )
	if (strlen(request->GetRequestLine()) > 4047)
		log_printf( "%ld ABUSE: Client may be attempting to perform overflow exploit, terminating connection\n", sn );
		HTTPResponse  response;
		response.SetHTMLMessage( 501 ); // Not Implemented
		request->SendReply( &response );
		return true;
	// ****
	// Make log entry of request and headers
	// ****
	//printf ("request: %s\n", request->GetRequestLine());
	log_printf( "%ld Request-Line: %s\n", sn, request->GetRequestLine() );
	const char *header;
	for ( int32 i = 0; (header = request->HeaderAt(i)); i++ )
		log_printf( "%ld Header: %s\n", sn, header );

	// ****
	// Setup URI
	// ****
	// Setup the broken URI
	brokenURI brURI;
	request->ParseURI( &brURI );
	int32 slength = uri_unescape_str( brURI.path, brURI.path, 4096 );
	// ****
	// Set Web Directory based on the "host" name from "virtual hosts" table.
	// ****
	VHost			*vhost;
	BPath			webDirectory;
	const char 		*webIndex;
	// Get host_name
	// If hostName was not found in URI, set to Host header or default if none
	if([0] == 0 )
		if( !request->FindHeader( kHEAD_HOST,, 64 ) )
			strcpy(, kDEFAULT_HOST ); // Set to default host
	// Find Host in virtual hosts table
	if( (vhost = virtualHosts->FindVHost( )) == NULL )
		if( (vhost = virtualHosts->FindVHost( kDEFAULT_HOST )) == NULL )
			// Could not find a default web directory
			HTTPResponse	response;
			response.SetHTMLMessage( 500, "500 No default web directory!" ); // Internal Server Error
			request->SendReply( &response );
			return false;
	webDirectory.SetTo( vhost->GetWebroot() );
	webIndex = ( vhost->GetIndex() );	// this is by default "index.html" if not present in virtual hosts table

	// ****
	// Append index to URI and check for security violations
	// ****
	// Append index (default file name) from virtual hosts table if not present in path
	if( ((brURI.path[0] == 0)||(brURI.path[slength-1] == '/'))&&(slength+11<4096) )
		strcat( brURI.path, webIndex );
	// Have they attempted a security violation?
	if( strstr( brURI.path, ".." )||strstr( brURI.path, "./" ) )
		HTTPResponse	response;
		response.SetHTMLMessage( 403 ); // Forbidden
		request->SendReply( &response );
		return true;
	// ****
	// Setup PB
	// ****
	RequestPB		pb;
	pb.request = request;
	pb.webDirectory = &webDirectory;
	pb.vresources = &vhost->vresources;
	pb.realms = &vhost->realms;
	pb.brURI = &brURI;
	pb.environ = environ;
	pb.authenticate = true; = sn;
	pb.cookie = NULL;
	// ****
	// Call hmodule_roster::HandleRequest() to process the request
	// ****
	hmodule_roster->HandleRequest( &pb );
	return !pb.closeConnection;
Exemple #3
status_t handle_request( RequestPB *pb )
	HTTPResponse	response;
	pb->closeConnection = false;
	const char		*sPtr; // General purpose string pointer
	// Temporary buffers
	int32			fieldSize = 1024;
	char			fieldValue[1024];
	char			headBuffer[1024];
	int32 			contentLength = 0;
	// ****
	// Get PATH_INFO and SCRIPT_NAME from path; Setup absPath of CGI
	// ****
	char PATH_INFO[1024];
	char SCRIPT_NAME[256];
	strxcpy( SCRIPT_NAME, pb->resourcePath->Path(), 255 );
	strxcpy( PATH_INFO, pb->brURI->path+strlen( pb->resourcePath->Path()+1 ), 1023 );
	// Make absolute CGI path from web-directory and requested path
	BPath		absPath( pb->webDirectory->Path(), pb->resourcePath->Path()+1 );
	// ****
	// Make sure CGI exists and Check Permission
	// ****
	if( pb->authenticate &&	!pb->realms->Authenticate( pb->request, &response, pb->brURI->path, absPath.Path(), S_IXOTH ) )
		pb->Logprintf( "%ld Status-Line: %s\n", pb->sn, response.GetStatusLine() );
		return B_OK;
	// ****
	// Setup meta-variables in new environment
	// ****
	char		params[2048];
	// Should we use the CGI script command line?
	// This should be done on a GET or HEAD where the URL query string
	// 		does not contain any unencoded '=' characters.
	if( *pb->brURI->query && 
		((pb->request->GetMethod() == METHOD_GET)||(pb->request->GetMethod() == METHOD_HEAD))&&
		!strchr( pb->brURI->query, '=' ) )
		uri_unescape_str( params, pb->brURI->query, 2048 );
		uri_unescape_str( params, pb->brURI->params, 2048 );
	// Environment to be used by the CGI
	Environment 	env( pb->environ );
	if( pb->request->FindHeader( kHEAD_AUTHORIZATION, fieldValue, fieldSize ) )
		sPtr = fieldValue;
		sPtr = get_next_token( headBuffer, sPtr, fieldSize );
		env.PutEnv( "AUTH_TYPE", headBuffer );
		if( strcasecmp( headBuffer, "Basic" ) == 0 )
			sPtr = get_next_token( headBuffer, sPtr, fieldSize );
			decode_base64( headBuffer, headBuffer, fieldSize );
			sPtr = get_next_token( fieldValue, headBuffer, fieldSize, ":" );
			env.PutEnv( "REMOTE_USER", fieldValue );
	if( pb->request->FindHeader( kHEAD_LENGTH, fieldValue, fieldSize ) )
		env.PutEnv( "CONTENT_LENGTH", fieldValue );
	if( pb->request->FindHeader( kHEAD_TYPE, fieldValue, fieldSize ) )
		env.PutEnv( "CONTENT_TYPE", fieldValue );
	env.PutEnv( "GATEWAY_INTERFACE", "CGI/1.1" );
	// HTTP_*
	for( int i=0; (sPtr = pb->request->HeaderAt( i )); i++ )
		sPtr = get_next_token( fieldValue, sPtr, fieldSize, ":" );
		sprintf( headBuffer, "HTTP_%s", http_to_cgi_header( fieldValue ) );
		sPtr = get_next_token( fieldValue, sPtr, fieldSize, ":" );
		env.PutEnv( headBuffer, fieldValue );
	env.PutEnv( "PATH_INFO", PATH_INFO );
	if( *PATH_INFO )
		BPath		pathTrans( pb->webDirectory->Path(), PATH_INFO+1 );
		if( pathTrans.Path() )
			env.PutEnv( "PATH_TRANSLATED", pathTrans.Path() );
	env.PutEnv( "QUERY_STRING", pb->brURI->query );
	env.PutEnv( "REMOTE_ADDR", pb->request->GetRemoteHost() );
	// Ya, right... like were going to waste valuable time with a DNS lookup!
	env.PutEnv( "REMOTE_HOST", "" );
	// Ha! Perform an Ident lookup... I don't think so.
	env.PutEnv( "REQUEST_METHOD", http_find_method( pb->request->GetMethod() ) );
	env.PutEnv( "SERVER_NAME", pb->brURI->host );
	sprintf( fieldValue, "%u", pb->request->GetPort() );
	env.PutEnv( "SERVER_PORT", fieldValue );
	env.PutEnv( "SERVER_PROTOCOL", pb->request->GetVersion() );
	env.PutEnv( "SERVER_SOFTWARE", "RobinHood" );
	// PWD
	BPath		PWD( absPath );
	PWD.GetParent( &PWD );
	env.PutEnv( "PWD", PWD.Path() );
	// ****
	// Create pipes
	// ****
	pid_t	pid;
	int 	ipipe[2], opipe[2];
	if( pipe(ipipe) < 0 )
		response.SetHTMLMessage( 500, "Pipe creation failed!" );
		pb->request->SendReply( &response );
		return B_OK;
	if( pipe(opipe) < 0 ) 
		close( ipipe[0] );
		close( ipipe[1] );
		response.SetHTMLMessage( 500, "Pipe creation failed!" );
		pb->request->SendReply( &response );
		return B_OK;
	// ****
	// Setup args for execve()
	// ****
	// Setup command string; copy CGI path and append params
	char command[4096];
	sPtr = strxcpy( command, absPath.Path(), 4095 );
	// Disabled because of security risk
	if( *params && !strpbrk( params, ";&" ) )
		sPtr = strxcpy( (char *)sPtr, " ", command+4095-sPtr );
		strxcpy( (char *)sPtr, params, command+4095-sPtr ); // Append params
	char *args[4];
	args[0] = "/bin/sh";
	args[1] = "-c";
	args[2] = command;
	args[3] = NULL;
	pb->Logprintf( "%ld Exec: %s\n", pb->sn, command );
	// ****
	// Start sub-process using fork() dup2() and exec()
	// ****
	pid = fork();
	if( pid == (pid_t)0 ) // If we are the child process...
		// Make this process the process group leader
		setpgid( 0, 0 );
		fflush(stdout); // sync stdout... 
		// Set pipes to stdin and stdout
		if( dup2( opipe[0], STDIN_FILENO ) < 0 )
			exit( 0 );
		if( dup2( ipipe[1], STDOUT_FILENO ) < 0 )
			exit( 0 );
		// Close unused ends of pipes
		close( opipe[1] );
		close( ipipe[0] );
		// Set Current Working Directory to that of script
		chdir( PWD.Path() );
		// Execute CGI in this process by means of /bin/sh 
		execve( args[0], args, env.GetEnvironment() );
		exit( 0 ); // If for some reason execve() fails...
	else if( pid < (pid_t)0 ) // Something Bad happened!
		close( opipe[0] );
		close( opipe[1] );
		close( ipipe[0] );
		close( ipipe[1] );
		response.SetHTMLMessage( 500, "Fork failed!" );
		pb->request->SendReply( &response );
		return true;
	// Close unused ends of pipes
	close( opipe[0] );
	close( ipipe[1] );
	// ****
	// Talk to CGI
	// ****
	bool		persistant = true;
	// Defined to make code easier to read
	int			inDes = ipipe[0]; // input file descripter
	int			outDes = opipe[1]; // output file descripter
	// Make a BDataIO wrapper for the in and out pipes
	DesIO		pipeIO( inDes, outDes );
	// If the request contains a content body, feed it into stdin of the CGI script
	if( pb->request->GetContentLength() > 0 )
		pb->request->SendBody( &pipeIO );
	// Buffer the response body for better performance
	response.SetBodyBuffering( true );
	// Read first line to detect use of Non-Parsed Header Output
	io_getline( &pipeIO, headBuffer, fieldSize );
	// Strip the '\r' character if there is one
	int32	size;
	size = strlen( headBuffer )-1;
	if( headBuffer[size] == '\r' )
		headBuffer[size] = 0;
	// Is NPH Output?
	if( strncmp( "HTTP/", headBuffer, 5 ) == 0 )
		DataIOPump		ioPump;
		BufferedIO		bufio( pb->request->GetReplyIO() );
		io_printf( &bufio, "%s\r\n", headBuffer );
		ioPump.StartPump( &pipeIO, &bufio, contentLength );
		persistant = false;
	else // using Parsed Header Output
		// Add Date header
		time_t			now;
		struct tm 		*brokentime;
		now = time( NULL );
		brokentime = gmtime( &now );
		strftime (fieldValue, 256, kHTTP_DATE, brokentime);
		response.AddHeader( kHEAD_DATE, fieldValue );
		// Add line used to detect NPH as CGI header
		response.AddHeader( headBuffer );
		// Receive the CGI headers
		response.ReceiveHeaders( &pipeIO );
		// If Location header, don't expect any more headers
		if( (sPtr = response.FindHeader( "Location", fieldValue, fieldSize )) )
			response.SetStatusLine( 302 ); // 302 Moved Temporarily
			if( (sPtr = response.FindHeader( "Status", fieldValue, fieldSize )) )
				response.RemoveHeader( (char *)sPtr ); // Don't forward to client
				response.SetStatusLine( fieldValue );
				response.SetStatusLine( 200 );
		// Don't cache the response
		if( !response.FindHeader( "Cache-Control", fieldValue, fieldSize ) )
			response.AddHeader( "Cache-Control: no-cache" );
		if( !response.FindHeader( "Pragma", fieldValue, fieldSize ) )
			response.AddHeader( "Pragma: no-cache" );
		// Content-Length header?
		int32		contentLength = 0;
		if( (sPtr = response.FindHeader( kHEAD_LENGTH, fieldValue, fieldSize )) )
			contentLength = strtol( fieldValue, (char **)&headBuffer, 10 );
			response.SetContentLength( contentLength );
		else // No content-length provided; close connection on return
			response.AddHeader( "Connection: close" );
			persistant = false;
		pb->Logprintf( "%ld Status-Line: %s\n", pb->sn, response.GetStatusLine() );
		if( pb->request->GetMethod() != METHOD_HEAD )
			response.SetMessageBody( &pipeIO );
		pb->request->SendReply( &response );
	// Close remaining ends of pipes
	close( ipipe[0] );
	close( opipe[1] );
	pb->closeConnection = !persistant;
	return B_OK;