void CheckLives() { //game is in player displayer lives at top right hud.SetDisplayInt(4, lives, 0.86f, 0.93f); //levelnum hud.SetDisplayInt(8, currentLevel, 0.52f, 0.93f); //if game is over display final score if(gameOver) { ShowScores(); hud.SetDisplayString(3, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); hud.SetDisplayString(0, "", 0.3f, 0.55f); hud.SetDisplayString(2, " Game Over\nYour Score:\n\n\n -High Scores-\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nBackspace = Restart", 0.4f, 0.65f); hud.SetDisplayString(4, "", 0.3f, 0.55f); } //check if level is complete if(nextLevel) { hud.SetDisplayString(3, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); hud.SetDisplayString(0, "", 0.3f, 0.55f); hud.SetDisplayString(2, "Level Complete!\n\nPress Enter to Progress", 0.3f, 0.55f); hud.SetDisplayString(4, "", 0.3f, 0.55f); } }
void KeyboardUpCallback(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { gKeys[key] = false; switch (key) { case 'p': { bPause = !bPause; if (bPause) hud.SetDisplayString(1, "Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.SetDisplayString(1, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); getElapsedTime(); break; } case 'x': { bShadows = !bShadows; break; } case 'b': { bDebugWireframeMode = !bDebugWireframeMode; break; } case 'c': { // Reset the box NxMat33 m; m.id(); box1->setGlobalOrientation(m); box1->setGlobalPosition(NxVec3(5,3.5,0)); box1->setLinearVelocity(NxVec3(0,0,0)); box1->setAngularVelocity(NxVec3(0,0,0)); ChangeKernel(); break; } case 27 : { exit(0); break; } default : { break; } } }
void UpdateTime() { if(!gameOver) { hud.SetDisplayInt(29, minutes, 0.25f, 0.01f); //code to manually place a 0 before any seond number lower than 10 if(seconds < 10) { hud.SetDisplayString(31, "Playtime: : 0", 0.10f, 0.01f); hud.SetDisplayInt(30, seconds, 0.31f, 0.01f); } else { hud.SetDisplayString(31, "Playtime: :", 0.10f, 0.01f); hud.SetDisplayInt(30, seconds, 0.30f, 0.01f); } } else { hud.SetDisplayInt(29, minutes, -100.25f, 0.01f); //code to manually place a 0 before any seond number lower than 10 if(seconds < 10) { hud.SetDisplayString(31, "Playtime: : 0", -100.10f, 0.01f); hud.SetDisplayInt(30, seconds, -100.31f, 0.01f); } else { hud.SetDisplayString(31, "Playtime: :", -100.10f, 0.01f); hud.SetDisplayInt(30, seconds, -100.30f, 0.01f); } } }
void KeyboardUpCallback(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { gKeys[key] = false; switch (key) { case 'p': { bPause = !bPause; if (bPause) hud.SetDisplayString(1, "Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.SetDisplayString(1, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); getElapsedTime(); break; } case 'f': { bForceMode = !bForceMode; break; } case 'b': { box = CreateBox(NxVec3(2,5-0.75,7), NxVec3(0.75,0.75,0.75), 1); sphere = CreateSphere(NxVec3(0,4-0.4,1), 0.4, 1); capsule = CreateCapsule(NxVec3(3,0-(1+0.5),8), 1, 1, 1); break; } case 27 : { exit(0); break; } default : { break; } } }
void ProcessInputs() { UpdateWheelShapeUserData(); ProcessForceKeys(); if (bSetCurrentMotorTorque1) { bSetCurrentMotorTorque1 = false; wheel1->setMotorTorque(gCurrentMotorTorque1); // Set motor torque #1 in HUD char ds[512]; sprintf(ds, "Left wheel torque: %d", gCurrentMotorTorque1); hud.SetDisplayString(2, ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); } if (bSetCurrentMotorTorque2) { bSetCurrentMotorTorque2 = false; wheel2->setMotorTorque(gCurrentMotorTorque2); // Set motor torque #2 in HUD char ds[512]; sprintf(ds, "Right wheel torque: %d", gCurrentMotorTorque2); hud.SetDisplayString(3, ds, 0.015f, 0.87f); } // Show debug wireframes if (bDebugWireframeMode) { if (gScene) { gDebugRenderer.renderData(*gScene->getDebugRenderable()); } } }
void InitializeSpecialHUD() { char ds[512]; // Add joint type to HUD sprintf(ds, "JOINT TYPE: %s", gJointTypeString[gJointType]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); // Add rotation title to HUD sprintf(ds, "ROTATION:"); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.87f); // Add rotation motions to HUD sprintf(ds, " twistMotion: %s", gJointMotionString[2]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.82f); sprintf(ds, " swing1Motion: %s", gJointMotionString[2]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.77f); sprintf(ds, " swing2Motion: %s", gJointMotionString[2]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.72f); // Add translation title to HUD sprintf(ds, "TRANSLATION:"); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.67f); // Add translation motions to HUD sprintf(ds, " xMotion: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[0]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.62f); sprintf(ds, " yMotion: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[1]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.57f); sprintf(ds, " zMotion: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[2]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.52f); }
void KeyboardUpCallback(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { gKeys[key] = false; switch (key) { case 'p': { bPause = !bPause; if (bPause) hud.SetDisplayString(2, "Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.SetDisplayString(2, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); break; } case 'x': { bShadows = !bShadows; break; } case 'b': { bDebugWireframeMode = !bDebugWireframeMode; break; } case 'f': { bForceMode = !bForceMode; break; } case 'o': { NxCloth** cloths = gScene->getCloths(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < gScene->getNbCloths(); i++) { cloths[i]->setFlags(cloths[i]->getFlags() ^ NX_CLF_BENDING_ORTHO); } break; } case 'g': { NxCloth** cloths = gScene->getCloths(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < gScene->getNbCloths(); i++) { cloths[i]->setFlags(cloths[i]->getFlags() ^ NX_CLF_GRAVITY); } break; } case 'y': { NxCloth** cloths = gScene->getCloths(); for (NxU32 i = 0; i < gScene->getNbCloths(); i++) { cloths[i]->setFlags(cloths[i]->getFlags() ^ NX_CLF_BENDING); } break; } case ' ': { NxActor* sphere = CreateSphere(gCameraPos, 1, 1); sphere->setLinearVelocity(gCameraForward * 20); break; } case 27 : { exit(0); break; } default : { break; } } }
void CheckScore() { if(!gameOver && !nextLevel) hud.SetDisplayInt(1, score, 0.14f, 0.93f); if(gameOver) hud.SetDisplayInt(1, score, 0.56f, 0.62f); if(!gameOver) hud.SetDisplayInt(1, score, 0.14f, 0.93f); if(nextLevel) hud.SetDisplayInt(1, score, -10.14f, 0.93f); }
void InitializeSpecialHUD() { char ds[512]; // Add motor torque #1 to HUD sprintf(ds, "Left wheel torque: %d", gCurrentMotorTorque1); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); // Add motor torque #2 to HUD sprintf(ds, "Right wheel torque: %d", gCurrentMotorTorque2); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.87f); }
void ProcessInputs() { UpdateWheelShapeUserData(); ProcessForceKeys(); if (bSetCurrentSteerAngle) { bSetCurrentSteerAngle = false; wheel1->setSteerAngle(gCurrentSteerAngle); // Add front wheel steer angle to HUD char ds[512]; sprintf(ds, "Front Wheel Steer Angle: %d", (int)(gCurrentSteerAngle*180.0/NxPi)); hud.SetDisplayString(2, ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); } if (bSetCurrentMotorTorque) { bSetCurrentMotorTorque = false; wheel2->setMotorTorque(gCurrentMotorTorque); wheel3->setMotorTorque(gCurrentMotorTorque); // Add rear wheel motor torque to HUD char ds[512]; sprintf(ds, "Rear Wheel Motor Torque: %d", gCurrentMotorTorque); hud.SetDisplayString(3, ds, 0.015f, 0.87f); } if (bSetCurrentBrakeTorque) { bSetCurrentBrakeTorque = false; wheel2->setBrakeTorque(gCurrentBrakeTorque); wheel3->setBrakeTorque(gCurrentBrakeTorque); // Add rear wheel brake torque to HUD char ds[512]; sprintf(ds, "Rear Wheel Brake Torque: %d", gCurrentBrakeTorque); hud.SetDisplayString(4, ds, 0.015f, 0.82f); } // Show debug wireframes if (bDebugWireframeMode) { if (gScene) { gDebugRenderer.renderData(*gScene->getDebugRenderable()); } } }
//----------------------------DRAW LABYRINTHE - PLAYER - ENEMIES - UI void DrawLevel() { glPushMatrix(); if (inGame) { // Translate Map glTranslatef(-player.GetPos().x + (windowWidth / 2), -player.GetPos().y + (windowHeight / 2), 0); // Draw map lvl.DisplayMap(); //Draw Enemies lvl.DrawSpecialCases(); //Draw Enemies lvl.DrawEnemies(); if (player.GetPos().z == 1) { // If the player is UP // Draw UpCase under the player and his fire lvl.DrawUpCase(); } //Draw Fires lvl.DrawAllFires(); // Add player player.Draw(inGame); if (player.GetPos().z == 0) { // If the player is DOWN // Draw UpCase over the player and his fire lvl.DrawUpCase(); } glLoadIdentity(); glutSwapBuffers(); glPopMatrix(); //Draw HUD hud.displayScore(lvl.HUD_Score(), player.GetLife(), player.GetWeapon()); } else { lvl.DisplayMap(); //Draw Menu menu.Display(); // Add player player.Draw(inGame); glLoadIdentity(); glutSwapBuffers(); glPopMatrix(); } }
void InitializeSpecialHUD() { char ds[512]; // Add front wheel steer angle to HUD sprintf(ds, "Front Wheel Steer Angle: %d", (int)(gCurrentSteerAngle*180.0/NxPi)); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); // Add rear wheel motor torque to HUD sprintf(ds, "Rear Wheel Motor Torque: %d", gCurrentMotorTorque); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.87f); // Add rear wheel brake torque to HUD sprintf(ds, "Rear Wheel Brake Torque: %d", gCurrentBrakeTorque); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.82f); }
void ProcessInputs() { DisableAKey('t'); ProcessForceKeys(); UpdateJointMotorTarget(); if (bReconfigureD6Joint) { bReconfigureD6Joint = false; gJointType = (gJointType+1)%gNumJointConfigurations; ReconfigureD6Joint(); } if (bToggleLowerActorGravity) { char ds[512]; bToggleLowerActorGravity = false; if (capsule2->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY)) capsule2->clearBodyFlag(NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY); else capsule2->raiseBodyFlag(NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY); // Set lower actor gravity in HUD sprintf(ds, "Lower Actor Gravity: %s", gOnOffString[!capsule2->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY)]); hud.SetDisplayString(11, ds, 0.015f, 0.47f); } // Show debug wireframes if (bDebugWireframeMode) { if (gScene) gDebugRenderer.renderData(*gScene->getDebugRenderable()); } }
void UnShowScores() { int count = 9; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if(orderedScores[i] > 0) { hud.SetDisplayInt(count, 0, -100.55f, 0.5f - ((float)i/40)); char *display = &orderedNames[i][0]; count++; hud.SetDisplayString(count, "", -100.4f, 0.5f - ((float)i/40)); count ++; } } count = 0; }
void RenderCallback() { // Clear buffers glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); ProcessCameraKeys(); SetupCamera(); if (gScene && !bPause) { GetPhysicsResults(); ProcessInputs(); StartPhysics(); } // Display scene RenderActors(bShadows); if (bForceMode) DrawForce(gSelectedActor, gForceVec, NxVec3(1,1,0)); else DrawForce(gSelectedActor, gForceVec, NxVec3(0,1,1)); gForceVec = NxVec3(0,0,0); // Render HUD hud.Render(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void InitializeHUD() { hud.Clear(); if (0 != gScene) { if (NX_SIMULATION_HW == gScene->getSimType()) hud.AddDisplayString("Hardware Scene", 0.74f, 0.92f); else hud.AddDisplayString("Software Scene", 0.74f, 0.92f); } // Add pause to HUD if (bPause) hud.AddDisplayString("Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.AddDisplayString("", 0.0f, 0.0f); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); // ui->mygl->setFocus(); // ui->stackedWidget->setst MyGL *gl = new MyGL(); gl->parentView = this->ui->graphicsView; HUD *hud = new HUD(); hud->setFocusPolicy(Qt::ClickFocus); this->ui->graphicsView->setScene(new QGraphicsScene(this->ui->graphicsView)); this->ui->graphicsView->scene()->addWidget(gl); this->ui->graphicsView->scene()->addWidget(hud); this->ui->graphicsView->gl = gl; this->ui->graphicsView->hud = hud; QObject::connect(this->ui->loadHeightmap, &QPushButton::clicked, gl, &MyGL::slot_loadImage); }
void InitializeSpecialHUD() { char ds[512]; // Add lesson title string to HUD sprintf(ds, gTitleString); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); }
void InitializeHUD() { bHardwareScene = (gScene->getSimType() == NX_SIMULATION_HW); hud.Clear(); // Add hardware/software to HUD if (bHardwareScene) hud.AddDisplayString("Hardware Scene", 0.74f, 0.92f); else hud.AddDisplayString("Software Scene", 0.74f, 0.92f); // Add pause to HUD if (bPause) hud.AddDisplayString("Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.AddDisplayString("", 0.0f, 0.0f); }
void KeyboardUpCallback(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { gKeys[key] = false; switch (key) { case '0': { gPerfRenderer.toggleEnable(); break; } case 'p': { bPause = !bPause; if (bPause) hud.SetDisplayString(1, "Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.SetDisplayString(1, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); getElapsedTime(); break; } case 'x': { bShadows = !bShadows; break; } case 'b': { bDebugWireframeMode = !bDebugWireframeMode; break; } case 'f': { bForceMode = !bForceMode; break; } case 27 : { exit(0); break; } // Switch simulation threads mode case 't': { ReleaseNx(); gbThreadScheduler = gbThreadPolling = gbThreadSDKManage = gbNoThread = false; gbThreadScheduler = true; InitNx(); break; } case 'y': { ReleaseNx(); gbThreadScheduler = gbThreadPolling = gbThreadSDKManage = gbNoThread = false; gbThreadPolling = true; InitNx(); break; } case 'g': { ReleaseNx(); gbThreadScheduler = gbThreadPolling = gbThreadSDKManage = gbNoThread = false; gbThreadSDKManage = true; InitNx(); break; } case 'h': { ReleaseNx(); gbThreadScheduler = gbThreadPolling = gbThreadSDKManage = gbNoThread = false; gbNoThread = true; InitNx(); break; } default : { break; } } }
void KeyboardUpCallback(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { gKeys[key] = false; switch (key) { case 'p': { bPause = !bPause; if (bPause) hud.SetDisplayString(1, "Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.SetDisplayString(1, "", 0.0f, 0.0f); getElapsedTime(); break; } case 'x': { bShadows = !bShadows; break; } case 'b': { bDebugWireframeMode = !bDebugWireframeMode; break; } case 'f': { bForceMode = !bForceMode; break; } case 27 : { exit(0); break; } default : { break; } } }
void EstadoMuerte::Dibujar(MotorJuego* juego){ EstadoJugando* estjue = EstadoJugando::Instance(); Motor2D* motor2D = Motor2D::Instance(); motor2D->limpiarVentana(); Vistas* general = Vistas::Instance(); juego->ventana->setView(general->getGeneral()); estjue->getNiveles()->dibujarNivel(); motor2D->pintarSprites(pj); HUD* hud = HUD::Instance(); juego->ventana->setView(hud->getHUD()); hud->dibujar(); Minimapa* minimapa = Minimapa::Instance(); juego->ventana->setView(minimapa->getMinimapa()); minimapa->dibujar(); juego->ventana->setView(juego->ventana->getDefaultView()); rec.setSize(juego->ventana->getDefaultView().getSize()); motor2D->pintarRectShape(rec); motor2D->pintarTexto(texto); motor2D->pintarVentana(); }
HUD* HUD::createHUD() { HUD* hud = new HUD(); hud->create(); hud->init(); hud->autorelease(); hud->setColor( Color3B::BLACK ); hud->setAnchorPoint( Vec2(0, 0) ); hud->initOption(); return hud; }
void RenderCallback() { // Clear buffers glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); ProcessCameraKeys(); SetupCamera(); UpdateEmitterPosition(); if (gScene && !bPause) { GetPhysicsResults(); ProcessInputs(); StartPhysics(); } // Display scene RenderActors(bShadows); RenderFluid(); if (bForceMode) DrawForce(gSelectedActor, gForceVec, NxVec3(1,1,0)); else DrawForce(gSelectedActor, gForceVec, NxVec3(0,1,1)); gForceVec = NxVec3(0,0,0); if (bEmitterWireframe) { NxMat34 fluidEmitterMat = fluidEmitter->getGlobalPose(); NxVec3 fluidEmitterPos, fluidEmitterDir; fluidEmitterPos = fluidEmitterMat.t; fluidEmitterMat.M.getColumn(2,fluidEmitterDir); DrawArrow(fluidEmitterPos, fluidEmitterPos + fluidEmitterDir, NxVec3(0,0,1)); DrawEllipse(20, fluidEmitter->getGlobalPose(), NxVec3(0.5,0,0.5), fluidEmitter->getDimensionX(), fluidEmitter->getDimensionY()); } if (!bPause) { if (gDeltaTime < 10) gTotalTime += gDeltaTime; } // Render HUD hud.Render(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void RenderCallback() { // Clear buffers glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); ProcessCameraKeys(); SetupCamera(); if (gScene && !bPause) { GetPhysicsResults(); ProcessInputs(); StartPhysics(); } // Display scene RenderActors(bShadows); // Display kernel Info if (gForceField) { if (gForceField->getForceFieldKernel() == gCustomKernel) { hud.SetDisplayString(2, "Using CustomKernel", 0.14f, 0.92f); } else if (gForceField->getForceFieldKernel() == gLinearKernel) { hud.SetDisplayString(2, "Using LinearKernel", 0.14f, 0.92f); } } // Render the HUD hud.Render(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void InitializeSpecialHUD() { char ds[512]; // Add joint type to HUD sprintf(ds, "JOINT TYPE: %s", gJointTypeString[gJointType]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.92f); // Add rotation title to HUD sprintf(ds, "ROTATION:"); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.87f); // Add rotation motions to HUD sprintf(ds, " Axis: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[3]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.82f); sprintf(ds, " Normal: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[4]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.77f); sprintf(ds, " Binormal: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[5]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.72f); // Add translation title to HUD sprintf(ds, "TRANSLATION:"); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.67f); // Add translation motions to HUD sprintf(ds, " Axis: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[0]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.62f); sprintf(ds, " Normal: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[1]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.57f); sprintf(ds, " Binormal: %s", gJointMotionString[gJointMotion[2]]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.52f); // Add lower actor gravity to HUD sprintf(ds, "Lower Actor Gravity: %s", gOnOffString[!capsule2->readBodyFlag(NX_BF_DISABLE_GRAVITY)]); hud.AddDisplayString(ds, 0.015f, 0.47f); }
void main() { cout << "ok"; //--------------------- LOAD ARDUINO'S COMMUNICATION if (SP->IsConnected()) printf("We're connected"); //char incomingData[256] = ""; // don't forget to pre-allocate memory //------------------LOAD RANDOM srand(time(NULL)); // Create a seed to start the random from //------------------ LOAD PLAYER' SAVE //lvl.LoadGame("player1.txt"); //Gestion de la fenetre //glutInitWindowPosition(10, 10); //glutInitWindowSize(1000, 1000); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_SINGLE); //A remplacer pour l'affichage sur d'autres PC par GLUT_DOUBLE //glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DOUBLE); glutCreateWindow("TerraSkweek"); glutFullScreen(); // making the window full screen //----------------------- LOAD EVERYBODY'S SPRITES menu.LoadAllTextures(); lvl.LoadAllTextures(); player.LoadAllTextures(); hud.LoadAllTextures(); //Gestion des evenements glutDisplayFunc(Display); glutReshapeFunc(Redim); glutSpecialFunc(KeyAction); // Switch player's direction glutKeyboardFunc(KeyButtons);// Keyboard keys to control the HUD // and Fire //glutTimerFunc(700, EnemiesTimer, 0); // Direction for the enemiesd glutTimerFunc(refreshRate, PlayerMovt, 0); // Continuous movement of the player glutTimerFunc(enemySpawnFrequency, ActivateSpawnMob, 0); //glutIdleFunc(Idle); glutMainLoop(); }
void InitializeHUD() { bHardwareScene = (gScene->getSimType() == NX_SIMULATION_HW); hud.Clear(); // Add hardware/software to HUD if (bHardwareScene) hud.AddDisplayString("Hardware Scene", 0.74f, 0.92f); else hud.AddDisplayString("Software Scene", 0.74f, 0.92f); // Add pause to HUD if (bPause) hud.AddDisplayString("Paused - Hit \"p\" to Unpause", 0.3f, 0.55f); else hud.AddDisplayString("", 0.0f, 0.0f); if (gbThreadScheduler) { hud.AddDisplayString("Simulation threads custom scheduler", 0.01f, 0.92f); } else if (gbThreadPolling) { hud.AddDisplayString("Simulation threads polling", 0.01f, 0.92f); } else if (gbThreadSDKManage) { hud.AddDisplayString("Simulation threads managed by SDK", 0.01f, 0.92); } else if (gbNoThread) { hud.AddDisplayString("No simulation threads", 0.01f, 0.92f); } else assert(0); }
void Display() { //clear display buffers glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); //set the camera view SetupCamera(); //display scene if (rendering_mode != RENDER_WIREFRAME) RenderActors(bShadows); if (debugRenderable) gDebugRenderer.renderData(*debugRenderable); //render HUD hud.Render(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
void RenderCallback() { if (gScene && !bPause) { StartPhysics(); GetPhysicsResults(); } // Clear buffers glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); ProcessInputs(); ProcessCameraKeys(); SetupCamera(); RenderActors(bShadows); // Render all the cloths in the scene for (MyCloth **cloth = gCloths.begin(); cloth != gCloths.end(); cloth++) { glColor4f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,1.0f); (*cloth)->draw(bShadows); } if (bForceMode) DrawForce(gSelectedActor, gForceVec, NxVec3(1,1,0)); else DrawForce(gSelectedActor, gForceVec, NxVec3(0,1,1)); gForceVec = NxVec3(0,0,0); // Render HUD hud.Render(); glFlush(); glutSwapBuffers(); }