void GazeboRosTest::UpdateChild()
    // 状態アップデート
    // Copies the commands from the mechanism joints into the gazebo joints.
    ROS_ERROR("num=%d", this->joints_.size());
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->joints_.size(); ++i)
        if (!this->joints_[i])

        //    double damping_coef = 100.0;

        switch (this->joints_[i]->GetType())
        case Joint::HINGE: {
            // PD control
            HingeJoint *hj = (HingeJoint*)this->joints_[i];
            double current_velocity = hj->GetAngleRate();
            double current_angle = hj->GetAngle();
            double damping_force = dgain_ * (0 - current_velocity);
            double diff_force = pgain_ * (cmd_[i] - current_angle);
            double effort_command = diff_force + damping_force;
            ROS_ERROR("c=%f,cmd=%f, f=%f, v=%f", current_angle, cmd_[i], effort_command, current_velocity);
            //      hj->SetTorque(effort_command);
            hj->SetParam(dParamVel, effort_command);

Exemple #2
int hingeJointVM( VMState* vm )
   WorldContext* context = getContext(vm);

   RigidEntity* entityA = 0;
   RigidEntity* entityB = 0;
   if( VM::geti( vm, -1, 1 ) )
      entityA = (RigidEntity*)VM::toPtr( vm, -1 );
      VM::pop( vm, 1 );
   if( VM::geti( vm, -1, 2 ) )
      entityB = (RigidEntity*)VM::toPtr( vm, -1 );
      VM::pop( vm, 1 );

   HingeJoint* joint = context->_world->createHingeJoint( entityA, entityB );

   Vec3f anchor(0.0f);
   VM::get( vm, -1, "anchor", anchor );

   Vec3f axis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
   VM::get( vm, -1, "axis", axis );

   joint->anchor( anchor );
   joint->axis( axis );
   return 0;
bool SimulationModel::addHingeJoint(const unsigned int rbIndex1, const unsigned int rbIndex2, const Eigen::Vector3f &pos, const Eigen::Vector3f &axis)
	HingeJoint *hj = new HingeJoint();
	const bool res = hj->initConstraint(*this, rbIndex1, rbIndex2, pos, axis);
	if (res)
		m_groupsInitialized = false;
	return res;
  /** creates vehicle at desired position
      @param pos struct Position with desired position
  void Hexabot::create(const osg::Matrix& pose){
    if (created) {

    cout << "hello, This is the debug mode" << endl;
    cout << "@@@@ First, We create the robot!! @@@@" << endl;

     *  The ordinal configuration
     *     Environment, color, feature etc/

    // we want legs colliding with other legs, so we set internal collision
    // flag to "false".

    // Hexabot color ;-)
    osgHandle.color = Color(0/255., 30./255., 0./255., 1.0f);

    // Joint color ;-)
    OsgHandle dynaHandle(osgHandle);
    dynaHandle.color = Color(204/255., 51/255., 0./255., 1.0f);
    //dynaHandle.color = Color(0/255., 0/255., 0./255., 1.0f);

    // Tibia Color (colored by leg)
    OsgHandle tibiaHandle[6] = {osgHandle, osgHandle, osgHandle, osgHandle, osgHandle, osgHandle};
    tibiaHandle[0].color = Color(0./255., 0./255., 0./255., 1.0f);
    tibiaHandle[1].color = Color(153./255., 102./255., 0./255., 1.0f);
    tibiaHandle[2].color = Color(153./255., 204./255., 0./255., 1.0f);
    tibiaHandle[3].color = Color(153./255., 0./255., 30./255., 1.0f);
    tibiaHandle[4].color = Color(153./255., 102./255., 30./255., 1.0f);
    tibiaHandle[5].color = Color(153./255., 204./255., 30./255., 1.0f);

    // change Material substance
    OdeHandle odeHandleBody(odeHandle);

    // get a representation of the origin
     // By multipling this parameter to pose, we can get only the position data of pose
    const Pos nullpos(0, 0, 0);

    *  Create Body Structure
    *     Trunk, Leg etc.

     *  Main Frame */
    // Make the boxes connect each other to make rectangle
    cout << "@@@@ Creation of Body frame starts!! @@@@" << endl;
    // make the rectangle boxes to make hexagon (they are connected each other and make hexagon)
    // make 2 rectangle plate objects
    for(int i=0; i< 2;i++){
      trunk.tPlate[i] = new Box(  conf.body.length, conf.body.width, conf.body.height);
      // This function (setMass) seems not to be implemented
      //trunk.tPlate[i]->setMass(conf.body.mass / 6.);

    // First object should be initialized (I choose the lower rectangle one)
    trunk.tPlate[0]->init(odeHandle, conf.body.mass / 2., osgHandle);
    trunk.tPlate[0]->setPose( pose );
    // add it to Object

    // just for memorlizing transForm
    trunk.tUpTrans = new ImpTransform2(trunk.tPlate[0], trunk.tPlate[1],Matrix::rotate(0., Vec3(0, 0, 1)) *Matrix::translate(0, 0, conf.dyna.height));
    trunk.tTrans = trunk.tUpTrans;
    trunk.tTrans->init(odeHandle, conf.body.mass / 2., osgHandle);
    // add it to Object

       LEGs  **sholder, coxa femur tibia
    cout << "@@@@ Creation of Leg frame starts!! @@@@" << endl;

    // Useful Parameter to make robot model

    // Transition Matrix from origin of this robot to center of the robot
    //  notice: the orgin of the robot is on the center of the lower hexagonal plate
    osg::Matrix trans_rO_to_rC = Matrix::translate( 0., 0., conf.dyna.height / 2.);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to Shoulder Dynamixel center
    // The horizontal length between robot center and Shoulder Dynamixel center
    double length_rC_to_sC_x = (conf.jLength.length_x_center_to_TCJ - conf.dyna.length_axis_to_center);
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_sC_x =  Matrix::translate( length_rC_to_sC_x, 0, 0);

    // The horizontal length between Shoulder Dynamixel center and Shoulder Dynamixel center
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_sC_to_sC_y =  Matrix::translate(0, conf.jLength.length_y_TCJ_to_TCJ, 0);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to Coxa Dynamixel center
    // The horizontal length between robot center and Coxa Dynamixel center
    double length_rC_to_cC = length_rC_to_sC_x + conf.jLength.length_TCJ_to_CTJ;
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_cC =  Matrix::translate( length_rC_to_cC, 0, 0);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to Femur Dynamixel center
    // The horizontal length between robot center and Femur Dynamixel center
    double length_rC_to_fC_x = conf.jLength.length_x_center_to_TCJ + conf.jLength.length_TCJ_to_CTJ;
    double length_rC_to_fC_z = conf.jLength.length_CTJ_to_FTJ - conf.dyna.length_axis_to_center;
    //double length_rC_to_fC = length_rC_to_cC + conf.jLength.length_CTJ_to_FTJ;
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_fC =  Matrix::translate( length_rC_to_fC_x, 0, length_rC_to_fC_z);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to  Foot Plate center
    // The horizontal length between robot center and Foot Plate center
    double length_rC_to_tC_x = length_rC_to_fC_x + conf.dyna.length_from_axis_to_tip;
    double length_rC_to_tC_z =  conf.jLength.length_CTJ_to_FTJ + (-conf.foot.length + conf.dyna.width)/2.;
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_tC =  Matrix::translate( length_rC_to_tC_x, 0, length_rC_to_tC_z);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to center of the foot sphere
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_fsC =  Matrix::translate( length_rC_to_fC_x, 0, length_rC_to_tC_z - conf.foot.length/2. - conf.foot.footRadius  );

    // Trans Matrix from center of the tibia to center of the foot sphere
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_tC_to_fsC =  Matrix::translate( - conf.dyna.length_from_axis_to_tip, 0,  - conf.foot.length/2. - conf.foot.footRadius);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to TC joint Center
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_TCj = Matrix::translate( conf.jLength.length_x_center_to_TCJ, 0, 0);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to CT joint Center
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_CTj = Matrix::translate( conf.jLength.length_x_center_to_TCJ + conf.jLength.length_TCJ_to_CTJ, 0, 0);

    // Trans Matrix from center of the robot to FT joint Center
    // Matrix
    osg::Matrix trans_rC_to_FTj = Matrix::translate( conf.jLength.length_x_center_to_TCJ + conf.jLength.length_TCJ_to_CTJ, 0, + conf.jLength.length_CTJ_to_FTJ);

    for(int i = 0; i < LEG_POS_MAX; i++){
      // Name of the Leg
      LegPos leg = LegPos(i);

      // Rotation Matrix : change the rotation direction according to leg number
      // By using this, the direction of leg can be changed.. It is used to adapt to the location of the leg
      Matrix legRotate;
      Matrix legTrans;
      if(leg == L1){
        legRotate = Matrix::rotate(M_PI*1./2., Vec3(0, 0, 1));
        legTrans = Matrix::translate(0, conf.jLength.length_y_TCJ_to_TCJ + conf.y_trans_center, 0);
      else if( leg == L2){
        legRotate = Matrix::rotate(M_PI*1./2., Vec3(0, 0, 1));
        legTrans = Matrix::translate(0, conf.y_trans_center, 0);
      else if(leg == L3 ){
        legRotate = Matrix::rotate(M_PI*1./2., Vec3(0, 0, 1));
        legTrans = Matrix::translate(0, -conf.jLength.length_y_TCJ_to_TCJ +conf.y_trans_center, 0);
      }else if(leg == L4){
        legRotate = Matrix::rotate(-M_PI*1./2., Vec3(0, 0, 1));
        legTrans = Matrix::translate(0, -conf.jLength.length_y_TCJ_to_TCJ - conf.y_trans_center, 0);
      }else if(leg == L5){
        legRotate = Matrix::rotate(-M_PI*1./2., Vec3(0, 0, 1));
        legTrans = Matrix::translate(0, -conf.y_trans_center, 0);
        legRotate = Matrix::rotate(-M_PI*1./2., Vec3(0, 0, 1));
        legTrans = Matrix::translate(0, conf.jLength.length_y_TCJ_to_TCJ - conf.y_trans_center, 0);

      // Shoulder ******************************************
      //  We connect the sholder dynamixel to main Body
      cout << "@@@@ Creation of Shoulder starts!! @@@@" << endl;

      // sholder Dynamixel Box
      Box* dBox =  new Box( conf.dyna.length, conf.dyna.width, conf.dyna.height);
       // trans (locate the object on the hexagon plane)
       //  first, I turn the object to leg's direction and translate it to desired position ()
       // mention that this pose matrix is multipled vector from right hand <- it is different from usual one!!
      ImpTransform2* dTrans = new ImpTransform2(trunk.tPlate[0], dBox,
              trans_rC_to_sC_x * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans * legRotate);
      dTrans->init(odeHandle, conf.dyna.mass, dynaHandle);

      // save to the leg struct
      legs[leg].shoulderBox = dBox;
      legs[leg].shoulder = dTrans;
      // add it to object

      // Coxa **********************************************
       // We make the first joint and link of Hexabot
      cout << "@@@@ Creation of Coxa starts!! @@@@" << endl;

      // Make the Dyanmixel for link
      // Coxa (1st link) Dynamixel Box
      Box* link1dBox = new Box( conf.dyna.length, conf.dyna.width, conf.dyna.height);
      link1dBox->init(odeHandle, conf.dyna.mass , dynaHandle);
      // about the pose or something
      // set the pose
      //  pose:: pose represent the attitude and position of the object by quotanion
      //         we can use the function rotate and translate as if it is attitude change 4*4 matrix
      // I should say about mechanism of the pose in my understanding.
      //   Pose ; this is the 4 by 4 matrix and it represents the rotation and translation
      //          It can be used as if it is normal 4 by 4 rotation matrix.
      //          But what you should notice is that this matrix is for Row Vector (1 by 4 vector)
      //          So, the row of the calculating is inverse to normal one!!
      //      You should be careful about it

      Matrix l1Pose = Matrix::rotate( M_PI / 2., Vec3(1, 0, 0)) * /* this rotation is used to turn the dymamixel to optimal attitude!! (because, we change the axis of joints) */
                trans_rC_to_cC * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans* legRotate * pose;  //  first, I turn the object to leg's direction and translate it to desired position ()
      // save it to leg struct
      legs[leg].coxa = link1dBox;
      // add it to object

      // TC joints *******************************:::::::
       // create the joint of dynamixel on Body (from 1st link to body)
       // calculate the joint pose (attitude and position) by using trans and rotate function
      osg::Matrix j1Pose = trans_rC_to_TCj * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans* legRotate * pose;
      // To make a joint, we need the position vector only, so multiple nullpos to the pose to get the vector.
      //  the attitude is determined by axis (it is z axis)
      HingeJoint* TCj = new HingeJoint( trunk.tPlate[0], link1dBox,  nullpos * j1Pose, Axis(0,0,1) * legRotate );
      // ^ Notice: When we want to rotate the Axis() like Pose, we have to multiple the rotation matrix from RIGHT SIDE
      //     Not Left side, it is very different from real calculation
      TCj->init(odeHandle, osgHandle, true, conf.rate * 0.04);
      // add the joint to the joint vector

      // create motor (by using servo motor, we will do position control)
      //OneAxisServo* servo1 = new OneAxisServoVel(odeHandle, TCj, conf.servoParam.TC_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.TC_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);
      OneAxisServo* servo1;
      servo1 = new OneAxisServoVel(odeHandle, TCj, conf.servoParam.TC_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.TC_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);
      servo1 = new OneAxisServoCentered(TCj, conf.servoParam.TC_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.TC_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp, conf.servoParam.integ, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);

      // save it to leg struct
      legs[leg].tcJoint = TCj;
      legs[leg].tcServo = servo1;
      // add it to servo Map
      servos[getMotorName(leg, TC)] = servo1;

      // create torque sensor
      // In this time, I do not use scaller just get real value
      motorTorqSensors[getMotorName(leg, TC)] = new TorqueSensor(1., 1.);
      // initialize (own is Null, it was not used in simulation)
      motorTorqSensors[getMotorName(leg, TC)]->init(NULL, TCj);

      // Femur **********************************************
      // We make the second joint and link of Hexabot (CT joint and femur)
      cout << "@@@@ Creation of Femur starts!! @@@@" << endl;

      // Make the Dyanmixel for link
      // Femur (2nd link) Dynamixel Box
      Box* link2dBox = new Box( conf.dyna.length, conf.dyna.width, conf.dyna.height);
      link2dBox->init(odeHandle, conf.dyna.mass , dynaHandle);
      // set the pose
      //  pose:: pose represent the attitude and position of the object by quotanion
      //         we can use the function rotate and translate as if it is attitude change 4*4 matrix
      osg::Matrix l2Pose = Matrix::rotate( M_PI / 2., Vec3(0, 0, 1)) * Matrix::rotate( M_PI / 2., Vec3(1, 0, 0)) * // this rotation is used to turn the dymamixel to optimal attitude!! (because, we change the axis of joints)
                  trans_rC_to_fC * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans * legRotate * pose;  //  first, I turn the object to leg's direction and translate it to desired position ()
      // save it to leg struct
      legs[leg].femur = link2dBox;
      // add it to object

      // CT joint :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      // create the joint of dynamixel on Body (from 2nd link to 1st Link)
      // calculate the joint pose (attitude and position) by using trans and rotate function
      osg::Matrix j2Pose = trans_rC_to_CTj * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans* legRotate * pose;
      // To make a joint, we need the position vector only, so multiple nullpos to the pose to get the vector.
      //  the attitude is determined by axis (it is z axis)
      HingeJoint* CTj = new HingeJoint( legs[leg].coxa, link2dBox, nullpos * j2Pose,  Axis(0,1,0) * legRotate);
      // ^ Notice: When we want to rotate the Axis() like Pose, we have to multiple the rotation matrix from RIGHT SIDE
      //     Not Left side, it is very different from real calculation
      CTj->init(odeHandle, osgHandle, true, conf.rate * 0.04);
      // add the joint to the joint vector

      // create motor (by using servo motor, we will do position control)
      // OneAxisServo* servo2 = new OneAxisServoVel(odeHandle, CTj, conf.servoParam.CT_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.CT_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);
      OneAxisServo* servo2;
      servo2 = new OneAxisServoVel(odeHandle, CTj, conf.servoParam.CT_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.CT_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp,conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);
      servo2 = new OneAxisServoCentered(CTj, conf.servoParam.CT_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.CT_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp, conf.servoParam.integ, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);

      // save it to leg struct
      legs[leg].ctJoint = CTj;
      legs[leg].ctServo = servo2;
      // add it to servo Map
      servos[Hexabot::getMotorName(leg, CT)] = servo2;

      // create torque sensor
      // In this time, I do not use scaller just get real value
      motorTorqSensors[getMotorName(leg, CT)] = new TorqueSensor(1., 1.);
      // initialize (own is Null, it was not used in simulation)
      motorTorqSensors[getMotorName(leg, CT)]->init(NULL, CTj);

      // Tibia **********************************************
      // We make the third joint and link of Hexabot (FT joint and femur)
      cout << "@@@@ Creation of Tibia starts!! @@@@" << endl;

      // Make the Plate
      // Tibia (3rd link) Plate
      Box* link3dBox = new Box( conf.foot.height, conf.foot.width, conf.foot.length);
      link3dBox->init(odeHandle, conf.foot.mass , tibiaHandle[leg]);
      // set the pose
      //  pose:: pose represent the attitude and position of the object by quotanion
      //         we can use the function rotate and translate as if it is attitude change 4*4 matrix
      osg::Matrix l3Pose = trans_rC_to_tC * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans* legRotate * pose;  //  first, I turn the object to leg's direction and translate it to desired position ()
      // save it to leg struct
      legs[leg].tibia = link3dBox;
      // add it to object

      //Make Foot
      // Sphere
      Sphere* foot = new Sphere( conf.foot.footRadius );
      // Set the substance of foot
      OdeHandle rubberHandle(odeHandle);
      const Substance FootSubstance(3.0, 0.0, 500.0, 0.1);//500
      rubberHandle.substance = FootSubstance;

      legs[leg].footSphere = foot;
      legs[leg].foot = new ImpTransform2(legs[leg].tibia, foot, trans_tC_to_fsC);
      // initialize
      legs[leg].foot->init(rubberHandle, 0.0, osgHandle);
      //add it to objects

      // FT joint :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
      // create the joint of dynamixel on Femur (from 3rd link to 2nd Link)
      // calculate the joint pose (attitude and position) by using trans and rotate function
      osg::Matrix j3Pose = trans_rC_to_FTj * trans_rO_to_rC * legTrans* legRotate * pose;
      // To make a joint, we need the position vector only, so multiple nullpos to the pose to get the vector.
      //  the attitude is determined by axis (it is z axis)
      HingeJoint* FTj = new HingeJoint( legs[leg].femur, link3dBox, nullpos * j3Pose, Axis(0,1,0) * legRotate);
      // ^ Notice: When we want to rotate the Axis() like Pose, we have to multiple the rotation matrix from RIGHT SIDE
      //     Not Left side, it is very different from real calculation
      FTj->init(odeHandle, osgHandle, true, conf.rate * 0.04);
      // add the joint to the joint vector

      // create motor (by using servo motor, we will do position control)
      // OneAxisServo* servo3 = new OneAxisServoVel(odeHandle, FTj, conf.servoParam.FT_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.FT_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);
      OneAxisServo* servo3;
      servo3 = new OneAxisServoVel(odeHandle, FTj, conf.servoParam.FT_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.FT_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp,conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);
      servo3 = new OneAxisServoCentered(FTj, conf.servoParam.FT_angle_MIN, conf.servoParam.FT_angle_MAX, conf.servoParam.power, conf.servoParam.damp,conf.servoParam.integ, conf.servoParam.maxVel, 1.0);

      // save it to leg struct
      legs[leg].ftJoint = FTj;
      legs[leg].ftServo = servo3;
      // add it to servo Map
      servos[Hexabot::getMotorName(leg, FT)] = servo3;

      // create torque sensor
      // In this time, I do not use scaller just get real value
      motorTorqSensors[getMotorName(leg, FT)] = new TorqueSensor(1., 1.);
      // initialize (own is Null, it was not used in simulation)
      motorTorqSensors[getMotorName(leg, FT)]->init(NULL, FTj);

      // Leg contact Sensors (Foot toe)
      legContactSensors[leg] = new ContactSensor(false, 100, conf.foot.footRadius*1.1, false, true, Color(0,5,0));
      //make the sphere a little bit larger than real foot to detect touching 1.01

      // We set the contact sensor at the point of foot sphere
      //legContactSensors[leg]->init(odeHandle, osgHandle, legs[leg].tibia, true, trans_tC_to_fsC);

      // this is changed to adopt the new version of lpzrobots
      legContactSensors[leg]->setInitData(odeHandle, osgHandle, TRANSM(0, 0, 0));//trans_tC_to_fsC);

      //odeHandle.addIgnoredPair(legs[leg].foot, legContactSensors[leg]->getTransformObject());
      //legContactSensors[LegPos(i)]->setInitData(odeHandle, osgHandle, TRANSM(0, 0, -(0.5) * l4));

    cout << "@@@@ Creation Phase ends!! @@@@" << endl;

Exemple #5
  /** creates vehicle at desired position
      @param pos struct Position with desired position
  void Hexapod::create( const osg::Matrix& pose ){
    if (created) {

    // color of joint axis and whiskers
    OsgHandle osgHandleJ = osgHandle.changeColor(Color(72./255.,16./255.,16./255.));
    TwoAxisServoVel* servo;
    OneAxisServo* spring;
    OneAxisServo* spring2;
    FixedJoint* fixedJoint;

    // create body
    double twidth = conf.size * conf.width ;// 1/1.5;
    double theight = conf.size * conf.height; // 1/4;
    trunk = new Box(conf.size, twidth, theight);
    trunk->init(odeHandle, conf.mass*conf.percentageBodyMass, osgHandle);
    osg::Matrix trunkPos = TRANSM(0,0,conf.legLength)*pose;

      Primitive* pole;
      double poleheight=conf.size*2;
      pole = new Box(poleheight, twidth*3.2, theight*1);
      bigboxtransform= new Transform(trunk,pole, osg::Matrix::translate(0,0,2*theight));
      bigboxtransform->init(odeHandle, 0, osgHandle,Primitive::Geom /*| Primitive::Draw */);

    osg::Matrix m0 = pose;

    if(conf.irSensors == true){
      for(int i = -1; i < 2; i+=2){

        irbox = new Box(0.1,0.1,0.1);
        irbox->init(odeHandle, 0.00001, osgHandle);
        irbox->setPose(ROTM(M_PI/4,0,0,1) * TRANSM(i*conf.size/2,0,theight/2)*trunkPos);
        fixedJoint = new FixedJoint(trunk,irbox);
        fixedJoint->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, 0.4);


      for(int i = -1; i < 2; i+=2){

        irbox = new Box(0.1,0.1,0.15);
        irbox->init(odeHandle, 0.00001, osgHandle);
        irbox->setPose(TRANSM(0,i*twidth/2,theight/2 + 0.05)*trunkPos);
        fixedJoint = new FixedJoint(trunk,irbox);
        fixedJoint->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, 0.4);


      irSensorBank.init(odeHandle, osgHandle);

      if (conf.irFront){ // add front left and front right infrared sensor to sensorbank if required
             IRSensor* sensor = new IRSensor();
             irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor, objects[2],
                                         Matrix::rotate(-1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
                                         conf.irRangeFront, RaySensor::drawAll);
               IRSensor* sensor2 = new IRSensor();
               irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor2, objects[2],
                                    Matrix::rotate(-1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
                                    Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,0,1)) *
                                    conf.irRangeFront, RaySensor::drawAll);

      if (conf.irBack){ // add front left and front right infrared sensor to sensorbank if required

              IRSensor* sensor = new IRSensor();
               irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor, objects[1],
                                           Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
                                           conf.irRangeBack, RaySensor::drawAll);

        IRSensor* sensor2 = new IRSensor();
        irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor2, objects[1],
                                    Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
                                    Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,0,1)) *
                                    conf.irRangeBack, RaySensor::drawAll);
        IRSensor* sensor = new IRSensor();
        irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor, objects[3],
                                    Matrix::rotate(-1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
                                    Matrix::rotate(-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,0,1)) *
                                    conf.irRangeLeft, RaySensor::drawAll);

            /* IRSensor* sensor2 = new IRSensor();
           irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor2, objects[3],
           Matrix::rotate(-1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
           Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,0,1)) *
           conf.irRangeLeft, RaySensor::drawAll);

        IRSensor* sensor = new IRSensor();
        irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor, objects[4],
                                    Matrix::rotate(-1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
                                    Matrix::rotate(M_PI/2, Vec3(0,0,1)) *
                                    conf.irRangeLeft, RaySensor::drawAll);

        /* IRSensor* sensor2 = new IRSensor();
           irSensorBank.registerSensor(sensor2, objects[4],
           Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,1,0)) *
           Matrix::rotate(1*-M_PI/2, Vec3(0,0,1)) *
           conf.irRangeRight, RaySensor::drawAll);

    std::vector<Primitive*> tarsusParts;

    // legs  (counted from back to front)
    double legdist = conf.size*0.9 / (conf.legNumber/2-1);
    for ( int n = 0; n < conf.legNumber; n++ ) {

      int v = n;

      double len1 = conf.legLength*0.5;
      double rad1 = conf.legLength/15;
      double len2 = conf.legLength*0.5;
      double rad2 = conf.legLength/15;

      // upper limp
      Primitive* coxaThorax;
      Pos pos = Pos(-conf.size/(2+0.2) + ((int)n/2) * legdist,
                    n%2==0 ? - twidth/2 : twidth/2,
                    conf.legLength - theight/3);

      osg::Matrix m = ROTM(M_PI/2,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0,0) * TRANSM(pos) * pose;
      coxaThorax = new Capsule(rad1, len1);
      coxaThorax->init(odeHandle, legmass, osgHandle);

      osg::Matrix m1 =  TRANSM(0,0,-len1/2)
        * ROTM(M_PI,0,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1)
        * ROTM(2*M_PI,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0) * m;



      // powered hip joint
      Pos nullpos(0,0,0);

      UniversalJoint* j
        = new UniversalJoint(trunk, coxaThorax, nullpos * m,
                             ROTM(M_PI,0,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1) * Axis(v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0,0) * m,
                             ROTM(M_PI,0,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1) * Axis(0,1,0) * m);

      j->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, rad1 * 2.1);

      legContactArray[n].joint = j->getJoint();

      // values will be set in setParam later
      servo =  new TwoAxisServoVel(odeHandle, j,-1,1, 1, -1,1,1,0 );
      //     servo =  new UniversalServo(j,-1,1, 1, -1,1,1,0);

      // lower leg
      Primitive* tibia;
      tibia = new Capsule(rad2, len2);
      tibia->init(odeHandle, legmass, osgHandle);
      osg::Matrix m2 =   TRANSM(0,0,-len2/2) * ROTM(1.5,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0,0)
        * TRANSM(0,0,-len1/2) * m1;

      legContactArray[n].legID = n;
      legContactArray[n].geomid = tibia->getGeom();
      legContactArray[n].bodyID = tibia->getBody();

        // springy knee joint
        HingeJoint* k = new HingeJoint(coxaThorax, tibia, Pos(0,0,-len1/2) * m1,
                                       Axis(v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0,0) * m1);
        k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, rad1 * 2.1);
        // servo used as a spring
        spring = new HingeServo(k, -1, 1, 1, 0.01,0); // parameters are set later
        // fixed knee joint
        FixedJoint* k = new FixedJoint(coxaThorax, tibia);
        k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, false, rad1 * 2.1);
      // lower limp should not collide with body!

        // New: tarsus
        Primitive *tarsus;
        double angle = M_PI/12;

        double radius = rad2/2;
        double length = len2/2;
        double mass = legmass/10;
        tarsus = new Capsule(radius,length);
        tarsus->init(odeHandle, mass, osgHandle);

        osg::Matrix m4;
        osg::Matrix m3 =
          ROTM(-angle,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0,0) *
          TRANSM(0,0,-len2/2) *

        if(v < 2){
          m4 = ROTM(v%2==0 ? angle : -angle,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0) * m3;
        }else if( v > 3){
          m4 = ROTM(v%2==0 ? -angle : angle,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0) * m3;
          m4 = m3;
        m4 =    TRANSM(0,0,-length/2) * m4;


          // springy joint
          HingeJoint* k = new HingeJoint(tibia, tarsus, Pos(0,0,-len2/2) * m2,
                                         Axis(v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0,0) * m2);
          k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, rad1 * 2.1);
          // servo used as a spring
          //          spring2 = new HingeServo(k, -1, 1, 1, 0.01,0); // parameters are set later
          spring2 = new OneAxisServoVelocityControlled(odeHandle,k, -1, 1, 1, 0.01); // parameters are set later

          FixedJoint* k = new FixedJoint(tibia, tarsus);
          k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, rad1 * 2.1);

        Primitive *section = tarsus;
        for(int i = 1; i < conf.numTarsusSections; i++){

          double lengthS = length/1.5;
          double radiusS = radius/1.5;
          section = new Capsule(radiusS,lengthS);
          section->init(odeHandle, mass/2, osgHandle);

          osg::Matrix m5;

          if(v < 2){
            m5 =                  TRANSM(0,0,-lengthS/2) *
              ROTM(v%2==0 ? angle : -angle,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0) *
              ROTM(v%2==0 ? angle : -angle,1,0,0) *
              TRANSM(0,0,-length/2) *
          }else if(v > 3){
            m5 =                       TRANSM(0,0,-lengthS/2) *
              ROTM(v%2==0 ? -angle : angle,0,v%2==0 ? -1 : 1,0) *
              ROTM(v%2==0 ? angle : -angle,1,0,0) *
              TRANSM(0,0,-length/2) *

            m5 =                             TRANSM(0,0,-lengthS/2) *
              ROTM(v%2==0 ? angle : -angle,1,0,0) *
              TRANSM(0,0,-length/2) *


          FixedJoint* fj = new FixedJoint(tarsusParts[i-1], tarsusParts[i]);
          fj->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, rad1 * 2.1);
          m4 = m5;


        std::cout<< "legContactArray[" << n << "].legID = " << n << std::endl;
        legContactArray[n].legID = n;
        legContactArray[n].geomid = section->getGeom();
        legContactArray[n].bodyID = section->getBody();




    // New: wiskers
    for ( int n = -1; n < 2; n+=2 ) {
      double l1 = conf.legLength*0.5;
      double t1 = conf.legLength/30;

      Primitive* whisker;
      Pos pos = Pos(conf.size/(2)+t1,
                    conf.legLength + theight/5);

      osg::Matrix m = ROTM(M_PI/10, n,0,0) * ROTM(M_PI/2+M_PI/10, 0,-1,0) * TRANSM(pos) * pose;
      whisker = new Capsule(t1, l1);
      whisker->init(odeHandle, legmass/10, osgHandleJ);
      osg::Matrix m1 = TRANSM(0,0,-l1/2) * m;

      //FixedJoint* k = new FixedJoint(trunk, whisker);
      //k->init(odeHandle, osgHandle, false, 0);
      HingeJoint* k = new HingeJoint(trunk, whisker, Pos(0,0,0) * m,
                                     Axis(1,0,0) * m);
      k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, t1 * 2.1);
      // servo used as a spring
      spring = new HingeServo(k, -M_PI/6, M_PI/6, .1, 0.01,0);

      Primitive* whisker2;
      whisker2 = new Capsule(t1/2, l1);
      whisker2->init(odeHandle, legmass/10, osgHandleJ);
      osg::Matrix m2 = TRANSM(0,0,-l1/2)
        * ROTM(M_PI/10, n,0,0)
        * ROTM(M_PI/10, 0,1,0) * TRANSM(0,0,-l1/2) * m1;

      //      k = new FixedJoint(whisker, whisker2);
      //      k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, false, 0);
      k = new HingeJoint(whisker, whisker2, Pos(0,0,-l1/2) * m1,
                         Axis(0,1,0) * m1);
      k->init(odeHandle, osgHandleJ, true, t1 * 2.1);
      // servo used as a spring
      spring = new HingeServo(k, -M_PI/6, M_PI/6, .05, 0.01,0);


    notifyOnChange("dummy"); // apply all parameters.

Exemple #6

#define ARRAY_SIZE(ARY) ( (int)(sizeof(ARY)/sizeof(ARY[0])) )

#ifdef CONF_DUMP
#define ENABLE_DUMP1
#include "ParserDump.h"

void JointParser::parse(DOMNode &target, Eval &eval)
	char *name = XMLUtils::getAttribute(target, "name");
	DUMP1(("name %s\n", name));


	DOMNode *p = target.getFirstChild();
	while (p) {
		char *s = XMLString::transcode(p->getNodeName());
		//		printf("%s\n", s);
		if (strcmp(s, "type") == 0) {
			char *type = XMLUtils::parseJointType(*p);
			DUMP1(("type=\"%s\"\n", type));
			Joint *j = 0;
			if (strcmp(type, "fixed") == 0) {
				j = new FixedJoint(name);
			} else if (strcmp(type, "ball") == 0) {
				j = new BallJoint(name);
			} else if (strcmp(type, "hinge") == 0) {
				j = new HingeJoint(name, Vector3d(0, 1, 0));
			if (j) {
				m_joint = j;
		} else if (strcmp(s, "limitOrientation") == 0) {
			double *v = XMLUtils::parseLimitOrientation(*p);
			if (m_joint) {
				delete m_joint;
			m_joint = new HingeJoint(name, Vector3d(v[0], v[1], v[2]));
		} else if (strcmp(s, "translation") == 0) {
			double * values = XMLUtils::parseTranslation(*p, eval);
			DUMP1(("translation (%f, %f, %f)\n", values[0], values[1], values[2]));
			m_transform.curr().push(Vector3d(values[0], values[1], values[2]));

		} else if (strcmp(s, "rotation") == 0) {
			double *values = XMLUtils::parseRotation(*p);
			DUMP1(("rotation (%f, %f, %f, %f)\n", values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]));
			Rotation rot;
			rot.setAxisAndAngle(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]);
		} else if (strcmp(s, "axis") == 0) {
			double *values = XMLUtils::parseAxis(*p);
			DUMP1(("axis (%f, %f, %f)\n", values[0], values[1], values[2]));
			if (m_joint) {
				if (m_joint->type() == Joint::TYPE_HINGE) {
					HingeJoint *hinge = static_cast<HingeJoint*>(m_joint);
					hinge->setAxis(values[0], values[1], values[2]);
				} else {
					DUMP1(("not hinge type joint. axis ingored\n"));
			} else {
				DUMP1(("no joint type"));

		} else if (strcmp(s, "children") == 0) {
			parseChildren(*p, eval);
		p = p->getNextSibling();
		Transform &t = m_transform.curr();
		const Vector3d &v = t.translation();
		if (m_joint) {
			DUMP(("Joint : (%f, %f, %f)\n", v.x(), v.y(), v.z()));
			m_joint->setAnchor(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());

	char *strs[] = { name,};
	for (int i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(strs); i++) {
		char *p = strs[i];
Exemple #7
 *	This method updates the position and orientation of the grabbed
 *	object and all connected objects. If the grabbed object has
 *	no connections to other objects (via joints) the method simply
 *	applies the passed position and orientation to the grabbed object.
 *	Otherwise the calculation of the new transformation takes place in
 *	two steps:
 *	First the orientational difference between the grabbed object and
 *	and the passed orientation is calculated and applied to the object
 *	as torque. Then a simulation-step takes place, where the timestep
 *	is set to 0.5, what should leed to the half orientation correction.
 *	After the simulation step the objects velocities are set to zero.
 *	In the second step the difference of the objects position and the
 *	passed one are calculated and applied to the object as force. Like
 *	in step one a simulation-step with dt=0.5 takes place and the
 *	velocities are set to zero again.
 *	After the computation of the new transformations, the method iterates
 *	over all objects, which are grabbed or are linked with the grabbed
 *	object and copies their transformation from the ODE-representation
 *	to the Entity-members.
 *	At last the method calls the checkConstraints-method of all currently
 *	used joints, so that the joints can be activated or deactivated.
 *	@param position: position of the manipulating object
 *	@param orientation: orientation of the manipulating object
TransformationData JointInteraction::update(TransformationData trans)
	if (!isInitialized)

	gmtl::AxisAnglef AxAng;
	gmtl::Vec3f diff;
	dQuaternion quat;

	userTrans.position = trans.position;
	userTrans.orientation = trans.orientation;

	if (!isGrabbing)
		return identityTransformation();

	int numJoints = dBodyGetNumJoints(grabbedObject->body);
	if (!numJoints)
	{ // Simple code for objects without Joints
		convert(quat, userTrans.orientation);
		dBodySetPosition(grabbedObject->body, userTrans.position[0], userTrans.position[1], userTrans.position[2]);
		dBodySetQuaternion(grabbedObject->body, quat);
	{ // Code for object with Joints
		TransformationData objectTrans;
		gmtl::Quatf rotation;
		gmtl::Vec3f force, torque;

		const dReal* pos = dBodyGetPosition(grabbedObject->body);
		const dReal* rot = dBodyGetQuaternion(grabbedObject->body);

		convert(objectTrans.position, pos);
		convert(objectTrans.orientation, rot);

// TODO: move this code to manipulationTerminationModel
		// ungrab object if distance is too high
// 		diff = userTrans.position - objectTrans.position;
// 		if (gmtl::length(diff) > maxDist)
// 		{
// 			printf("JointInteraction::update(): distance %f too high!\n", gmtl::length(diff));
// 			ungrab();
// 			return identityTransformation();
// 		} // if

// STEP 1: apply Torque
		// calculate Torque = angular offset from object orientation to current orientation
		rotation = userTrans.orientation;
		rotation *= invert(objectTrans.orientation);
		gmtl::set(AxAng, rotation);
		torque[0] = AxAng[0]*AxAng[1];  // rotAngle*rotX
		torque[1] = AxAng[0]*AxAng[2];  // rotAngle*rotY
		torque[2] = AxAng[0]*AxAng[3];  // rotAngle*rotZ

// TODO: move this code to manipulationTerminationModel
		// ungrab object if angular distance is too high
// 		if (gmtl::length(torque) > maxRotDist)
// 		{
// 			printf("JointInteraction::update(): rotation %f too high!\n", gmtl::length(torque));
// 			ungrab();
// 			return identityTransformation();
// 		} // if

		// create a Ball Joint to adjust orientation without changing the position
		dJointID universalJoint = dJointCreateBall(world, 0);
		dJointAttach(universalJoint, grabbedObject->body, 0);
		dJointSetBallAnchor(universalJoint, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

//		printf("Torque = %f %f %f\n", torque[0], torque[1], torque[2]);
 * old way --> is very instable due to high timestep!!!
 *		dBodySetTorque(grabbedObject->body, torque[0], torque[1], torque[2]);
 * // Half way to destination
 *		dWorldStep(world, 0.5);
		// take some simulation-steps for adjusting object's orientation
		for (int i=0; i < stepsPerFrame; i++)
			dBodySetTorque(grabbedObject->body, torque[0], torque[1], torque[2]);
			dWorldStep(world, 1.0f/stepsPerFrame);
		} // for


// Reset speed and angular velocity to 0
		dBodySetLinearVel(grabbedObject->body, 0, 0, 0);
		dBodySetAngularVel(grabbedObject->body, 0, 0, 0);

// STEP 2: apply force into wanted direction
		// calculate Force = vector from object position to current position
		force = (userTrans.position - objectTrans.position);

//		printf("Force = %f %f %f\n", force[0], force[1], force[2]);
 * old way --> is very instable due to high timestep!!!
 *		dBodySetForce(grabbedObject->body, force[0], force[1], force[2]);
 * // Half way to destination
 *		dWorldStep(world, 0.5);
		// take some simulation-steps for adjusting object's position
		for (int i=0; i < stepsPerFrame; i++)
			dBodySetForce(grabbedObject->body, force[0], force[1], force[2]);
			dWorldStep(world, 1.0f/stepsPerFrame);
		} // for

// Reset speed and angular velocity to 0
		dBodySetLinearVel(grabbedObject->body, 0, 0, 0);
		dBodySetAngularVel(grabbedObject->body, 0, 0, 0);

// Get position and Orientation from simulated object
	TransformationData newTransform = identityTransformation();
	const dReal* pos = dBodyGetPosition(grabbedObject->body);
	const dReal* rot = dBodyGetQuaternion(grabbedObject->body);

	convert(newTransform.orientation, rot);
	convert(newTransform.position, pos);

// Get position and Orientation from simulated objects
	std::map<int, ODEObject*>::iterator it = linkedObjMap.begin();
	ODEObject* object;
	TransformationData linkedObjectTrans = identityTransformation();
	while (it != linkedObjMap.end())
		object = linkedObjMap[(*it).first];
		if (object != grabbedObject)
			linkedObjectTrans = object->entity->getWorldTransformation();
			const dReal* pos1 = dBodyGetPosition(object->body);
			const dReal* rot1 = dBodyGetQuaternion(object->body);

			convert (linkedObjectTrans.orientation, rot1);
			convert (linkedObjectTrans.position, pos1);

// 			gmtl::set(AxAng, newRot);

/*			object->entity->setTranslation(pos1[0], pos1[1], pos1[2]);
			object->entity->setRotation(AxAng[1], AxAng[2], AxAng[3], AxAng[0]);*/
// 			assert(false);
// 			object->entity->setEnvironmentTransformation(linkedObjectTrans);
// 			object->entity->update();
		} // if
	} // while

// Update angles in HingeJoints and check joint-constraints
	HingeJoint* hinge;
	for (int i=0; i < (int)attachedJoints.size(); i++)
		hinge = dynamic_cast<HingeJoint*>(attachedJoints[i]);
		if (hinge)

	} // for

	TransformationData result;
	multiply(result, newTransform, deltaTrans);

	TransformationPipe* pipe = linkedObjPipes[grabbedObject->entity->getEnvironmentBasedId()];
	if (pipe)
		printd(WARNING, "JointInteraction::update(): Could not find Pipe for manipulated Object!\n");

	return newTransform;
} // update
Exemple #8
Joint* JointInteraction::xmlParseJoint(IrrXMLReader* xml, std::string& jointType)
	bool finished = false;
	Constraint* constraint = NULL;

	Joint* joint = JointFactory::create(xml->getAttributeValue("type"));
	jointType = xml->getAttributeValue("type");
	if (xml->getAttributeValue("active"))

	while (!finished && xml && xml->read())
		switch (xml->getNodeType())
			case EXN_ELEMENT:
				if (!strcmp("entities", xml->getNodeName()))
					xmlParseEntities(xml, joint);
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("anchor", xml->getNodeName()))
					if (!jointType.compare("ball") || !jointType.compare("Ball") || !jointType.compare("BALL"))
						BallJoint* ball = dynamic_cast<BallJoint*>(joint);
						ball->setAnchor(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zPos")));
					} // if
					else if (!jointType.compare("hinge") || !jointType.compare("Hinge") || !jointType.compare("HINGE"))
						HingeJoint* hinge = dynamic_cast<HingeJoint*>(joint);
						hinge->setAnchor(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zPos")));
					} // else if
					else if (!jointType.compare("universal") || !jointType.compare("Universal") || !jointType.compare("UNIVERSAL"))
						UniversalJoint* universal = dynamic_cast<UniversalJoint*>(joint);
						universal->setAnchor(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zPos")));
					} // else if
					else if (!jointType.compare("hinge2") || !jointType.compare("Hinge2") || !jointType.compare("HINGE2"))
						Hinge2Joint* hinge2 = dynamic_cast<Hinge2Joint*>(joint);
						hinge2->setAnchor(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yPos")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zPos")));
					} // else if
						printd(WARNING, "JointInteraction::loadJoints(): WARNING: JOINT-TYPE  %s NEEDS NO anchor ELEMENT!!!\n", jointType.c_str());
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("axis", xml->getNodeName()))
					if (!jointType.compare("hinge") || !jointType.compare("Hinge") || !jointType.compare("HINGE"))
						HingeJoint* hinge = dynamic_cast<HingeJoint*>(joint);
						hinge->setAxis(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zDir")));
					} // if
					else if (!jointType.compare("slider") || !jointType.compare("Slider") || !jointType.compare("SLIDER"))
						SliderJoint* slider = dynamic_cast<SliderJoint*>(joint);
						slider->setAxis(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zDir")));
					} // else if
					else if (!jointType.compare("universal") || !jointType.compare("Universal") || !jointType.compare("UNIVERSAL")) {
						UniversalJoint* universal = dynamic_cast<UniversalJoint*>(joint);
						if (atoi(xml->getAttributeValue("index")) == 1)
							universal->setAxis1(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zDir")));
						else if (atoi(xml->getAttributeValue("index")) == 2)
							universal->setAxis2(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zDir")));
							printd(WARNING, "JointInteraction::loadJoints(): WARNING: WRONG ATTRIBUTE FOUND IN axis ELEMENT of UniversalJoint!!!\n");
					} // else if
					else if (!jointType.compare("hinge2") || !jointType.compare("Hinge2") || !jointType.compare("HINGE2")) {
						Hinge2Joint* hinge2 = dynamic_cast<Hinge2Joint*>(joint);
						if (atoi(xml->getAttributeValue("index")) == 1)
							hinge2->setAxis1(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zDir")));
						else if (atoi(xml->getAttributeValue("index")) == 2)
							hinge2->setAxis2(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("xDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("yDir")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("zDir")));
							printd(WARNING, "JointInteraction::loadJoints(): WARNING: WRONG ATTRIBUTE FOUND IN axis ELEMENT of Hinge2Joint!!!\n");
					} // else if
						printd(WARNING, "JointInteraction::loadJoints(): WARNING: JOINT-TYPE  %s NEEDS NO axis ELEMENT!!!\n", jointType.c_str());
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("angles", xml->getNodeName()))
					if (!jointType.compare("hinge") || !jointType.compare("Hinge") || !jointType.compare("HINGE"))
						HingeJoint* hinge = dynamic_cast<HingeJoint*>(joint);
						hinge->setAngles(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("min")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("max")));
					} // if
						printd(WARNING, "JointInteraction::loadJoints(): WARNING: JOINT-TYPE  %s HAS NO angles ELEMENT!!!\n", jointType.c_str());
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("positions", xml->getNodeName()))
					SliderJoint* slider = dynamic_cast<SliderJoint*>(joint);
					slider->setPositions(atof(xml->getAttributeValue("min")), atof(xml->getAttributeValue("max")));
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("activateIF", xml->getNodeName()))
					constraint = new Constraint(this);
					xmlParseConstraintAttributes(xml, constraint);
					constraint = NULL;
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("deactivateIF", xml->getNodeName()))
					constraint = new Constraint(this);
					xmlParseConstraintAttributes(xml, constraint);
					constraint = NULL;
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("activeIF", xml->getNodeName()))
					constraint = new Constraint(this);
					xmlParseConstraintAttributes(xml, constraint);
					constraint = NULL;
				} // else if
				else if (!strcmp("inactiveIF", xml->getNodeName()))
					constraint = new Constraint(this);
					xmlParseConstraintAttributes(xml, constraint);
					constraint = NULL;
				} // else if
				if (!strcmp("joint", xml->getNodeName()))
					finished = true;
		} // switch
	} // while
	return joint;
} // xmlParseJoint
void GazeboMechanismControl::UpdateChild()

  assert(joints_.size() == fake_state_->joint_states_.size());
  assert(joints_.size() == joints_damping_.size());

  //  Pushes out simulation state

  // Copies the state from the gazebo joints into the mechanism joints.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joints_.size(); ++i)
    if (!joints_[i])

    fake_state_->joint_states_[i].applied_effort_ = fake_state_->joint_states_[i].commanded_effort_;

    case Joint::HINGE: {
      HingeJoint *hj = (HingeJoint*)joints_[i];
      fake_state_->joint_states_[i].position_ = hj->GetAngle();
      fake_state_->joint_states_[i].velocity_ = hj->GetAngleRate();
    case Joint::SLIDER: {
      SliderJoint *sj = (SliderJoint*)joints_[i];
      fake_state_->joint_states_[i].position_ = sj->GetPosition();
      fake_state_->joint_states_[i].velocity_ = sj->GetPositionRate();

  // Reverses the transmissions to propagate the joint position into the actuators.

  //  Runs Mechanism Control
  hw_.current_time_ = Simulator::Instance()->GetSimTime();
  catch (const char* c)
    if (strcmp(c,"dividebyzero")==0)
      std::cout << "WARNING:pid controller reports divide by zero error" << std::endl;
      std::cout << "unknown const char* exception: " << c << std::endl;

  //  Takes in actuation commands

  // Reverses the transmissions to propagate the actuator commands into the joints.

  // Copies the commands from the mechanism joints into the gazebo joints.
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < joints_.size(); ++i)
    if (!joints_[i])

    double damping_force;
    double effort = fake_state_->joint_states_[i].commanded_effort_;
    switch (joints_[i]->GetType())
    case Joint::HINGE:
      damping_force = joints_damping_[i] * ((HingeJoint*)joints_[i])->GetAngleRate();
      ((HingeJoint*)joints_[i])->SetTorque(effort - damping_force);
    case Joint::SLIDER:
      damping_force = joints_damping_[i] * ((SliderJoint*)joints_[i])->GetPositionRate();
      ((SliderJoint*)joints_[i])->SetSliderForce(effort - damping_force);