void ChromeClientQt::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& result, unsigned modifierFlags)
    if (result.absoluteLinkURL() != lastHoverURL
        || result.title() != lastHoverTitle
        || result.textContent() != lastHoverContent) {
        lastHoverURL = result.absoluteLinkURL();
        lastHoverTitle = result.title();
        lastHoverContent = result.textContent();
        emit m_webPage->linkHovered(lastHoverURL.prettyURL(),
                lastHoverTitle, lastHoverContent);
Exemple #2
void ChromeClientQt::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& result, unsigned)
    TextDirection dir;
    if (result.absoluteLinkURL() != lastHoverURL
        || result.title(dir) != lastHoverTitle
        || result.textContent() != lastHoverContent) {
        lastHoverURL = result.absoluteLinkURL();
        lastHoverTitle = result.title(dir);
        lastHoverContent = result.textContent();
        emit m_webPage->linkHovered(lastHoverURL.string(),
                lastHoverTitle, lastHoverContent);
Exemple #3
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip();

    // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those).
    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page->settings()->showsURLsInToolTips()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
                if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::SUBMIT)
                    if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form())
                        toolTip = form->action();

        // Get tooltip representing link's URL
        if (toolTip.isEmpty())
            // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore
            toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().string();

    // Lastly we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title();

Exemple #4
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    TextDirection toolTipDirection;
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip(toolTipDirection);

    // Next we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title(toolTipDirection);

    // Lastly, for <input type="file"> that allow multiple files, we'll consider a tooltip for the selected filenames
    if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node);
                toolTip = input->defaultToolTip();

                // FIXME: We should obtain text direction of tooltip from
                // ChromeClient or platform. As of October 2011, all client
                // implementations don't use text direction information for
                // ChromeClient::setToolTip. We'll work on tooltip text
                // direction during bidi cleanup in form inputs.
                toolTipDirection = LTR;

    m_client->setToolTip(toolTip, toolTipDirection);
Exemple #5
void ChromeClient::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& hit, unsigned modifierFlags)
    // If a tooltip must be displayed it will be, afterwards, when
    // setToolTip is called; this is just a work-around to make sure
    // it updates its location correctly; see
    // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15793.
    g_object_set(m_webView, "has-tooltip", FALSE, NULL);

    GdkDisplay* gdkDisplay;
    GtkWidget* window = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(GTK_WIDGET(m_webView));
    if (GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(window))
        gdkDisplay = gtk_widget_get_display(window);
        gdkDisplay = gdk_display_get_default();

    // check if the element is a link...
    bool isLink = hit.isLiveLink();
    if (isLink) {
        KURL url = hit.absoluteLinkURL();
        if (!url.isEmpty() && url != m_hoveredLinkURL) {
            TextDirection dir;
            CString titleString = hit.title(dir).utf8();
            CString urlString = url.prettyURL().utf8();
            g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", titleString.data(), urlString.data());
            m_hoveredLinkURL = url;
    } else if (!isLink && !m_hoveredLinkURL.isEmpty()) {
        g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", 0, 0);
        m_hoveredLinkURL = KURL();
void ChromeClient::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& hit, unsigned modifierFlags)
    // check if the element is a link...
    bool isLink = hit.isLiveLink();
    if (isLink) {
        KURL url = hit.absoluteLinkURL();
        if (!url.isEmpty() && url != m_hoveredLinkURL) {
            TextDirection dir;
            CString titleString = hit.title(dir).utf8();
            CString urlString = url.string().utf8();
            g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", titleString.data(), urlString.data());
            m_hoveredLinkURL = url;
    } else if (!isLink && !m_hoveredLinkURL.isEmpty()) {
        g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", 0, 0);
        m_hoveredLinkURL = KURL();

    if (Node* node = hit.innerNonSharedNode()) {
        Frame* frame = node->document()->frame();
        FrameView* view = frame ? frame->view() : 0;
        m_webView->priv->tooltipArea = view ? view->contentsToWindow(node->getRect()) : IntRect();
    } else
        m_webView->priv->tooltipArea = IntRect();
Exemple #7
void ChromeClient::setToolTip(LocalFrame& frame, const HitTestResult& result) {
  // First priority is a tooltip for element with "title" attribute.
  TextDirection toolTipDirection;
  String toolTip = result.title(toolTipDirection);

  // Lastly, some elements provide default tooltip strings.  e.g. <input
  // type="file" multiple> shows a tooltip for the selected filenames.
  if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
    if (Node* node = result.innerNode()) {
      if (node->isElementNode()) {
        toolTip = toElement(node)->defaultToolTip();

        // FIXME: We should obtain text direction of tooltip from
        // ChromeClient or platform. As of October 2011, all client
        // implementations don't use text direction information for
        // ChromeClient::setToolTip. We'll work on tooltip text
        // direction during bidi cleanup in form inputs.
        toolTipDirection = LTR;

  if (m_lastToolTipPoint == result.hitTestLocation().point() &&
      m_lastToolTipText == toolTip)
  m_lastToolTipPoint = result.hitTestLocation().point();
  m_lastToolTipText = toolTip;
  setToolTip(frame, toolTip, toolTipDirection);
void ChromeClientEA::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& result, unsigned)
#if 0
	// This could have interesting usage in UI. On PC, it is mostly used to display info in the
	// status panel.
	TextDirection dir;
    if (result.absoluteLinkURL() != lastHoverURL
        || result.title(dir) != lastHoverTitle
        || result.textContent() != lastHoverContent) {
        lastHoverURL = result.absoluteLinkURL();
        lastHoverTitle = result.title(dir);
        lastHoverContent = result.textContent();
        emit m_webPage->linkHovered(lastHoverURL.string(),
                lastHoverTitle, lastHoverContent);
Exemple #9
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    TextDirection toolTipDirection;
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip(toolTipDirection);

    // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those).
    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page.settings().showsURLsInToolTips()) {
        if (Element* element = result.innerNonSharedElement()) {
            // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant
            if (isHTMLInputElement(element)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(element);
                if (input->isSubmitButton()) {
                    if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form()) {
                        toolTip = form->action();
                        if (form->renderer())
                            toolTipDirection = form->renderer()->style()->direction();
                            toolTipDirection = LTR;

        // Get tooltip representing link's URL
        if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
            // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore
            toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().string();
            // URL always display as LTR.
            toolTipDirection = LTR;

    // Next we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title(toolTipDirection);

    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page.settings().showsToolTipOverTruncatedText())
        toolTip = result.innerTextIfTruncated(toolTipDirection);

    // Lastly, for <input type="file"> that allow multiple files, we'll consider a tooltip for the selected filenames
    if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
        if (Element* element = result.innerNonSharedElement()) {
            if (isHTMLInputElement(element)) {
                toolTip = toHTMLInputElement(element)->defaultToolTip();

                // FIXME: We should obtain text direction of tooltip from
                // ChromeClient or platform. As of October 2011, all client
                // implementations don't use text direction information for
                // ChromeClient::setToolTip. We'll work on tooltip text
                // direction during bidi cleanup in form inputs.
                toolTipDirection = LTR;

    m_client.setToolTip(toolTip, toolTipDirection);
Exemple #10
void Chrome::setToolTip(const HitTestResult& result)
    // First priority is a potential toolTip representing a spelling or grammar error
    String toolTip = result.spellingToolTip();

    // Next priority is a toolTip from a URL beneath the mouse (if preference is set to show those).
    if (toolTip.isEmpty() && m_page->settings()->showsURLsInToolTips()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            // Get tooltip representing form action, if relevant
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
                if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::SUBMIT)
                    if (HTMLFormElement* form = input->form())
                        toolTip = form->action();

        // Get tooltip representing link's URL
        if (toolTip.isEmpty())
            // FIXME: Need to pass this URL through userVisibleString once that's in WebCore
            toolTip = result.absoluteLinkURL().string();

    // Next we'll consider a tooltip for element with "title" attribute
    if (toolTip.isEmpty())
        toolTip = result.title();

    // Lastly, for <input type="file"> that allow multiple files, we'll consider a tooltip for the selected filenames
    if (toolTip.isEmpty()) {
        if (Node* node = result.innerNonSharedNode()) {
            if (node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
                if (input->inputType() == HTMLInputElement::FILE) {
                    FileList* files = input->files();
                    unsigned listSize = files->length();
                    if (files && listSize > 1) {
                        Vector<UChar> names;
                        for (size_t i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) {
                            append(names, files->item(i)->fileName());
                            if (i != listSize - 1)
                        toolTip = String::adopt(names);
Exemple #11
void ChromeClient::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& hit, unsigned modifierFlags)
    // check if the element is a link...
    bool isLink = hit.isLiveLink();
    if (isLink) {
        KURL url = hit.absoluteLinkURL();
        if (!url.isEmpty() && url != m_hoveredLinkURL) {
            CString titleString = hit.title().utf8();
            CString urlString = url.prettyURL().utf8();
            g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", titleString.data(), urlString.data());
            m_hoveredLinkURL = url;
    } else if (!isLink && !m_hoveredLinkURL.isEmpty()) {
        g_signal_emit_by_name(m_webView, "hovering-over-link", 0, 0);
        m_hoveredLinkURL = KURL();
Exemple #12
void ChromeClientEfl::mouseDidMoveOverElement(const HitTestResult& hit, unsigned modifierFlags)
    // FIXME, compare with old link, look at Qt impl.
    bool isLink = hit.isLiveLink();
    if (isLink) {
        KURL url = hit.absoluteLinkURL();
        if (!url.isEmpty() && url != m_hoveredLinkURL) {
            const char* link[2];
            TextDirection dir;
            CString urlStr = url.string().utf8();
            CString titleStr = hit.title(dir).utf8();
            link[0] = urlStr.data();
            link[1] = titleStr.data();
            ewk_view_mouse_link_hover_in(m_view, link);
            m_hoveredLinkURL = url;
    } else if (!isLink && !m_hoveredLinkURL.isEmpty()) {
        m_hoveredLinkURL = KURL();