bool IOMapSerialize::loadHouses() { Database* db = Database::getInstance(); DBQuery query; query << "SELECT * FROM `houses` WHERE `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID); DBResult* result; if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))) return false; House* house = NULL; do { if(!(house = Houses::getInstance()->getHouse(result->getDataInt("id")))) continue; house->setRentWarnings(result->getDataInt("warnings")); house->setLastWarning(result->getDataInt("lastwarning")); house->setPaidUntil(result->getDataInt("paid")); if(result->getDataInt("clear") == 1) house->setPendingTransfer(true); house->setOwner(result->getDataInt("owner")); if(house->getOwner() && house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_UPDATE)) house->resetSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_UPDATE); } while(result->next()); result->free(); for(HouseMap::iterator it = Houses::getInstance()->getHouseBegin(); it != Houses::getInstance()->getHouseEnd(); ++it) { if(!(house = it->second) || !house->getId() || !house->getOwner()) continue; query.str(""); query << "SELECT `listid`, `list` FROM `house_lists` WHERE `house_id` = " << house->getId(); query << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID); if(!(result = db->storeQuery(query.str()))) continue; do house->setAccessList(result->getDataInt("listid"), result->getDataString("list")); while(result->next()); result->free(); } return true; }
bool IOMapSerialize::saveMap() { int64_t start = OTSYS_TIME(); Database* db = Database::getInstance(); std::ostringstream query; //Start the transaction DBTransaction transaction; if (!transaction.begin()) { return false; } //clear old tile data if (!db->executeQuery("DELETE FROM `tile_store`")) { return false; } DBInsert stmt; stmt.setQuery("INSERT INTO `tile_store` (`house_id`, `data`) VALUES "); PropWriteStream stream; for (const auto& it : Houses::getInstance().getHouses()) { //save house items House* house = it.second; for (HouseTile* tile : house->getTiles()) { saveTile(stream, tile); size_t attributesSize; const char* attributes = stream.getStream(attributesSize); if (attributesSize > 0) { query << house->getId() << ',' << db->escapeBlob(attributes, attributesSize); if (!stmt.addRow(query)) { return false; } } stream.clear(); } } if (!stmt.execute()) { return false; } //End the transaction bool success = transaction.commit(); std::cout << "> Saved house items in: " << (OTSYS_TIME() - start) / (1000.) << " s" << std::endl; return success; }
bool IOMapSerialize::loadMapRelational(Map* map) { Database* db = Database::getInstance(); DBQuery query; //lock mutex! House* house = NULL; for(HouseMap::iterator it = Houses::getInstance()->getHouseBegin(); it != Houses::getInstance()->getHouseEnd(); ++it) { if(!(house = it->second)) continue; query.str(""); query << "SELECT * FROM `tiles` WHERE `house_id` = " << house->getId() << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID); if(DBResult* result = db->storeQuery(query.str())) { do { query.str(""); query << "SELECT * FROM `tile_items` WHERE `tile_id` = " << result->getDataInt("id") << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << " ORDER BY `sid` DESC"; if(DBResult* itemsResult = db->storeQuery(query.str())) { if(house->hasPendingTransfer()) { if(Player* player = g_game.getPlayerByGuidEx(house->getOwner())) { loadItems(itemsResult, player->getInbox(), true); if(player->isVirtual()) { IOLoginData::getInstance()->savePlayer(player); delete player; } } } else { Position pos(result->getDataInt("x"), result->getDataInt("y"), result->getDataInt("z")); if(Tile* tile = map->getTile(pos)) loadItems(itemsResult, tile, false); else std::clog << "[Error - IOMapSerialize::loadMapRelational] Unserialization" << " of invalid tile at position "<< pos << std::endl; } itemsResult->free(); } } while(result->next()); result->free(); } else //backward compatibility { for(HouseTileList::iterator it = house->getHouseTileBegin(); it != house->getHouseTileEnd(); ++it) { query.str(""); query << "SELECT `id` FROM `tiles` WHERE `x` = " << (*it)->getPosition().x << " AND `y` = " << (*it)->getPosition().y << " AND `z` = " << (*it)->getPosition().z << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << " LIMIT 1"; if(DBResult* result = db->storeQuery(query.str())) { query.str(""); query << "SELECT * FROM `tile_items` WHERE `tile_id` = " << result->getDataInt("id") << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << " ORDER BY `sid` DESC"; if(DBResult* itemsResult = db->storeQuery(query.str())) { if(house->hasPendingTransfer()) { if(Player* player = g_game.getPlayerByGuidEx(house->getOwner())) { loadItems(itemsResult, player->getInbox(), true); if(player->isVirtual()) { IOLoginData::getInstance()->savePlayer(player); delete player; } } } else loadItems(itemsResult, (*it), false); itemsResult->free(); } result->free(); } } } } return true; }
bool IOMapSerialize::updateHouses() { Database* db = Database::getInstance(); DBQuery query; House* house = NULL; for(HouseMap::iterator it = Houses::getInstance()->getHouseBegin(); it != Houses::getInstance()->getHouseEnd(); ++it) { if(!(house = it->second)) continue; query << "SELECT `price` FROM `houses` WHERE `id` = " << house->getId() << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << " LIMIT 1"; if(DBResult* result = db->storeQuery(query.str())) { if((uint32_t)result->getDataInt("price") != house->getPrice()) house->setSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_UPDATE); result->free(); query.str(""); query << "UPDATE `houses` SET "; if(house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_NAME)) query << "`name` = " << db->escapeString(house->getName()) << ", "; if(house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_TOWN)) query << "`town` = " << house->getTownId() << ", "; if(house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_SIZE)) query << "`size` = " << house->getSize() << ", "; if(house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_PRICE)) query << "`price` = " << house->getPrice() << ", "; if(house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_RENT)) query << "`rent` = " << house->getRent() << ", "; query << "`doors` = " << house->getDoorsCount() << ", `beds` = " << house->getBedsCount() << ", `tiles` = " << house->getTilesCount(); if(house->hasSyncFlag(House::HOUSE_SYNC_GUILD)) query << ", `guild` = " << house->isGuild(); query << " WHERE `id` = " << house->getId() << " AND `world_id` = " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << db->getUpdateLimiter(); } else { query.str(""); query << "INSERT INTO `houses` (`id`, `world_id`, `owner`, `name`, `town`, `size`, `price`, `rent`, `doors`, `beds`, `tiles`, `guild`) VALUES (" << house->getId() << ", " << g_config.getNumber(ConfigManager::WORLD_ID) << ", 0, " //we need owner for compatibility reasons (field doesn't have a default value) << db->escapeString(house->getName()) << ", " << house->getTownId() << ", " << house->getSize() << ", " << house->getPrice() << ", " << house->getRent() << ", " << house->getDoorsCount() << ", " << house->getBedsCount() << ", " << house->getTilesCount() << ", " << house->isGuild() << ")"; } if(!db->query(query.str())) return false; query.str(""); } return true; }
bool IOMap::loadMap(Map* map, const std::string& identifier) { int64_t start = OTSYS_TIME(); FileLoader f; if (!f.openFile(identifier.c_str(), "OTBM")) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Could not open the file " << identifier << '.'; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } uint32_t type; PropStream propStream; NODE root = f.getChildNode(nullptr, type); if (!f.getProps(root, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read root property."); return false; } const OTBM_root_header* root_header; if (!propStream.readStruct(root_header)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read header."); return false; } uint32_t headerVersion = root_header->version; if (headerVersion <= 0) { //In otbm version 1 the count variable after splashes/fluidcontainers and stackables //are saved as attributes instead, this solves alot of problems with items //that is changed (stackable/charges/fluidcontainer/splash) during an update. setLastErrorString("This map need to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if (headerVersion > 2) { setLastErrorString("Unknown OTBM version detected."); return false; } if (root_header->majorVersionItems < 3) { setLastErrorString("This map need to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if (root_header->majorVersionItems > Items::dwMajorVersion) { setLastErrorString("The map was saved with a different items.otb version, an upgraded items.otb is required."); return false; } if (root_header->minorVersionItems < CLIENT_VERSION_810) { setLastErrorString("This map needs to be updated."); return false; } if (root_header->minorVersionItems > Items::dwMinorVersion) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] This map needs an updated items.otb." << std::endl; } std::cout << "> Map size: " << root_header->width << "x" << root_header->height << '.' << std::endl; map->width = root_header->width; map->height = root_header->height; NODE nodeMap = f.getChildNode(root, type); if (type != OTBM_MAP_DATA) { setLastErrorString("Could not read data node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeMap, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read map data attributes."); return false; } std::string mapDescription; std::string tmp; uint8_t attribute; while (<uint8_t>(attribute)) { switch (attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION: if (!propStream.readString(mapDescription)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid description tag."); return false; } break; case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_SPAWN_FILE: if (!propStream.readString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid spawn tag."); return false; } map->spawnfile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->spawnfile += tmp; break; case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_HOUSE_FILE: if (!propStream.readString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid house tag."); return false; } map->housefile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->housefile += tmp; break; default: setLastErrorString("Unknown header node."); return false; } } NODE nodeMapData = f.getChildNode(nodeMap, type); while (nodeMapData != NO_NODE) { if (f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } if (type == OTBM_TILE_AREA) { if (!f.getProps(nodeMapData, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } const OTBM_Destination_coords* area_coord; if (!propStream.readStruct(area_coord)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } int32_t base_x = area_coord->x; int32_t base_y = area_coord->y; int32_t base_z = area_coord->z; NODE nodeTile = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while (nodeTile != NO_NODE) { if (f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } if (type != OTBM_TILE && type != OTBM_HOUSETILE) { setLastErrorString("Unknown tile node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeTile, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } const OTBM_Tile_coords* tile_coord; if (!propStream.readStruct(tile_coord)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read tile position."); return false; } uint16_t px = base_x + tile_coord->x; uint16_t py = base_y + tile_coord->y; uint16_t pz = base_z; bool isHouseTile = false; House* house = nullptr; Tile* tile = nullptr; Item* ground_item = nullptr; uint32_t tileflags = TILESTATE_NONE; if (type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { uint32_t houseId; if (!<uint32_t>(houseId)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not read house id."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } house = map->houses.addHouse(houseId); if (!house) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not create house id: " << houseId; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } tile = new HouseTile(px, py, pz, house); house->addTile(reinterpret_cast<HouseTile*>(tile)); isHouseTile = true; } //read tile attributes while (<uint8_t>(attribute)) { switch (attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32_t flags; if (!<uint32_t>(flags)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to read tile flags."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if ((flags & TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) == TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; } else if ((flags & TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) == TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE; } else if ((flags & TILESTATE_PVPZONE) == TILESTATE_PVPZONE) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_PVPZONE; } if ((flags & TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) == TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; } break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if (!item) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if (isHouseTile && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Moveable item with ID: " << item->getID() << ", in house: " << house->getId() << ", at position [x: " << px << ", y: " << py << ", z: " << pz << "]." << std::endl; delete item; } else { if (item->getItemCount() <= 0) { item->setItemCount(1); } if (tile) { tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if (item->isGroundTile()) { delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground_item, item, px, py, pz); tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } break; } default: std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown tile attribute."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } } NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(nodeTile, type); while (nodeItem) { if (type != OTBM_ITEM) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown node type."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } PropStream stream; if (!f.getProps(nodeItem, stream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid item node."); return false; } Item* item = Item::CreateItem(stream); if (!item) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if (!item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, stream)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to load item " << item->getID() << '.'; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); delete item; return false; } if (isHouseTile && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Moveable item with ID: " << item->getID() << ", in house: " << house->getId() << ", at position [x: " << px << ", y: " << py << ", z: " << pz << "]." << std::endl; delete item; } else { if (item->getItemCount() <= 0) { item->setItemCount(1); } if (tile) { tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if (item->isGroundTile()) { delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground_item, item, px, py, pz); tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } if (!tile) { tile = createTile(ground_item, nullptr, px, py, pz); } tile->setFlag(static_cast<tileflags_t>(tileflags)); map->setTile(px, py, pz, tile); nodeTile = f.getNextNode(nodeTile, type); } } else if (type == OTBM_TOWNS) { NODE nodeTown = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while (nodeTown != NO_NODE) { if (type != OTBM_TOWN) { setLastErrorString("Unknown town node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeTown, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town data."); return false; } uint32_t townId; if (!<uint32_t>(townId)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town id."); return false; } Town* town = map->towns.getTown(townId); if (!town) { town = new Town(townId); map->towns.addTown(townId, town); } std::string townName; if (!propStream.readString(townName)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town name."); return false; } town->setName(townName); const OTBM_Destination_coords* town_coords; if (!propStream.readStruct(town_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town coordinates."); return false; } town->setTemplePos(Position(town_coords->x, town_coords->y, town_coords->z)); nodeTown = f.getNextNode(nodeTown, type); } } else if (type == OTBM_WAYPOINTS && headerVersion > 1) { NODE nodeWaypoint = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while (nodeWaypoint != NO_NODE) { if (type != OTBM_WAYPOINT) { setLastErrorString("Unknown waypoint node."); return false; } if (!f.getProps(nodeWaypoint, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint data."); return false; } std::string name; if (!propStream.readString(name)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint name."); return false; } const OTBM_Destination_coords* waypoint_coords; if (!propStream.readStruct(waypoint_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint coordinates."); return false; } map->waypoints[name] = Position(waypoint_coords->x, waypoint_coords->y, waypoint_coords->z); nodeWaypoint = f.getNextNode(nodeWaypoint, type); } } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown map node."); return false; } nodeMapData = f.getNextNode(nodeMapData, type); } std::cout << "> Map loading time: " << (OTSYS_TIME() - start) / (1000.) << " seconds." << std::endl; return true; }
bool IOMap::loadMap(Map* map, const std::string& identifier) { FileLoader f; if(!f.openFile(identifier.c_str(), false, true)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "Could not open the file " << identifier << "."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } uint32_t type = 0; NODE root = f.getChildNode((NODE)NULL, type); PropStream propStream; if(!f.getProps(root, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read root property."); return false; } OTBM_root_header* rootHeader; if(!propStream.getStruct(rootHeader)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read header."); return false; } uint32_t headerVersion = rootHeader->version; if(headerVersion <= 0) { //In otbm version 1 the count variable after splashes/fluidcontainers and stackables //are saved as attributes instead, this solves alot of problems with items //that is changed (stackable/charges/fluidcontainer/splash) during an update. setLastErrorString("This map needs to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if(headerVersion > 3) { setLastErrorString("Unknown OTBM version detected."); return false; } uint32_t headerMajorItems = rootHeader->majorVersionItems; if(headerMajorItems < 3) { setLastErrorString("This map needs to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if(headerMajorItems > (uint32_t)Items::dwMajorVersion) { setLastErrorString("The map was saved with a different items.otb version, an upgraded items.otb is required."); return false; } uint32_t headerMinorItems = rootHeader->minorVersionItems; if(headerMinorItems < CLIENT_VERSION_810) { setLastErrorString("This map needs an updated items.otb."); return false; } if(headerMinorItems > (uint32_t)Items::dwMinorVersion) setLastErrorString("This map needs an updated items.otb."); std::clog << "> Map size: " << rootHeader->width << "x" << rootHeader->height << "." << std::endl; map->mapWidth = rootHeader->width; map->mapHeight = rootHeader->height; NODE nodeMap = f.getChildNode(root, type); if(type != OTBM_MAP_DATA) { setLastErrorString("Could not read data node."); return false; } if(!f.getProps(nodeMap, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read map data attributes."); return false; } std::string tmp; uint8_t attribute; while(propStream.getByte(attribute)) { switch(attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION: { if(!propStream.getString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid description tag."); return false; } map->descriptions.push_back(tmp); break; } case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_SPAWN_FILE: { if(!propStream.getString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid spawnfile tag."); return false; } map->spawnfile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->spawnfile += tmp; break; } case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_HOUSE_FILE: { if(!propStream.getString(tmp)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid housefile tag."); return false; } map->housefile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->housefile += tmp; break; } default: { setLastErrorString("Unknown header node."); return false; } } } std::clog << "> Map descriptions: " << std::endl; for(StringVec::iterator it = map->descriptions.begin(); it != map->descriptions.end(); ++it) std::clog << "\"" << (*it) << "\"" << std::endl; NODE nodeMapData = f.getChildNode(nodeMap, type); while(nodeMapData != NO_NODE) { if(f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } if(type == OTBM_TILE_AREA) { if(!f.getProps(nodeMapData, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } OTBM_Destination_coords* area_coord; if(!propStream.getStruct(area_coord)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } int32_t base_x = area_coord->_x, base_y = area_coord->_y, base_z = area_coord->_z; NODE nodeTile = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeTile != NO_NODE) { if(f.getError() != ERROR_NONE) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } if(type == OTBM_TILE || type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { if(!f.getProps(nodeTile, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } OTBM_Tile_coords* tileCoord; if(!propStream.getStruct(tileCoord)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read tile position."); return false; } Tile* tile = NULL; Item* ground = NULL; uint32_t tileflags = 0; uint16_t px = base_x + tileCoord->_x, py = base_y + tileCoord->_y, pz = base_z; House* house = NULL; if(type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { uint32_t _houseid; if(!propStream.getLong(_houseid)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not read house id."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } house = Houses::getInstance()->getHouse(_houseid, true); if(!house) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Could not create house id: " << _houseid; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } tile = new HouseTile(px, py, pz, house); house->addTile(static_cast<HouseTile*>(tile)); } //read tile attributes uint8_t attribute; while(propStream.getByte(attribute)) { switch(attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32_t flags; if(!propStream.getLong(flags)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to read tile flags."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if((flags & TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) == TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) tileflags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; else if((flags & TILESTATE_OPTIONALZONE) == TILESTATE_OPTIONALZONE) tileflags |= TILESTATE_OPTIONALZONE; else if((flags & TILESTATE_HARDCOREZONE) == TILESTATE_HARDCOREZONE) tileflags |= TILESTATE_HARDCOREZONE; if((flags & TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) == TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; if((flags & TILESTATE_REFRESH) == TILESTATE_REFRESH) { if(house) std::clog << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] House tile flagged as refreshing!"; tileflags |= TILESTATE_REFRESH; } break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if(!item) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if(house && item->isMoveable()) { std::clog << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Movable item in house: " << house->getId(); std::clog << ", item type: " << item->getID() << ", at position " << px << "/" << py << "/"; std::clog << pz << std::endl; delete item; item = NULL; } else if(tile) { tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if(item->isGroundTile()) { if(ground) delete ground; ground = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground, item, px, py, pz); tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } break; } default: { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown tile attribute."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } } } NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(nodeTile, type); while(nodeItem) { if(type == OTBM_ITEM) { PropStream propStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, propStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if(!item) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if(item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, propStream)) { if(house && item->isMoveable()) { std::clog << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Movable item in house: "; std::clog << house->getId() << ", item type: " << item->getID(); std::clog << ", pos " << px << "/" << py << "/" << pz << std::endl; delete item; item = NULL; } else if(tile) { tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if(item->isGroundTile()) { if(ground) delete ground; ground = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground, item, px, py, pz); tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Failed to load item " << item->getID() << "."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); delete item; item = NULL; return false; } } else { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] Unknown node type."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); } nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } if(!tile) tile = createTile(ground, NULL, px, py, pz); tile->setFlag((tileflags_t)tileflags); map->setTile(px, py, pz, tile); } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown tile node."); return false; } nodeTile = f.getNextNode(nodeTile, type); } } else if(type == OTBM_TOWNS) { NODE nodeTown = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeTown != NO_NODE) { if(type == OTBM_TOWN) { if(!f.getProps(nodeTown, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town data."); return false; } uint32_t townId = 0; if(!propStream.getLong(townId)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town id."); return false; } Town* town = Towns::getInstance()->getTown(townId); if(!town) { town = new Town(townId); Towns::getInstance()->addTown(townId, town); } std::string townName; if(!propStream.getString(townName)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town name."); return false; } town->setName(townName); OTBM_Destination_coords *townCoords; if(!propStream.getStruct(townCoords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town coordinates."); return false; } town->setPosition(Position(townCoords->_x, townCoords->_y, townCoords->_z)); } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown town node."); return false; } nodeTown = f.getNextNode(nodeTown, type); } } else if(type == OTBM_WAYPOINTS && headerVersion > 1) { NODE nodeWaypoint = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeWaypoint != NO_NODE) { if(type == OTBM_WAYPOINT) { if(!f.getProps(nodeWaypoint, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint data."); return false; } std::string name; if(!propStream.getString(name)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint name."); return false; } OTBM_Destination_coords* waypoint_coords; if(!propStream.getStruct(waypoint_coords)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint coordinates."); return false; } map->waypoints.addWaypoint(WaypointPtr(new Waypoint(name, Position(waypoint_coords->_x, waypoint_coords->_y, waypoint_coords->_z)))); } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown waypoint node."); return false; } nodeWaypoint = f.getNextNode(nodeWaypoint, type); } } else { setLastErrorString("Unknown map node."); return false; } nodeMapData = f.getNextNode(nodeMapData, type); } return true; }
bool IOMapSerialize::saveHouseInfo() { Database& db = Database::getInstance(); DBTransaction transaction; if (!transaction.begin()) { return false; } if (!db.executeQuery("DELETE FROM `house_lists`")) { return false; } std::ostringstream query; for (const auto& it : { House* house = it.second; query << "SELECT `id` FROM `houses` WHERE `id` = " << house->getId(); DBResult_ptr result = db.storeQuery(query.str()); if (result) { query.str(std::string()); query << "UPDATE `houses` SET `owner` = " << house->getOwner() << ", `paid` = " << house->getPaidUntil() << ", `warnings` = " << house->getPayRentWarnings() << ", `name` = " << db.escapeString(house->getName()) << ", `town_id` = " << house->getTownId() << ", `rent` = " << house->getRent() << ", `size` = " << house->getTiles().size() << ", `beds` = " << house->getBedCount() << " WHERE `id` = " << house->getId(); } else { query.str(std::string()); query << "INSERT INTO `houses` (`id`, `owner`, `paid`, `warnings`, `name`, `town_id`, `rent`, `size`, `beds`) VALUES (" << house->getId() << ',' << house->getOwner() << ',' << house->getPaidUntil() << ',' << house->getPayRentWarnings() << ',' << db.escapeString(house->getName()) << ',' << house->getTownId() << ',' << house->getRent() << ',' << house->getTiles().size() << ',' << house->getBedCount() << ')'; } db.executeQuery(query.str()); query.str(std::string()); } DBInsert stmt("INSERT INTO `house_lists` (`house_id` , `listid` , `list`) VALUES "); for (const auto& it : { House* house = it.second; std::string listText; if (house->getAccessList(GUEST_LIST, listText) && !listText.empty()) { query << house->getId() << ',' << GUEST_LIST << ',' << db.escapeString(listText); if (!stmt.addRow(query)) { return false; } listText.clear(); } if (house->getAccessList(SUBOWNER_LIST, listText) && !listText.empty()) { query << house->getId() << ',' << SUBOWNER_LIST << ',' << db.escapeString(listText); if (!stmt.addRow(query)) { return false; } listText.clear(); } for (Door* door : house->getDoors()) { if (door->getAccessList(listText) && !listText.empty()) { query << house->getId() << ',' << door->getDoorId() << ',' << db.escapeString(listText); if (!stmt.addRow(query)) { return false; } listText.clear(); } } } if (!stmt.execute()) { return false; } return transaction.commit(); }
bool IOMapOTBM::loadMap(Map* map, const std::string& identifier) { int64_t start = OTSYS_TIME(); FileLoader f; if(!f.openFile(identifier.c_str(), "OTBM", false, true)){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "Could not open the file " << identifier << "."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } unsigned long type; PropStream propStream; NODE root = f.getChildNode((NODE)NULL, type); if(!f.getProps(root, propStream)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read root property."); return false; } OTBM_root_header root_header; if( !propStream.GET_UINT32(root_header.version) || !propStream.GET_UINT16(root_header.width) || !propStream.GET_UINT16(root_header.height) || !propStream.GET_UINT32(root_header.majorVersionItems) || !propStream.GET_UINT32(root_header.minorVersionItems)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read header."); return false; } int header_version = root_header.version; if(header_version <= 0){ //In otbm version 1 the count variable after splashes/fluidcontainers and stackables //are saved as attributes instead, this solves alot of problems with items //that is changed (stackable/charges/fluidcontainer/splash) during an update. setLastErrorString("This map needs to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if(header_version > 2){ setLastErrorString("Unknown OTBM version detected, please update your server."); return false; } if(root_header.majorVersionItems < 3){ setLastErrorString("This map needs to be upgraded by using the latest map editor version to be able to load correctly."); return false; } if(root_header.majorVersionItems > (unsigned long)Items::dwMajorVersion){ setLastErrorString("The map was saved with a different items.otb version, an upgraded items.otb is required."); return false; } // Prevent load maps saved with items.otb previous to // version 800, because of the change to stackable of // itemid 3965 if(root_header.minorVersionItems < CLIENT_VERSION_810){ setLastErrorString("This map needs to be updated."); return false; } if(root_header.minorVersionItems > (unsigned long)Items::dwMinorVersion){ std::cout << "Warning: [OTBM loader] This map needs an updated items.otb." <<std::endl; } if(root_header.minorVersionItems == CLIENT_VERSION_854_BAD){ std::cout << "Warning: [OTBM loader] This map needs uses an incorrect version of items.otb." <<std::endl; } std::cout << "Map size: " << root_header.width << "x" << root_header.height << std::endl; map->mapWidth = root_header.width; map->mapHeight = root_header.height; NODE nodeMap = f.getChildNode(root, type); if(type != OTBM_MAP_DATA){ setLastErrorString("Could not read data node."); return false; } if(!f.getProps(nodeMap, propStream)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read map data attributes."); return false; } unsigned char attribute; std::string mapDescription; std::string tmp; while(propStream.GET_UINT8(attribute)){ switch(attribute){ case OTBM_ATTR_DESCRIPTION: if(!propStream.GET_STRING(mapDescription)){ setLastErrorString("Invalid description tag."); return false; } std::cout << "Map description: " << mapDescription << std::endl; break; case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_SPAWN_FILE: if(!propStream.GET_STRING(tmp)){ setLastErrorString("Invalid spawn tag."); return false; } map->spawnfile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->spawnfile += tmp; break; case OTBM_ATTR_EXT_HOUSE_FILE: if(!propStream.GET_STRING(tmp)){ setLastErrorString("Invalid house tag."); return false; } map->housefile = identifier.substr(0, identifier.rfind('/') + 1); map->housefile += tmp; break; default: setLastErrorString("Unknown header node."); return false; break; } } NODE nodeMapData = f.getChildNode(nodeMap, type); while(nodeMapData != NO_NODE){ if(f.getError() != ERROR_NONE){ setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } if(type == OTBM_TILE_AREA){ if(!f.getProps(nodeMapData, propStream)){ setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } OTBM_Tile_area_coords area_coord; if( !propStream.GET_UINT16(area_coord._x) || !propStream.GET_UINT16(area_coord._y) || !propStream.GET_UINT8(area_coord._z)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } int32_t base_x, base_y, base_z; base_x = area_coord._x; base_y = area_coord._y; base_z = area_coord._z; NODE nodeTile = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeTile != NO_NODE){ if(f.getError() != ERROR_NONE){ setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } if(type == OTBM_TILE || type == OTBM_HOUSETILE){ if(!f.getProps(nodeTile, propStream)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } unsigned short px, py, pz; OTBM_Tile_coords tile_coord; if( !propStream.GET_UINT8(tile_coord._x) || !propStream.GET_UINT8(tile_coord._y)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read tile position."); return false; } px = base_x + tile_coord._x; py = base_y + tile_coord._y; pz = base_z; bool isHouseTile = false; House* house = NULL; Tile* tile = NULL; Item* ground_item = NULL; uint32_t tileflags = TILESTATE_NONE; if(type == OTBM_HOUSETILE){ uint32_t _houseid; if(!propStream.GET_UINT32(_houseid)){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Could not read house id."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } house = Houses::getInstance().getHouse(_houseid, true); if(!house){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Could not create house id: " << _houseid; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } tile = new HouseTile(px, py, pz, house); house->addTile(static_cast<HouseTile*>(tile)); isHouseTile = true; } //read tile attributes unsigned char attribute; while(propStream.GET_UINT8(attribute)){ switch(attribute){ case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32_t flags; if(!propStream.GET_UINT32(flags)){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Failed to read tile flags."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if((flags & TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE) == TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE){ tileflags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; } else if((flags & TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE) == TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE){ tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE; } else if((flags & TILESTATE_PVPZONE) == TILESTATE_PVPZONE){ tileflags |= TILESTATE_PVPZONE; } if((flags & TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT) == TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT){ tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; } if((flags & TILESTATE_REFRESH) == TILESTATE_REFRESH){ if(house){ std::cout << "Warning [x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << " House tile flagged as refreshing!"; } tileflags |= TILESTATE_REFRESH; } break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if(!item){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if(isHouseTile && !item->isNotMoveable()){ std::cout << "Warning: [OTBM loader] Moveable item in house id = " << house->getId() << " Item type = " << item->getID() << std::endl; delete item; item = NULL; } else{ if(tile){ tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); } else if(item->isGroundTile()){ if(ground_item) delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else{ // !tile tile = createTile(ground_item, item, px, py, pz); tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); } } break; } default: std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Unknown tile attribute."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; break; } } NODE nodeItem = f.getChildNode(nodeTile, type); while(nodeItem){ if(type == OTBM_ITEM){ PropStream propStream; f.getProps(nodeItem, propStream); Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if(!item){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if(item->unserializeItemNode(f, nodeItem, propStream)){ if(isHouseTile && !item->isNotMoveable()){ std::cout << "Warning: [OTBM loader] Moveable item in house id = " << house->getId() << " Item type = " << item->getID() << std::endl; delete item; } else{ if(tile){ tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); } else if(item->isGroundTile()){ if(ground_item) delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else{ // !tile tile = createTile(ground_item, item, px, py, pz); tile->__internalAddThing(item); item->__startDecaying(); } } } else{ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Failed to load item " << item->getID() << "."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); delete item; return false; } } else{ std::stringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << px << ", y:" << py << ", z:" << pz << "] " << "Unknown node type."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); } nodeItem = f.getNextNode(nodeItem, type); } if(!tile) tile = createTile(ground_item, NULL, px, py, pz); tile->setFlag((tileflags_t)tileflags); map->setTile(px, py, pz, tile); } else{ setLastErrorString("Unknown tile node."); return false; } nodeTile = f.getNextNode(nodeTile, type); } } else if(type == OTBM_TOWNS){ NODE nodeTown = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeTown != NO_NODE){ if(type == OTBM_TOWN){ if(!f.getProps(nodeTown, propStream)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read town data."); return false; } uint32_t townid = 0; if(!propStream.GET_UINT32(townid)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read town id."); return false; } Town* town = Towns::getInstance().getTown(townid); if(!town){ town = new Town(townid); Towns::getInstance().addTown(townid, town); } std::string townName = ""; if(!propStream.GET_STRING(townName)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read town name."); return false; } town->setName(townName); OTBM_TownTemple_coords town_coords; if( !propStream.GET_UINT16(town_coords._x) || !propStream.GET_UINT16(town_coords._y) || !propStream.GET_UINT8(town_coords._z)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read town coordinates."); return false; } Position pos; pos.x = town_coords._x; pos.y = town_coords._y; pos.z = town_coords._z; town->setTemplePos(pos); } else{ setLastErrorString("Unknown town node."); return false; } nodeTown = f.getNextNode(nodeTown, type); } } else if(type == OTBM_WAYPOINTS && header_version >= 2){ NODE nodeWaypoint = f.getChildNode(nodeMapData, type); while(nodeWaypoint != NO_NODE){ if(type == OTBM_WAYPOINT){ if(!f.getProps(nodeWaypoint, propStream)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint data."); return false; } std::string name; Position pos; if(!propStream.GET_STRING(name)){ setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint name."); return false; } OTBM_TownTemple_coords wp_coords; if( !propStream.GET_UINT16(wp_coords._x) || !propStream.GET_UINT16(wp_coords._y) || !propStream.GET_UINT8(wp_coords._z)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read waypoint coordinates."); return false; } pos.x = wp_coords._x; pos.y = wp_coords._y; pos.z = wp_coords._z; Waypoint_ptr wp(new Waypoint(name, pos)); map->waypoints.addWaypoint(wp); } else{ setLastErrorString("Unknown waypoint node."); return false; } nodeWaypoint = f.getNextNode(nodeWaypoint, type); } } else{ setLastErrorString("Unknown map node."); return false; } nodeMapData = f.getNextNode(nodeMapData, type); } std::cout << "Notice: [OTBM Loader] Loading time : " << (OTSYS_TIME() - start)/(1000.) << " s" << std::endl; return true; }
bool IOMap::parseTileArea(OTB::Loader& loader, const OTB::Node& tileAreaNode, Map& map) { PropStream propStream; if (!loader.getProps(tileAreaNode, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } OTBM_Destination_coords area_coord; if (! { setLastErrorString("Invalid map node."); return false; } uint16_t base_x = area_coord.x; uint16_t base_y = area_coord.y; uint16_t z = area_coord.z; for (auto& tileNode : tileAreaNode.children) { if (tileNode.type != OTBM_TILE && tileNode.type != OTBM_HOUSETILE) { setLastErrorString("Unknown tile node."); return false; } if (!loader.getProps(tileNode, propStream)) { setLastErrorString("Could not read node data."); return false; } OTBM_Tile_coords tile_coord; if (! { setLastErrorString("Could not read tile position."); return false; } uint16_t x = base_x + tile_coord.x; uint16_t y = base_y + tile_coord.y; bool isHouseTile = false; House* house = nullptr; Tile* tile = nullptr; Item* ground_item = nullptr; uint32_t tileflags = TILESTATE_NONE; if (tileNode.type == OTBM_HOUSETILE) { uint32_t houseId; if (!<uint32_t>(houseId)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Could not read house id."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } house = map.houses.addHouse(houseId); if (!house) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Could not create house id: " << houseId; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } tile = new HouseTile(x, y, z, house); house->addTile(static_cast<HouseTile*>(tile)); isHouseTile = true; } uint8_t attribute; //read tile attributes while (<uint8_t>(attribute)) { switch (attribute) { case OTBM_ATTR_TILE_FLAGS: { uint32_t flags; if (!<uint32_t>(flags)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Failed to read tile flags."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if ((flags & OTBM_TILEFLAG_PROTECTIONZONE) != 0) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_PROTECTIONZONE; } else if ((flags & OTBM_TILEFLAG_NOPVPZONE) != 0) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOPVPZONE; } else if ((flags & OTBM_TILEFLAG_PVPZONE) != 0) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_PVPZONE; } if ((flags & OTBM_TILEFLAG_NOLOGOUT) != 0) { tileflags |= TILESTATE_NOLOGOUT; } break; } case OTBM_ATTR_ITEM: { Item* item = Item::CreateItem(propStream); if (!item) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if (isHouseTile && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Moveable item with ID: " << item->getID() << ", in house: " << house->getId() << ", at position [x: " << x << ", y: " << y << ", z: " << z << "]." << std::endl; delete item; } else { if (item->getItemCount() <= 0) { item->setItemCount(1); } if (tile) { tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if (item->isGroundTile()) { delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground_item, item, x, y, z); tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } break; } default: std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Unknown tile attribute."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } } for (auto& itemNode : tileNode.children) { if (itemNode.type != OTBM_ITEM) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Unknown node type."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } PropStream stream; if (!loader.getProps(itemNode, stream)) { setLastErrorString("Invalid item node."); return false; } Item* item = Item::CreateItem(stream); if (!item) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Failed to create item."; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); return false; } if (!item->unserializeItemNode(loader, itemNode, stream)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "[x:" << x << ", y:" << y << ", z:" << z << "] Failed to load item " << item->getID() << '.'; setLastErrorString(ss.str()); delete item; return false; } if (isHouseTile && item->isMoveable()) { std::cout << "[Warning - IOMap::loadMap] Moveable item with ID: " << item->getID() << ", in house: " << house->getId() << ", at position [x: " << x << ", y: " << y << ", z: " << z << "]." << std::endl; delete item; } else { if (item->getItemCount() <= 0) { item->setItemCount(1); } if (tile) { tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } else if (item->isGroundTile()) { delete ground_item; ground_item = item; } else { tile = createTile(ground_item, item, x, y, z); tile->internalAddThing(item); item->startDecaying(); item->setLoadedFromMap(true); } } } if (!tile) { tile = createTile(ground_item, nullptr, x, y, z); } tile->setFlag(static_cast<tileflags_t>(tileflags)); map.setTile(x, y, z, tile); } return true; }