static HRESULT ReadRecordNoStructs (const aafWChar * pFileName, int loadingMode) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; HRESULT temphr; IAAFFileSP pFile; try { // Open the file, and get the dictionary. checkResult(AAFFileOpenExistingRead(pFileName, loadingMode, &pFile)); IAAFHeaderSP pHeader; checkResult(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); IAAFDictionarySP pDict; checkResult (pHeader->GetDictionary(&pDict)); CAAFBuiltinDefs defs(pDict); // get the SDK version against which we are testing aafProductVersion_t testVer; checkResult(pHeader->GetRefImplVersion(&testVer)); // Get the type definitions for our new types. IAAFTypeDefSP ptd; checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Rational16, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefRecordSP ptdr16; checkResult (ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefRecord, (void**) &ptdr16)); checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Rational16_pair, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefRecordSP ptdr16p; checkResult (ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefRecord, (void**) &ptdr16p)); // Setup to read the Velocity property which is of typed Mixed_t checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Mixed, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefRecordSP ptdrmixed; checkResult (ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefRecord, (void**) &ptdrmixed)); IAAFTypeDef * pTempTd = 0; checkResult (ptdr16->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDef, (void**) &pTempTd)); CheckMemberTypeEqual (ptdr16p, 0, pTempTd); CheckMemberTypeEqual (ptdr16p, 1, pTempTd); pTempTd->Release (); pTempTd = 0; temphr = ptdr16p->GetMemberType (2, &pTempTd); checkExpression (temphr == AAFRESULT_ILLEGAL_VALUE, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // register variable array of Rational16Pair records IAAFTypeDefVariableArraySP ptdvaarpr; IAAFTypeDefSP ptdarpr; // perform this part only for specified versions if( versionUInt(testVer) >= versionUInt(1,1,1,0) ) { checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Rational16_array,&ptdarpr)); checkResult (ptdarpr->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefVariableArray,(void**) &ptdvaarpr)); } // Now read the CompositionMob to which we added some optional // properties. IEnumAAFMobsSP pEnumMobs; checkResult (pHeader->GetMobs (0, &pEnumMobs)); IAAFMobSP pMob; checkResult (pEnumMobs->NextOne (&pMob)); IAAFObjectSP pObj; checkResult (pMob->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFObject, (void**) &pObj)); // get the property definitions for the added properties IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosA; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()-> LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionA, &pPdPosA)); IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosB; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()-> LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionB, &pPdPosB)); IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosC; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()-> LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionC, &pPdPosC)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVa; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosA, &pPVa)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVb; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosB, &pPVb)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVc; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosC, &pPVc)); // Read back the value of the Velocity property IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdvelocity; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()->LookupPropertyDef(sPropertyId_velocity, &pPdvelocity)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVvelocity; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdvelocity, &pPVvelocity)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVvelocityAngle, pPVvelocitySpeed; checkResult (ptdrmixed->GetValue (pPVvelocity, 0, &pPVvelocityAngle)); checkResult (ptdrmixed->GetValue (pPVvelocity, 1, &pPVvelocitySpeed)); Mixed_t velocity = {0, 0}; IAAFTypeDefSP pTDmem; IAAFTypeDefIntSP pTDIntMem; checkResult (ptdrmixed->GetMemberType (0, &pTDmem)); checkResult (pTDmem->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefInt, (void **) &pTDIntMem)); checkResult (pTDIntMem->GetInteger (pPVvelocityAngle, (aafMemPtr_t)(&velocity.angle), sizeof(velocity.angle))); checkResult (ptdrmixed->GetMemberType (1, &pTDmem)); checkResult (pTDmem->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefInt, (void **) &pTDIntMem)); checkResult (pTDIntMem->GetInteger (pPVvelocitySpeed, (aafMemPtr_t)(&velocity.speed), sizeof(velocity.speed))); checkExpression (15 == velocity.angle, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (2001 == velocity.speed, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Try to read the first one Rational16pair_t valA = { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }; CheckRational16PairByValues (ptdr16p, ptdr16, pPVa, valA); // Try to read the second one Rational16pair_t valB = { {5, 6}, {7, 8} }; CheckRational16PairByValues (ptdr16p, ptdr16, pPVb, valB); // Check misc. error return conditions for TypeDefRecord GetValue IAAFPropertyValueSP junkPv; temphr = ptdr16->GetValue (0, 1, &junkPv); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); temphr = ptdr16p->GetValue (pPVb, 1, 0); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Read the last two with GetStruct just to get it over with. ;) Rational16pair_t valC = { {9, 10}, {11, 12} }; CheckRational16PairByValues (ptdr16p, ptdr16, pPVc, valC); // test variable array of records // perform this part only for specified versions if( versionUInt(testVer) >= versionUInt(1,1,1,0) ) { IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosN; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()->LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionN, &pPdPosN)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVN; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosN, &pPVN)); // get the middle element of the array, 9abc IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVN1; checkResult (ptdvaarpr->GetElementValue (pPVN, 1, &pPVN1)); // Read the value with GetStruct Rational16pair_t valN1 = { {9,10},{11,12} }; CheckRational16PairByValues (ptdr16p, ptdr16, pPVN1, valN1); } // Attempt to close the file. checkResult(pFile->Close()); IAAFFileSP nullFile; pFile = nullFile; // zeros the pFile, and releases it. hr = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; } catch (HRESULT& rResult) { hr = rResult; } // cleanup if (pFile) { pFile->Close(); } return hr; }
static HRESULT ReadRecord (const aafWChar * pFileName, int loadingMode) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; IAAFFileSP pFile; try { // Open the file, and get the dictionary. checkResult(AAFFileOpenExistingRead(pFileName, loadingMode, &pFile)); IAAFHeaderSP pHeader; checkResult(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); IAAFDictionarySP pDict; checkResult (pHeader->GetDictionary(&pDict)); CAAFBuiltinDefs defs(pDict); // get the SDK version against which we are testing aafProductVersion_t testVer; checkResult(pHeader->GetRefImplVersion(&testVer)); // Get the type definitions for our new types. IAAFTypeDefSP ptd; checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Rational16, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefRecordSP ptdr16; checkResult (ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefRecord, (void**) &ptdr16)); // check for duplicate initialization aafUID_t nullUid = { 0 }; HRESULT temphr; temphr = ptdr16->Initialize (nullUid, 0, 0, 1, L"foo"); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); aafUInt32 count = 0; checkResult (ptdr16->GetCount (&count)); checkExpression (2 == count, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); aafUInt32 nameLen = 0; aafCharacter nameBuf [100]; checkResult (ptdr16->GetMemberNameBufLen (0, &nameLen)); checkExpression (((wcslen(L"Numerator")+1)*sizeof(aafCharacter)) == nameLen, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (nameLen < 100, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult (ptdr16->GetMemberName (0, nameBuf, sizeof (nameBuf))); checkExpression (0 == wcscmp (L"Numerator", nameBuf), AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult (ptdr16->GetMemberNameBufLen (1, &nameLen)); checkExpression (((wcslen(L"Denominator")+1)*sizeof (aafCharacter)) == nameLen, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (nameLen < 100, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult (ptdr16->GetMemberName (1, nameBuf, sizeof (nameBuf))); checkExpression (0 == wcscmp (L"Denominator", nameBuf), AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); temphr = ptdr16->GetMemberNameBufLen (2, &nameLen); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_ILLEGAL_VALUE == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); temphr = ptdr16->GetMemberName (2, nameBuf, sizeof (nameBuf)); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_ILLEGAL_VALUE == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Rational16_pair, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefRecordSP ptdr16p; checkResult (ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefRecord, (void**) &ptdr16p)); // check for duplicate initialization temphr = ptdr16p->Initialize (nullUid, 0, 0, 1, L"foo"); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_ALREADY_INITIALIZED == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); count = 0; checkResult (ptdr16p->GetCount (&count)); checkExpression (2 == count, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Now attempt to register offsets of Rational16_pair. This // should fail, because offsets of its members (of type // Rational16) have not yet been registered. temphr = RegisterRational16PairOffsets (ptdr16p); checkExpression (temphr == AAFRESULT_NOT_REGISTERED, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Now let's attempt registration the right way. checkResult (RegisterRational16Offsets (ptdr16)); checkResult (RegisterRational16PairOffsets (ptdr16p)); // Setup to read the Velocity property which is of typed Mixed_t checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Mixed, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefRecordSP ptdrmixed; checkResult (ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefRecord, (void**) &ptdrmixed)); temphr = RegisterMixedOffsets(ptdrmixed); /* It is ok to return default already used due to current limitation * in implementation that default registration may occur and tie us * to a specific structural layout before we get the ability to * register own offsets/layout. This is slated for fixing in * future rev of the SDK. */ if (temphr == AAFRESULT_DEFAULT_ALREADY_USED) { temphr = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; throw temphr; } checkResult (temphr); IAAFTypeDef * pTempTd = 0; checkResult (ptdr16->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDef, (void**) &pTempTd)); CheckMemberTypeEqual (ptdr16p, 0, pTempTd); CheckMemberTypeEqual (ptdr16p, 1, pTempTd); pTempTd->Release (); pTempTd = 0; temphr = ptdr16p->GetMemberType (2, &pTempTd); checkExpression (temphr == AAFRESULT_ILLEGAL_VALUE, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // register variable array of Rational16Pair records IAAFTypeDefVariableArraySP ptdvaarpr; IAAFTypeDefSP ptdarpr; // perform this part only for specified versions if( versionUInt(testVer) >= versionUInt(1,1,1,0) ) { checkResult (pDict->LookupTypeDef (sTypeId_Rational16_array,&ptdarpr)); checkResult (ptdarpr->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefVariableArray,(void**) &ptdvaarpr)); } // Now read the CompositionMob to which we added some optional // properties. IEnumAAFMobsSP pEnumMobs; checkResult (pHeader->GetMobs (0, &pEnumMobs)); IAAFMobSP pMob; checkResult (pEnumMobs->NextOne (&pMob)); IAAFObjectSP pObj; checkResult (pMob->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFObject, (void**) &pObj)); // get the property definitions for the added properties IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosA; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()-> LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionA, &pPdPosA)); IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosB; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()-> LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionB, &pPdPosB)); IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosC; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()-> LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionC, &pPdPosC)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVa; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosA, &pPVa)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVb; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosB, &pPVb)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVc; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosC, &pPVc)); // Read back the value of the Velocity property IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdvelocity; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()->LookupPropertyDef(sPropertyId_velocity, &pPdvelocity)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVvelocity; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdvelocity, &pPVvelocity)); Mixed_t velocity = {0, 0}; checkResult (ptdrmixed->GetStruct (pPVvelocity, (aafMemPtr_t) &velocity, sizeof (velocity))); checkExpression (15 == velocity.angle, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (2001 == velocity.speed, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Try to read the first one with GetStruct. Rational16pair_t valA = { {0,0},{0,0} }; checkResult (ptdr16p->GetStruct (pPVa, (aafMemPtr_t) &valA, sizeof (valA))); checkExpression (1 == valA.X_Position.Numerator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (2 == valA.X_Position.Denominator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (3 == valA.Y_Position.Numerator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (4 == valA.Y_Position.Denominator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Try to read the second one by decomposing with GetValue. Rational16pair_t valB = { {5, 6}, {7, 8} }; CheckRational16PairByValues (ptdr16p, ptdr16, pPVb, valB); // Read the last two with GetStruct just to get it over with. ;) Rational16pair_t valC = { {0,0},{0,0} }; temphr = ptdr16p->GetStruct (pPVc, (aafMemPtr_t) &valC, sizeof (valC)-1); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_ILLEGAL_VALUE == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); temphr = ptdr16p->GetStruct (0, (aafMemPtr_t) &valC, sizeof (valC)); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); temphr = ptdr16p->GetStruct (pPVc, 0, sizeof (valC)); checkExpression (AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM == temphr, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult (ptdr16p->GetStruct (pPVc, (aafMemPtr_t) &valC, sizeof (valC))); checkExpression (9 == valC.X_Position.Numerator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (10 == valC.X_Position.Denominator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (11 == valC.Y_Position.Numerator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (12 == valC.Y_Position.Denominator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // test variable array of records // perform this part only for specified versions if( versionUInt(testVer) >= versionUInt(1,1,1,0) ) { IAAFPropertyDefSP pPdPosN; checkResult (defs.cdCompositionMob()->LookupPropertyDef (sPropertyId_positionN, &pPdPosN)); IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVN; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPdPosN, &pPVN)); // get the middle element of the array, 9abc IAAFPropertyValueSP pPVN1; checkResult (ptdvaarpr->GetElementValue (pPVN, 1, &pPVN1)); // Read the value with GetStruct Rational16pair_t valN1 = { {0,0},{0,0} }; checkResult (ptdr16p->GetStruct (pPVN1, (aafMemPtr_t) &valN1, sizeof (valN1))); checkExpression (9 == valN1.X_Position.Numerator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (10 == valN1.X_Position.Denominator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (11 == valN1.Y_Position.Numerator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkExpression (12 == valN1.Y_Position.Denominator, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); } // Attempt to close the file. checkResult(pFile->Close()); IAAFFileSP nullFile; pFile = nullFile; // zeros the pFile, and releases it. hr = AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; } catch (HRESULT& rResult) { hr = rResult; } // cleanup if (pFile) { pFile->Close(); } return hr; }
static HRESULT ReadAAFFile(aafWChar* pFileName) { IAAFFileSP pFile; IAAFHeaderSP pHeader; IEnumAAFMobsSP pMobIter; IAAFMobSP pMob; IEnumAAFMobSlotsSP pSlotIter; IAAFMobSlotSP pSlot; IAAFComponentSP pComp; IAAFSegmentSP pSegment; IAAFDataDefSP pDataDef; IAAFSequenceSP pSequence; IAAFDictionarySP pDictionary; IEnumAAFComponentsSP pCompIter; aafNumSlots_t numMobs; aafSearchCrit_t criteria; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Open the AAF file checkResult(AAFFileOpenExistingRead(pFileName, 0, &pFile)); // Get the AAF file header. checkResult(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); // Validate that there is only one composition mob. checkResult(pHeader->CountMobs(kAAFCompMob, &numMobs)); checkExpression(1 == numMobs, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Get the AAF Dictionary so that we can create valid AAF objects. checkResult(pHeader->GetDictionary(&pDictionary)); CAAFBuiltinDefs defs (pDictionary); // Check a data definition from a composition MOB in order to test weak references criteria.searchTag = kAAFByMobKind; criteria.tags.mobKind = kAAFCompMob; checkResult(pHeader->GetMobs(&criteria, &pMobIter)); while (pMobIter && pMobIter->NextOne(&pMob) == AAFRESULT_SUCCESS) { // Enumerate the first MOB slot for this MOB checkResult(pMob->GetSlots(&pSlotIter)); checkResult(pSlotIter->NextOne(&pSlot)); checkResult(pSlot->GetSegment(&pSegment)); checkResult(pSegment->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFSequence, (void **) &pSequence)); checkResult(pSequence->GetComponents(&pCompIter)); checkResult(pCompIter->NextOne(&pComp)); aafBool testBool; checkResult(pComp->GetDataDef(&pDataDef)); checkResult(pDataDef->IsSoundKind(&testBool)); checkExpression(testBool == kAAFFalse, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult(pDataDef->IsDataDefOf(defs.ddkAAFPictureWithMatte(), &testBool)); checkExpression(testBool == kAAFTrue, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Make sure first component is a filler, and is our extended // class. To do that, we'll compare the class def we looked // up in the dict, with the one we got from the new object. // // First get the class from the object. IAAFFillerSP pFill; checkResult(pComp->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFFiller, (void **) &pFill)); assert (pFill); IAAFObjectSP pObj; checkResult(pFill->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFObject, (void **) &pObj)); assert (pObj); IAAFClassDefSP pClassFromObj; checkResult (pObj->GetDefinition (&pClassFromObj)); assert (pClassFromObj); IUnknownSP pUnkFromObj; checkResult(pClassFromObj->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pUnkFromObj)); // Now get the class from the dict IAAFClassDefSP pClassFromDict; checkResult (pDictionary->LookupClassDef (kClassAUID_NewFill, &pClassFromDict)); assert (pClassFromDict); IUnknownSP pUnkFromDict; checkResult(pClassFromDict->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **) &pUnkFromDict)); // Compare class from object with class from dict. Compare // using IUnknown pointers. assert (((IUnknown*)pUnkFromObj) == ((IUnknown*)pUnkFromDict)); // To test GetClassDefinitions(), try explicit lookup. IEnumAAFClassDefsSP pClassDefEnum; checkResult (pDictionary->GetClassDefs (&pClassDefEnum)); bool found = false; IAAFClassDefSP cd; while (SUCCEEDED (pClassDefEnum->NextOne (&cd))) { IAAFMetaDefinitionSP def; checkResult(cd->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFMetaDefinition, (void **) &def)); aafUID_t classid; checkResult (def->GetAUID (&classid)); if (EqualGUID (&classid, &kClassAUID_NewFill)) { // Found it the hard way. found = true; break; } } // make sure we found it the hard way. checkExpression(found == kAAFTrue, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Get the 'odor' property from our new fill clip. Make // sure it is set to the value we think it should be // ('42'). // // First get the property def from the class. IAAFPropertyDefSP pPropDef; checkResult (pClassFromObj->LookupPropertyDef (kPropAUID_NewFill_Odor, &pPropDef)); // // Get the property value from the object IAAFPropertyValueSP pPropVal; checkResult (pObj->GetPropertyValue (pPropDef, &pPropVal)); // // We know the property is int32; get the int32 type def IAAFTypeDefSP ptd; checkResult (pDictionary->LookupTypeDef (kAAFTypeID_UInt32, &ptd)); IAAFTypeDefIntSP pTDUint32; checkResult(ptd->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefInt, (void **) &pTDUint32)); assert (pTDUint32); // // Ask the typedef to interpret this property value for us. aafUInt32 odorValue = 0; checkResult (pTDUint32->GetInteger (pPropVal, (aafMemPtr_t) &odorValue, sizeof (odorValue))); // // make sure it's what we expect. assert (42 == odorValue); } checkResult (LookupDefs (pDictionary)); //Test the Lookup KLV and Tagged methods IAAFKLVDataDefinition *pKLVLook = NULL; IAAFTaggedValueDefinition *pTAGDefLook = NULL; IAAFDictionary2 *pDic2 = NULL; IAAFDefObject *pKLVDataDefObj = NULL; IAAFDefObject *pTaggedValueDefObj = NULL; aafUID_t auid; checkResult( pDictionary->QueryInterface( IID_IAAFDictionary2, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pDic2) ) ); assert(pDic2); //test LookUpKLV() if(pDic2->LookupKLVDataDef(KLVDef_TestData, &pKLVLook) != AAFRESULT_SUCCESS) checkResult(AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult( pKLVLook->QueryInterface( IID_IAAFDefObject, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pKLVDataDefObj) ) ); assert(pKLVDataDefObj); //ensure the KLVLook auid is equal to KLVDef_TestData auid checkResult(pKLVDataDefObj->GetAUID(&auid)); if(auid != KLVDef_TestData) checkResult(AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); //test LookUpTagged() if(pDic2->LookupTaggedValueDef(TAGDef_TestData, &pTAGDefLook) != AAFRESULT_SUCCESS) checkResult(AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); checkResult( pTAGDefLook->QueryInterface( IID_IAAFDefObject, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pTaggedValueDefObj) ) ); assert(pTaggedValueDefObj); //ensure the TAGDefLook auid is equal to TAGDef_TestData auid checkResult(pTaggedValueDefObj->GetAUID(&auid)); if(auid != TAGDef_TestData) checkResult(AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); //cleanup pDic2->Release(); pDic2 = NULL; pKLVLook->Release(); pKLVLook = NULL; pTAGDefLook->Release(); pTAGDefLook = NULL; pKLVDataDefObj->Release(); pKLVDataDefObj = NULL; pTaggedValueDefObj->Release(); pTaggedValueDefObj = NULL; } catch (HRESULT& rResult) { hr = rResult; } // Cleanup and return. if (pFile) { pFile->Close(); } return hr; }
static HRESULT CreateAAFFile( aafWChar * pFileName, aafUID_constref fileKind, testRawStorageType_t rawStorageType, aafProductIdentification_constref productID) { IAAFFileSP pFile; IAAFHeaderSP pHeader; IAAFDictionarySP pDictionary; IAAFMobSP pMob; IAAFTimelineMobSlotSP pMobSlot; IAAFSequenceSP pSequence; IAAFSegmentSP pSegment; IAAFComponentSP pComponent; int i; HRESULT hr = S_OK; try { // Remove the previous test file if any. RemoveTestFile(pFileName); // Create the AAF file checkResult(CreateTestFile( pFileName, fileKind, rawStorageType, productID, &pFile )); // Get the AAF file header. checkResult(pFile->GetHeader(&pHeader)); // Get the AAF Dictionary so that we can create valid AAF objects. checkResult(pHeader->GetDictionary(&pDictionary)); // Create a new class, and register it in the dictionary. RegisterNewClass (pDictionary); CAAFBuiltinDefs defs (pDictionary); // Create a Composition Mob checkResult(defs.cdCompositionMob()-> CreateInstance(IID_IAAFMob, (IUnknown **)&pMob)); checkResult(pMob->SetMobID(TEST_MobID)); checkResult(pMob->SetName(L"AAFDictionaryTest")); // Add mob slot w/ Sequence checkResult(defs.cdSequence()-> CreateInstance(IID_IAAFSequence, (IUnknown **)&pSequence)); checkResult(pSequence->Initialize(defs.ddkAAFPicture())); // // Add some segments. Need to test failure conditions // (i.e. starting/ending w/ transition, two trans back // to back). // for(i = 0; i < kNumComponents; i++) { aafLength_t len = 10; // For the first component, make it our extended filler. if(i == 0) { IAAFClassDefSP pNewFillClassDef; checkResult(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(kClassAUID_NewFill, &pNewFillClassDef)); checkResult (pNewFillClassDef->CreateInstance(IID_IAAFComponent, (IUnknown**)&pComponent)); checkResult(pComponent->SetDataDef(defs.ddkAAFPictureWithMatte())); } else { checkResult (defs.cdFiller()->CreateInstance(IID_IAAFComponent, (IUnknown**)&pComponent)); checkResult(pComponent->SetDataDef(defs.ddkAAFPicture())); } checkResult(pComponent->SetLength(len)); checkResult(pSequence->AppendComponent(pComponent)); // For our first component, set the 'odor' value. Must be // done after the component has been inserted in sequence. if (i == 0) { // Set the odor value. // // 1) Get type def for uint32 IAAFTypeDefSP ptd; checkResult (pDictionary->LookupTypeDef (kAAFTypeID_UInt32, &ptd)); assert (ptd); IAAFTypeDefIntSP pTDUint32; checkResult(ptd->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefInt, (void **)&pTDUint32)); assert (pTDUint32); // 2) Create a property value for the odor property, and // set it to 42. IAAFPropertyValueSP pVal; const aafUInt32 odorValue = 42; checkResult (pTDUint32->CreateValue ((aafMemPtr_t) &odorValue, sizeof (odorValue), &pVal)); // 3) Look up the property def for the odor property in // the new fill class. IAAFClassDefSP pNewFillClass; checkResult (pDictionary->LookupClassDef (kClassAUID_NewFill, &pNewFillClass)); IAAFPropertyDefSP pPropDef; checkResult (pNewFillClass->LookupPropertyDef (kPropAUID_NewFill_Odor, &pPropDef)); // 4) Get IAAFObject interface for new fill object, and // set the odor property. IAAFObjectSP pObj; checkResult(pComponent->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFObject, (void **)&pObj)); checkResult (pObj->SetPropertyValue (pPropDef, pVal)); } } checkResult(pSequence->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFSegment, (void **)&pSegment)); aafRational_t editRate = { 0, 1}; checkResult(pMob->AppendNewTimelineSlot(editRate, pSegment, 1, L"AAF Test Sequence", 0, &pMobSlot)); // Add the master mob to the file and cleanup pHeader->AddMob(pMob); checkResult (RegisterDefs (pDictionary)); testKLVDataDefinitions(pDictionary, pMob); testTaggedDefinitions(pDictionary, pMob); } catch (HRESULT& rResult) { hr = rResult; } // Cleanup and return if (pFile) { pFile->Save(); pFile->Close(); } return hr; }
static HRESULT TestTypeDef ( testMode_t mode, aafUID_constref fileKind, testRawStorageType_t rawStorageType, aafProductIdentification_constref productID) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; GenerateTestFileName( productID.productName, fileKind, fileNameBufLen, testFileName ); IAAFFileSP pFile; if(mode == kAAFUnitTestReadWrite) { RemoveTestFile (testFileName); hr = CreateTestFile( testFileName, fileKind, rawStorageType, productID, &pFile ); } else { hr = AAFFileOpenExistingRead(testFileName, 0, &pFile); } if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; IAAFHeaderSP pHeader; hr = pFile->GetHeader (&pHeader); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; assert (pHeader); IAAFDictionarySP pDict; hr = pHeader->GetDictionary (&pDict); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; assert (pDict); CAAFBuiltinDefs defs (pDict); // Let's try to do something interesting with a type definition IAAFTypeDefIntSP pTypeDefInt; hr = defs.tdInt32()->QueryInterface (IID_IAAFTypeDefInt, (void **) &pTypeDefInt); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; assert (pTypeDefInt); IAAFTypeDefSP pTypeDef; hr = pTypeDefInt->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDef, (void **)&pTypeDef); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; assert (pTypeDef); // // Test GetTypeCategory() method // // first, test error conditions hr = pTypeDef->GetTypeCategory(NULL); if (AAFRESULT_NULL_PARAM != hr) return AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED; // now, test for valid value. Our type def is integral. eAAFTypeCategory_t typeCat = kAAFTypeCatUnknown; hr = pTypeDef->GetTypeCategory(&typeCat); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; if (kAAFTypeCatInt != typeCat) return AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED; // Test for RawAccessType(). It should be array of unsigned chars. IAAFTypeDefSP pRawType; hr = pTypeDef->RawAccessType (&pRawType); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; IUnknownSP pUnkRawType; hr = pRawType->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnkRawType); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; IAAFTypeDefSP pUInt8ArrayType; hr = pDict->LookupTypeDef (kAAFTypeID_UInt8Array, &pUInt8ArrayType); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; IUnknownSP pUnkUInt8Array; hr = pUInt8ArrayType->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void **)&pUnkUInt8Array); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; if (pUnkUInt8Array != pUnkRawType) return AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED; // that's all we can test for. Clean up. if(mode == kAAFUnitTestReadWrite) { hr = pFile->Save(); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; } hr = pFile->Close(); if (! SUCCEEDED (hr)) return hr; return AAFRESULT_SUCCESS; }
void CAAFTypeDefWeakObjRef_verify (IAAFHeader * pHeader) { IAAFDictionarySP pDictionary; IAAFPropertyDefSP pWeakRefPropertyDef; checkResult (pHeader->GetDictionary (&pDictionary)); CAAFBuiltinDefs defs (pDictionary); // Determine if it is okay to ready/validate weak references from the // test file with the current version of the AAF. bool weakReferencesSupported = false; aafProductVersion_t toolkitVersion, fileToolkitVersion; checkResult(GetAAFVersions(pHeader, &toolkitVersion, &fileToolkitVersion)); if (WeakReferencesSupported(toolkitVersion) && WeakReferencesSupported(fileToolkitVersion)) { weakReferencesSupported = true; } if (weakReferencesSupported) { // // Find and validate the new weak reference. IAAFTypeDefSP pType; checkResult(pDictionary->LookupTypeDef (kAAFTypeID_TestWeakReferenceToType, &pType)); eAAFTypeCategory_t category; checkResult(pType->GetTypeCategory(&category)); checkExpression(kAAFTypeCatWeakObjRef == category, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); IAAFTypeDefWeakObjRefSP pWeakReferenceType; checkResult(pType->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefWeakObjRef, (void **)&pWeakReferenceType)); checkResult(defs.cdFiller()->LookupPropertyDef(kAAFPropID_TestWeakReferenceToType, &pWeakRefPropertyDef)); // Validate the property's type checkResult(pWeakRefPropertyDef->GetTypeDef(&pType)); checkExpression(EqualObjects(pType, pWeakReferenceType), AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // Use GetObjectType to make sure that the target class definitions are // the same. IAAFTypeDefObjectRefSP pObjectReferenceType; checkResult(pWeakReferenceType->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFTypeDefObjectRef, (void **)&pObjectReferenceType)); IAAFClassDefSP pReferencedObjectClass; checkResult(pObjectReferenceType->GetObjectType(&pReferencedObjectClass)); // Find the class definition for all type definitions. IAAFClassDefSP pTypeDefClass; checkResult(pDictionary->LookupClassDef(AUID_AAFTypeDef, &pTypeDefClass)); checkExpression(EqualObjects(pReferencedObjectClass, pTypeDefClass), AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); // // Find our composition mob. IAAFMobSP pMob; checkResult(pHeader->LookupMob(TEST_MobID, &pMob)); IAAFMobSlotSP pSlot; checkResult(pMob->LookupSlot(TEST_SlotID, &pSlot)); IAAFSegmentSP pSegment; checkResult(pSlot->GetSegment(&pSegment)); IAAFSequenceSP pSequence; checkResult(pSegment->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFSequence, (void **)&pSequence)); aafUInt32 elementCount; checkResult(pSequence->CountComponents(&elementCount)); checkExpression(2 == elementCount, AAFRESULT_TEST_FAILED); IAAFComponentSP pComp1; checkResult(pSequence->GetComponentAt(0, &pComp1)); IAAFFillerSP pFiller1; checkResult(pComp1->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFFiller, (void **)&pFiller1)); IAAFComponentSP pComp2; checkResult(pSequence->GetComponentAt(1, &pComp2)); IAAFFillerSP pFiller2; checkResult(pComp2->QueryInterface(IID_IAAFFiller, (void **)&pFiller2)); CheckWeakReference(pFiller1, defs.tdString()); CheckWeakReference(pFiller2, defs.tdInt32()); #ifndef NO_REFERENCE_TO_MOB_TEST CheckWeakReference(pFiller1, pMob); #endif } else if (!WeakReferencesSupported(toolkitVersion)) { // This version does not support reading weak references. throw AAFRESULT_NOT_IN_CURRENT_VERSION; } }