Exemple #1
int CstBufferRepository::gatherFromAnnotation(ICstBuffer** &pp, const char *annotationName, const char* str, int *ival, float *fval)
    memset(cbArray, 0, 100*sizeof(ICstBuffer*));
    pp = (ICstBuffer**)cbArray;
    int n = 0;
        return 0;
    ItemMap::iterator i2 = m_Items.begin();
    while(i2 != m_Items.end())
            IAnnotation* pAnnot = i2->second.p->annotations();
            if((str && findMatchingAnnotation(pAnnot, annotationName, str))
             ||(ival && (pAnnot->getAnnotationInt(annotationName)==ival[0]))
             ||(fval && (pAnnot->getAnnotationFloat(annotationName)==fval[0])))
                if(n >= 100)
                    nvFX::printf(">>Error : gathering of uniforms exceeded 100 !");
                    return n;
                cbArray[n++] = i2->second.p;
    return n;
Exemple #2
int ShaderModuleRepository::gatherFromAnnotation(IShader** &ppShaders, const char *annotationName, const char* str, int *ival, float *fval)
    memset(shdArray, 0, 100*sizeof(IShader*));
    ppShaders = (IShader**)shdArray;
    int nshaders = 0;
        return 0;
    ShdMap::iterator i2 = m_shaders.begin();
    while(i2 != m_shaders.end())
        Shader* pShd = static_cast<Shader*>(i2->second.p);
            IAnnotation* pAnnot = pShd->annotations();
            if((str && findMatchingAnnotation(pAnnot, annotationName, str))
             ||(ival && (pAnnot->getAnnotationInt(annotationName)==ival[0]))
             ||(fval && (pAnnot->getAnnotationFloat(annotationName)==fval[0])))
                if(nshaders >= 100)
                    nvFX::printf(">>Error : gathering of shader exceeded 100 !");
                    return nshaders;
                shdArray[nshaders++] = pShd;
    // warning : means that we cannot put in the same list some global shaders from here with
    // local shader previously found in this method...
    if(nshaders == 0)
        // Try in the global repository
        return static_cast<ShaderModuleRepository*>(getShaderModuleRepositorySingleton())->gatherFromAnnotation(ppShaders, annotationName, str, ival, fval);
    return nshaders;
Exemple #3
int ResourceRepository::gatherFromAnnotation(IResource** &pp, const char *annotationName, const char* str, int *ival, float *fval)
    memset(resArray, 0, 100*sizeof(IShader*));
    pp = (IResource**)resArray;
    int n = 0;
        return 0;
    ResourceMap::iterator i2 = m_resources.begin();
    while(i2 != m_resources.end())
            IAnnotation* pAnnot = i2->second.p->annotations();
            if((str && findMatchingAnnotation(pAnnot, annotationName, str))
             ||(ival && (pAnnot->getAnnotationInt(annotationName)==ival[0]))
             ||(fval && (pAnnot->getAnnotationFloat(annotationName)==fval[0])))
                if(n >= 100)
                    nvFX::printf(">>Error : gathering of resources exceeded 100 !");
                    return n;
                resArray[n++] = i2->second.p;
    // warning : means that we cannot put in the same list some global shaders from here with
    // local shader previously found in this method...
    if(n == 0)
        // Try in the global repository
        return static_cast<ResourceRepository*>(getResourceRepositorySingleton())->gatherFromAnnotation(pp, annotationName, str, ival, fval);
    return n;