void getABCTimeSpan(IArchive archive, chrono_t& first, chrono_t& last)
	// TO DO: Is the childBounds property reliable to get the full archive's span?

	if (!archive.valid())

	IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();
    if ( archiveTop.getProperties().getPropertyHeader( ".childBnds" ) != NULL ) { // Try to get timing from childBounds first

        IBox3dProperty childbnds = Alembic::Abc::IBox3dProperty( archive.getTop().getProperties(),
                                   ".childBnds", ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy); 
    	TimeSamplingPtr ts = childbnds.getTimeSampling();
		first = std::min(first, ts->getSampleTime(0) );
		last = std::max(last, ts->getSampleTime(childbnds.getNumSamples()-1) );

	unsigned int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();

	for (unsigned i=0; i<numChildren; ++i)  // Visit every object to get its first and last sample
		IObject obj( archiveTop.getChild( i ));
		getObjectTimeSpan(obj, first, last, true);


void layerTest()
    std::string fileName = "objectLayer1.abc";
    std::string fileName2 = "objectLayer2.abc";
        OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), fileName );
        OObject child( archive.getTop(), "child" );
        OObject childCool( child, "cool" );
        OObject childGuy( child, "guy" );

        OObject childA( archive.getTop(), "childA" );
        OObject childAA( childA, "A" );

        OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), fileName2 );
        OObject child( archive.getTop(), "child" );
        OObject childCool( child, "cool" );
        OObject childGal( child, "gal" );

        OObject childA( archive.getTop(), "childB" );
        OObject childAA( childA, "B" );

        std::vector< std::string > files;
        files.push_back( fileName );
        files.push_back( fileName2 );

        Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory;
        IArchive archive = factory.getArchive( files );

        // child, childA, childB
        TESTING_ASSERT( archive.getTop().getNumChildren() == 3 );

        IObject child = archive.getTop().getChild("child");
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getNumChildren() == 3 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("cool").valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("cool").getNumChildren() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("guy").valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("guy").getNumChildren() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("gal").valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("gal").getNumChildren() == 0 );

        IObject childA = archive.getTop().getChild("childA");
        TESTING_ASSERT( childA.getNumChildren() == 1 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( childA.getChild("A").valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( childA.getChild("A").getNumChildren() == 0 );

        IObject childB = archive.getTop().getChild("childB");
        TESTING_ASSERT( childB.getNumChildren() == 1 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( childB.getChild("B").valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( childB.getChild("B").getNumChildren() == 0 );
void pruneTest()
    std::string fileName = "objectPrune1.abc";
    std::string fileName2 = "objectPrune2.abc";
        OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), fileName );
        OObject child( archive.getTop(), "child" );
        OObject childCool( child, "cool" );
        OObject childGuy( child, "guy" );

        OObject childA( archive.getTop(), "childA" );
        OObject childAA( childA, "A" );

        OObject childB( archive.getTop(), "childB" );
        OObject childBB( childB, "B" );

        MetaData md;
        Alembic::AbcCoreLayer::SetPrune( md, true );

        OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), fileName2 );
        OObject child( archive.getTop(), "child" );
        OObject childGuy( child, "guy", md );

        OObject childA( archive.getTop(), "childA" );
        OObject childAA( childA, "A", md );
        OObject childAB( childA, "B", md );

        OObject childB( archive.getTop(), "childB", md );

        std::vector< std::string > files;
        files.push_back( fileName );
        files.push_back( fileName2 );

        Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory;
        IArchive archive = factory.getArchive( files );

        // child, childA, childB
        TESTING_ASSERT( archive.getTop().getNumChildren() == 2 );

        IObject child = archive.getTop().getChild("child");
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getNumChildren() == 1 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("cool").valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getChild("cool").getNumChildren() == 0 );

        IObject childA = archive.getTop().getChild("childA");
        TESTING_ASSERT( childA.getNumChildren() == 0 );
Exemple #4
void ABCReadGeo::updateTableKnob()


	if (filename()[0] == '\0') {

	IArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::ReadArchive(),
			Abc::ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy );

	if (!archive.valid()) {

	IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();
	std::vector<Alembic::AbcGeom::IObject>  _objs;
	getABCGeos(archiveTop, _objs);

	int obj = 0;
	for( std::vector<Alembic::AbcGeom::IObject>::const_iterator iObj( _objs.begin() ); iObj != _objs.end(); ++iObj ) {
void readEmptyCompoundProperties(const std::string &archiveName)
    // Open an existing archive for reading. Indicate that we want
    //   Alembic to throw exceptions on errors.
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    // Determine the number of (top level) children the archive has
    const int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();
    ABCA_ASSERT( numChildren == 2, "Wrong number of children (expected 2)");
    std::cout << "The archive has " << numChildren << " children:"
              << std::endl;

    // Iterate through them, print out their names
    for (int ii=0; ii<numChildren; ii++)
        IObject child( archiveTop, archiveTop.getChildHeader(ii).getName() );
        std::cout << "  " << child.getName();

        std::cout << " has " << child.getNumChildren() << " children"
                  << std::endl;

        // Properties
        ICompoundProperty props = child.getProperties();
        int numProperties = props.getNumProperties();

        std::cout << "  ..and " << numProperties << " properties"
                  << std::endl;

        std::vector<std::string> propNames;
        for (int pp=0; pp<numProperties; pp++)
            propNames.push_back( props.getPropertyHeader(pp).getName() );

        for (int jj=0; jj<numProperties; jj++)
            std::cout << "    ..named " << propNames[jj] << std::endl;

            std::cout << "    ..with type: ";
            PropertyType pType = props.getPropertyHeader(jj).getPropertyType();
            if (pType == kCompoundProperty)
                std::cout << "compound" << std::endl;
            else if (pType == kScalarProperty)
                std::cout << "scalar" << std::endl;
            else if (pType == kArrayProperty)
                std::cout << "array" << std::endl;

    // Done - the archive closes itself

void readDeepHierarchy(const std::string &archiveName)
    // Open an existing archive for reading. Indicate that we want
    //   Alembic to throw exceptions on errors.
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    // Determine the number of (top level) children the archive has
    const unsigned int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();
    std::cout << "The archive has " << numChildren << " children:"
              << std::endl;

    ABCA_ASSERT( numChildren == 2,
                 "Expected 2 children, found " << numChildren );

    // Iterate through them, print out their names
    for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<numChildren; ii++)
        IObject child( archiveTop, archiveTop.getChildHeader(ii).getName() );
        std::cout << "  " << child.getName();

        recursivelyReadChildren( child );

    // do it again to make sure we clean up after ourselves properly
    IArchive archive2 = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    IObject archiveTop2 = archive2.getTop();

    // Done - the archive closes itself
void scopingTest(bool useOgawa)
        OObject top;
            OArchive archive;
            if (useOgawa)
                archive = CreateArchiveWithInfo(
                    "Alembic test", "", MetaData() );
                archive = CreateArchiveWithInfo(
                    "Alembic test", "", MetaData() );
            top = archive.getTop();
        OObject childA( top, "a");
        OObject childB( top, "b");
        ODoubleProperty prop(top.getProperties(), "prop", 0);
        TESTING_ASSERT(prop.getObject().getArchive().getName() ==

        IObject top;
            AbcF::IFactory factory;
            AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
            IArchive archive = factory.getArchive("archiveScopeTest.abc",

           TESTING_ASSERT( (useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa) ||
                           (!useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5) );

            top = archive.getTop();

            double start, end;
            GetArchiveStartAndEndTime( archive, start, end );
            TESTING_ASSERT( start == DBL_MAX && end == -DBL_MAX );
        TESTING_ASSERT(top.getNumChildren() == 2 );
        TESTING_ASSERT(top.getChildHeader("a") != NULL);
        TESTING_ASSERT(top.getChildHeader("b") != NULL);
        TESTING_ASSERT( ! top.getParent().valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( top.getArchive().getName() ==
        IScalarProperty prop(top.getProperties(), "prop");
        TESTING_ASSERT(prop.getObject().getArchive().getName() ==
void getABCTimeSpan(IArchive archive, chrono_t& first, chrono_t& last)
	// TO DO: Is the childBounds property reliable to get the full archive's span?

	if (!archive.valid())

	IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

	unsigned int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();

	for (unsigned i=0; i<numChildren; ++i)
		IObject obj( archiveTop.getChild( i ));
		getObjectTimeSpan(obj, first, last, true);


void simpleTestIn( const std::string &iArchiveName )
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(iArchiveName, coreType);

    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    TESTING_ASSERT( archiveTop.getNumChildren() == ( size_t )NUM_TOP_CHILDREN );

    for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_TOP_CHILDREN ; i++ )
        std::ostringstream strm;
        strm << i;
        std::string cname = strm.str();
        IObject obj( archiveTop, cname );
        readDeepHierarchy( obj, 0, obj  );

    TESTING_ASSERT( PATHS.size() == ( size_t ) NUM_TOP_CHILDREN );
void readFlatHierarchy(const std::string &archiveName)
    // Open an existing archive for reading. Indicate that we want
    //   Alembic to throw exceptions on errors.
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    // Determine the number of (top level) children the archive has
    const int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();
    ABCA_ASSERT( numChildren == 10,
                 "Expected 10 children, found " << numChildren );

    std::cout << "The archive has " << numChildren << " children:"
              << std::endl;

    // Iterate through them, print out their names
    for (int ii=0; ii<numChildren; ii++)
        IObject child( archiveTop,
                       archiveTop.getChildHeader(ii).getName() );
        std::cout << "  " << child.getName();

        const unsigned int children = child.getNumChildren();
        std::cout << " has " << children << " children"
                  << std::endl;

        ABCA_ASSERT( children == 0,
                     "Expected no children, found " << children );


    // Done - the archive closes itself
void readSimpleProperties(const std::string &archiveName)
    // Open an existing archive for reading. Indicate that we want
    //   Alembic to throw exceptions on errors.
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    // Determine the number of (top level) children the archive has
    const int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();
    TESTING_ASSERT( numChildren == 4 );
    std::cout << "The archive has " << numChildren << " children:"
              << std::endl;

    // Iterate through them, print out their names
    for (int ii=0; ii<numChildren; ii++)
        IObject child( archiveTop, archiveTop.getChildHeader( ii ).getName() );
        std::cout << "  " << child.getName();

        std::cout << " has " << child.getNumChildren() << " children"
                  << std::endl;

        // Properties
        ICompoundProperty props = child.getProperties();
        int numProperties = props.getNumProperties();

        std::cout << "  ..and " << numProperties << " simple properties"
                  << std::endl;

        std::vector<std::string> propNames;
        for (int pp=0; pp<numProperties; pp++)
            propNames.push_back( props.getPropertyHeader(pp).getName() );

        for (int jj=0; jj<numProperties; jj++)
            std::cout << "    ..named " << propNames[jj] << std::endl;

            std::cout << "    ..with type: ";
            PropertyType pType = props.getPropertyHeader(jj).getPropertyType();
            if (pType == kCompoundProperty)
                std::cout << "compound" << std::endl;
            else if (pType == kScalarProperty)
                std::cout << "scalar" << std::endl;
            else if (pType == kArrayProperty)
                std::cout << "array" << std::endl;

            DataType dType = props.getPropertyHeader(jj).getDataType();
            std::cout << "    ..with POD-type: ";

            switch (dType.getPod())
                case  kBooleanPOD:
                    std::cout << "boolean" << std::endl;

                // Char/UChar
                case kUint8POD:
                    std::cout << "unsigned char" << std::endl;
                case kInt8POD:
                    std::cout << "char" << std::endl;

                // Short/UShort
                case kUint16POD:
                    std::cout << "short unsigned int" << std::endl;
                case kInt16POD:
                    std::cout << "short int" << std::endl;

                // Int/UInt
                case kUint32POD:
                    std::cout << "unsigned int" << std::endl;
                case kInt32POD:
                    std::cout << "int" << std::endl;

                // Long/ULong
                case kUint64POD:
                    std::cout << "unsigned long int" << std::endl;
                case kInt64POD:
                    std::cout << "long int" << std::endl;

                // Half/Float/Double
                case kFloat16POD:
                    std::cout << "half" << std::endl;
                case kFloat32POD:
                    std::cout << "float" << std::endl;
                case kFloat64POD:
                    std::cout << "double" << std::endl;

                case kStringPOD:
                    std::cout << "string" << std::endl;

                case kUnknownPOD:
                    std::cout << " Unknown! (this is bad)" << std::endl;

            TimeSamplingPtr ts =
                getScalarProperty( propNames[jj] )->getTimeSampling();

            int numSamples = ts->getNumStoredTimes();

            std::cout << "    ..and "
                      << ts->getTimeSamplingType() << std::endl
                      << "    ..and " << numSamples << " samples at times: ";

            if (numSamples > 0)
                std::cout << " ( ";
                for (int ss=0; ss<numSamples; ss++)
                    std::cout << ts->getSampleTime(ss) << " ";
                std::cout << ")";
            std::cout << std::endl;

            std::cout << "    ..and values: ";
            if (numSamples > 0)
                for (int ss=0; ss<numSamples; ss++)
                    ISampleSelector iss( (index_t) ss);
                    switch (dType.getPod())
                        // Boolean
                        case  kBooleanPOD:
                            IBoolProperty prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );

                        // Char/UChar
                        case kUint8POD:
                            IUcharProperty prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );
                        case kInt8POD:
                            ICharProperty prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );

                        // Short/UShort
                        case kUint16POD:
                            IUInt16Property prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );
                        case kInt16POD:
                            IInt16Property prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );

                        // Int/UInt
                        case kUint32POD:
                            IUInt32Property prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );
                        case kInt32POD:
                            IInt32Property prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );

                        // Long/ULong
                        case kUint64POD:
                            IUInt64Property prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );
                        case kInt64POD:
                            IInt64Property prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );

                        // Half/Float/Double
                        case kFloat16POD:
                            // iostream doesn't understand float_16's
                            //printSampleValue( IHalfProperty( props,  propNames[jj] ),
                            //                  iss );
                        case kFloat32POD:
                            IFloatProperty prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );
                        case kFloat64POD:
                            IDoubleProperty prop( props,  propNames[jj] );
                            printSampleValue( prop, iss );

                        case kUnknownPOD:
                            std::cout << " Unknown! (this is bad)" << std::endl;

            std::cout << std::endl;

            std::cout << std::endl; // done parsing property

    // Done - the archive closes itself
void errorHandlerTest(bool useOgawa)

        OArchive archive;
        if (useOgawa)
            archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(),
                "throwTest.abc", ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
            archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(),
                "throwTest.abc", ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );

        OObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();
        ABCA_ASSERT( archiveTop.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy, "Error: Not kThrowPolicy" );
        OObject childQuiet(archiveTop, "childQuiet",
            ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy );
        OObject childNoisy(archiveTop, "childNoisy",
            ErrorHandler::kNoisyNoopPolicy );

        OObject grandchildQuiet(childQuiet, "grandchildQuiet" );
        OObject grandchildNoisy(childNoisy, "grandchildNoisy" );

        ABCA_ASSERT( childQuiet.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kQuietNoopPolicy" );
        ABCA_ASSERT( childNoisy.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kNoisyNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kNoisyNoopPolicy" );

        ABCA_ASSERT( grandchildQuiet.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kQuietNoopPolicy" );
        ABCA_ASSERT( grandchildNoisy.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kNoisyNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kNoisyNoopPolicy" );

        AbcF::IFactory factory;
        factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
        AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
        IArchive archive = factory.getArchive("throwTest.abc", coreType);
        IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

        ABCA_ASSERT( archiveTop.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy, "Error: Not kThrowPolicy" );
        IObject childQuiet(archiveTop, "childQuiet",
            ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy );
        IObject childNoisy(archiveTop, "childNoisy",
            ErrorHandler::kNoisyNoopPolicy );
        IObject grandchildQuiet(childQuiet, "grandchildQuiet" );
        IObject grandchildNoisy(childNoisy, "grandchildNoisy" );
        ABCA_ASSERT( childQuiet.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kQuietNoopPolicy" );
        ABCA_ASSERT( childNoisy.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kNoisyNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kNoisyNoopPolicy" );

        ABCA_ASSERT( grandchildQuiet.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kQuietNoopPolicy" );
        ABCA_ASSERT( grandchildNoisy.getErrorHandler().getPolicy() ==
            ErrorHandler::kNoisyNoopPolicy, "Error: Not kNoisyNoopPolicy" );
Exemple #13
// DO IT.
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    if (argc < 4)
        std::cerr << "USAGE: " << argv[0] << " outFile.abc inFile1.abc"
            << " inFile2.abc (inFile3.abc ...)" << std::endl;
        return -1;

        size_t numInputs = argc - 2;
        std::vector< chrono_t > minVec;


        std::vector< IArchive > iArchives;

        std::map< chrono_t, size_t > minIndexMap;
        size_t rootChildren = 0;

        Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory;
        Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::CoreType coreType;

        for (int i = 2; i < argc; ++i)

            IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(argv[i], coreType);
            if (!archive.valid() || archive.getTop().getNumChildren() < 1)
                std::cerr << "ERROR: " << argv[i] <<
                    " not a valid Alembic file" << std::endl;
                return 1;

            IObject iRoot = archive.getTop();
            size_t numChildren = iRoot.getNumChildren();

            if (i == 2)
                rootChildren = numChildren;
            else if (rootChildren != numChildren)
                std::cerr << "ERROR: " << argv[i] <<
                    " doesn't have the same number of children as: " <<
                    argv[i-1] << std::endl;

            // reorder the input files according to their mins
            chrono_t min = DBL_MAX;
            Alembic::Util::uint32_t numSamplings = archive.getNumTimeSamplings();
            if (numSamplings > 1)
                // timesampling index 0 is special, so it will be skipped
                // make sure all the other timesampling objects start at
                // the same time or throw here
                min = archive.getTimeSampling(1)->getSampleTime(0);

                for (Alembic::Util::uint32_t s = 2; s < numSamplings; ++s)
                    chrono_t thisMin =

                    if (fabs(thisMin - min) > 1e-5)
                        std::cerr << "ERROR: " << argv[i]
                            << " has non-default TimeSampling objects"
                            << " that don't start at the same time."
                            << std::endl;
                        return 1;

                if (minIndexMap.count(min) == 0)
                    minIndexMap.insert(std::make_pair(min, i-2));
                else if (argv[2] != argv[i])
                    std::cerr << "ERROR: overlapping frame range between "
                        << argv[2] << " and " << argv[i] << std::endl;
                    return 1;
                std::cerr << "ERROR: " << archive.getName() <<
                    " only has default (static) TimeSampling." << std::endl;
                return 1;


        // now reorder the input nodes so they are in increasing order of their
        // min values in the frame range
        std::sort(minVec.begin(), minVec.end());
        std::vector< IArchive > iOrderedArchives;

        for (size_t f = 0; f < numInputs; ++f)
            size_t index = minIndexMap.find(minVec[f])->second;

        std::string appWriter = "AbcStitcher";
        std::string fileName = argv[1];
        std::string userStr;

        // Create an archive with the default writer
        OArchive oArchive;
        if (coreType == Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::kHDF5)
            oArchive = CreateArchiveWithInfo(
                fileName, appWriter, userStr, ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy);
        else if (coreType == Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory::kOgawa)
            oArchive = CreateArchiveWithInfo(
                fileName, appWriter, userStr, ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy);

        OObject oRoot = oArchive.getTop();
        if (!oRoot.valid())
            return -1;

        std::vector<IObject> iRoots;
        for (size_t f = 0; f < rootChildren; ++f)
            for (size_t g = 0; g < numInputs; ++g)
                iRoots[g] = iOrderedArchives[g].getTop().getChild(f);

            visitObjects(iRoots, oRoot);

        // collect the top level compound property
        ICompoundPropertyVec iCompoundProps;
        for (size_t f = 0; f < numInputs; ++f)

        OCompoundProperty oCompoundProperty = oRoot.getProperties();
        stitchCompoundProp(iCompoundProps, oCompoundProperty);


    return 0;
Exemple #14
void simpleTestIn( const std::string& iArchiveName )
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy( ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );

    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive( iArchiveName, coreType );

           /   |   \
         x2    x3   x2a (x2a is an instance targeting x2)
          |    |
         x4    x5    (x5 is an instance targeting x4)
        / |
      g1  g2

    // an archive has a single top object which contains all its children
    IObject topObject = archive.getTop();

    IObject x1( topObject, "x1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x1 != 0 );

    // Verify the target path
    IObject x2( x1, "x2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2.valid() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !x2.isInstanceDescendant() );

    IObject x4( x2, "x4" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x4.valid() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !x4.isInstanceDescendant() );

    int numChildren = x4.getNumChildren();
    TESTING_ASSERT( numChildren == 2 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x4.getParent().getFullName() == x2.getFullName() );

    IObject g1( x4.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1 != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1.getName() == "g1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g1.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1.getParent() != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1.getParent().getFullName() == x4.getFullName() );

    IObject g2( x4.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2 != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2.getName() == "g2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2.getParent() != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2.getParent().getFullName() == x4.getFullName() );

    IObject g5( g2.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5 != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5.getName() == "g5" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g5.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5.getParent() != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5.getParent().getFullName() == g2.getFullName() );

    // Verify the instance path
    IObject x3( x1, "x3" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x3 != 0 );

    IObject x5( x3, "x5" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x5 != 0 );

    TESTING_ASSERT( x5.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x5.isInstanceRoot() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x5.instanceSourcePath() == x4.getFullName() );

    numChildren = x5.getNumChildren();
    TESTING_ASSERT( numChildren == 2 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x5.getParent().getFullName() == x3.getFullName() );

    IObject g1p( x5.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1p != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1p.getName() == "g1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1p.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g1p.isInstanceRoot() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1p.getParent() != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g1p.getParent().getFullName() == x5.getFullName() );

    IObject g2p( x5.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2p != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2p.getName() == "g2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2p.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g2p.isInstanceRoot() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2p.getParent() != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g2p.getParent().getFullName() == x5.getFullName() );

    IObject g5p( g2p.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5p != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5p.getName() == "g5" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5p.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !g5p.isInstanceRoot() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5p.getParent() != 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( g5p.getParent().getFullName() == g2p.getFullName() );

    // test x2a
    IObject x2a( x1, "x2a" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2a.valid() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2a.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2a.isInstanceRoot() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2a.instanceSourcePath() == x2.getFullName() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2a.getNumChildren() == 1 );

    IObject x2aParent = x2a.getParent();
    TESTING_ASSERT( x2aParent.getFullName() == "/x1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !x2aParent.isInstanceDescendant() );
Exemple #15
void ABCReadGeo::create_geometry(Scene& scene, GeometryList& out)

	if (filename()[0] == '\0') {

	IArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::ReadArchive(),
			Abc::ErrorHandler::kQuietNoopPolicy );

	if (!archive.valid()) {
		std::cout << "error reading archive" << std::endl;
		error("Unable to read file");

	IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

	std::vector<Alembic::AbcGeom::IObject>  _objs;
	getABCGeos(archiveTop, _objs);

	// current Time to sample from
	chrono_t curTime = m_sampleFrame  / _FPS;

	if ( rebuild(Mask_Primitives)) {

	int obj = 0;
	for( std::vector<Alembic::AbcGeom::IObject>::const_iterator iObj( _objs.begin() ); iObj != _objs.end(); ++iObj ) {

		// Leave an empty obj if knob is unchecked
		if (!active_objs[obj] ) {
			PointList& points = *out.writable_points(obj);
			out[obj].delete_group_attribute(Group_Vertices,kUVAttrName, VECTOR4_ATTRIB);

		if ( rebuild(Mask_Primitives)) {


			if (bbox_objs[obj]) { //(bbox_mode) {
				buildBboxPrimitives(out, obj);
			else {
				buildABCPrimitives(out, obj, *iObj, curTime);

		if ( rebuild(Mask_Points)) {

			PointList& points = *out.writable_points(obj);

			if (bbox_objs[obj]) { //(bbox_mode) {
				Imath::Box3d bbox = getBounds(*iObj, curTime);


				IObject iObj_copy(*iObj);
				Matrix4 xf = getConcatMatrix(iObj_copy,curTime, interpolate !=0); // for some reason getParent() won't take a const IObject, hence the copy...

				// Add bbox corners
				for (unsigned i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
					Vector3 pt((i&4)>>2 ? bbox.max.x : bbox.min.x, (i&2)>>1 ? bbox.max.y : bbox.min.y, (i%2) ? bbox.max.z : bbox.min.z );
					points[i] = xf.transform(pt);

				writePoints(*iObj, points, curTime, interpolate !=0);


		if ( rebuild(Mask_Attributes)) {

			if (bbox_objs[obj]) { //(bbox_mode)
				out[obj].delete_group_attribute(Group_Vertices,kUVAttrName, VECTOR4_ATTRIB);
			else {
				// set UVs
				Attribute* UV = out.writable_attribute(obj, Group_Vertices, kUVAttrName, VECTOR4_ATTRIB);
				IV2fGeomParam uvParam = getUVsParam(*iObj);
				setUVs(out[obj], uvParam, UV, curTime);

				// set Normals
				IN3fGeomParam nParam = getNsParam(*iObj);
				if (nParam.valid()) {
					Attribute* N = out.writable_attribute(obj, Group_Vertices, kNormalAttrName, NORMAL_ATTRIB);
					setNormals(out[obj], nParam, N, curTime);

void readProperty(const std::string &archiveName)
    // Open an existing archive for reading. Indicate that we want
    //   Alembic to throw exceptions on errors.
    std::cout  << "Reading " << archiveName << std::endl;
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    // Determine the number of (top level) children the archive has
    const unsigned int numChildren = archiveTop.getNumChildren();
    ABCA_ASSERT( numChildren == 1, "Wrong number of children (expected 3)");
    std::cout << "The archive has " << numChildren << " children:"
              << std::endl;

    // Iterate through them, print out their names
    IObject child( archiveTop, archiveTop.getChildHeader(0).getName() );
    std::cout << "  " << child.getName();

    // Properties
    ICompoundProperty props = child.getProperties();
    size_t numProperties = props.getNumProperties(); // only top-level props
    ABCA_ASSERT( numProperties == 1,
                 "Expected 1 property, found " << numProperties);
    std::cout << " has a simple property";

    std::vector<std::string> propNames(1);
    propNames[0] = props.getPropertyHeader(0).getName();
    std::cout << " named " << propNames[0] << std::endl;

    PropertyType pType = props.getPropertyHeader(0).getPropertyType();
    ABCA_ASSERT( pType == kScalarProperty,
                 "Expected a scalar property, but didn't find one" );

    DataType dType = props.getPropertyHeader(0).getDataType();
    ABCA_ASSERT( dType.getPod() == kFloat64POD,
                 "Expected a double (kFloat64POD) property, but didn't"
                 " find one" );

    // We know this is a scalar property (I'm eliding the if/else
    //  statements required to recognize this)
    IDoubleProperty mass( props, propNames[0] );
    size_t numSamples = mass.getNumSamples();
    std::cout << ".. it has " << numSamples << " samples" << std::endl;
    ABCA_ASSERT( numSamples == 5, "Expected 5 samples, found " << numSamples );

    std::cout << "..with values: ";
    for (unsigned int ss=0; ss<numSamples; ss++)
        ISampleSelector iss( (index_t) ss);
        printSampleValue( mass, iss );

        double massDiff = mass.getValue( iss ) -  (33.0 + 0.1*ss);
        ABCA_ASSERT( fabs(massDiff) < 1e-12, "Incorrect sample value read" );
    std::cout << std::endl;

    // Done - the archive closes itself
void simpleTestIn( const std::string &iArchiveName, bool useOgawa)
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(iArchiveName, coreType);
    TESTING_ASSERT( (useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa) ||
                    (!useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5) );

    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    IObject ac0( archiveTop, "ac0" );
    IObject acc0( ac0, "acc0" );

    IObject ac1( archiveTop, "ac1" );

    IInt32ArrayProperty ac1iap0( ac1.getProperties(), "iap0" );
    const AbcA::PropertyHeader * iap0Header =
        ac1.getProperties().getPropertyHeader( "iap0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( IInt32ArrayProperty::matches( *iap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( OInt32ArrayProperty::matches( *iap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IFloatArrayProperty::matches( *iap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IV3fArrayProperty::matches( *iap0Header ) );

    ISampleSelector ac1iap0iss;

    AbcA::index_t sampIdx = ac1iap0iss.getIndex( ac1iap0.getTimeSampling(),
        ac1iap0.getNumSamples() );

    std::cout << "sampIdx: " << sampIdx << std::endl;

    // an object contains a single compound property that contains all
    // sub-properties; all property access is through that.
    ICompoundProperty ac0Props = ac0.getProperties();

    ICompoundProperty acc0Props = acc0.getProperties();

    TESTING_ASSERT( ac0.getNumChildren() == 1 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ac0Props.getNumProperties() == 4 );

    TESTING_ASSERT( acc0.getNumChildren() == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( acc0Props.getNumProperties() == 6 );

    std::cout << "ac0 has " << ac0.getNumChildren() << " children and "
              << ac0Props.getNumProperties() << " properties." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "acc0 has " << acc0.getNumChildren() << " children and "
              << acc0Props.getNumProperties() << " properties." << std::endl;

    for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < acc0Props.getNumProperties() ; ++i )
        std::cout << "acc0.getPropertyHeader( " << i << " ).getName(): "
                  << acc0Props.getPropertyHeader( i ).getName() << std::endl;

    ICompoundProperty acc0CProp0( acc0Props, "acc0CProp0" );

    IInt32Property acc0cp0ip0( acc0CProp0, "acc0cp0ip0" );
    IInt32Property acc0cp0ip1( acc0CProp0, "acc0cp0ip1" );

    int acc0cp0ip0val = acc0cp0ip0.getValue();
    int acc0cp0ip1val = acc0cp0ip1.getValue();

    TESTING_ASSERT( acc0cp0ip0val == 0 );
    TESTING_ASSERT( acc0cp0ip1val == 1 );

    std::cout << "acc0cp0ip0 is " << acc0cp0ip0val << std::endl;
    std::cout << "acc0cp0ip1 is " << acc0cp0ip1val << std::endl;

    IV3fProperty ac0V3fp0( ac0Props, "ac0V3fp0", kStrictMatching );
    IN3fProperty ac0N3fp0( ac0Props, "ac0N3fp0", kStrictMatching );
    IP3fProperty ac0P3fp0( ac0Props, "ac0P3fp0", kStrictMatching );

    // we expect this to throw when doing strict matching
        IP3fProperty( ac0Props, "ac0N3fp0", kStrictMatching ),
        Alembic::Util::Exception );

    IInt32Property acc0ip0( acc0Props, "acc0ip0" );

    IBoolProperty acc0bp0( acc0Props, "acc0bp0" );

    TESTING_ASSERT( ! acc0bp0.getValue() );

    std::cout << "bool scalar property acc0bp0 is false!  Huzzah!"
              << std::endl;

    TESTING_ASSERT( acc0ip0.getValue() == 99 );

    TESTING_ASSERT( ac0V3fp0.getValue() == scalarV3fval );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ac0N3fp0.getValue() == scalarV3fval );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ac0P3fp0.getValue() == scalarV3fval );

    std::cout << "acc0ip0 is " << acc0ip0.getValue() << std::endl;

    std::cout << "ac0V3fp0 is " << ac0V3fp0.getValue() << std::endl;

    IV3fArrayProperty acc0V3fap0( acc0Props, "acc0V3fap0", kStrictMatching );
    const AbcA::PropertyHeader * acc0V3fap0Header =
        acc0Props.getPropertyHeader( "acc0V3fap0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( OV3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( IV3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! OFloatArrayProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IFloatArrayProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IInt32ArrayProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IP3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IV3fProperty::matches( *acc0V3fap0Header ) );
    V3fArraySamplePtr acc0V3fap0SampPtr;

    IP3fArrayProperty acc0P3fap0( acc0Props, "acc0P3fap0", kStrictMatching );
    const AbcA::PropertyHeader * acc0P3fap0Header =
        acc0Props.getPropertyHeader( "acc0P3fap0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( OP3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( IP3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! OFloatArrayProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IFloatArrayProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IInt32ArrayProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IV3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IP3fProperty::matches( *acc0P3fap0Header ) );
    P3fArraySamplePtr acc0P3fap0SampPtr;

    IN3fArrayProperty acc0N3fap0( acc0Props, "acc0N3fap0", kStrictMatching );
    const AbcA::PropertyHeader * acc0N3fap0Header =
        acc0Props.getPropertyHeader( "acc0N3fap0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ON3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( IN3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! OFloatArrayProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IFloatArrayProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IInt32ArrayProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IV3fArrayProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( ! IP3fProperty::matches( *acc0N3fap0Header ) );
    N3fArraySamplePtr acc0N3fap0SampPtr;

        IP3fProperty( ac0Props, "acc0V3fap0", kStrictMatching ),
        Alembic::Util::Exception );

    IInt32ArrayProperty ac0iap0( ac0Props, "ac0iap0" );
    Int32ArraySamplePtr ac0iap0SampPtr;

    const size_t numReadV3fSamps = acc0V3fap0.getNumSamples();
    const size_t numReadN3fSamps = acc0N3fap0.getNumSamples();
    const size_t numReadP3fSamps = acc0P3fap0.getNumSamples();
    const size_t numReadIntSamps = ac0iap0.getNumSamples();

    TESTING_ASSERT( numReadIntSamps == numIntSamps );
    TESTING_ASSERT( numReadV3fSamps == numV3fSamps );
    TESTING_ASSERT( numReadN3fSamps == numV3fSamps );
    TESTING_ASSERT( numReadP3fSamps == numV3fSamps );

    std::cout << "acc0V3fap0 has " << numReadV3fSamps << " samples." << std::endl;

    std::cout << "ac0iap0 has " << numReadIntSamps << " samples." << std::endl;

    // first the V3f array property
    for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numV3fSamps ; ++i )
        acc0V3fap0.get( acc0V3fap0SampPtr, i );
        acc0N3fap0.get( acc0N3fap0SampPtr, i );
        acc0P3fap0.get( acc0P3fap0SampPtr, i );

        size_t numPoints = acc0V3fap0SampPtr->size();
        chrono_t time = acc0V3fap0.getTimeSampling()->getSampleTime( i );

        chrono_t compTime = v3fStartTime + ( i * dt );

        TESTING_ASSERT( numPoints == numV3fPoints );
        TESTING_ASSERT( numPoints == acc0N3fap0SampPtr->size() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( numPoints == acc0P3fap0SampPtr->size() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( Imath::equalWithAbsError( time, compTime,
                                                  CHRONO_EPSILON ) );

        float32_t elementVal = i + time;

        TESTING_ASSERT( (*acc0V3fap0SampPtr)[0][0] == elementVal );
        TESTING_ASSERT( (*acc0N3fap0SampPtr)[0][0] == elementVal );
        TESTING_ASSERT( (*acc0P3fap0SampPtr)[0][0] == elementVal );

        std::cout << "acc0V3fap0 at sample " << i << " is at time "
                  << time
                  << " and has " << numPoints << " points "
                  << " with the values:" << std::endl;

        for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < numPoints ; ++j )
            std::cout << (*acc0V3fap0SampPtr)[j] << ", ";

        std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;

    // now the int array property
    for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < numIntSamps ; ++i )
        ac0iap0.get( ac0iap0SampPtr, i );

        size_t numPoints = ac0iap0SampPtr->size();
        chrono_t time = ac0iap0.getTimeSampling()->getSampleTime( i );

        chrono_t compTime = intStartTime + ( i * dt );

        TESTING_ASSERT( Imath::equalWithAbsError( time, compTime,
                                                  CHRONO_EPSILON ) );

        TESTING_ASSERT( numPoints == numIntPoints );

        std::cout << "ac0iap0 at sample " << i << " is at time "
                  << time
                  << " and has " << numPoints << " points"
                  << " with the values:" << std::endl;

        for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < numPoints ; ++j )
            Alembic::Util::int32_t val = (*ac0iap0SampPtr)[j];

            TESTING_ASSERT( val == ( Alembic::Util::int32_t ) ( i + j ) );

            std::cout << val << ", ";

        std::cout << std::endl << std::endl;
void emptyAndValueTest(const std::string &archiveName, bool useOgawa)
    std::vector<std::string> strVec;
    strVec.push_back( "potato" );

    std::vector<C3f> colorVec;
    colorVec.push_back( C3f( 0.0, 0.5, 0.75 ) );

    std::vector<Alembic::Util::int32_t> intVec;

    StringArraySample strSamp( strVec );
    C3fArraySample colorSamp( colorVec );
    Int32ArraySample intSamp( intVec );

    StringArraySample emptyStrSamp = StringArraySample::emptySample();
    C3fArraySample emptyColorSamp = C3fArraySample::emptySample();
    Int32ArraySample emptyIntSamp = Int32ArraySample::emptySample();

        OArchive archive;
        if (useOgawa)
            archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(),
                archiveName );
            archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(),
                archiveName );

        OCompoundProperty root = archive.getTop().getProperties();
        OC3fArrayProperty colorProp( root, "colors" );
        OInt32ArrayProperty numProp( root, "numbers" );
        AbcA::MetaData md;
        SetReference( md );
        OStringArrayProperty strProp( root, "strings", md );
        TESTING_ASSERT( isReference( strProp.getHeader() ) );

        colorProp.set( emptyColorSamp );
        colorProp.set( colorSamp );
        colorProp.set( emptyColorSamp );
        colorProp.set( colorSamp );

        numProp.set( emptyIntSamp );
        numProp.set( intSamp );
        numProp.set( emptyIntSamp );
        numProp.set( intSamp );

        strProp.set( emptyStrSamp );
        strProp.set( strSamp );
        strProp.set( emptyStrSamp );
        strProp.set( strSamp );

        StringArraySamplePtr strSampPtr;
        C3fArraySamplePtr colorSampPtr;
        Int32ArraySamplePtr intSampPtr;

        AbcF::IFactory factory;
        factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
        AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
        IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
        TESTING_ASSERT( (useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa) ||
                        (!useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5) );

        ICompoundProperty root = archive.getTop().getProperties();
        IC3fArrayProperty colorProp( root, "colors" );
        IInt32ArrayProperty numProp( root, "numbers" );
        IStringArrayProperty strProp( root, "strings" );
        TESTING_ASSERT( isReference( strProp.getHeader() ) );

        TESTING_ASSERT( colorProp.getNumSamples() == 4 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( strProp.getNumSamples() == 4 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( numProp.getNumSamples() == 4 );

        colorProp.get( colorSampPtr, 0 );
        strProp.get( strSampPtr, 0 );
        numProp.get( intSampPtr, 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( colorSampPtr->size() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( strSampPtr->size() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( intSampPtr->size() == 0 );

        colorProp.get( colorSampPtr, 2 );
        strProp.get( strSampPtr, 2 );
        numProp.get( intSampPtr, 2 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( colorSampPtr->size() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( strSampPtr->size() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( intSampPtr->size() == 0 );

        colorProp.get( colorSampPtr, 1 );
        strProp.get( strSampPtr, 1 );
        numProp.get( intSampPtr, 1 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( colorSampPtr->size() == 1 &&
            colorSamp[0] == ( *colorSampPtr )[0] );
        TESTING_ASSERT( strSampPtr->size() == 1 &&
            strSamp[0] == ( *strSampPtr )[0] );
        TESTING_ASSERT( intSampPtr->size() == 1 &&
            intSamp[0] == ( *intSampPtr )[0] );

        colorProp.get( colorSampPtr, 3 );
        strProp.get( strSampPtr, 3 );
        numProp.get( intSampPtr, 3 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( colorSampPtr->size() == 1 &&
            colorSamp[0] == ( *colorSampPtr )[0] );
        TESTING_ASSERT( strSampPtr->size() == 1 &&
            strSamp[0] == ( *strSampPtr )[0] );
        TESTING_ASSERT( intSampPtr->size() == 1 &&
            intSamp[0] == ( *intSampPtr )[0] );
void readWriteColorArrayProperty(const std::string &archiveName, bool useOgawa)

        OArchive archive;
        if (useOgawa)
            archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(),
                archiveName, ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
            archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(),
                archiveName, ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );

        OObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

        OObject child( archiveTop, "test" );
        OCompoundProperty childProps = child.getProperties();

        OC3fArrayProperty shades( childProps, "shades", 0 );

        std::vector < C3f > grays(8);
        grays[0].x = 0.0; grays[0].y = 0.0; grays[0].z = 0.0;
        grays[1].x = 0.125; grays[1].y = 0.125; grays[1].z = 0.125;

        grays[2].x = 0.25; grays[2].y = 0.25; grays[2].z = 0.25;
        grays[3].x = 0.375; grays[3].y = 0.375; grays[3].z = 0.375;

        grays[4].x = 0.5; grays[4].y = 0.5; grays[4].z = 0.5;
        grays[5].x = 0.625; grays[5].y = 0.625; grays[5].z = 0.625;

        grays[6].x = 0.75; grays[6].y = 0.75; grays[6].z = 0.75;
        grays[7].x = 0.875; grays[7].y = 0.875; grays[7].z = 0.875;

        // let's write 4 different color3f[2]
        Dimensions d;
        d[0] = 2;
        d[1] = 4;

        C3fArraySample cas(&(grays.front()), d);
        // now read it
        AbcF::IFactory factory;
        factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
        AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
        IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
        TESTING_ASSERT( (useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa) ||
                        (!useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5) );

        IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

        IObject child( archiveTop, archiveTop.getChildHeader(0).getName() );
        ICompoundProperty props = child.getProperties();
        IC3fArrayProperty shades( props, "shades" );

        C3fArraySamplePtr samplePtr;
        shades.get( samplePtr );

        ABCA_ASSERT( samplePtr->getDimensions().rank() == 2,
                     "Incorrect rank on the sample." );

        ABCA_ASSERT( samplePtr->getDimensions().numPoints() == 8,
                     "Incorrect number of total points." );

        ABCA_ASSERT( samplePtr->getDimensions()[0] == 2,
                     "Incorrect size on dimension 0." );

        ABCA_ASSERT( samplePtr->getDimensions()[1] == 4,
                     "Incorrect size on dimension 1." );

        Alembic::Util::Dimensions dims;
        shades.getDimensions( dims );

        ABCA_ASSERT( dims.rank() == 2,
                     "Incorrect rank on the sample." );

        ABCA_ASSERT( dims.numPoints() == 8,
                     "Incorrect number of total points." );

        ABCA_ASSERT( dims[0] == 2,
                     "Incorrect size on dimension 0." );

        ABCA_ASSERT( dims[1] == 4,
                     "Incorrect size on dimension 1." );

        for (size_t i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
            ABCA_ASSERT( (*samplePtr)[i].x == i/8.0 &&
                         (*samplePtr)[i].x == (*samplePtr)[i].y &&
                         (*samplePtr)[i].x == (*samplePtr)[i].z,
                         "Color [" << i << "] is incorrect.");

        double start, end;
        GetArchiveStartAndEndTime( archive, start, end );

        TESTING_ASSERT( almostEqual(start, 0.0) );
        TESTING_ASSERT( almostEqual(end, 0.0) );
void readV3fArrayProperty(const std::string &archiveName, bool useOgawa)
    // Open an existing archive for reading. Indicate that we want
    //   Alembic to throw exceptions on errors.
    std::cout  << "Reading " << archiveName << std::endl;
    AbcF::IFactory factory;
    factory.setPolicy(  ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
    AbcF::IFactory::CoreType coreType;
    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive(archiveName, coreType);
    TESTING_ASSERT( (useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kOgawa) ||
                    (!useOgawa && coreType == AbcF::IFactory::kHDF5) );

    IObject archiveTop = archive.getTop();

    // Determine the number of (top level) children the archive has
    const unsigned int numChildren =  archiveTop.getNumChildren();
    ABCA_ASSERT( numChildren == 1, "Wrong number of children (expected 1)");
    std::cout << "The archive has " << numChildren << " children:"
              << std::endl;

    // Iterate through them, print out their names
    IObject child( archiveTop, archiveTop.getChildHeader(0).getName() );
    std::cout << "  named '" << child.getName() << "'";

    // Properties
    ICompoundProperty props = child.getProperties();
    size_t numProperties = props.getNumProperties();  // only top-level props
    ABCA_ASSERT( numProperties == 1,
                 "Expected 1 property, found " << numProperties);
    std::cout << " with one property";

    std::vector<std::string> propNames(1);
    propNames[0] = props.getPropertyHeader(0).getName();
    std::cout << " named '" << propNames[0] << "'" << std::endl;

    PropertyType pType = props.getPropertyHeader(0).getPropertyType();
    ABCA_ASSERT( pType == kArrayProperty,
                 "Expected an array property, but didn't find one" );

    std::cout << " which is an array property";

    DataType dType = props.getPropertyHeader(0).getDataType();
    ABCA_ASSERT( dType.getPod() == kFloat32POD,
                 "Expected an v3f property, but didn't find one" );

    // We know this is an array property (I'm eliding the if/else
    //  statements required to recognize and handle this properly)
    IV3fArrayProperty positions( props, propNames[0] );
    size_t numSamples = positions.getNumSamples();
    std::cout << ".. it has " << numSamples << " samples" << std::endl;
    ABCA_ASSERT( numSamples == 5, "Expected 5 samples, found " << numSamples );

    TimeSamplingPtr ts = positions.getTimeSampling();
    std::cout << "..with time/value pairs: " << std::endl;;
    for (unsigned int ss=0; ss<numSamples; ss++)
        std::cout << "   ";
        ISampleSelector iss( (index_t) ss);
        std::cout << ts->getSampleTime( (index_t) ss ) << " / ";

        V3fArraySamplePtr samplePtr;
        positions.get( samplePtr, iss );
        std::cout << "[ ";
        size_t numPoints = samplePtr->size();
        for ( size_t jj=0 ; jj<numPoints ; jj++ )
            std::cout << (*samplePtr)[jj] << " ";
        std::cout << "]" << std::endl;

        if (ss == 2) // no entries in sample #2
            ABCA_ASSERT( numPoints == 0,
                         "Expected an empty sample, but found " << numPoints
                         << " entries." );
            for ( size_t jj=0 ; jj<numPoints ; jj++ )
                ABCA_ASSERT( (*samplePtr)[jj] == g_vectors[jj],
                             "Incorrect value read from archive." );

        archive.getMaxNumSamplesForTimeSamplingIndex(1) == (index_t) numSamples,
        "Incorrect number of max samples in readV3fArrayProperty." );
    std::cout << std::endl;
    // Done - the archive closes itself

    double start, end;
    GetArchiveStartAndEndTime( archive, start, end );

    TESTING_ASSERT( almostEqual(start, 123.0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( almostEqual(end, 123.0 + 4.0 / 24.0) );
Exemple #21
void diabolicalInstance( const std::string& iArchiveName, bool useOgawa )
               a0  b0 (points to a0)
              /  |
            a1   b1 (points to a1)
           /  |
          a2  b2 (points to b2)

    OArchive archive;
    if (useOgawa)
        archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(),
            iArchiveName, ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );
        archive = OArchive( Alembic::AbcCoreHDF5::WriteArchive(),
            iArchiveName, ErrorHandler::kThrowPolicy );

    OObject topobj = archive.getTop();

    OObject a0( topobj, "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( topobj.addChildInstance( a0, "b0" ) );

    OObject a1( a0, "a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0.addChildInstance( a1, "b1" ) );

    OObject a2( a1, "a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a1.addChildInstance( a2, "b2" ) );

    AbcF::IFactory factory;

    IArchive archive = factory.getArchive( iArchiveName );
    IObject topObject = archive.getTop();

    IObject a0( topObject.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0.getFullName() == "/a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0.getParent().getFullName() == "/" );

    IObject b0( topObject.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0.getName() == "b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0.getFullName() == "/b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !b0.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0.getParent().getFullName() == "/" );

    IObject a0a1( a0.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1.getName() == "a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1.getFullName() == "/a0/a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1.getParent().getName() == "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1.getParent().getFullName() == "/a0" );

    IObject a0b1( a0.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1.getName() == "b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1.getFullName() == "/a0/b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0b1.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1.getParent().getName() == "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1.getParent().getFullName() == "/a0" );

    IObject b0a1( b0.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );

    IObject b0b1( b0.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1.getName() == "b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1.getFullName() == "/b0/b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1.getParent().getName() == "b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1.getParent().getFullName() == "/b0" );

    IObject a0a1a2( a0a1.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1a2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1a2.getName() == "a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1a2.getFullName() == "/a0/a1/a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1a2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1a2.getParent().getName() == "a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1a2.getParent().getFullName() == "/a0/a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1a2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1a2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1a2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/a0" );

    IObject a0a1b2( a0a1.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.getName() == "b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.getFullName() == "/a0/a1/b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1b2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.getParent().getName() == "a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.getParent().getFullName() == "/a0/a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0a1b2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0a1b2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/a0" );

    IObject a0b1a2( a0b1.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getName() == "a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getFullName() == "/a0/b1/a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getParent().getName() == "b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getParent().getFullName() == "/a0/b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0b1a2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1a2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/a0" );

    IObject a0b1b2( a0b1.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getName() == "b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getFullName() == "/a0/b1/b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getParent().getName() == "b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getParent().getFullName() == "/a0/b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( !a0b1b2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "a0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( a0b1b2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/a0" );

    IObject b0a1a2( b0a1.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getName() == "a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getFullName() == "/b0/a1/a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getParent().getName() == "a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getParent().getFullName() == "/b0/a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1a2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/b0" );

    IObject b0a1b2( b0a1.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getName() == "b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getFullName() == "/b0/a1/b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getParent().getName() == "a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getParent().getFullName() == "/b0/a1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0a1b2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/b0" );

    IObject b0b1a2( b0b1.getChild(0) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getName() == "a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getFullName() == "/b0/b1/a2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getParent().getName() == "b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getParent().getFullName() == "/b0/b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1a2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/b0" );

    IObject b0b1b2( b0b1.getChild(1) );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getName() == "b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getFullName() == "/b0/b1/b2" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getParent().getName() == "b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getParent().getFullName() == "/b0/b1" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getParent().getParent().isInstanceDescendant() );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getParent().getParent().getName() == "b0" );
    TESTING_ASSERT( b0b1b2.getParent().getParent().getFullName() == "/b0" );

void replaceTest()
    std::string fileName = "objectReplace1.abc";
    std::string fileName2 = "objectReplace2.abc";
        OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), fileName );
        OObject child( archive.getTop(), "child" );

        OObject childCool( child, "cool" );
        OObject childCooler( childCool, "cooler" );

        OObject childGuy( child, "guy" );
        OObject childGuyA( childGuy, "A" );

        OObject childA( archive.getTop(), "childA" );
        OObject childAA( childA, "A" );

        OObject childB( archive.getTop(), "childB" );
        OObject childBB( childB, "B" );

        MetaData md;
        Alembic::AbcCoreLayer::SetReplace( md, true );

        OArchive archive( Alembic::AbcCoreOgawa::WriteArchive(), fileName2 );
        OObject child( archive.getTop(), "child" );
        OObject childGuy( child, "guy", md );

        OObject childCool( child, "cool", md );
        OObject childCoolA( childCool, "A" );
        OObject childCoolB( childCool, "B", md );

        OObject childA( archive.getTop(), "childA", md );

        OObject childB( archive.getTop(), "childB", md );
        OObject childBA( childB, "A", md );
        OObject childBC( childB, "C", md );
        OObject childBCA( childBC, "A", md );

        std::vector< std::string > files;
        files.push_back( fileName );
        files.push_back( fileName2 );

        Alembic::AbcCoreFactory::IFactory factory;
        IArchive archive = factory.getArchive( files );

        IObject root = archive.getTop();

        // child, childA, childB
        TESTING_ASSERT( root.getNumChildren() == 3 );

        IObject child( root, "child" );
        TESTING_ASSERT( child.getNumChildren() == 2 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( child, "cool" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( child, "guy" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( child, "cool" ).getNumChildren() == 2 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( child, "guy" ).getNumChildren() == 0 );

        IObject childCool( child, "cool" );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childCool, "A" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childCool, "A" ).getNumChildren() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childCool, "B" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childCool, "B" ).getNumChildren() == 0 );

        IObject childA( root, "childA" );
        TESTING_ASSERT( childA.getNumChildren() == 0 );

        IObject childB( root, "childB" );
        TESTING_ASSERT( childB.getNumChildren() == 2 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childB, "A" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childB, "C" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childB, "A" ).getNumChildren() == 0 );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childB, "C" ).getNumChildren() == 1 );

        IObject childBC( childB, "C" );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childBC, "A" ).valid() );
        TESTING_ASSERT( IObject( childBC, "A" ).getNumChildren() == 0 );