Exemple #1
void WaveFrontExporter::exportBrush(IBrush& brush)
	_output << "\ng " << "Brush" << _exportedBrushes << "\n";

	std::string vertexBuf;
	std::string texCoordBuf;
	std::string faceBuf;

	for (std::size_t faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < brush.getNumFaces(); ++faceIdx)
		IFace& face = brush.getFace(faceIdx);

		// Remember the index of the first vertex
		std::size_t firstVertex = _vertexCount;

		const IWinding& winding = face.getWinding();

		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < winding.size(); ++i)
			// Write coordinates into the export buffers
			vertexBuf += "v " + std::string(winding[i].vertex) + "\n";
			texCoordBuf += "vt " + std::string(winding[i].texcoord) + "\n";

			// Count the exported vertices

		// Construct the face section
		faceBuf += "\nf";

		for (std::size_t i = firstVertex; i < _vertexCount; ++i)
			faceBuf += " " + sizetToStr(i+1) + "/" + sizetToStr(i+1);
    _output << vertexBuf << "\n";
    _output << texCoordBuf;
    _output << faceBuf << "\n";

void ModelExporter::processBrush(const scene::INodePtr& node)
	IBrush* brush = Node_getIBrush(node);

	if (brush == nullptr) return;

	Matrix4 exportTransform = node->localToWorld().getPremultipliedBy(_centerTransform);

	for (std::size_t b = 0; b < brush->getNumFaces(); ++b)
		const IFace& face = brush->getFace(b);

		const std::string& materialName = face.getShader();

		if (!isExportableMaterial(materialName)) continue;

		const IWinding& winding = face.getWinding();

		std::vector<model::ModelPolygon> polys;

		if (winding.size() < 3)
			rWarning() << "Skipping face with less than 3 winding verts" << std::endl;

		// Create triangles for this winding 
		for (std::size_t i = 1; i < winding.size() - 1; ++i)
			model::ModelPolygon poly;

			poly.a = convertWindingVertex(winding[i + 1]);
			poly.b = convertWindingVertex(winding[i]);
			poly.c = convertWindingVertex(winding[0]);


		_exporter->addPolygons(materialName, polys, exportTransform);