Exemple #1
bool Material::bind(RenderContext* context)

    if( this == context->getBoundMaterial() )
        return false;

    ID3DX11Effect* effect = m_shader->getEffect();

    context->getImmediateContext()->IASetInputLayout( m_layout );

    for(std::map<string, ResourceID>::iterator iter = m_textureRefs.begin(); iter!=m_textureRefs.end(); ++iter)

        ID3DX11EffectVariable* var = effect->GetVariableByName(iter->first.c_str());
            ID3DX11EffectShaderResourceVariable* texResource = var->AsShaderResource();
            Texture* tex = TextureManager::singleton()->getTexture(iter->second);
            else {

    return true;
bool cSkyBoxEffect::Init( ID3D11Device* pDevice, ID3D11DeviceContext* pContext )
	if ( !Base::LoadFXFile( mEffectFileName, pDevice ) )
		return false;

	cMeshGenerator gen;
	cMeshGenerator::cMesh mesh;
	gen.CreateSphere( 10000.f, 20, 20, mesh );
	unsigned int numVerts = mesh.VerticesA.size();
	unsigned int numInds = mesh.Indices.size();

	if ( !mBuffers.Init( pDevice, numVerts, numInds ) )
		return false;
	// map the vertices
	sVert_P* verts = mBuffers.BeginVertexMapping( pContext );
	for ( unsigned int idxVert = 0; idxVert < numVerts; idxVert++ )
		verts[idxVert].Position = mesh.VerticesA[idxVert].Position;
		verts[idxVert].PositionPad = 1.f;
	mBuffers.FinishVertexMapping( pContext );

	// map the indices
	unsigned int* inds = mBuffers.BeginIndexMapping( pContext );
	for ( unsigned int idxIndex = 0; idxIndex < numInds; idxIndex++ )
		inds[idxIndex] = mesh.Indices[idxIndex];
	mBuffers.FinishIndexMapping( pContext );

	mTechnique = mEffect->GetTechniqueByIndex(0);
	if ( !mTechnique->IsValid() )
		return false;

	D3DX11_PASS_DESC passDesc;
	pDevice->CreateInputLayout( sVert_P::GetElementDescPtr(), sVert_P::NUM_ELEMENTS,
		passDesc.pIAInputSignature, passDesc.IAInputSignatureSize, &mLayout );

	mTransform = mEffect->GetVariableByName("WorldViewProj");
	if ( mTransform->IsValid() )
		NecessaryPerFrame.push_back( new cMatrixEffectVariable( mTransform ) );

	ID3DX11EffectVariable* boxVar = mEffect->GetVariableByName("CubeMap");
	if ( boxVar->IsValid() )
		NecessaryPerFrame.push_back( new cShaderResourceEffectVariable( boxVar ) );
	mSRV = boxVar->AsShaderResource();

	return true;