IDeckLinkDisplayMode *BMDOutputDelegate::GetDisplayModeByIndex(int selectedIndex) { // Populate the display mode combo with a list of display modes supported by the installed DeckLink card IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* deckLinkDisplayMode; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* selectedMode = NULL; int index = 0; if (m_deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator) != S_OK) goto bail; while (displayModeIterator->Next(&deckLinkDisplayMode) == S_OK) { const char *modeName; if (deckLinkDisplayMode->GetName(&modeName) == S_OK) { if (index == selectedIndex) { printf("Selected mode: %s\n", modeName); selectedMode = deckLinkDisplayMode; goto bail; } } index++; } bail: displayModeIterator->Release(); return selectedMode; }
IDeckLinkDisplayMode *Player::GetDisplayModeByIndex(int selectedIndex) { // Populate the display mode combo with a list of display modes supported by the installed DeckLink card IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator *displayModeIterator; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *deckLinkDisplayMode; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *selectedMode = NULL; int index = 0; if (m_deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator) != S_OK) goto bail; while (displayModeIterator->Next(&deckLinkDisplayMode) == S_OK) { BMDProbeString str; if (deckLinkDisplayMode->GetName(&str) == S_OK) { if (index == selectedIndex) { printf("Selected mode: %s\n\n\n", ToStr(str)); selectedMode = deckLinkDisplayMode; FreeStr(str); goto bail; } } index++; } bail: displayModeIterator->Release(); return selectedMode; }
void CSignalGeneratorDlg::RefreshDisplayModeMenu(void) { // Populate the display mode combo with a list of display modes supported by the installed DeckLink card IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* deckLinkDisplayMode; BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat; pixelFormat = (BMDPixelFormat)m_pixelFormatCombo.GetItemData(m_pixelFormatCombo.GetCurSel()); for (int i = 1; i < m_videoFormatCombo.GetCount(); i++) { deckLinkDisplayMode = (IDeckLinkDisplayMode*)m_videoFormatCombo.GetItemDataPtr(i-1); deckLinkDisplayMode->Release(); } m_videoFormatCombo.ResetContent(); if (m_deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator) != S_OK) return; while (displayModeIterator->Next(&deckLinkDisplayMode) == S_OK) { BSTR modeName; int newIndex; HRESULT hr; BMDDisplayModeSupport displayModeSupport; BMDVideoOutputFlags videoOutputFlags = bmdVideoOutputDualStream3D; if (deckLinkDisplayMode->GetName(&modeName) != S_OK) { deckLinkDisplayMode->Release(); continue; } CString modeNameCString(modeName); newIndex = m_videoFormatCombo.AddString(modeNameCString); m_videoFormatCombo.SetItemDataPtr(newIndex, deckLinkDisplayMode); hr = m_deckLinkOutput->DoesSupportVideoMode(deckLinkDisplayMode->GetDisplayMode(), pixelFormat, videoOutputFlags, &displayModeSupport, NULL); if (hr != S_OK || ! displayModeSupport) { SysFreeString(modeName); continue; } CString modeName3DCString(modeName); modeName3DCString += _T(" 3D"); newIndex = m_videoFormatCombo.AddString(modeName3DCString); m_videoFormatCombo.SetItemDataPtr(newIndex, deckLinkDisplayMode); deckLinkDisplayMode->AddRef(); SysFreeString(modeName); } displayModeIterator->Release(); m_videoFormatCombo.SetCurSel(0); }
int usage (int status) { HRESULT result; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *displayMode; int displayModeCount = 0; fprintf (stderr, "Usage: Capture -m <mode id> [OPTIONS]\n" "\n" " -m <mode id>:\n"); while (displayModeIterator->Next (&displayMode) == S_OK) { char *displayModeString = NULL; result = displayMode->GetName ((const char **) &displayModeString); if (result == S_OK) { BMDTimeValue frameRateDuration, frameRateScale; displayMode->GetFrameRate (&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); fprintf (stderr, " %2d: %-20s \t %li x %li \t %g FPS\n", displayModeCount, displayModeString, displayMode->GetWidth (), displayMode->GetHeight (), (double) frameRateScale / (double) frameRateDuration); free (displayModeString); displayModeCount++; } // Release the IDeckLinkDisplayMode object to prevent a leak displayMode->Release (); } fprintf (stderr, " -p <pixelformat>\n" " 0: 8 bit YUV (4:2:2) (default)\n" " 1: 10 bit YUV (4:2:2)\n" " 2: 10 bit RGB (4:4:4)\n" " -t <format> Print timecode\n" " rp188: RP 188\n" " vitc: VITC\n" " serial: Serial Timecode\n" " -f <filename> Filename raw video will be written to\n" " -a <filename> Filename raw audio will be written to\n" " -c <channels> Audio Channels (2, 8 or 16 - default is 2)\n" " -s <depth> Audio Sample Depth (16 or 32 - default is 16)\n" " -n <frames> Number of frames to capture (default is unlimited)\n" " -3 Capture Stereoscopic 3D (Requires 3D Hardware support)\n" "\n" "Capture video and/or audio to a file. Raw video and/or audio can be viewed with mplayer eg:\n" "\n" " Capture -m2 -n 50 -f video.raw -a audio.raw\n" " mplayer video.raw -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo pal:uyvy -audiofile audio.raw -audio-demuxer 20 -rawaudio rate=48000\n"); exit (status); }
void print_output_modes(IDeckLink *deckLink) { IDeckLinkOutput *deckLinkOutput = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator *displayModeIterator = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *displayMode = NULL; HRESULT result; int displayModeCount = 0; // Query the DeckLink for its configuration interface result = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkOutput, (void **)&deckLinkOutput); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkOutput interface - result = %08x\n", result); goto bail; } // Obtain an IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator to enumerate the display modes supported on output result = deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not obtain the video output display mode iterator - result = %08x\n", result); goto bail; } // List all supported output display modes printf("Supported video output display modes and pixel formats:\n"); while (displayModeIterator->Next(&displayMode) == S_OK) { BMDProbeString str; result = displayMode->GetName(&str); if (result == S_OK) { char modeName[64]; int modeWidth; int modeHeight; BMDTimeValue frameRateDuration; BMDTimeScale frameRateScale; int pixelFormatIndex = 0; // index into the gKnownPixelFormats / gKnownFormatNames arrays BMDDisplayModeSupport displayModeSupport; // Obtain the display mode's properties modeWidth = displayMode->GetWidth(); modeHeight = displayMode->GetHeight(); displayMode->GetFrameRate(&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); printf(" %2d: %-20s \t %d x %d \t %7g FPS\n", displayModeCount++, ToStr(str), modeWidth, modeHeight, (double)frameRateScale / (double)frameRateDuration); FreeStr(str); } // Release the IDeckLinkDisplayMode object to prevent a leak displayMode->Release(); } // printf("\n"); bail: // Ensure that the interfaces we obtained are released to prevent a memory leak if (displayModeIterator != NULL) displayModeIterator->Release(); if (deckLinkOutput != NULL) deckLinkOutput->Release(); }
void krad_decklink_capture_info () { IDeckLink *deckLink; IDeckLinkInput *deckLinkInput; IDeckLinkIterator *deckLinkIterator; IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator *displayModeIterator; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *displayMode; HRESULT result; int displayModeCount; char *displayModeString; displayModeString = NULL; displayModeCount = 0; deckLinkIterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance(); if (!deckLinkIterator) { printke ("Krad Decklink: This application requires the DeckLink drivers installed.\n"); } /* Connect to the first DeckLink instance */ result = deckLinkIterator->Next(&deckLink); if (result != S_OK) { printke ("Krad Decklink: No DeckLink PCI cards found.\n"); } result = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void**)&deckLinkInput); if (result != S_OK) { printke ("Krad Decklink: Fail QueryInterface\n"); } result = deckLinkInput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) { printke ("Krad Decklink: Could not obtain the video output display mode iterator - result = %08x\n", result); } while (displayModeIterator->Next(&displayMode) == S_OK) { result = displayMode->GetName((const char **) &displayModeString); if (result == S_OK) { BMDTimeValue frameRateDuration, frameRateScale; displayMode->GetFrameRate(&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); printkd ("%2d: %-20s \t %li x %li \t %g FPS\n", displayModeCount, displayModeString, displayMode->GetWidth(), displayMode->GetHeight(), (double)frameRateScale / (double)frameRateDuration); free (displayModeString); displayModeCount++; } displayMode->Release(); } if (displayModeIterator != NULL) { displayModeIterator->Release(); displayModeIterator = NULL; } if (deckLinkInput != NULL) { deckLinkInput->Release(); deckLinkInput = NULL; } if (deckLink != NULL) { deckLink->Release(); deckLink = NULL; } if (deckLinkIterator != NULL) { deckLinkIterator->Release(); } }
void SignalGenerator::setup() { IDeckLinkIterator* deckLinkIterator = NULL; bool success = false; // **** Find a DeckLink instance and obtain video output interface deckLinkIterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance(); if (deckLinkIterator == NULL) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "This application requires the DeckLink drivers installed.", "Please install the Blackmagic DeckLink drivers to use the features of this application."); goto bail; } // Connect to the first DeckLink instance if (deckLinkIterator->Next(&deckLink) != S_OK) { QMessageBox::critical(this, "This application requires a DeckLink PCI card.", "You will not be able to use the features of this application until a DeckLink PCI card is installed."); goto bail; } // Obtain the audio/video output interface (IDeckLinkOutput) if (deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkOutput, (void**)&deckLinkOutput) != S_OK) goto bail; // Create a delegate class to allow the DeckLink API to call into our code playerDelegate = new PlaybackDelegate(this, deckLinkOutput); if (playerDelegate == NULL) goto bail; // Provide the delegate to the audio and video output interfaces deckLinkOutput->SetScheduledFrameCompletionCallback(playerDelegate); deckLinkOutput->SetAudioCallback(playerDelegate); // Populate the display mode menu with a list of display modes supported by the installed DeckLink card IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* deckLinkDisplayMode; ui->videoFormatPopup->clear(); if (deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator) != S_OK) goto bail; while (displayModeIterator->Next(&deckLinkDisplayMode) == S_OK) { const char * modeName; if (deckLinkDisplayMode->GetName(&modeName) == S_OK) { ui->videoFormatPopup->addItem(modeName, QVariant::fromValue((void *)deckLinkDisplayMode)); } } displayModeIterator->Release(); enableInterface(true); deckLinkOutput->SetScreenPreviewCallback(previewView); success = true; bail: if (success == false) { // Release any resources that were partially allocated if (deckLinkOutput != NULL) { deckLinkOutput->Release(); deckLinkOutput = NULL; } // if (deckLink != NULL) { deckLink->Release(); deckLink = NULL; } // Disable the user interface if we could not succsssfully connect to a DeckLink device ui->startButton->setEnabled(false); enableInterface(false); } if (deckLinkIterator != NULL) deckLinkIterator->Release(); }
static void print_output_modes (IDeckLink* deckLink) { IDeckLinkOutput* deckLinkOutput = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* displayMode = NULL; HRESULT result; // Query the DeckLink for its configuration interface result = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkOutput, (void**)&deckLinkOutput); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkOutput interface - result = %08x\n", result); goto bail; } // Obtain an IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator to enumerate the display modes supported on output result = deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the video output display mode iterator - result = %08x\n", result); goto bail; } // List all supported output display modes printf("Supported video output display modes and pixel formats:\n"); while (displayModeIterator->Next(&displayMode) == S_OK) { CFStringRef displayModeString; result = displayMode->GetName(&displayModeString); if (result == S_OK) { char modeName[64]; int modeWidth; int modeHeight; BMDTimeValue frameRateDuration; BMDTimeScale frameRateScale; int pixelFormatIndex = 0; // index into the gKnownPixelFormats / gKnownFormatNames arrays BMDDisplayModeSupport displayModeSupport; // Obtain the display mode's properties modeWidth = displayMode->GetWidth(); modeHeight = displayMode->GetHeight(); displayMode->GetFrameRate(&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); printf(" %-20s \t %d x %d \t %7g FPS\t", displayModeString, modeWidth, modeHeight, (double)frameRateScale / (double)frameRateDuration); // Print the supported pixel formats for this display mode while ((gKnownPixelFormats[pixelFormatIndex] != 0) && (gKnownPixelFormatNames[pixelFormatIndex] != NULL)) { if ((deckLinkOutput->DoesSupportVideoMode(displayMode->GetDisplayMode(), gKnownPixelFormats[pixelFormatIndex], bmdVideoOutputFlagDefault, &displayModeSupport, NULL) == S_OK) && (displayModeSupport != bmdDisplayModeNotSupported)) { printf("%s\t", gKnownPixelFormatNames[pixelFormatIndex]); } pixelFormatIndex++; } printf("\n"); // free(displayModeString); } // Release the IDeckLinkDisplayMode object to prevent a leak displayMode->Release(); } printf("\n"); bail: // Ensure that the interfaces we obtained are released to prevent a memory leak if (displayModeIterator != NULL) displayModeIterator->Release(); if (deckLinkOutput != NULL) deckLinkOutput->Release(); }
/** * process the arugments * return negative value of failed */ int Window::processArguments(int argc, char* argv[]){ IDeckLinkAttributes *deckLinkAttributes = NULL; DeckLinkCaptureDelegate *delegate; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *displayMode; BMDVideoInputFlags inputFlags = 0; BMDDisplayMode selectedDisplayMode = bmdModeNTSC; BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; int displayModeCount = 0; int exitStatus = 1; int ch; bool foundDisplayMode = false; HRESULT result; int dnum = 0; IDeckLink *tempLink = NULL; int found = 0; bool supported = 0; int64_t ports; int itemCount; int vinput = 0; int64_t vport = 0; IDeckLinkConfiguration *deckLinkConfiguration = NULL; bool flickerremoval = true; bool pnotpsf = true; // Parse command line options while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "?h3c:d:s:f:a:m:n:p:t:u::vi:jy")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'i': vinput = atoi(optarg); break; case 'd': card = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': g_videoModeIndex = atoi(optarg); break; case 'n': g_maxFrames = atoi(optarg); break; case '3': inputFlags |= bmdVideoInputDualStream3D; break; case 'p': switch(atoi(optarg)) { case 0: pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; break; case 1: pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitYUV; break; case 2: pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitRGB; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: Pixel format %d is not valid", atoi(optarg)); exit(1); } break; case 't': if (!strcmp(optarg, "rp188")) g_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeRP188Any; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "vitc")) g_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeVITC; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "serial")) g_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeSerial; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: Timecode format \"%s\" is invalid\n", optarg); exit(1); } break; case '?': case 'h': usage(); } } if (!deckLinkIterator) { fprintf(stderr, "This application requires the DeckLink drivers installed.\n"); return -1; } /* Connect to the first DeckLink instance */ while (deckLinkIterator->Next(&tempLink) == S_OK) { if (card != dnum) { dnum++; // Release the IDeckLink instance when we've finished with it to prevent leaks tempLink->Release(); continue; } else { deckLink = tempLink; found = 1; } dnum++; } if (! found ) { fprintf(stderr, "No DeckLink PCI cards found.\n"); return -1; } if (deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void**)&deckLinkInput) != S_OK) return -1; // Query the DeckLink for its attributes interface result = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkAttributes, (void**)&deckLinkAttributes); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkAttributes interface - result = %08x\n", result); } result = deckLinkAttributes->GetFlag(BMDDeckLinkSupportsInputFormatDetection, &supported); if (result == S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, " %-40s %s\n", "Input mode detection supported ?", (supported == true) ? "Yes" : "No"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not query the input mode detection attribute- result = %08x\n", result); } fprintf(stderr, "Supported video input connections (-i [input #]:\n "); itemCount = 0; result = deckLinkAttributes->GetInt(BMDDeckLinkVideoInputConnections, &ports); if (result == S_OK) { if (ports & bmdVideoConnectionSDI) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: SDI, ", bmdVideoConnectionSDI); itemCount++; } if (ports & bmdVideoConnectionHDMI) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: HDMI, ", bmdVideoConnectionHDMI); itemCount++; } if (ports & bmdVideoConnectionOpticalSDI) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: Optical SDI, ", bmdVideoConnectionOpticalSDI); itemCount++; } if (ports & bmdVideoConnectionComponent) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: Component, ", bmdVideoConnectionComponent); itemCount++; } if (ports & bmdVideoConnectionComposite) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: Composite, ", bmdVideoConnectionComposite); itemCount++; } if (ports & bmdVideoConnectionSVideo) { fprintf(stderr, "%d: S-Video, ", bmdVideoConnectionSVideo); itemCount++; } } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); //glWidget->initShaderProgram(); delegate = new DeckLinkCaptureDelegate(glWidget); connect(delegate, SIGNAL(updateGLSignal()), glWidget, SLOT(updateGLSlot())); deckLinkInput->SetCallback(delegate); // Obtain an IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator to enumerate the display modes supported on output result = deckLinkInput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the video output display mode iterator - result = %08x\n", result); return -1; } if (g_videoModeIndex < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "No video mode specified\n"); usage(); return -1; } while (displayModeIterator->Next(&displayMode) == S_OK) { if (g_videoModeIndex == displayModeCount) { BMDDisplayModeSupport result; const char *displayModeName; foundDisplayMode = true; displayMode->GetName(&displayModeName); selectedDisplayMode = displayMode->GetDisplayMode(); deckLinkInput->DoesSupportVideoMode(selectedDisplayMode, pixelFormat, bmdVideoInputFlagDefault, &result, NULL); if (result == bmdDisplayModeNotSupported) { fprintf(stderr, "The display mode %s is not supported with the selected pixel format\n", displayModeName); return -1; } if (inputFlags & bmdVideoInputDualStream3D) { if (!(displayMode->GetFlags() & bmdDisplayModeSupports3D)) { fprintf(stderr, "The display mode %s is not supported with 3D\n", displayModeName); return -1; } } fprintf(stderr, "Selecting mode: %s\n", displayModeName); break; } displayModeCount++; displayMode->Release(); } if (!foundDisplayMode) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid mode %d specified\n", g_videoModeIndex); return -1; } // Query the DeckLink for its configuration interface result = deckLinkInput->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkConfiguration, (void**)&deckLinkConfiguration); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkConfiguration interface: %08x\n", result); } BMDVideoConnection conn; switch (vinput) { case 0: conn = bmdVideoConnectionSDI; break; case 1: conn = bmdVideoConnectionHDMI; break; case 2: conn = bmdVideoConnectionComponent; break; case 3: conn = bmdVideoConnectionComposite; break; case 4: conn = bmdVideoConnectionSVideo; break; case 5: conn = bmdVideoConnectionOpticalSDI; break; default: break; } conn = vinput; // Set the input desired result = deckLinkConfiguration->SetInt(bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConnection, conn); if(result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set the input to [%d]\n", conn); return -1; } // check input result = deckLinkConfiguration->GetInt(bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConnection, &vport); if (vport == bmdVideoConnectionSDI) fprintf(stderr, "Before Input configured for SDI\n"); if (vport == bmdVideoConnectionHDMI) fprintf(stderr, "Before Input configured for HDMI\n"); if (deckLinkConfiguration->SetFlag(bmdDeckLinkConfigFieldFlickerRemoval, flickerremoval) == S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Flicker removal set : %d\n", flickerremoval); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Flicker removal NOT set\n"); } if (deckLinkConfiguration->SetFlag(bmdDeckLinkConfigUse1080pNotPsF, pnotpsf) == S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "bmdDeckLinkConfigUse1080pNotPsF: %d\n", pnotpsf); } else { fprintf(stderr, "bmdDeckLinkConfigUse1080pNotPsF NOT set\n"); } //if (deckLinkConfiguration->SetFlag(bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConnection, conn) == S_OK) { //fprintf(stderr, "Input set to: %d\n", vinput); //} result = deckLinkConfiguration->GetInt(bmdDeckLinkConfigVideoInputConnection, &vport); if (vport == bmdVideoConnectionSDI) fprintf(stderr, "After Input configured for SDI\n"); if (vport == bmdVideoConnectionHDMI) fprintf(stderr, "After Input configured for HDMI\n"); result = deckLinkInput->EnableVideoInput(selectedDisplayMode, pixelFormat, inputFlags); if(result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to enable video input. Is another application using the card?\n"); return -1; } displayWidth = displayMode->GetWidth(); displayHeight = displayMode->GetHeight(); displayMode->GetFrameRate(&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); displayFPS = (double)frameRateScale / (double)frameRateDuration; //set to delegate delegate->setWidth(displayWidth); delegate->setHeight(displayHeight); delegate->setFPS(displayFPS); delegate->setFrameRateDuration(frameRateDuration); delegate->setFrameRateScale(frameRateScale); //set texture width and height glWidget->setTextureWidth(displayWidth); glWidget->setTextureHeight(displayHeight); glWidget->initBuffer(); fprintf(stderr, "GetFrameRate: %10ld %10ld --> fps %g\n", (long)frameRateScale, (long)frameRateDuration, displayFPS); result = deckLinkInput->StartStreams(); if(result != S_OK){ fprintf(stderr, "Cannot start streams...\n"); return -1; } fprintf(stderr, "Finish procesing arguments \n"); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { HRESULT result; int exitStatus = 1; int idx; IDeckLinkIterator* deckLinkIterator = NULL; IDeckLink* deckLink = NULL; IDeckLinkAttributes* deckLinkAttributes = NULL; bool formatDetectionSupported; IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* displayMode = NULL; char* displayModeName = NULL; BMDDisplayModeSupport displayModeSupported; DeckLinkCaptureDelegate* delegate = NULL; pthread_mutex_init(&g_sleepMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&g_sleepCond, NULL); signal(SIGINT, sigfunc); signal(SIGTERM, sigfunc); signal(SIGHUP, sigfunc); // Network g_video_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); g_video_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; g_video_addr.sin_port = htons(62310); g_video_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); connect(g_video_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&g_video_addr, sizeof(g_video_addr)); g_audio_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); g_audio_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; g_audio_addr.sin_port = htons(62311); g_audio_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(""); connect(g_audio_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&g_audio_addr, sizeof(g_audio_addr)); // Process the command line arguments if (!g_config.ParseArguments(argc, argv)) { g_config.DisplayUsage(exitStatus); goto bail; } // Get the DeckLink device deckLinkIterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance(); if (!deckLinkIterator) { fprintf(stderr, "This application requires the DeckLink drivers installed.\n"); goto bail; } idx = g_config.m_deckLinkIndex; while ((result = deckLinkIterator->Next(&deckLink)) == S_OK) { if (idx == 0) break; --idx; deckLink->Release(); } if (result != S_OK || deckLink == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get DeckLink device %u\n", g_config.m_deckLinkIndex); goto bail; } // Get the input (capture) interface of the DeckLink device result = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void**)&g_deckLinkInput); if (result != S_OK) goto bail; // Get the display mode if (g_config.m_displayModeIndex == -1) { // Check the card supports format detection result = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkAttributes, (void**)&deckLinkAttributes); if (result == S_OK) { result = deckLinkAttributes->GetFlag(BMDDeckLinkSupportsInputFormatDetection, &formatDetectionSupported); if (result != S_OK || !formatDetectionSupported) { fprintf(stderr, "Format detection is not supported on this device\n"); goto bail; } } g_config.m_inputFlags |= bmdVideoInputEnableFormatDetection; // Format detection still needs a valid mode to start with idx = 0; } else { idx = g_config.m_displayModeIndex; } result = g_deckLinkInput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) { goto bail; } while ((result = displayModeIterator->Next(&displayMode)) == S_OK) { if (idx == 0) { break; } --idx; displayMode->Release(); } if (result != S_OK || displayMode == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to get display mode %d\n", g_config.m_displayModeIndex); goto bail; } // Get display mode name result = displayMode->GetName((const char**)&displayModeName); if (result != S_OK) { displayModeName = (char *)malloc(32); snprintf(displayModeName, 32, "[index %d]", g_config.m_displayModeIndex); } // Check display mode is supported with given options result = g_deckLinkInput->DoesSupportVideoMode(displayMode->GetDisplayMode(), g_config.m_pixelFormat, bmdVideoInputFlagDefault, &displayModeSupported, NULL); if (result != S_OK) goto bail; if (displayModeSupported == bmdDisplayModeNotSupported) { fprintf(stderr, "The display mode %s is not supported with the selected pixel format\n", displayModeName); goto bail; } if (g_config.m_inputFlags & bmdVideoInputDualStream3D) { if (!(displayMode->GetFlags() & bmdDisplayModeSupports3D)) { fprintf(stderr, "The display mode %s is not supported with 3D\n", displayModeName); goto bail; } } // Print the selected configuration g_config.DisplayConfiguration(); // Configure the capture callback delegate = new DeckLinkCaptureDelegate(); g_deckLinkInput->SetCallback(delegate); // Open output files // if (g_config.m_videoOutputFile != NULL) // { // g_videoOutputFile = open(g_config.m_videoOutputFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0664); // if (g_videoOutputFile < 0) // { // fprintf(stderr, "Could not open video output file \"%s\"\n", g_config.m_videoOutputFile); // goto bail; // } // } // // if (g_config.m_audioOutputFile != NULL) // { // g_audioOutputFile = open(g_config.m_audioOutputFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0664); // if (g_audioOutputFile < 0) // { // fprintf(stderr, "Could not open audio output file \"%s\"\n", g_config.m_audioOutputFile); // goto bail; // } // } // Block main thread until signal occurs while (!g_do_exit) { // Start capturing result = g_deckLinkInput->EnableVideoInput(displayMode->GetDisplayMode(), g_config.m_pixelFormat, g_config.m_inputFlags); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to enable video input. Is another application using the card?\n"); goto bail; } result = g_deckLinkInput->EnableAudioInput(bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz, g_config.m_audioSampleDepth, g_config.m_audioChannels); if (result != S_OK) goto bail; result = g_deckLinkInput->StartStreams(); if (result != S_OK) goto bail; // All Okay. exitStatus = 0; pthread_mutex_lock(&g_sleepMutex); pthread_cond_wait(&g_sleepCond, &g_sleepMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_sleepMutex); fprintf(stderr, "Stopping Capture\n"); g_deckLinkInput->StopStreams(); g_deckLinkInput->DisableAudioInput(); g_deckLinkInput->DisableVideoInput(); } bail: if (g_videoOutputFile != 0) close(g_videoOutputFile); if (g_audioOutputFile != 0) close(g_audioOutputFile); if (displayModeName != NULL) free(displayModeName); if (displayMode != NULL) displayMode->Release(); if (displayModeIterator != NULL) displayModeIterator->Release(); if (g_deckLinkInput != NULL) { g_deckLinkInput->Release(); g_deckLinkInput = NULL; } if (deckLinkAttributes != NULL) deckLinkAttributes->Release(); if (deckLink != NULL) deckLink->Release(); if (deckLinkIterator != NULL) deckLinkIterator->Release(); close(g_video_sock); close(g_audio_sock); return exitStatus; }
bool BMDConfig::ParseArguments(int argc, char** argv) { int ch; bool displayHelp = false; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:?h3c:s:v:a:m:n:q:p:t:l:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': m_deckLinkIndex = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': m_displayModeIndex = atoi(optarg); break; case 'c': m_audioChannels = atoi(optarg); if (m_audioChannels != 2 && m_audioChannels != 8 && m_audioChannels != 16) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: Audio Channels must be either 2, 8 or 16\n"); return false; } break; case 's': m_audioSampleDepth = atoi(optarg); if (m_audioSampleDepth != 16 && m_audioSampleDepth != 32) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: Audio Sample Depth must be either 16 bits or 32 bits\n"); return false; } break; case 'v': m_videoOutputFile = optarg; break; case 'l': m_lcmChannelName = optarg; break; case 'a': m_audioOutputFile = optarg; break; case 'n': m_maxFrames = atoi(optarg); break; case 'q': m_compressionQuality = atoi(optarg); break; case '3': m_inputFlags |= bmdVideoInputDualStream3D; break; case 'p': switch(atoi(optarg)) { case 0: m_pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; break; case 1: m_pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitYUV; break; case 2: m_pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitRGB; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: Pixel format %d is not valid", atoi(optarg)); return false; } break; case 't': if (!strcmp(optarg, "rp188")) m_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeRP188Any; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "vitc")) m_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeVITC; else if (!strcmp(optarg, "serial")) m_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeSerial; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid argument: Timecode format \"%s\" is invalid\n", optarg); return false; } break; case '?': case 'h': displayHelp = true; } } if (m_deckLinkIndex < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "You must select a device\n"); DisplayUsage(1); } if (m_displayModeIndex < -1) { fprintf(stderr, "You must select a display mode\n"); DisplayUsage(1); } if (displayHelp) DisplayUsage(0); // Get device and display mode names IDeckLink* deckLink = GetDeckLink(m_deckLinkIndex); if (deckLink != NULL) { if (m_displayModeIndex != -1) { IDeckLinkDisplayMode* displayMode = GetDeckLinkDisplayMode(deckLink, m_displayModeIndex); if (displayMode != NULL) { displayMode->GetName((const char**)&m_displayModeName); displayMode->Release(); } else { m_displayModeName = strdup("Invalid"); } } else { m_displayModeName = strdup("Format Detection"); } deckLink->GetModelName((const char**)&m_deckLinkName); deckLink->Release(); } else { m_deckLinkName = strdup("Invalid"); } return true; }
void BMDConfig::DisplayUsage(int status) { HRESULT result = E_FAIL; IDeckLinkIterator* deckLinkIterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance(); IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator = NULL; IDeckLink* deckLink = NULL; IDeckLink* deckLinkSelected = NULL; int deckLinkCount = 0; char* deckLinkName = NULL; IDeckLinkAttributes* deckLinkAttributes = NULL; bool formatDetectionSupported; IDeckLinkInput* deckLinkInput = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* displayModeUsage; int displayModeCount = 0; char* displayModeName; fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Capture -d <device id> -m <mode id> [OPTIONS]\n" "\n" " -d <device id>:\n" ); // Loop through all available devices while (deckLinkIterator->Next(&deckLink) == S_OK) { result = deckLink->GetModelName((const char**)&deckLinkName); if (result == S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, " %2d: %s%s\n", deckLinkCount, deckLinkName, deckLinkCount == m_deckLinkIndex ? " (selected)" : "" ); free(deckLinkName); } if (deckLinkCount == m_deckLinkIndex) deckLinkSelected = deckLink; else deckLink->Release(); ++deckLinkCount; } if (deckLinkCount == 0) fprintf(stderr, " No DeckLink devices found. Is the driver loaded?\n"); deckLinkName = NULL; if (deckLinkSelected != NULL) deckLinkSelected->GetModelName((const char**)&deckLinkName); fprintf(stderr, " -m <mode id>: (%s)\n", deckLinkName ? deckLinkName : "" ); if (deckLinkName != NULL) free(deckLinkName); // Loop through all available display modes on the delected DeckLink device if (deckLinkSelected == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, " No DeckLink device selected\n"); goto bail; } result = deckLinkSelected->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkAttributes, (void**)&deckLinkAttributes); if (result == S_OK) { result = deckLinkAttributes->GetFlag(BMDDeckLinkSupportsInputFormatDetection, &formatDetectionSupported); if (result == S_OK && formatDetectionSupported) fprintf(stderr, " -1: auto detect format\n"); } result = deckLinkSelected->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void**)&deckLinkInput); if (result != S_OK) goto bail; result = deckLinkInput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) goto bail; while (displayModeIterator->Next(&displayModeUsage) == S_OK) { result = displayModeUsage->GetName((const char **)&displayModeName); if (result == S_OK) { BMDTimeValue frameRateDuration; BMDTimeValue frameRateScale; displayModeUsage->GetFrameRate(&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); fprintf(stderr, " %2d: %-20s \t %li x %li \t %g FPS\n", displayModeCount, displayModeName, displayModeUsage->GetWidth(), displayModeUsage->GetHeight(), (double)frameRateScale / (double)frameRateDuration ); free(displayModeName); } displayModeUsage->Release(); ++displayModeCount; } bail: fprintf(stderr, " -p <pixelformat>\n" " 0: 8 bit YUV (4:2:2) (default)\n" " 1: 10 bit YUV (4:2:2)\n" " 2: 10 bit RGB (4:4:4)\n" " -t <format> Print timecode\n" " rp188: RP 188\n" " vitc: VITC\n" " serial: Serial Timecode\n" " -v <filename> Filename raw video will be written to\n" " -a <filename> Filename raw audio will be written to\n" " -l <lcm channel> Channel name to publish images to LCM\n" " -q <jpeg quality> JPEG compression quality for LCM images (1-100 - default is 90)\n" " -c <channels> Audio Channels (2, 8 or 16 - default is 2)\n" " -s <depth> Audio Sample Depth (16 or 32 - default is 16)\n" " -n <frames> Number of frames to capture (default is unlimited)\n" " -3 Capture Stereoscopic 3D (Requires 3D Hardware support)\n" "\n" "Capture video and/or audio to a file. Raw video and/or audio can be viewed with mplayer eg:\n" "\n" " Capture -d 0 -m 2 -n 50 -v video.raw -a audio.raw\n" " mplayer video.raw -demuxer rawvideo -rawvideo pal:uyvy -audiofile audio.raw -audio-demuxer 20 -rawaudio rate=48000\n" "\n" "LCM capture example command line:\n" "\n" " DecklinkCapture -d 0 -m 14 -q 95 -l DECKLINK_VIDEO_CAPTURE\n" "\n" ); if (deckLinkIterator != NULL) deckLinkIterator->Release(); if (displayModeIterator != NULL) displayModeIterator->Release(); if (deckLinkInput != NULL) deckLinkInput->Release(); if (deckLinkAttributes != NULL) deckLinkAttributes->Release(); if (deckLinkSelected != NULL) deckLinkSelected->Release(); exit(status); }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { int numDevices = 0; HRESULT result; IDeckLinkAttributes *deckLinkAttributes = NULL; HRESULT attributeResult; BOOL keyingSupported; BOOL HDkeyingSupported; int selectedMode = 0; printf("GDI Keyer Sample Application\n\n"); // Initialize COM on this thread result = CoInitialize(NULL); if (FAILED(result)) { fprintf(stderr, "Initialization of COM failed - result = %08x.\n", result); return 1; } // Create an IDeckLinkIterator object to enumerate all DeckLink cards in the system result = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CDeckLinkIterator, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDeckLinkIterator, (void**)&deckLinkIterator); if (FAILED(result)) { fprintf(stderr, "A DeckLink iterator could not be created. The DeckLink drivers may not be installed.\n"); return 1; } // Enumerate all cards in this system while (deckLinkIterator->Next(&deckLink) == S_OK) { BSTR deviceNameBSTR = NULL; // Increment the total number of DeckLink cards found numDevices++; if (numDevices > 1) printf("\n\n"); // *** Print the model name of the DeckLink card result = deckLink->GetModelName(&deviceNameBSTR); if (result == S_OK) { _bstr_t deviceName(deviceNameBSTR); printf("Found Blackmagic device: %s\n", (char*)deviceName); attributeResult = deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkAttributes, (void**)&deckLinkAttributes); if (attributeResult != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkAttributes interface"); return 1; } else { attributeResult = deckLinkAttributes->GetFlag(BMDDeckLinkSupportsInternalKeying, &keyingSupported); // is keying supported on this device? if (attributeResult == S_OK && keyingSupported) { IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator* displayModeIterator = NULL; IDeckLinkDisplayMode* deckLinkDisplayMode = NULL; attributeResult = deckLinkAttributes->GetFlag(BMDDeckLinkSupportsHDKeying, &HDkeyingSupported); if (attributeResult == S_OK && HDkeyingSupported) printf("HD Mode keying supported.\n"); else printf("SD Mode Keying supported.\n"); // check if automode detection support - if so, use it for autodetection if (CheckFormatDetect(deckLinkAttributes) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Input mode detection not supported\n"); if (deckLink->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkOutput, (void**)&deckLinkOutput) != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the IDeckLinkOutput interface\n"); } else { int index = 0; if (deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator) != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the display mode iterator\n"); } else { printf("\n"); while (displayModeIterator->Next(&deckLinkDisplayMode) == S_OK) { BSTR displayModeBSTR = NULL; int modeWidth; int modeHeight; BMDTimeValue frameRateDuration; BMDTimeScale frameRateScale; // Obtain the display mode's properties modeWidth = deckLinkDisplayMode->GetWidth(); modeHeight = deckLinkDisplayMode->GetHeight(); deckLinkDisplayMode->GetFrameRate(&frameRateDuration, &frameRateScale); if ((deckLinkDisplayMode->GetWidth() > 720) && !HDkeyingSupported) continue; if (deckLinkDisplayMode->GetName(&displayModeBSTR) == S_OK) { _bstr_t modeName(displayModeBSTR, false); // Skip HD modes on cards such as DeckLink SDI (only PAL/NTSC are supported for keying) printf("%d %-20s \t %d x %d \t %g FPS\n", index, (char*)modeName, modeWidth, modeHeight, (double)frameRateScale / (double)frameRateDuration); } deckLinkDisplayMode->Release(); index++; } displayModeIterator->Release(); printf("Select Mode (0-%d):\n", index-1); scanf_s("%d", &selectedMode); printf("Mode selected: %d\n", selectedMode); if(selectedMode < index) { int modeCount = 0; if (deckLinkOutput->GetDisplayModeIterator(&displayModeIterator) != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not obtain the display mode iterator\n"); } else { while(displayModeIterator->Next(&deckLinkDisplayMode) == S_OK) { if (selectedMode == modeCount) { OutputGraphic(deckLinkDisplayMode); deckLinkDisplayMode->Release(); break; } deckLinkDisplayMode->Release(); modeCount++; } displayModeIterator->Release(); } } else { printf("Illegal video mode selected\n"); } } deckLinkOutput->Release(); } } } deckLinkAttributes->Release(); printf("Press Enter key to exit.\n"); _getch(); } } deckLink->Release(); // Release the IDeckLink instance when we've finished with it to prevent leaks } if (deckLinkIterator != NULL) deckLinkIterator->Release(); // If no DeckLink cards were found in the system, inform the users if (numDevices == 0) printf("No Blackmagic Design devices were found.\n"); // Uninitalize COM on this thread CoUninitialize(); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { IDeckLinkIterator *deckLinkIterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance (); DeckLinkCaptureDelegate *delegate; IDeckLinkDisplayMode *displayMode; BMDVideoInputFlags inputFlags = 0; BMDDisplayMode selectedDisplayMode = bmdModeNTSC; BMDPixelFormat pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; int displayModeCount = 0; int exitStatus = 1; int ch; bool foundDisplayMode = false; HRESULT result; pthread_mutex_init (&sleepMutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&sleepCond, NULL); if (!deckLinkIterator) { fprintf (stderr, "This application requires the DeckLink drivers installed.\n"); goto bail; } /* Connect to the first DeckLink instance */ result = deckLinkIterator->Next (&deckLink); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "No DeckLink PCI cards found.\n"); goto bail; } if (deckLink->QueryInterface (IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void **) &deckLinkInput) != S_OK) goto bail; delegate = new DeckLinkCaptureDelegate (); deckLinkInput->SetCallback (delegate); // Obtain an IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator to enumerate the display modes supported on output result = deckLinkInput->GetDisplayModeIterator (&displayModeIterator); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not obtain the video output display mode iterator - result = %08x\n", result); goto bail; } // Parse command line options while ((ch = getopt (argc, argv, "?h3c:s:f:a:m:n:p:t:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'm': g_videoModeIndex = atoi (optarg); break; case 'c': g_audioChannels = atoi (optarg); if (g_audioChannels != 2 && g_audioChannels != 8 && g_audioChannels != 16) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid argument: Audio Channels must be either 2, 8 or 16\n"); goto bail; } break; case 's': g_audioSampleDepth = atoi (optarg); if (g_audioSampleDepth != 16 && g_audioSampleDepth != 32) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid argument: Audio Sample Depth must be either 16 bits or 32 bits\n"); goto bail; } break; case 'f': g_videoOutputFile = optarg; break; case 'a': g_audioOutputFile = optarg; break; case 'n': g_maxFrames = atoi (optarg); break; case '3': inputFlags |= bmdVideoInputDualStream3D; break; case 'p': switch (atoi (optarg)) { case 0: pixelFormat = bmdFormat8BitYUV; break; case 1: pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitYUV; break; case 2: pixelFormat = bmdFormat10BitRGB; break; default: fprintf (stderr, "Invalid argument: Pixel format %d is not valid", atoi (optarg)); goto bail; } break; case 't': if (!strcmp (optarg, "rp188")) g_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeRP188; else if (!strcmp (optarg, "vitc")) g_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeVITC; else if (!strcmp (optarg, "serial")) g_timecodeFormat = bmdTimecodeSerial; else { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid argument: Timecode format \"%s\" is invalid\n", optarg); goto bail; } break; case '?': case 'h': usage (0); } } if (g_videoModeIndex < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "No video mode specified\n"); usage (0); } if (g_videoOutputFile != NULL) { videoOutputFile = open (g_videoOutputFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0664); if (videoOutputFile < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open video output file \"%s\"\n", g_videoOutputFile); goto bail; } } if (g_audioOutputFile != NULL) { audioOutputFile = open (g_audioOutputFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0664); if (audioOutputFile < 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Could not open audio output file \"%s\"\n", g_audioOutputFile); goto bail; } } while (displayModeIterator->Next (&displayMode) == S_OK) { if (g_videoModeIndex == displayModeCount) { BMDDisplayModeSupport result; const char *displayModeName; foundDisplayMode = true; displayMode->GetName (&displayModeName); selectedDisplayMode = displayMode->GetDisplayMode (); deckLinkInput->DoesSupportVideoMode (selectedDisplayMode, pixelFormat, bmdVideoInputFlagDefault, &result, NULL); if (result == bmdDisplayModeNotSupported) { fprintf (stderr, "The display mode %s is not supported with the selected pixel format\n", displayModeName); goto bail; } if (inputFlags & bmdVideoInputDualStream3D) { if (!(displayMode->GetFlags () & bmdDisplayModeSupports3D)) { fprintf (stderr, "The display mode %s is not supported with 3D\n", displayModeName); goto bail; } } break; } displayModeCount++; displayMode->Release (); } if (!foundDisplayMode) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid mode %d specified\n", g_videoModeIndex); goto bail; } result = deckLinkInput->EnableVideoInput (selectedDisplayMode, pixelFormat, inputFlags); if (result != S_OK) { fprintf (stderr, "Failed to enable video input. Is another application using the card?\n"); goto bail; } result = deckLinkInput->EnableAudioInput (bmdAudioSampleRate48kHz, g_audioSampleDepth, g_audioChannels); if (result != S_OK) { goto bail; } result = deckLinkInput->StartStreams (); if (result != S_OK) { goto bail; } // All Okay. exitStatus = 0; // Block main thread until signal occurs pthread_mutex_lock (&sleepMutex); pthread_cond_wait (&sleepCond, &sleepMutex); pthread_mutex_unlock (&sleepMutex); fprintf (stderr, "Stopping Capture\n"); bail: if (videoOutputFile) close (videoOutputFile); if (audioOutputFile) close (audioOutputFile); if (displayModeIterator != NULL) { displayModeIterator->Release (); displayModeIterator = NULL; } if (deckLinkInput != NULL) { deckLinkInput->Release (); deckLinkInput = NULL; } if (deckLink != NULL) { deckLink->Release (); deckLink = NULL; } if (deckLinkIterator != NULL) deckLinkIterator->Release (); return exitStatus; }
static int Open(vlc_object_t *p_this) { demux_t *demux = (demux_t*)p_this; demux_sys_t *sys; int ret = VLC_EGENERIC; int card_index; int physical_channels = 0; int rate; BMDVideoInputFlags flags = bmdVideoInputFlagDefault; /* Only when selected */ if (*demux->psz_access == '\0') return VLC_EGENERIC; /* Set up demux */ demux->pf_demux = NULL; demux->pf_control = Control; demux->info.i_update = 0; demux->info.i_title = 0; demux->info.i_seekpoint = 0; demux->p_sys = sys = (demux_sys_t*)calloc(1, sizeof(demux_sys_t)); if (!sys) return VLC_ENOMEM; vlc_mutex_init(&sys->pts_lock); sys->tenbits = var_InheritBool(p_this, "decklink-tenbits"); IDeckLinkIterator *decklink_iterator = CreateDeckLinkIteratorInstance(); if (!decklink_iterator) { msg_Err(demux, "DeckLink drivers not found."); goto finish; } card_index = var_InheritInteger(demux, "decklink-card-index"); if (card_index < 0) { msg_Err(demux, "Invalid card index %d", card_index); goto finish; } for (int i = 0; i <= card_index; i++) { if (sys->card) sys->card->Release(); if (decklink_iterator->Next(&sys->card) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "DeckLink PCI card %d not found", card_index); goto finish; } } const char *model_name; if (sys->card->GetModelName(&model_name) != S_OK) model_name = "unknown"; msg_Dbg(demux, "Opened DeckLink PCI card %d (%s)", card_index, model_name); if (sys->card->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkInput, (void**)&sys->input) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Card has no inputs"); goto finish; } /* Set up the video and audio sources. */ if (sys->card->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkConfiguration, (void**)&sys->config) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Failed to get configuration interface"); goto finish; } if (sys->card->QueryInterface(IID_IDeckLinkAttributes, (void**)&sys->attributes) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Failed to get attributes interface"); goto finish; } if (GetVideoConn(demux) || GetAudioConn(demux)) goto finish; BMDPixelFormat fmt; fmt = sys->tenbits ? bmdFormat10BitYUV : bmdFormat8BitYUV; if (sys->attributes->GetFlag(BMDDeckLinkSupportsInputFormatDetection, &sys->autodetect) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Failed to query card attribute"); goto finish; } /* Get the list of display modes. */ IDeckLinkDisplayModeIterator *mode_it; if (sys->input->GetDisplayModeIterator(&mode_it) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Failed to enumerate display modes"); goto finish; } union { BMDDisplayMode id; char str[4]; } u; = 0; char *mode; mode = var_CreateGetNonEmptyString(demux, "decklink-mode"); if (mode) sys->autodetect = false; // disable autodetection if mode was set if (sys->autodetect) { msg_Dbg(demux, "Card supports input format detection"); flags |= bmdVideoInputEnableFormatDetection; /* Enable a random format, we will reconfigure on format detection */ = htonl(bmdModeHD1080p2997); } else { if (!mode || strlen(mode) < 3 || strlen(mode) > 4) { msg_Err(demux, "Invalid mode: \'%s\'", mode ? mode : ""); free(mode); goto finish; } msg_Dbg(demux, "Looking for mode \'%s\'", mode); memcpy(u.str, mode, 4); if (u.str[3] == '\0') u.str[3] = ' '; /* 'pal'\0 -> 'pal ' */ free(mode); } es_format_t video_fmt; = 0; for (IDeckLinkDisplayMode *m;; m->Release()) { if ((mode_it->Next(&m) != S_OK) || !m) break; const char *mode_name; BMDTimeValue frame_duration, time_scale; uint32_t field_flags; const char *field = GetFieldDominance(m->GetFieldDominance(), &field_flags); BMDDisplayMode id = ntohl(m->GetDisplayMode()); if (m->GetName(&mode_name) != S_OK) mode_name = "unknown"; if (m->GetFrameRate(&frame_duration, &time_scale) != S_OK) { time_scale = 0; frame_duration = 1; } msg_Dbg(demux, "Found mode '%4.4s': %s (%dx%d, %.3f fps%s)", (char*)&id, mode_name, (int)m->GetWidth(), (int)m->GetHeight(), double(time_scale) / frame_duration, field); if ( == id) { video_fmt = GetModeSettings(demux, m); msg_Dbg(demux, "Using that mode"); } } mode_it->Release(); if ( == 0) { msg_Err(demux, "Unknown video mode `%4.4s\' specified.", (char*)&; goto finish; } if (sys->input->EnableVideoInput(htonl(, fmt, flags) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Failed to enable video input"); goto finish; } /* Set up audio. */ sys->channels = var_InheritInteger(demux, "decklink-audio-channels"); switch (sys->channels) { case 0: break; case 2: physical_channels = AOUT_CHANS_STEREO; break; case 8: physical_channels = AOUT_CHANS_7_1; break; //case 16: default: msg_Err(demux, "Invalid number of channels (%d), disabling audio", sys->channels); sys->channels = 0; } rate = var_InheritInteger(demux, "decklink-audio-rate"); if (rate > 0 && sys->channels > 0) { if (sys->input->EnableAudioInput(rate, bmdAudioSampleType16bitInteger, sys->channels) != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Failed to enable audio input"); goto finish; } } sys->delegate = new DeckLinkCaptureDelegate(demux); sys->input->SetCallback(sys->delegate); if (sys->input->StartStreams() != S_OK) { msg_Err(demux, "Could not start streaming from SDI card. This could be caused " "by invalid video mode or flags, access denied, or card already in use."); goto finish; } msg_Dbg(demux, "added new video es %4.4s %dx%d", (char*)&video_fmt.i_codec,,; sys->video_es = es_out_Add(demux->out, &video_fmt); es_format_t audio_fmt; es_format_Init(&audio_fmt, AUDIO_ES, VLC_CODEC_S16N); = sys->channels; = physical_channels; = rate; = 16; = * / 8; audio_fmt.i_bitrate = * *; msg_Dbg(demux, "added new audio es %4.4s %dHz %dbpp %dch", (char*)&audio_fmt.i_codec,,,; sys->audio_es = es_out_Add(demux->out, &audio_fmt); ret = VLC_SUCCESS; finish: if (decklink_iterator) decklink_iterator->Release(); if (ret != VLC_SUCCESS) Close(p_this); return ret; }