//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdatePlayerInfo() { m_iSectionId = 0; // 0'th row is a header int selectedRow = -1; // walk all the players and make sure they're in the scoreboard for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { IGameResources *gr = GameResources(); if ( gr && gr->IsConnected( i ) ) { // add the player to the list KeyValues *playerData = new KeyValues("data"); GetPlayerScoreInfo( i, playerData ); UpdatePlayerAvatar( i, playerData ); const char *oldName = playerData->GetString("name",""); int bufsize = strlen(oldName) * 2 + 1; char *newName = (char *)_alloca( bufsize ); UTIL_MakeSafeName( oldName, newName, bufsize ); playerData->SetString("name", newName); int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i ); int sectionID = gr->GetTeam( i ); if ( gr->IsLocalPlayer( i ) ) { selectedRow = itemID; } if (itemID == -1) { // add a new row itemID = m_pPlayerList->AddItem( sectionID, playerData ); } else { // modify the current row m_pPlayerList->ModifyItem( itemID, sectionID, playerData ); } // set the row color based on the players team m_pPlayerList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, gr->GetTeamColor( sectionID ) ); playerData->deleteThis(); } else { // remove the player int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i ); if (itemID != -1) { m_pPlayerList->RemoveItem(itemID); } } } if ( selectedRow != -1 ) { m_pPlayerList->SetSelectedItem(selectedRow); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHL2MPClientScoreBoardDialog::UpdatePlayerInfo() { m_iSectionId = 0; // 0'th row is a header int selectedRow = -1; CBasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer(); if ( !pPlayer || !g_PR ) return; // walk all the players and make sure they're in the scoreboard for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ ) { IGameResources *gr = GameResources(); if ( gr && gr->IsConnected( i ) ) { // add the player to the list KeyValues *playerData = new KeyValues("data"); GetPlayerScoreInfo( i, playerData ); UpdatePlayerAvatar( i, playerData ); const char *oldName = playerData->GetString( "name", "" ); char newName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; UTIL_MakeSafeName( oldName, newName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ); playerData->SetString("name", newName); int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i ); int sectionID = GetSectionFromTeamNumber( gr->GetTeam( i ) ); if (itemID == -1) { // add a new row itemID = m_pPlayerList->AddItem( sectionID, playerData ); } else { // modify the current row m_pPlayerList->ModifyItem( itemID, sectionID, playerData ); } if ( gr->IsLocalPlayer( i ) ) { selectedRow = itemID; // this is the local player, hilight this row } // set the row color based on the players team m_pPlayerList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, gr->GetTeamColor( gr->GetTeam( i ) ) ); playerData->deleteThis(); } else { // remove the player int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i ); if (itemID != -1) { m_pPlayerList->RemoveItem(itemID); } } } if ( selectedRow != -1 ) { m_pPlayerList->SetSelectedItem(selectedRow); } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the gui, rearranges elements //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMOMSpectatorGUI::Update() { int wide, tall; int bx, by, bwide, btall; GetHudSize(wide, tall); m_pTopBar->GetBounds(bx, by, bwide, btall); IGameResources *gr = GameResources(); int specmode = GetSpectatorMode(); int playernum = GetSpectatorTarget(); IViewPortPanel *overview = gViewPortInterface->FindPanelByName(PANEL_OVERVIEW); if (overview && overview->IsVisible()) { int mx, my, mwide, mtall; VPANEL p = overview->GetVPanel(); vgui::ipanel()->GetPos(p, mx, my); vgui::ipanel()->GetSize(p, mwide, mtall); if (my < btall) { // reduce to bar m_pTopBar->SetSize(wide - (mx + mwide), btall); m_pTopBar->SetPos((mx + mwide), 0); } else { // full top bar m_pTopBar->SetSize(wide, btall); m_pTopBar->SetPos(0, 0); } } else { // full top bar m_pTopBar->SetSize(wide, btall); // change width, keep height m_pTopBar->SetPos(0, 0); } m_pPlayerLabel->SetVisible(ShouldShowPlayerLabel(specmode)); // update player name filed, text & color if (playernum > 0 && playernum <= gpGlobals->maxClients && gr) { Color c = gr->GetTeamColor(gr->GetTeam(playernum)); // Player's team color m_pPlayerLabel->SetFgColor(c); wchar_t playerText[80], playerName[64]; V_wcsncpy(playerText, L"Unable to find #Spec_PlayerItem*", sizeof(playerText)); memset(playerName, 0x0, sizeof(playerName)); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(UTIL_SafeName(gr->GetPlayerName(playernum)), playerName, sizeof(playerName)); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString(playerText, sizeof(playerText), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Spec_PlayerItem"), 1, playerName); m_pPlayerLabel->SetText(playerText); } else { m_pPlayerLabel->SetText(""); } CMomentumPlayer *pPlayer = ToCMOMPlayer(CBasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer()); if (pPlayer) { C_MomentumReplayGhostEntity *pReplayEnt = pPlayer->GetReplayEnt(); if (pReplayEnt) { wchar_t wPlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH], szPlayerInfo[128]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(pReplayEnt->m_pszPlayerName, wPlayerName, sizeof(wPlayerName)); swprintf(szPlayerInfo, L"%s %s", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#MOM_ReplayPlayer"), wPlayerName); SetLabelText("playerlabel", szPlayerInfo); char tempRunTime[BUFSIZETIME]; wchar_t szTimeLabel[BUFSIZELOCL], wTime[BUFSIZETIME]; mom_UTIL->FormatTime(pReplayEnt->m_RunData.m_flRunTime, tempRunTime); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempRunTime, wTime, sizeof(wTime)); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString(szTimeLabel, sizeof(szTimeLabel), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#MOM_MF_RunTime"), 1, wTime); SetLabelText("timelabel", szTimeLabel); SetLabelText("replaylabel", g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#MOM_WatchingReplay")); } else { m_pReplayLabel->SetText(""); } } // update extra info field wchar_t szEtxraInfo[1024]; wchar_t szTitleLabel[1024]; char tempstr[128]; if (engine->IsHLTV()) { // set spectator number and HLTV title Q_snprintf(tempstr, sizeof(tempstr), "Spectators : %d", HLTVCamera()->GetNumSpectators()); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr, szEtxraInfo, sizeof(szEtxraInfo)); Q_strncpy(tempstr, HLTVCamera()->GetTitleText(), sizeof(tempstr)); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr, szTitleLabel, sizeof(szTitleLabel)); } else { // otherwise show map name Q_FileBase(engine->GetLevelName(), tempstr, sizeof(tempstr)); wchar_t wMapName[64]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr, wMapName, sizeof(wMapName)); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString(szEtxraInfo, sizeof(szEtxraInfo), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Spec_Map"), 1, wMapName); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode("", szTitleLabel, sizeof(szTitleLabel)); } SetLabelText("extrainfo", szEtxraInfo); SetLabelText("titlelabel", szTitleLabel); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the gui, rearranges elements //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CSpectatorGUI::Update() { int wide, tall; int bx, by, bwide, btall; GetHudSize(wide, tall); m_pTopBar->GetBounds( bx, by, bwide, btall ); IGameResources *gr = GameResources(); int specmode = GetSpectatorMode(); int playernum = GetSpectatorTarget(); IViewPortPanel *overview = GetViewPortInterface()->FindPanelByName( PANEL_OVERVIEW ); if ( overview && overview->IsVisible() ) { int mx, my, mwide, mtall; VPANEL p = overview->GetVPanel(); vgui::ipanel()->GetPos( p, mx, my ); vgui::ipanel()->GetSize( p, mwide, mtall ); if ( my < btall ) { // reduce to bar m_pTopBar->SetSize( wide - (mx + mwide), btall ); m_pTopBar->SetPos( (mx + mwide), 0 ); } else { // full top bar m_pTopBar->SetSize( wide , btall ); m_pTopBar->SetPos( 0, 0 ); } } else { // full top bar m_pTopBar->SetSize( wide , btall ); // change width, keep height m_pTopBar->SetPos( 0, 0 ); } m_pPlayerLabel->SetVisible( ShouldShowPlayerLabel(specmode) ); // update player name filed, text & color if ( playernum > 0 && playernum <= gpGlobals->maxClients && gr ) { Color c = gr->GetTeamColor( gr->GetTeam(playernum) ); // Player's team color m_pPlayerLabel->SetFgColor( c ); wchar_t playerText[ 80 ], playerName[ 64 ], health[ 10 ]; wcscpy( playerText, L"Unable to find #Spec_PlayerItem*" ); memset( playerName, 0x0, sizeof( playerName ) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( UTIL_SafeName(gr->GetPlayerName( playernum )), playerName, sizeof( playerName ) ); int iHealth = gr->GetHealth( playernum ); if ( iHealth > 0 && gr->IsAlive(playernum) ) { _snwprintf( health, sizeof( health ), L"%i", iHealth ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( playerText, sizeof( playerText ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Spec_PlayerItem_Team" ), 2, playerName, health ); } else { g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( playerText, sizeof( playerText ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( "#Spec_PlayerItem" ), 1, playerName ); } m_pPlayerLabel->SetText( playerText ); } else { m_pPlayerLabel->SetText( L"" ); } // update extra info field wchar_t szEtxraInfo[1024]; wchar_t szTitleLabel[1024]; char tempstr[128]; if ( g_bEngineIsHLTV ) { // set spectator number and HLTV title Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Spectators : %d", HLTVCamera()->GetNumSpectators() ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr,szEtxraInfo,sizeof(szEtxraInfo)); Q_strncpy( tempstr, HLTVCamera()->GetTitleText(), sizeof(tempstr) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr,szTitleLabel,sizeof(szTitleLabel)); } #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED ) else if ( engine->IsReplay() ) { // set spectator number and Replay title Q_snprintf(tempstr,sizeof(tempstr),"Spectators : %d", ReplayCamera()->GetNumSpectators() ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr,szEtxraInfo,sizeof(szEtxraInfo)); Q_strncpy( tempstr, ReplayCamera()->GetTitleText(), sizeof(tempstr) ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr,szTitleLabel,sizeof(szTitleLabel)); } #endif else { // otherwise show map name Q_FileBase( engine->GetLevelName(), tempstr, sizeof(tempstr) ); wchar_t wMapName[64]; g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode(tempstr,wMapName,sizeof(wMapName)); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConstructString( szEtxraInfo,sizeof( szEtxraInfo ), g_pVGuiLocalize->Find("#Spec_Map" ),1, wMapName ); g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( "" ,szTitleLabel,sizeof(szTitleLabel)); } SetLabelText("extrainfo", szEtxraInfo ); SetLabelText("titlelabel", szTitleLabel ); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CHL2WarsScoreboard::UpdatePlayerInfo() { m_iSectionId = 0; // 0'th row is a header int selectedRow = -1; // walk all the players and make sure they're in the scoreboard for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; ++i ) { IGameResources *gr = GameResources(); if ( gr && gr->IsConnected( i ) ) { // add the player to the list KeyValues *playerData = new KeyValues("data"); GetPlayerScoreInfo( i, playerData ); UpdatePlayerAvatar( i, playerData ); const char *oldName = playerData->GetString("name",""); char newName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH]; UTIL_MakeSafeName( oldName, newName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME_LENGTH ); playerData->SetString("name", newName); int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i ); int sectionID = gr->GetTeam( i ); if ( gr->IsLocalPlayer( i ) ) { selectedRow = itemID; } if (itemID == -1) { // add a new row itemID = m_pPlayerList->AddItem( sectionID, playerData ); } else { // modify the current row m_pPlayerList->ModifyItem( itemID, sectionID, playerData ); } m_pPlayerList->SetItemFont( itemID, m_hPlayerFont ); // set the row color based on the players team int ownernumber = g_PR->GetOwnerNumber(i); try { m_pPlayerList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, boost::python::extract<Color>( SrcPySystem()->Get("_GetColorForOwnerNumber", "playermgr")(ownernumber) ) ); } catch(...) { m_pPlayerList->SetItemFgColor( itemID, gr->GetTeamColor( gr->GetTeam( i ) ) ); } playerData->deleteThis(); } else { // remove the player int itemID = FindItemIDForPlayerIndex( i ); if (itemID != -1) { m_pPlayerList->RemoveItem(itemID); } } } if ( selectedRow != -1 ) { m_pPlayerList->SetSelectedItem(selectedRow); } }