IHqlExpression* HqlGram::processAbstractDataset(IHqlExpression* _expr, IHqlExpression* formal, IHqlExpression* actual, IHqlExpression * mapping, const attribute& errpos, bool errorIfNotFound, bool & hadError)
    LinkedHqlExpr transformed = _expr;
    IHqlExpression* formalRecord = formal->queryRecord();
    IHqlExpression* actualRecord = actual->queryRecord();
    assertex(formalRecord && actualRecord); 

    hadError = false;
    IHqlSimpleScope *actualScope = actualRecord->querySimpleScope();
    unsigned numChildren = formalRecord->numChildren();
    for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < numChildren; idx++)
        IHqlExpression* kid = formalRecord->queryChild(idx);
        if ((kid->getOperator() == no_ifblock) || kid->isAttribute())

        IIdAtom * name = kid->queryId();
        IIdAtom * mapto = fieldMapTo(mapping, name);

        OwnedHqlExpr match = actualScope->lookupSymbol(mapto);
        if (match)
            if (!kid->queryType()->assignableFrom(match->queryType()))
                StringBuffer fromType, toType;
                reportError(ERR_DSPARAM_TYPEMISMATCH, errpos, "Can not mapping type %s(field '%s') to %s(field '%s')",
                    fromType.str(), str(kid->queryName()), toType.str(), str(match->queryName()));
                hadError = true;
            //MORE: This should really be mapped in a single go
            if (transformed)
                transformed.setown(bindField(transformed, kid, match));
        else if (errorIfNotFound)
            reportError(ERR_DSPARM_MISSINGFIELD,errpos,"Dataset %s has no field named '%s'", str(actual->queryName()), str(mapto));
            hadError = true;

    return transformed.getClear();