void USceneCapturer::CaptureComponent( int32 CurrentHorizontalStep, int32 CurrentVerticalStep, FString Folder, USceneCaptureComponent2D* CaptureComponent, TArray<FColor>& Atlas )
	TArray<FColor> SurfaceData;

		FTextureRenderTargetResource* RenderTarget = CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();

		//TODO: ikrimae: Might need to validate that this divides evenly. Might not matter
		int32 CenterX = CaptureWidth / 2;
		int32 CenterY = CaptureHeight / 2;

		SurfaceData.AddUninitialized( StripWidth * StripHeight );

		// Read pixels
		FIntRect Area( CenterX - ( StripWidth / 2 ), CenterY - ( StripHeight / 2 ), CenterX + ( StripWidth / 2 ), CenterY + ( StripHeight / 2) );
        auto readSurfaceDataFlags = FReadSurfaceDataFlags();
		RenderTarget->ReadPixelsPtr( SurfaceData.GetData(), readSurfaceDataFlags, Area );

	// Copy off strip to atlas texture
	CopyToUnprojAtlas( CurrentHorizontalStep, CurrentVerticalStep, Atlas, SurfaceData );

	if( FStereoPanoramaManager::GenerateDebugImages->GetInt() != 0 )

		// Generate name
		FString TickString = FString::Printf( TEXT( "_%05d_%04d_%04d" ), CurrentFrameCount, CurrentHorizontalStep, CurrentVerticalStep );
		FString CaptureName = OutputDir / Timestamp / Folder / TickString + TEXT( ".png" );
		UE_LOG( LogStereoPanorama, Log, TEXT( "Writing snapshot: %s" ), *CaptureName );

		// Write out PNG
        if (FStereoPanoramaManager::GenerateDebugImages->GetInt() == 2)
            //Read Whole Capture Buffer
		    IImageWrapperPtr ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper( EImageFormat::PNG );

            TArray<FColor> SurfaceDataWhole;
            SurfaceDataWhole.AddUninitialized(CaptureWidth * CaptureHeight);
            // Read pixels
            FTextureRenderTargetResource* RenderTarget = CaptureComponent->TextureTarget->GameThread_GetRenderTargetResource();
            RenderTarget->ReadPixelsPtr(SurfaceDataWhole.GetData(), FReadSurfaceDataFlags());

            // Force alpha value
            if (bForceAlpha)
                for (FColor& Color : SurfaceDataWhole)
                    Color.A = 255;

            ImageWrapper->SetRaw(SurfaceDataWhole.GetData(), SurfaceDataWhole.GetAllocatedSize(), CaptureWidth, CaptureHeight, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
            const TArray<uint8>& PNGData = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(100);

            FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(PNGData, *CaptureName);
            if (bForceAlpha)
                for (FColor& Color : SurfaceData)
                    Color.A = 255;

            IImageWrapperPtr ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper(EImageFormat::PNG);
            ImageWrapper->SetRaw(SurfaceData.GetData(), SurfaceData.GetAllocatedSize(), StripWidth, StripHeight, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
		    const TArray<uint8>& PNGData = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(100);

		    FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile( PNGData, *CaptureName );
TArray<FColor> USceneCapturer::SaveAtlas(FString Folder, const TArray<FColor>& SurfaceData)
    TArray<FColor> SphericalAtlas;
    SphericalAtlas.AddZeroed(SphericalAtlasWidth * SphericalAtlasHeight);

    const FVector2D slicePlaneDim = FVector2D(
        2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceHFov) / 2.0f),
        2.0f * FMath::Tan(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceVFov) / 2.0f));

    //For each direction,
    //    Find corresponding slice
    //    Calculate intersection of slice plane
    //    Calculate intersection UVs by projecting onto plane tangents
    //    Supersample that UV coordinate from the unprojected atlas
        // Dump out how long the process took
        const FDateTime SamplingStartTime = FDateTime::UtcNow();
        UE_LOG(LogStereoPanorama, Log, TEXT("Sampling atlas..."));

        for (int32 y = 0; y < SphericalAtlasHeight; y++)
            for (int32 x = 0; x < SphericalAtlasWidth; x++)
                FLinearColor samplePixelAccum = FLinearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

                //TODO: ikrimae: Seems that bilinear filtering sans supersampling is good enough. Supersampling sans bilerp seems best.
                //               After more tests, come back to optimize by folding supersampling in and remove this outer sampling loop.
                const auto& ssPattern = g_ssPatterns[SSMethod];

                for (int32 SampleCount = 0; SampleCount < ssPattern.numSamples; SampleCount++)
                    const float sampleU = ((float)x + ssPattern.ssOffsets[SampleCount].X) / SphericalAtlasWidth;
                    const float sampleV = ((float)y + ssPattern.ssOffsets[SampleCount].Y) / SphericalAtlasHeight;

                    const float sampleTheta = sampleU * 360.0f;
                    const float samplePhi = sampleV * 180.0f;

                    const FVector sampleDir = FVector(
                        FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(samplePhi)) * FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sampleTheta)),
                        FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(samplePhi)) * FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sampleTheta)),

                    //TODO: ikrimae: ugh, ugly.
                    const int32 sliceXIndex = FMath::TruncToInt(FRotator::ClampAxis(sampleTheta + hAngIncrement / 2.0f) / hAngIncrement);
                    int32 sliceYIndex = 0;

                    //Slice Selection = slice with max{sampleDir dot  sliceNormal }
                        float largestCosAngle = 0;
                        for (int VerticalStep = 0; VerticalStep < NumberOfVerticalSteps; VerticalStep++)
                            const FVector2D sliceCenterThetaPhi = FVector2D(
                                hAngIncrement * sliceXIndex,
                                vAngIncrement * VerticalStep);

                            //TODO: ikrimae: There has got to be a faster way. Rethink reparametrization later
                            const FVector sliceDir = FVector(
                                FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),
                                FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),

                            const float cosAngle = sampleDir | sliceDir;

                            if (cosAngle > largestCosAngle)
                                largestCosAngle = cosAngle;
                                sliceYIndex = VerticalStep;

                    const FVector2D sliceCenterThetaPhi = FVector2D(
                        hAngIncrement * sliceXIndex,
                        vAngIncrement * sliceYIndex);

                    //TODO: ikrimae: Reparameterize with an inverse mapping (e.g. project from slice pixels onto final u,v coordinates.
                    //               Should make code simpler and faster b/c reduces to handful of sin/cos calcs per slice. 
                    //               Supersampling will be more difficult though.

                    const FVector sliceDir = FVector(
                        FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),
                        FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),

                    const FPlane slicePlane = FPlane(sliceDir, -sliceDir);

                    //Tangents from partial derivatives of sphere equation
                    const FVector slicePlanePhiTangent = FVector(
                        FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),
                        FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),

                    //Should be reconstructed to get around discontinuity of theta tangent at nodal points
                    const FVector slicePlaneThetaTangent = (sliceDir ^ slicePlanePhiTangent).GetSafeNormal();
                    //const FVector slicePlaneThetaTangent = FVector(
                    //    -FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),
                    //    FMath::Sin(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.Y)) * FMath::Cos(FMath::DegreesToRadians(sliceCenterThetaPhi.X)),
                    //    0).SafeNormal();

                    check(!slicePlaneThetaTangent.IsZero() && !slicePlanePhiTangent.IsZero());

                    const double t = (double)-slicePlane.W / (sampleDir | sliceDir);
                    const FVector sliceIntersection = FVector(t * sampleDir.X, t * sampleDir.Y, t * sampleDir.Z);

                    //Calculate scalar projection of sliceIntersection onto tangent vectors. a dot b / |b| = a dot b when tangent vectors are normalized
                    //Then reparameterize to U,V of the sliceplane based on slice plane dimensions
                    const float sliceU = (sliceIntersection | slicePlaneThetaTangent) / slicePlaneDim.X;
                    const float sliceV = (sliceIntersection | slicePlanePhiTangent) / slicePlaneDim.Y;

                    check(sliceU >= -(0.5f + KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) &&
                        sliceU <= (0.5f + KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));

                    check(sliceV >= -(0.5f + KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER) &&
                        sliceV <= (0.5f + KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER));

                    //TODO: ikrimae: Supersample/bilinear filter
                    const int32 slicePixelX = FMath::TruncToInt(dbgMatchCaptureSliceFovToAtlasSliceFov ? sliceU * StripWidth : sliceU * CaptureWidth);
                    const int32 slicePixelY = FMath::TruncToInt(dbgMatchCaptureSliceFovToAtlasSliceFov ? sliceV * StripHeight : sliceV * CaptureHeight);

                    FLinearColor slicePixelSample;

                    if (bEnableBilerp)
                        //TODO: ikrimae: Clean up later; too tired now
                        const int32 sliceCenterPixelX = (sliceXIndex + 0.5f) * StripWidth;
                        const int32 sliceCenterPixelY = (sliceYIndex + 0.5f) * StripHeight;

                        const FIntPoint atlasSampleTL(sliceCenterPixelX + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelX    , -StripWidth/2, StripWidth/2), sliceCenterPixelY + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelY    , -StripHeight/2, StripHeight/2));
                        const FIntPoint atlasSampleTR(sliceCenterPixelX + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelX + 1, -StripWidth/2, StripWidth/2), sliceCenterPixelY + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelY    , -StripHeight/2, StripHeight/2));
                        const FIntPoint atlasSampleBL(sliceCenterPixelX + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelX    , -StripWidth/2, StripWidth/2), sliceCenterPixelY + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelY + 1, -StripHeight/2, StripHeight/2));
                        const FIntPoint atlasSampleBR(sliceCenterPixelX + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelX + 1, -StripWidth/2, StripWidth/2), sliceCenterPixelY + FMath::Clamp(slicePixelY + 1, -StripHeight/2, StripHeight/2));

                        const FColor pixelColorTL = SurfaceData[atlasSampleTL.Y * UnprojectedAtlasWidth + atlasSampleTL.X];
                        const FColor pixelColorTR = SurfaceData[atlasSampleTR.Y * UnprojectedAtlasWidth + atlasSampleTR.X];
                        const FColor pixelColorBL = SurfaceData[atlasSampleBL.Y * UnprojectedAtlasWidth + atlasSampleBL.X];
                        const FColor pixelColorBR = SurfaceData[atlasSampleBR.Y * UnprojectedAtlasWidth + atlasSampleBR.X];

                        const float fracX = FMath::Frac(dbgMatchCaptureSliceFovToAtlasSliceFov ? sliceU * StripWidth : sliceU * CaptureWidth);
                        const float fracY = FMath::Frac(dbgMatchCaptureSliceFovToAtlasSliceFov ? sliceV * StripHeight : sliceV * CaptureHeight);

                        //Reinterpret as linear (a.k.a dont apply srgb inversion)
                        slicePixelSample = FMath::BiLerp(
                            pixelColorTL.ReinterpretAsLinear(), pixelColorTR.ReinterpretAsLinear(),
                            pixelColorBL.ReinterpretAsLinear(), pixelColorBR.ReinterpretAsLinear(),
                            fracX, fracY);
                        const int32 sliceCenterPixelX = (sliceXIndex + 0.5f) * StripWidth;
                        const int32 sliceCenterPixelY = (sliceYIndex + 0.5f) * StripHeight;

                        const int32 atlasSampleX = sliceCenterPixelX + slicePixelX;
                        const int32 atlasSampleY = sliceCenterPixelY + slicePixelY;

                        slicePixelSample = SurfaceData[atlasSampleY * UnprojectedAtlasWidth + atlasSampleX].ReinterpretAsLinear();

                    samplePixelAccum += slicePixelSample;

                    ////Output color map of projections
                    //const FColor debugEquiColors[12] = {
                    //    FColor(205, 180, 76),
                    //    FColor(190, 88, 202),
                    //    FColor(127, 185, 194),
                    //    FColor(90, 54, 47),
                    //    FColor(197, 88, 53),
                    //    FColor(197, 75, 124),
                    //    FColor(130, 208, 72),
                    //    FColor(136, 211, 153),
                    //    FColor(126, 130, 207),
                    //    FColor(83, 107, 59),
                    //    FColor(200, 160, 157),
                    //    FColor(80, 66, 106)

                    //samplePixelAccum = ssPattern.numSamples * debugEquiColors[sliceYIndex * 4 + sliceXIndex];

                SphericalAtlas[y * SphericalAtlasWidth + x] = (samplePixelAccum / ssPattern.numSamples).Quantize();

                // Force alpha value
                if (bForceAlpha)
                    SphericalAtlas[y * SphericalAtlasWidth + x].A = 255;

        //Blit the first column into the last column to make the stereo image seamless at theta=360
        for (int32 y = 0; y < SphericalAtlasHeight; y++)
            SphericalAtlas[y * SphericalAtlasWidth + (SphericalAtlasWidth - 1)] = SphericalAtlas[y * SphericalAtlasWidth + 0];

        const FTimespan SamplingDuration = FDateTime::UtcNow() - SamplingStartTime;
        UE_LOG(LogStereoPanorama, Log, TEXT("...done! Duration: %g seconds"), SamplingDuration.GetTotalSeconds());
	// Generate name
	FString FrameString = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s_%05d.png" ), *Folder, CurrentFrameCount );
    FString AtlasName =  OutputDir / Timestamp / FrameString;
	UE_LOG( LogStereoPanorama, Log, TEXT( "Writing atlas: %s" ), *AtlasName );

	// Write out PNG
    //TODO: ikrimae: Use threads to write out the images for performance
	IImageWrapperPtr ImageWrapper = ImageWrapperModule.CreateImageWrapper( EImageFormat::PNG );
    ImageWrapper->SetRaw(SphericalAtlas.GetData(), SphericalAtlas.GetAllocatedSize(), SphericalAtlasWidth, SphericalAtlasHeight, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
	const TArray<uint8>& PNGData = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(100);
	FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile( PNGData, *AtlasName );

    if (FStereoPanoramaManager::GenerateDebugImages->GetInt() != 0)
        FString FrameStringUnprojected = FString::Printf(TEXT("%s_%05d_Unprojected.png"), *Folder, CurrentFrameCount);
        FString AtlasNameUnprojected = OutputDir / Timestamp / FrameStringUnprojected;

        ImageWrapper->SetRaw(SurfaceData.GetData(), SurfaceData.GetAllocatedSize(), UnprojectedAtlasWidth, UnprojectedAtlasHeight, ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8);
        const TArray<uint8>& PNGDataUnprojected = ImageWrapper->GetCompressed(100);
        FFileHelper::SaveArrayToFile(PNGData, *AtlasNameUnprojected);

	UE_LOG( LogStereoPanorama, Log, TEXT( " ... done!" ), *AtlasName );

    return SphericalAtlas;