void CInventory::PostSerialize()
	for( int i=0; i<IInventory::eInventorySlot_Last; ++i )
		const int itemIndex = FindItem( m_stats.slotsInfo[i].lastSelected );

		// For whatever reason we don't have this last item in the inventory,
		// so find a suitable item in the same slot.
		if( itemIndex == -1 )
			const EntityId entityId = GetAnyEntityInSlot( i );


	// Benito - This is last minute workaround to solve a strange bug:
	// If the game is saved while you had equipped a 'heavy weapon' (dynamic one, not present in the level) but this ones is holstered at the moment of save
	// when the game is loaded, the item is not restored properly, because the entity does not get a serialize call.
	// This code ensures that weapon goes back to the hands of the player, adding as many checks here as possible before doing the final call
	const bool ownerActorIsClientNotInVehicle = (m_pActor != NULL) && m_pActor->IsClient() && (m_pActor->GetLinkedVehicle() == NULL); 
		IItem* pCurrentItem = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIItemSystem()->GetItem(m_stats.currentItemId);
		if((pCurrentItem != NULL) && (pCurrentItem->GetOwnerId() == 0))
				m_stats.currentItemId = 0; //Reset and use it again
// IsMountedWeaponUsableWithTarget
// A piece of game-code moved from CryAction when scriptbind_AI moved to the AI system
int CScriptBind_Game::IsMountedWeaponUsableWithTarget(IFunctionHandler *pH)
	int paramCount = pH->GetParamCount();
		GameWarning("%s: too few parameters.", __FUNCTION__);
		return pH->EndFunction();


		GameWarning("%s: wrong entity id in parameter 1.", __FUNCTION__);
		return pH->EndFunction();

	IAIObject* pAI = pEntity->GetAI();
	if (!pAI)
		GameWarning("%s: Entity '%s' does not have AI.",__FUNCTION__,  pEntity->GetName());
		return pH->EndFunction();

	EntityId itemEntityId;
	ScriptHandle hdl2;

		GameWarning("%s: wrong parameter 2 format.", __FUNCTION__);
		return pH->EndFunction();

	itemEntityId = (EntityId)hdl2.n;

	if (!itemEntityId)
		GameWarning("%s: wrong entity id in parameter 2.", __FUNCTION__);
		return pH->EndFunction();
	IGameFramework *pGameFramework = gEnv->pGame->GetIGameFramework();
	IItem* pItem = pGameFramework->GetIItemSystem()->GetItem(itemEntityId);
	if (!pItem)
		//gEnv->pAISystem->Warning("<CScriptBind> ", "entity in parameter 2 is not an item/weapon");
		GameWarning("%s: entity in parameter 2 is not an item/weapon.", __FUNCTION__);
		return pH->EndFunction();

	float minDist = 7;
	bool bSkipTargetCheck = false;
	Vec3 targetPos(ZERO);

	if(paramCount > 2)
		for(int i=3;i <= paramCount ; i++)
			if(pH->GetParamType(i) == svtBool)
			else if(pH->GetParamType(i) == svtNumber)
			else if(pH->GetParamType(i) == svtObject)

	IAIActor* pAIActor = CastToIAIActorSafe(pAI);
	if (!pAIActor)
		GameWarning("%s: entity '%s' in parameter 1 is not an AI actor.", __FUNCTION__, pEntity->GetName());
		return pH->EndFunction();

	IEntity* pItemEntity = pItem->GetEntity();
		return pH->EndFunction();

		// weapon is not used, check if it is on a vehicle
		IEntity* pParentEntity = pItemEntity->GetParent();
			IAIObject* pParentAI = pParentEntity->GetAI();
			if(pParentAI && pParentAI->GetAIType()==AIOBJECT_VEHICLE)
				// (MATT) Feature was cut and code was tricky, hence ignore weapons in vehicles  {2008/02/15:11:08:51}
				return pH->EndFunction();
	else if( pItem->GetOwnerId()!= pEntity->GetId()) // item is used by someone else?
		return pH->EndFunction(false);

	// check target
		return pH->EndFunction(true);

	IAIObject* pTarget = pAIActor->GetAttentionTarget();
			return pH->EndFunction();
		targetPos = pTarget->GetPos();

	Vec3 targetDir(targetPos - pItemEntity->GetWorldPos());
	Vec3 targetDirXY(targetDir.x, targetDir.y, 0);

	float length2D = targetDirXY.GetLength();
	if(length2D < minDist || length2D<=0)
		return pH->EndFunction();

	targetDirXY /= length2D;//normalize

	IWeapon* pWeapon = pItem->GetIWeapon(); 
	bool vehicleGun = pWeapon && pWeapon->GetHostId();

	if (!vehicleGun)
		Vec3 mountedAngleLimits(pItem->GetMountedAngleLimits());

		float yawRange = DEG2RAD(mountedAngleLimits.z);
		if(yawRange > 0 && yawRange < gf_PI)
			float deltaYaw = pItem->GetMountedDir().Dot(targetDirXY);
			if(deltaYaw < cosf(yawRange))
				return pH->EndFunction(false);

		float minPitch = DEG2RAD(mountedAngleLimits.x);
		float maxPitch = DEG2RAD(mountedAngleLimits.y);

		//maxPitch = (maxPitch - minPitch)/2;
		//minPitch = -maxPitch;

		float pitch = atanf(targetDir.z / length2D);

		if ( pitch < minPitch || pitch > maxPitch )
			return pH->EndFunction(false);

		IEntity* pTargetEntity = pTarget->GetEntity();
			// check target distance and where he's going
			IPhysicalEntity *phys = pTargetEntity->GetPhysics();
				pe_status_dynamics	dyn;
				Vec3 velocity ( dyn.v);
				velocity.z = 0;

				float speed = velocity.GetLength2D();
					//velocity /= speed;
					if(length2D< minDist * 0.75f && velocity.Dot(targetDirXY)<=0)
						return pH->EndFunction(false);
	return pH->EndFunction(true);

bool CGameRules::OnPromoteToServer(SHostMigrationInfo& hostMigrationInfo, uint32& state)
	if (!g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->ShouldMigrateNub(hostMigrationInfo.m_session))
		return true;

	CryLogAlways("[Host Migration]: CGameRules::OnPromoteToServer() started");

	// Server time will change after we migrate (change from old server time to new server time)
	m_gameStartedTime.SetValue(m_gameStartedTime.GetValue() - m_cachedServerTime.GetValue());
	m_gameStartTime.SetValue(m_gameStartTime.GetValue() - m_cachedServerTime.GetValue());

	// If this migration has reset (we're not the original anticipated host, remove any entities from the first attempt
	if (!m_hostMigrationCachedEntities.empty())

	// Now we know we're the server, remove the actors for anyone we know isn't going to migrate
	CGameLobby *pGameLobby = g_pGame->GetGameLobby();
	if (pGameLobby)
		TPlayers playersToRemove;

		IActorSystem *pActorSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem();


		IActorIteratorPtr actorIt = pActorSystem->CreateActorIterator();
		IActor *pActor;
		while (pActor = actorIt->Next())
			if (pActor->IsPlayer())
				SCryMatchMakingConnectionUID conId = pGameLobby->GetConnectionUIDFromChannelID((int) pActor->GetChannelId());
				if (pGameLobby->GetSessionNames().Find(conId) == SSessionNames::k_unableToFind)
					CryLog("  player '%s' has not got a corresponding CGameLobby entry, removing actor", pActor->GetEntity()->GetName());

		const int numPlayersToRemove = playersToRemove.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < numPlayersToRemove; ++ i)

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++ i)
		m_migratedPlayerChannels[i] = 0;

	IItemSystem *pItemSystem = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIItemSystem();

	IEntityItPtr it = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntityIterator();

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < m_hostMigrationItemMaxCount; ++ i)
	uint32 itemIndex = 0;

	IEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	while (pEntity = it->Next())
		IItem *pItem = pItemSystem->GetItem(pEntity->GetId());
		if (pItem)
			if (pItem->GetOwnerId())
				IEntity *pOwner = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pItem->GetOwnerId());
				if (pOwner)
					EntityId currentItemId = 0;

					IActor *pOwnerActor = g_pGame->GetIGameFramework()->GetIActorSystem()->GetActor(pOwner->GetId());
					if (pOwnerActor)
						IItem *pCurrentItem = pOwnerActor->GetCurrentItem();
						currentItemId = pCurrentItem ? pCurrentItem->GetEntityId() : 0;

					CryLog("[CG] Item '%s' is owned by '%s'", pEntity->GetName(), pOwner->GetName());
					//m_pHostMigrationItemInfo[itemIndex].Set(pEntity->GetId(), pOwner->GetId(), pItem->IsUsed(), (pItem->GetEntityId() == currentItemId));
					itemIndex ++;
					if (itemIndex >= m_hostMigrationItemMaxCount)
						CRY_ASSERT(itemIndex < m_hostMigrationItemMaxCount);
		// Tell entities that we're host migrating
		// - Currently only used by ForbiddenArea but may well be needed for other entities later
		// - Currently only called on the new server, add to OnDemoteToClient if we need to use this on a client
		IScriptTable *pScript = pEntity->GetScriptTable();
		if (pScript != NULL && pScript->GetValueType("OnHostMigration") == svtFunction)
			m_pScriptSystem->BeginCall(pScript, "OnHostMigration");

	// This needs initialising on the new server otherwise the respawn timer will be counting down
	// from uninitialised data.  Likewise for the pre-round timer.

	const int numRespawnParams = m_respawndata.size();
	for (int i = 0; i < numRespawnParams; ++ i)
		SEntityRespawnData *pData = &m_respawndata[i];
		pEntity = gEnv->pEntitySystem->GetEntity(pData->m_currentEntityId);
		if (pEntity == NULL)
			CryLog("  detected respawn entity (id=%u) is not present, scheduling for respawn", pData->m_currentEntityId);
			ScheduleEntityRespawn(pData->m_currentEntityId, false, g_pGameCVars->g_defaultItemRespawnTimer);

	CryLog("[Host Migration]: CGameRules::OnPromoteToServer() finished");

	return true;