JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_service_ssm_CoreController_getPropertyCount
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clz, jlong pIModelDataInstance )
    IModelData *pModelData = (IModelData *)pIModelDataInstance;

    return pModelData->getPropertyCount();
JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_service_ssm_CoreController_getPropertyValue
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clz, jlong pIModelDataInstance, jint propertyIndex )
    IModelData *pModelData = (IModelData *)pIModelDataInstance;

    return env->NewStringUTF(pModelData->getPropertyValue(propertyIndex).c_str());
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_iotivity_service_ssm_CoreController_getDataId
(JNIEnv *env, jclass clz, jlong pDataReaderInstance)
    IModelData *pDataReader = (IModelData *)pDataReaderInstance;

    return pDataReader->getDataId();
Exemple #4
/* APP. Level Callback Function for Observer of client. */
SSMRESULT SSMTestApp::onQueryEngineEvent(int cqid, IDataReader *pResult)
    int     dataCount = 0;
    IModelData      *pModelData = NULL;
    std::vector<std::string>        affectedModels;

    cout << "Event received! cqid = " << cqid << endl;


    for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itor = affectedModels.begin();
         itor != affectedModels.end(); ++itor)
        cout << "Printing " << *itor << " model" << endl;
        pResult->getModelDataCount(*itor, &dataCount);
        for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++)
            pResult->getModelData(*itor, i, &pModelData);
            cout << "dataId: " << pModelData->getDataId() << endl;
            for (int j = 0; j < pModelData->getPropertyCount(); j++)
                cout << "Type: " << pModelData->getPropertyName(j) << " Value: " << pModelData->getPropertyValue(
                         j) << endl;


    return SSM_S_OK;
Exemple #5
        SSMRESULT onQueryEngineEvent(int cqid, IDataReader *pResult)
            std::stringstream sstream;

            int     dataCount = 0;
            IModelData      *pModelData = NULL;
            std::vector<std::string>        affectedModels;


            for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itor = affectedModels.begin();
                 itor != affectedModels.end(); ++itor)
                printf("Printing %s\n", itor->c_str());
                pResult->getModelDataCount(*itor, &dataCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++)
                    pResult->getModelData(*itor, i, &pModelData);
                    printf("dataId: %d\n", pModelData->getDataId());
                    for (int j = 0; j < pModelData->getPropertyCount(); j++)
                        sstream << "Type: " << pModelData->getPropertyName(j).c_str() <<
                                " Value: " << pModelData->getPropertyValue(j).c_str() << "<br>";

            sstream << std::ends;

            oicapp_util_put_msg(g_ad, sstream.str().c_str());

            return SSM_S_OK;
int CModelManager::getResourceId(const CString& name)
    int resourceId = 0;

    for (TModelInfoVector::const_iterator it = m_models.begin(); it != m_models.end(); ++it, ++resourceId)
        if (it->name == name)
            return resourceId;

    // Recherche du modèle dans chaque répertoire du gestionnaire
    for (std::list<CString>::const_iterator itP = m_paths.begin(); itP != m_paths.end(); ++itP)
        // On parcourt la liste des chargeurs
        for (std::list<CreateInstanceType>::iterator it = m_loaders.begin(); it != m_loaders.end(); ++it)
            IModelData * modelData = (*it)(*itP + name);

            if (modelData)
                int id = m_models.size();
                modelData->loadFromFile(*itP + name);

                TModelDataInfos modelDataInfos;
                modelDataInfos.name  = name;
                modelDataInfos.model = modelData;

                return id;

    // Aucun chargeur ne prend en charge ce type de fichier
    return -1;
        SSMRESULT onQueryEngineEvent(IN int cqid, IN IDataReader *pResult)
            int dataCount = 0;
            IModelData *pModelData = NULL;
            std::vector < std::string > affectedModels;

            std::map<std::string, std::string> queryEventResult;

            std::stringstream sstream;

            // QueryEngine Id
            queryEventResult["queryEngineId"] = m_queryEngineId;

            // CQID
            sstream << cqid;
            queryEventResult["CQID"] = sstream.str();


            // Affected Model Count
            sstream << affectedModels.size();
            queryEventResult["modelCount"] = sstream.str();

            //TODO: we assume that contains only one model at time
            for (std::vector< std::string >::iterator itor = affectedModels.begin();
                 itor != affectedModels.end(); ++itor)
                // Model Name
                sstream << (*itor);
                queryEventResult["modelName"] = sstream.str();

                pResult->getModelDataCount(*itor, &dataCount);

                // Data Count
                sstream << dataCount;
                queryEventResult["dataCount"] = sstream.str();

                //FixME: we have to support multiple data count
                for (int i = 0; i < dataCount; i++)
                    pResult->getModelData(*itor, i, &pModelData);

                    // Data Id
                    sstream << pModelData->getDataId();
                    queryEventResult["dataId"] = sstream.str();

                    // Property Count
                    sstream << pModelData->getPropertyCount();
                    queryEventResult["propertyCount"] = sstream.str();

                    for (int j = 0; j < pModelData->getPropertyCount(); j++)
                        // Property Name & Value
                        sstream << pModelData->getPropertyValue(j).c_str();
                        queryEventResult[pModelData->getPropertyName(j).c_str()] = sstream.str();


            //TODO: need to modify for notifying proper clients

            return SSM_S_OK;