void UOnlineSessionClient::OnDestroyForJoinSessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnDestroyForJoinSessionComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful);

	IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInt = GetSessionInt();

	if (SessionInt.IsValid())

	if (bWasSuccessful)
		JoinSession(SessionName, CachedSessionResult);

	bHandlingDisconnect = false;
void UOnlineSessionClient::OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	UE_LOG(LogOnline, Verbose, TEXT("OnDestroyForMainMenuComplete %s bSuccess: %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful);

	IOnlineSessionPtr SessionInt = GetSessionInt();

	if (SessionInt.IsValid())

	UWorld* World = GetWorld();
	UNetDriver* NetDriver = World ? World->GetNetDriver() : nullptr;
	// Call disconnect to force us back to the menu level
	GEngine->HandleDisconnect(World, NetDriver);

	bHandlingDisconnect = false;
void UtrnetDemoGameInstance::OnDestroySessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 10.f, FColor::Red, FString::Printf(TEXT("OnDestroySessionComplete %s, %d"), *SessionName.ToString(), bWasSuccessful));

    // Get the SessionInterface from the OnlineSubsystem
    IOnlineSessionPtr Sessions = GetSession();

    if (!Sessions.IsValid())
    // Clear the Delegate

    // If it was successful, we just load another level (could be a MainMenu!)
    if (bWasSuccessful)
        UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), "Startup", true);
Exemple #4
// Destroy Session And return to Start Map
void URadeGameInstance::OnDestroySessionComplete(FName SessionName, bool bWasSuccessful)
	// Get the OnlineSubsystem we want to work with
	IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
	if (OnlineSub)
		// Get the SessionInterface from the OnlineSubsystem
		IOnlineSessionPtr Sessions = OnlineSub->GetSessionInterface();

		if (Sessions.IsValid())
			// Clear the Delegate

			// If it was successful, we just load another level (could be a MainMenu!)
			if (bWasSuccessful)
				UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), "SelectMap", true);