Foam::IOobject Foam::fv::IOoptionList::createIOobject ( const fvMesh& mesh ) const { IOobject io ( "fvOptions", mesh.time().system(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ); if (io.headerOk()) { Info<< "Creating fintite volume options from " << << nl << endl; io.readOpt() = IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED; return io; } else { Info<< "No finite volume options present" << nl << endl; io.readOpt() = IOobject::NO_READ; return io; } }
Foam::IOList<T>::IOList(const IOobject& io) : regIOobject(io) { // Temporary warning if (io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED) { WarningIn("IOList::IOList(const IOobject&)") << "IOList " << name() << " constructed with IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED" " but IOList does not support automatic rereading." << endl; } if ( ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED ) || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { readStream(typeName) >> *this; close(); }
Foam::binaryOperationSearchableSurface::binaryOperationSearchableSurface ( const IOobject& io, const dictionary& dict ) : searchableSurface(io), aName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("aName","A")), bName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("bName","B")), a_( searchableSurface::New ( word(dict.subDict("a").lookup("type")), IOobject( name()+"_"+word(dict.lookup("type"))+"_"+aName_, io.instance(), io.db(), io.readOpt(), io.writeOpt() ), dict.subDict("a") ) ), b_( searchableSurface::New ( word(dict.subDict("b").lookup("type")), IOobject( name()+"_"+word(dict.lookup("type"))+"_"+bName_, io.instance(), io.db(), io.readOpt(), io.writeOpt() ), dict.subDict("b") ) ), nrARegions_( a().regions().size() ), nrBRegions_( b().regions().size() ) { if(aName_==bName_) { FatalErrorIn("binaryOperationSearchableSurface::binaryOperationSearchableSurface") << "'aName' and 'bName' have the same value " << aName_ << " for " << name() << endl << exit(FatalError); } if(regions().size()!=size()) { FatalErrorIn("binaryOperationSearchableSurface::binaryOperationSearchableSurface") << "Number of regions " << regions().size() << " not equal to size " << size() << nl << "Regions: " << regions() << endl << exit(FatalError); } }
Foam::IOobject Foam::IOporosityModelList::createIOobject ( const fvMesh& mesh ) const { IOobject io ( "porosityProperties", mesh.time().constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ); if (io.typeHeaderOk<IOdictionary>(true)) { Info<< "Creating porosity model list from " << << nl << endl; io.readOpt() = IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED; return io; } else { Info<< "No porosity models present" << nl << endl; io.readOpt() = IOobject::NO_READ; return io; } }
Foam::IOdictionary::IOdictionary(const IOobject& io, const dictionary& dict) : regIOobject(io) { // Temporary warning if (debug && io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ) { WarningIn ( "IOdictionary::IOdictionary(const IOobject& const dictionary&)" ) << "Dictionary " << name() << " constructed with IOobject::MUST_READ" " instead of IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED." << nl << "Use MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED if you need automatic rereading." << endl; } // Everyone check or just master bool masterOnly = regIOobject::fileModificationChecking == timeStampMaster || regIOobject::fileModificationChecking == inotifyMaster; // Check if header is ok for READ_IF_PRESENT bool isHeaderOk = false; if (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT) { if (masterOnly) { if (Pstream::master()) { isHeaderOk = headerOk(); } Pstream::scatter(isHeaderOk); } else { isHeaderOk = headerOk(); } } if ( ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED ) || isHeaderOk ) { readFile(masterOnly); } else { dictionary::operator=(dict); } dictionary::name() = IOobject::objectPath(); }
Foam::IOobject Foam::IOMRFZoneList::createIOobject ( const fvMesh& mesh ) const { IOobject io ( "MRFProperties", mesh.time().constant(), mesh, IOobject::MUST_READ, IOobject::NO_WRITE ); if (io.headerOk()) { Info<< "Creating MRF zone list from " << << endl; io.readOpt() = IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED; return io; } else { Info<< "No MRF models present" << nl << endl; io.readOpt() = IOobject::NO_READ; return io; } }
Foam::IOList<T>::IOList(const IOobject& io) : regIOobject(io) { if ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { readStream(typeName) >> *this; close(); }
Foam::featureEdgeMesh::featureEdgeMesh(const IOobject& io) : regIOobject(io), edgeMesh(pointField(0), edgeList(0)) { if ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { readStream(typeName) >> *this; close(); }
Foam::IOPtrList<T>::IOPtrList(const IOobject& io) : regIOobject(io) { if ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { PtrList<T>::read(readStream(typeName), INew<T>()); close(); } }
IOPatchToPatchInterpolation<FromPatch, ToPatch>::IOPatchToPatchInterpolation ( const IOobject& io, const FromPatch& fromPatch, const ToPatch& toPatch, intersection::algorithm alg, const intersection::direction dir ) : regIOobject(io), PatchToPatchInterpolation<FromPatch, ToPatch>(fromPatch, toPatch, alg, dir) { if (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) { Istream& is = readStream(typeName); labelList* paPtr = new labelList(is); FieldField<Field, scalar>* pwPtr = new FieldField<Field, scalar>(is); scalarField* pdPtr = new scalarField(is); labelList* faPtr = new labelList(is); FieldField<Field, scalar>* fwPtr = new FieldField<Field, scalar>(is); scalarField* fdPtr = new scalarField(is); Info << "Setting weights from file" << endl; this->setWeights(paPtr, pwPtr, pdPtr, faPtr, fwPtr, fdPtr); } }
Foam::IOPtrList<T>::IOPtrList(const IOobject& io, const INew& inewt) : regIOobject(io) { if ( ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED ) || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { PtrList<T>::read(readStream(typeName), inewt); close(); } }
Foam::IOEquationReader::IOEquationReader ( const IOobject& io, const bool showDataSourceInfo ) : regIOobject(io), showDataSourceInfo_(showDataSourceInfo) { if ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { readStream(typeName) >> *this; close(); }
Foam::IOPtrList<T>::IOPtrList(const IOobject& io, const Xfer<PtrList<T> >& list) : regIOobject(io) { PtrList<T>::transfer(list()); if ( ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED ) || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { PtrList<T>::read(readStream(typeName), INew<T>()); close(); } }
Foam::IOField<Type>::IOField(const IOobject& io) : regIOobject(io) { // Check for MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED warnNoRereading<IOField<Type>>(); if ( ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED ) || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { readStream(typeName) >> *this; close(); }
Foam::IOPtrList<T>::IOPtrList(const IOobject& io, const label s) : regIOobject(io), PtrList<T>(s) { if (io.readOpt() != IOobject::NO_READ) { FatalErrorIn("IOPtrList<T>::IOPtrList(const IOobject&, const label)") << "NO_READ must be set if specifying size" << nl << exit(FatalError); } }
Foam::IOPtrList<T>::IOPtrList(const IOobject& io, const PtrList<T>& list) : regIOobject(io) { if ( ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED ) || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { PtrList<T>::read(readStream(typeName), INew<T>()); close(); } else { PtrList<T>::operator=(list); } }
Foam::IOReferencer<Type>::IOReferencer ( const IOobject& io ) : regIOobject(io), typePtr_(NULL) { if ( io.readOpt() != IOobject::NO_READ || io.writeOpt() != IOobject::NO_WRITE ) { FatalErrorIn("IOReferencer<Type>::IOReferencer") << "IOReferencer can only be NO_READ, NO_WRITE." << abort(FatalError); } }
Foam::binaryOperationSearchableSurface::binaryOperationSearchableSurface ( const IOobject& io, const dictionary& dict ) : searchableSurface(io), aName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("aName","A")), bName_(dict.lookupOrDefault<word>("bName","B")), a_( searchableSurface::New ( word(dict.subDict("a").lookup("type")), IOobject( name()+"_"+word(dict.lookup("type"))+"_"+aName_, io.instance(), io.db(), io.readOpt(), io.writeOpt() ), dict.subDict("a") ) ), b_( searchableSurface::New ( word(dict.subDict("b").lookup("type")), IOobject( name()+"_"+word(dict.lookup("type"))+"_"+bName_, io.instance(), io.db(), io.readOpt(), io.writeOpt() ), dict.subDict("b") ) ), nrARegions_( a().regions().size() ), nrBRegions_( b().regions().size() ) { if(aName_==bName_) { FatalErrorIn("binaryOperationSearchableSurface::binaryOperationSearchableSurface") << "'aName' and 'bName' have the same value " << aName_ << " for " << name() << endl << exit(FatalError); } if(regions().size()!=size()) { FatalErrorIn("binaryOperationSearchableSurface::binaryOperationSearchableSurface") << "Number of regions " << regions().size() << " not equal to size " << size() << nl << "Regions: " << regions() << endl << exit(FatalError); } #ifdef FOAM_SEARCHABLE_SURF_HAS_BOUND_METHOD pointField pts(4); pts[0]=a().bounds().min(); pts[1]=a().bounds().max(); pts[2]=b().bounds().min(); pts[3]=b().bounds().max(); bounds()=boundBox(pts); #endif }
Foam::polyMesh::polyMesh ( const IOobject& io, const Xfer<pointField>& points, const Xfer<faceList>& faces, const Xfer<labelList>& owner, const Xfer<labelList>& neighbour, const bool syncPar ) : objectRegistry(io), primitiveMesh(), points_ ( IOobject ( "points", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), points ), faces_ ( IOobject ( "faces", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), faces ), owner_ ( IOobject ( "owner", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), owner ), neighbour_ ( IOobject ( "neighbour", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), neighbour ), clearedPrimitives_(false), boundary_ ( IOobject ( "boundary", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::AUTO_WRITE ), *this, polyPatchList() ), bounds_(points_, syncPar), comm_(UPstream::worldComm), geometricD_(Vector<label>::zero), solutionD_(Vector<label>::zero), tetBasePtIsPtr_(NULL), cellTreePtr_(NULL), pointZones_ ( IOobject ( "pointZones", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::NO_WRITE ), *this, PtrList<pointZone>() ), faceZones_ ( IOobject ( "faceZones", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::NO_WRITE ), *this, PtrList<faceZone>() ), cellZones_ ( IOobject ( "cellZones", instance(), meshSubDir, *this, io.readOpt(), IOobject::NO_WRITE ), *this, PtrList<cellZone>() ), globalMeshDataPtr_(NULL), moving_(false), topoChanging_(false), curMotionTimeIndex_(time().timeIndex()), oldPointsPtr_(NULL) { // Check if the faces and cells are valid forAll(faces_, facei) { const face& curFace = faces_[facei]; if (min(curFace) < 0 || max(curFace) > points_.size()) { FatalErrorIn ( "polyMesh::polyMesh\n" "(\n" " const IOobject& io,\n" " const pointField& points,\n" " const faceList& faces,\n" " const cellList& cells\n" ")\n" ) << "Face " << facei << "contains vertex labels out of range: " << curFace << " Max point index = " << points_.size() << abort(FatalError); } } // Set the primitive mesh initMesh(); }
Foam::extendedFeatureEdgeMesh::extendedFeatureEdgeMesh(const IOobject& io) : regIOobject(io), edgeMesh(pointField(0), edgeList(0)), concaveStart_(0), mixedStart_(0), nonFeatureStart_(0), internalStart_(0), flatStart_(0), openStart_(0), multipleStart_(0), normals_(0), edgeDirections_(0), edgeNormals_(0), featurePointNormals_(0), featurePointEdges_(0), regionEdges_(0), pointTree_(), edgeTree_(), edgeTreesByType_() { if ( io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ || io.readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED || (io.readOpt() == IOobject::READ_IF_PRESENT && headerOk()) ) { if (readOpt() == IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED) { WarningIn ( "extendedFeatureEdgeMesh::extendedFeatureEdgeMesh" "(const IOobject&)" ) << "Specified IOobject::MUST_READ_IF_MODIFIED but class" << " does not support automatic rereading." << endl; } Istream& is = readStream(typeName); is >> *this >> concaveStart_ >> mixedStart_ >> nonFeatureStart_ >> internalStart_ >> flatStart_ >> openStart_ >> multipleStart_ >> normals_ >> edgeNormals_ >> featurePointNormals_ >> featurePointEdges_ >> regionEdges_; close(); { // Calculate edgeDirections const edgeList& eds(edges()); const pointField& pts(points()); edgeDirections_.setSize(eds.size()); forAll(eds, eI) { edgeDirections_[eI] = eds[eI].vec(pts); } edgeDirections_ /= mag(edgeDirections_); } }