Exemple #1
void IPTest::test_equals(const IP &ip1, const IP &ip2) {
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.dst_addr(), ip2.dst_addr());
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.src_addr(), ip2.src_addr());
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.id(), ip2.id());
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.frag_off(), ip2.frag_off());
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.tos(), ip2.tos());
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.ttl(), ip2.ttl());
    EXPECT_EQ(ip1.version(), ip2.version());
    EXPECT_EQ((bool)ip1.inner_pdu(), (bool)ip2.inner_pdu());
Exemple #2
// Send syns to the given ip address, using the destination ports provided.
void send_syns(const NetworkInterface &iface, IPv4Address dest_ip, const vector<string> &ips) {
    // Retrieve the addresses.
    NetworkInterface::Info info = iface.addresses();
    PacketSender sender;
    // Allocate the IP PDU
    IP ip = IP(dest_ip, info.ip_addr) / TCP();
    // Get the reference to the TCP PDU
    TCP &tcp = ip.rfind_pdu<TCP>();
    // Set the SYN flag on.
    tcp.set_flag(TCP::SYN, 1);
    // Just some random port. 
    cout << "Sending SYNs..." << endl;
    for(vector<string>::const_iterator it = ips.begin(); it != ips.end(); ++it) {
        // Set the new port and send the packet!
    // Wait 1 second.
    /* Special packet to indicate that we're done. This will be sniffed
     * by our function, which will in turn return false.  
    tcp.set_flag(TCP::RST, 1);
    // Pretend we're the scanned host...
    // We use an ethernet pdu, otherwise the kernel will drop it.
    EthernetII eth = EthernetII(info.hw_addr, info.hw_addr) / ip;
    sender.send(eth, iface);
Exemple #3
TEST_F(IPTest, DefaultConstructor) {
    IP ip;
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.dst_addr(), "");
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.src_addr(), "");
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.version(), 4);
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.id(), 1);
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.pdu_type(), PDU::IP);
bool callback(const PDU &pdu) 
    // The packet probably looks like this:
    // EthernetII / IP / UDP / RawPDU
    // So we retrieve each layer, and construct a 
    // DNS PDU from the RawPDU layer contents.
    EthernetII eth = pdu.rfind_pdu<EthernetII>();
    IP ip = eth.rfind_pdu<IP>();
    UDP udp = ip.rfind_pdu<UDP>();
    DNS dns = udp.rfind_pdu<RawPDU>().to<DNS>();

    // Is it a DNS query?
    if(dns.type() == DNS::QUERY) {
        // Let's see if there's any query for an "A" record.
        for(const auto &query : dns.queries()) {
            if(query.type() == DNS::A) {
                // Here's one! Let's add an answer.
                        // 777 is just a random TTL
        // Have we added some answers?
        if(dns.answers_count() > 0) {
            // It's a response now
            // Recursion is available(just in case)
            // Build our packet
            auto pkt = EthernetII(eth.src_addr(), eth.dst_addr()) /
                        IP(ip.src_addr(), ip.dst_addr()) /
                        UDP(udp.sport(), udp.dport()) /
            // Send it!
    return true;
Exemple #5
TEST_F(IPTest, SrcIPInt) {
    IP ip;
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.src_addr(), "");
Exemple #6
TEST_F(IPTest, SrcIPString) {
    IP ip;
    string string_ip("");
    EXPECT_EQ(ip.src_addr(), IPv4Address(string_ip));
Exemple #7
static int cb(struct nfq_q_handle *qh, struct nfgenmsg *nfmsg,
              struct nfq_data *nfa, void *data)
    Mode mode = ((nf_data*)data)->mode;
    u_int32_t id = ntohl(nfq_get_msg_packet_hdr(nfa)->packet_id);
    unsigned char *packet;
    int size = nfq_get_payload(nfa, &packet);

    std::vector<uint8_t> result;
    u_int32_t verdict = NF_ACCEPT;

    try {
        IP ip = IP(packet, size);
        //cout << ip.src_addr() << " -> " << ip.dst_addr() << endl;
        NetworkInterface interface(ip.dst_addr());
        IP::address_type interface_addr = interface.addresses().ip_addr;

        RR *rr = ip.find_pdu<RR>();

        if (mode == ROUTER) {
            if (rr != 0) {
                //cout << "Adding to existing RR" << endl;
            } else {
                rr = ip.find_pdu<RR>();
                if (is_spoof && ip.src_addr() == IP::address_type("")) {
                    rr->route().push_back(RREntry(IP::address_type(""), 42, 42));

            // TODO Figure out what the magic numbers are for the source address
            RREntry src_hop(ip.src_addr(), 0x0, 0x0);
            RREntry last_hop = src_hop;
            if (rr != 0 && rr->route().size() >= 1)
                last_hop = rr->route().back();

            AITF_packet aitf;
            if (should_intercept(ip, rr, &aitf)) {
                //cout << "Intercepting packet" << endl;
                send_AITF_message(aitf, IP::address_type(""));
                verdict = NF_DROP;
            else if (is_blocked(last_hop, ip.dst_addr()) || (is_shadow && rr->route().size() > 1 && is_blocked(src_hop, ip.dst_addr()))) {
                //cout << "Packet blocked" << endl;
                verdict = NF_DROP;
            } else if (hosts.isLegacyHost(ip.dst_addr())) {
                //cout << "Legacy host detected" << endl;
                if (rr != 0) {
                    strip_rr(ip, *rr);
                } else {
                    //cout << "No RR table present" << endl;
            } else {
                NetworkInterface interface(ip.dst_addr());
                rr->route().push_back(RREntry(interface_addr, hash_for_destination(ip.dst_addr(), 0), hash_for_destination(ip.dst_addr(), 1)));

                if (rr->route().size() > rr->route_capacity()) {
                    //cout << "RR table filled. Dropping packet." << endl;
                    verdict = NF_DROP;
                } //else print_route(rr->route());
        } else if (mode == HOST) {
            if (rr != 0) {
                // Check if this is a bad packet
                // TODO don't hard code attacker ip addresses
                bool is_bad = false;

                try {
                    UDP udp(&rr->payload()[0], rr->payload().size());
                    RawPDU* raw = udp.find_pdu<RawPDU>();
                    if (raw != 0) {
                        is_bad = raw->payload()[0] == 1;
                } catch (malformed_packet e) { }

                if (is_bad && is_victim) {
                    if (!last_event_set) {
                        printf("Attack detected\n");
                        gettimeofday(&last_event, NULL);
                        last_event_set = true;
                        event_delay = 500000;
                    } else {
                        struct timeval now;
                        gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
                        if ((now.tv_sec - last_event.tv_sec) * 1000000 + now.tv_usec - last_event.tv_usec > event_delay) {
                            printf("Enforce sent\n");

                            vector<RRFilter> filters;
                            filters.push_back(RRFilter(is_wildcard ? 1 : 0, ip.src_addr(), 0x0, 0x0));
                            for (int i = 0; i < rr->route().size(); i++) {
                                const RREntry& entry = rr->route().at(i);
                                filters.push_back(RRFilter(is_wildcard ? 1 : 0, entry.address(), entry.random_number_1(), entry.random_number_2()));

                            AITF_packet enforce(0, 0, 0, 1, filters, IP::address_type(""), filters.size());
                            send_AITF_message(enforce, IP::address_type(""));

                            last_event = now;
                            event_delay = is_aggressive ? 1000000 : 10000000;

                strip_rr(ip, *rr);
            } else {
                //cout << "No RR table present" << endl;

        result = ip.serialize();
        //cout << endl;

    } catch (malformed_packet e) {
        cout << "malformed packet " << e.what() << endl;
    return nfq_set_verdict(qh, id, verdict,
        verdict == NF_DROP ? 0 : result.size(),
        verdict == NF_DROP ? 0 : &result[0]);