/** Executes the algorithm * * @throw Exception::FileError If the grouping file cannot be opened or read successfully * @throw runtime_error If unable to run one of the Child Algorithms successfully */ void ReadGroupsFromFile::exec() { MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr ws = getProperty("InstrumentWorkspace"); // Get the instrument. Instrument_const_sptr inst = ws->getInstrument(); // Create a copy (without the data) of the workspace - it will contain the Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Workspace2D>(WorkspaceFactory::Instance().create(ws, ws->getNumberHistograms(), 2, 1)); if (!localWorkspace) throw std::runtime_error("Failed when creating a Workspace2D from the input!"); const std::string groupfile=getProperty("GroupingFilename"); if ( ! groupfile.empty() ) { std::string filename(groupfile); std::transform(filename.begin(), filename.end(), filename.begin(), tolower); if ( filename.find(".xml") != std::string::npos ) { readXMLGroupingFile(groupfile); } else { readGroupingFile(groupfile); } } // Get the instrument. const int64_t nHist=localWorkspace->getNumberHistograms(); // Determine whether the user wants to see unselected detectors or not const std::string su=getProperty("ShowUnselected"); bool showunselected=(!su.compare("True")); bool success=false; for (int64_t i=0;i<nHist;i++) { ISpectrum * spec = localWorkspace->getSpectrum(i); const std::set<detid_t> & dets = spec->getDetectorIDs(); if (dets.empty()) // Nothing { spec->dataY()[0]=0.0; continue; } // Find the first detector ID in the list calmap::const_iterator it=calibration.find(*dets.begin()); if (it==calibration.end()) //Could not find the detector { spec->dataY()[0]=0.0; continue; } if (showunselected) { if (((*it).second).second==0) spec->dataY()[0]=0.0; else spec->dataY()[0]=static_cast<double>(((*it).second).first); } else spec->dataY()[0]=static_cast<double>(((*it).second).first); if (!success) success=true; //At least one detector is found in the cal file } progress(1); calibration.clear(); if (!success) //Do some cleanup { localWorkspace.reset(); throw std::runtime_error("Fail to found a detector in "+groupfile+" existing in instrument "+inst->getName()); } setProperty("OutputWorkspace",localWorkspace); return; }
void GroupDetectors::exec() { // Get the input workspace const MatrixWorkspace_sptr WS = getProperty("Workspace"); std::vector<size_t> indexList = getProperty("WorkspaceIndexList"); std::vector<specid_t> spectraList = getProperty("SpectraList"); const std::vector<detid_t> detectorList = getProperty("DetectorList"); // Could create a Validator to replace the below if ( indexList.empty() && spectraList.empty() && detectorList.empty() ) { g_log.information(name() + ": WorkspaceIndexList, SpectraList, and DetectorList properties are all empty, no grouping done"); return; } // Bin boundaries need to be the same, so check if they actually are if (!API::WorkspaceHelpers::commonBoundaries(WS)) { g_log.error("Can only group if the histograms have common bin boundaries"); throw std::runtime_error("Can only group if the histograms have common bin boundaries"); } // If the spectraList property has been set, need to loop over the workspace looking for the // appropriate spectra number and adding the indices they are linked to the list to be processed if ( ! spectraList.empty() ) { WS->getIndicesFromSpectra(spectraList,indexList); }// End dealing with spectraList else if ( ! detectorList.empty() ) { // Dealing with DetectorList //convert from detectors to workspace indices WS->getIndicesFromDetectorIDs(detectorList, indexList); } if ( indexList.empty() ) { g_log.warning("Nothing to group"); return; } const size_t vectorSize = WS->blocksize(); const specid_t firstIndex = static_cast<specid_t>(indexList[0]); ISpectrum * firstSpectrum = WS->getSpectrum(firstIndex); setProperty("ResultIndex",firstIndex); // loop over the spectra to group Progress progress(this, 0.0, 1.0, static_cast<int>(indexList.size()-1)); for (size_t i = 0; i < indexList.size()-1; ++i) { // The current spectrum const size_t currentIndex = indexList[i+1]; ISpectrum * spec = WS->getSpectrum(currentIndex); // Add the current detector to belong to the first spectrum firstSpectrum->addDetectorIDs(spec->getDetectorIDs()); // Add up all the Y spectra and store the result in the first one // Need to keep the next 3 lines inside loop for now until ManagedWorkspace mru-list works properly MantidVec &firstY = WS->dataY(firstIndex); MantidVec::iterator fYit; MantidVec::iterator fEit = firstSpectrum->dataE().begin(); MantidVec::iterator Yit = spec->dataY().begin(); MantidVec::iterator Eit = spec->dataE().begin(); for (fYit = firstY.begin(); fYit != firstY.end(); ++fYit, ++fEit, ++Yit, ++Eit) { *fYit += *Yit; // Assume 'normal' (i.e. Gaussian) combination of errors *fEit = sqrt( (*fEit)*(*fEit) + (*Eit)*(*Eit) ); } // Now zero the now redundant spectrum and set its spectraNo to indicate this (using -1) // N.B. Deleting spectra would cause issues for ManagedWorkspace2D, hence the the approach taken here spec->dataY().assign(vectorSize,0.0); spec->dataE().assign(vectorSize,0.0); spec->setSpectrumNo(-1); spec->clearDetectorIDs(); progress.report(); } }