Exemple #1
CVDevDevice::Initialize ( 
                         _In_ IWDFDriver           * FxDriver,
                         _In_ IWDFDeviceInitialize * FxDeviceInit)

    Routine Description:
        This method initializes the device callback object and creates the
        partner device object.
        FxDeviceInit - the settings for this device.

    Return Value:
        HRESTULT indication of success or failure

    IWDFDevice * fxDevice = NULL;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;


    FxDeviceInit->SetLockingConstraint (None);

        IUnknown * unknown = this->QueryIUnknown ();

        hr = FxDriver->CreateDevice (FxDeviceInit, unknown, &fxDevice);

        unknown->Release ();

    if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) 
        m_FxDevice = fxDevice;

        // We can release the reference as the lifespan is tied to the 
        // framework object.

    return hr;
    _In_ IWDFDriver           * FxDriver,
    _In_ IWDFDeviceInitialize * FxDeviceInit
  Routine Description:

    This method initializes the device callback object and creates the
    partner device object.

    The method should perform any device-specific configuration that:
        *  could fail (these can't be done in the constructor)
        *  must be done before the partner object is created -or-
        *  can be done after the partner object is created and which aren't 
           influenced by any device-level parameters the parent (the driver
           in this case) might set.


    FxDeviceInit - the settings for this device.

  Return Value:


    IWDFDevice *fxDevice = NULL;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // TODO: If you're writing a filter driver then indicate that here. 
    // FxDeviceInit->SetFilter();

    // Set no locking unless you need an automatic callbacks synchronization


    // TODO: Any per-device initialization which must be done before 
    //       creating the partner object.

    // Create a new FX device object and assign the new callback object to 
    // handle any device level events that occur.

    // QueryIUnknown references the IUnknown interface that it returns
    // (which is the same as referencing the device).  We pass that to 
    // CreateDevice, which takes its own reference if everything works.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
        IUnknown *unknown = this->QueryIUnknown();

        hr = FxDriver->CreateDevice(FxDeviceInit, unknown, &fxDevice);


    // If that succeeded then set our FxDevice member variable.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
        m_FxDevice = fxDevice;

        // Drop the reference we got from CreateDevice.  Since this object
        // is partnered with the framework object they have the same 
        // lifespan - there is no need for an additional reference.


    return hr;
Exemple #3
    __in IWDFDriver           * FxDriver,
    __in IWDFDeviceInitialize * FxDeviceInit
  Routine Description:

    This method initializes the device callback object and creates the
    partner device object.

    The method should perform any device-specific configuration that:
        *  could fail (these can't be done in the constructor)
        *  must be done before the partner object is created -or-
        *  can be done after the partner object is created and which aren't 
           influenced by any device-level parameters the parent (the driver
           in this case) might set.


    FxDeviceInit - the settings for this device.

  Return Value:


    IWDFDevice *fxDevice = NULL;

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // TODO: If you're writing a filter driver then indicate that here. 
    // FxDeviceInit->SetFilter();

    // Set no locking unless you need an automatic callbacks synchronization


    // Only one driver in the stack can be the Power policy owner (PPO).
    // NOTE: If we want UMDF to be the PPO we also ask WinUsb.sys 
    // to not set itself as the PPO by setting the
    // WinUsbPowerPolicyOwnershipDisabled key through 
    // an AddReg in the INF.
    // TODO: Any per-device initialization which must be done before 
    //       creating the partner object.

    // Create a new FX device object and assign the new callback object to 
    // handle any device level events that occur.

    // QueryIUnknown references the IUnknown interface that it returns
    // (which is the same as referencing the device).  We pass that to 
    // CreateDevice, which takes its own reference if everything works.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
        IUnknown *unknown = this->QueryIUnknown();

        hr = FxDriver->CreateDevice(FxDeviceInit, unknown, &fxDevice);


    // If that succeeded then set our FxDevice member variable.

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) 
        // Drop the reference we got from CreateDevice.  Since this object
        // is partnered with the framework object they have the same 
        // lifespan - there is no need for an additional reference.

        IWDFDevice2 *fxDevice2 = NULL;
        HRESULT hrQI = fxDevice->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IWDFDevice2), (void**) &fxDevice2);  

        m_FxDevice = fxDevice2;
        // Drop the reference we got from QueryInterface(). Since this object
        // is partnered with the framework object they have the same 
        // lifespan - there is no need for an additional reference.

    return hr;