BOOL vmsMetalinkFile::ReadVerificationNode(IXMLDOMNode *pNode, vmsMetalinkFile_File *file)
	IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNodeList;
	pNode->get_childNodes (&spNodeList);

	if (spNodeList == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	IXMLDOMNodePtr spItem;
	while (SUCCEEDED (spNodeList->nextNode (&spItem)) && spItem != NULL)
		CComBSTR bstrName;
		spItem->get_nodeName (&bstrName);

		if (bstrName == L"hash")
			vmsMetalinkFile_File_Hash hash;
			if (ReadHashNode (spItem, &hash))
				file->vHashes.add (hash);

		spItem = NULL;

	return TRUE;
BOOL vmsMetalinkFile::ReadFilesNode(IXMLDOMNode *pFiles)
	IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNodeList;
	pFiles->get_childNodes (&spNodeList);

	if (spNodeList == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	IXMLDOMNodePtr spItem;
	BOOL bHasOkFileNode = FALSE;

	while (SUCCEEDED (spNodeList->nextNode (&spItem)) && spItem != NULL)
		CComBSTR bstrName;
		spItem->get_nodeName (&bstrName);

		if (bstrName == L"file")
			if (ReadFileNode (spItem))
				bHasOkFileNode = TRUE;

		spItem = NULL;

	return bHasOkFileNode;
BOOL vmsMetalinkFile::ReadResourcesNode(IXMLDOMNode *pNode, vmsMetalinkFile_File *file)
	IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNodeList;
	pNode->get_childNodes (&spNodeList);

	if (spNodeList == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	IXMLDOMNodePtr spItem;
	while (SUCCEEDED (spNodeList->nextNode (&spItem)) && spItem != NULL)
		CComBSTR bstrName;
		spItem->get_nodeName (&bstrName);

		if (bstrName == L"url")
			vmsMetalinkFile_File_Url url;
			if (ReadUrlNode (spItem, &url))
				file->vMirrors.add (url);

		spItem = NULL;

	return TRUE;
BOOL vmsMetalinkFile::Parse(LPCSTR pszFile)

	IXMLDOMDocumentPtr spXML;
	IXMLDOMNodePtr spNode;

	spXML.CreateInstance (__uuidof (DOMDocument));

	if (spXML == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	spXML->put_async (FALSE);

	spXML->load (COleVariant (pszFile), &bRes);
	if (bRes == FALSE)
		return FALSE;

	spXML->selectSingleNode (L"metalink", &spNode);
	if (spNode == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNodeList;
	spNode->get_childNodes (&spNodeList);

	if (spNodeList == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	IXMLDOMNodePtr spItem;

	BOOL bHasOkFilesNode = FALSE;

	while (SUCCEEDED (spNodeList->nextNode (&spItem)) && spItem != NULL)
		CComBSTR bstrName;
		spItem->get_nodeName (&bstrName);

		if (bstrName == L"description")
			CComBSTR bstrText;
			spItem->get_text (&bstrText);
			m_strDescription = W2A (bstrText);

		else if (bstrName == L"files")
			if (ReadFilesNode (spItem))
				bHasOkFilesNode = TRUE;

		spItem = NULL;

	return bHasOkFilesNode;
void CXMLTree::InsetXMLNode(MSXML2::IXMLDOMNodePtr iNode, HTREEITEM hParentItem)
	IXMLDOMNodeListPtr iChildren = iNode->childNodes;

	IXMLDOMNodePtr iChild = NULL;

	while ((iChild = iChildren->nextNode()) != NULL)
		CString s((BSTR) iChild->nodeName);

		HTREEITEM i = InsertItem(s, hParentItem);
		SetItemData(i, (DWORD) (IXMLDOMNode *) iChild);

		InsetXMLNode(iChild, i);

BOOL vmsMetalinkFile::ReadFileNode(IXMLDOMNode *pFile)

	IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNodeList;
	pFile->get_childNodes (&spNodeList);

	if (spNodeList == NULL)
		return FALSE;

	vmsMetalinkFile_File file;

	IXMLDOMNamedNodeMapPtr spAttrs;
	pFile->get_attributes (&spAttrs);
	if (spAttrs != NULL)
		IXMLDOMNodePtr spFileName;
		spAttrs->getNamedItem (L"name", &spFileName);
		if (spFileName != NULL)
			COleVariant vt;
			spFileName->get_nodeValue (&vt);
			ASSERT (vt.vt == VT_BSTR);
			if (vt.vt == VT_BSTR)
				file.strName = W2A (vt.bstrVal);

	IXMLDOMNodePtr spItem;
	while (SUCCEEDED (spNodeList->nextNode (&spItem)) && spItem != NULL)
		CComBSTR bstrName;
		spItem->get_nodeName (&bstrName);

		if (bstrName == L"verification")
			ReadVerificationNode (spItem, &file);			

		else if (bstrName == L"resources")
			ReadResourcesNode (spItem, &file);

		else if (bstrName == L"os")
			CComBSTR bstrText;
			spItem->get_text (&bstrText);
			file.strOS = W2A (bstrText);

		spItem = NULL;

	if (file.vMirrors.size () == 0)
		return FALSE;

	m_vFiles.add (file);

	return TRUE;
void CPageEvents::OnOK() 
  // Save any changes made to the currently-selected node's attributes

  // Inspect the <Event> nodes of the document
  if (NULL != m_spXMLDoc)
    // Get all of the <Event> nodes in the document
    IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spNodeList;

    // Process each node
    IXMLDOMNodePtr spNode;
      // Get the next node of the child list
      if (NULL != spNode)
        // Query for the IXMLDOMElement interface
        IXMLDOMElementPtr spElement(spNode);
        ASSERT(NULL != spElement);

        // Get the event id attribute
        CComVariant varEventID;
        spElement->getAttribute(m_bstrID, &varEventID);
        AGCEventID idEventBegin = (AGCEventID)(V_UI4(&varEventID));
        AGCEventID idEventEnd = (AGCEventID)(idEventBegin + 1);

        // Get the LogAsNTEvent attribute
        IXMLDOMAttributePtr spAttrNT;
        if (S_OK == spElement->getAttributeNode(m_bstrLogAsNTEvent, &spAttrNT))
          CComVariant varLog2NT;

          // Add this event id to the range, if it should be logged
          if (V_BOOL(&varLog2NT))
            m_spRangesNT->AddByValues(idEventBegin, idEventEnd);

        // Get the LogAsDBEvent attribute
        IXMLDOMAttributePtr spAttrDB;
        if (S_OK == spElement->getAttributeNode(m_bstrLogAsDBEvent, &spAttrDB))
          CComVariant varLog2DB;

          // Add this event id to the range, if it should be logged
          if (V_BOOL(&varLog2DB))
            m_spRangesDB->AddByValues(idEventBegin, idEventEnd);
    } while (NULL != spNode);

    // Set the enabled ranges of the event logger object

  // Perform default processing
HRESULT CPageEvents::AddXMLNodeToTree(IXMLDOMNode* pNode, HTREEITEM hParent)
  // Get the list of child nodes
  IXMLDOMNodeListPtr spChildren;

  // Process each child node
  IXMLDOMNodePtr spChild;
    // Get the next node of the child list
    if (NULL != spChild)
      // Get the child node's tagname
      int       iImage;
      CString     strType;
      CString     strID;
      bool        bIsGroup, bIsEvent;
      CComBSTR      bstrText;
      IXMLDOMElementPtr spElement(spChild);
      if (NULL != spElement)
        CComBSTR bstrTagName;
        if (bstrTagName.Length())
          // Accept the Event and EventGroup tag names
          if (0 == wcscmp(bstrTagName, m_bstrEvent))
            bIsGroup = false;
            bIsEvent = true;
          else if (0 == wcscmp(bstrTagName, m_bstrEventGroup))
            bIsGroup = true;
            bIsEvent = false;

          // Get the display attributes if this is a group or event node
          if (bIsGroup || bIsEvent)
            // Get the type of the element
            CComBSTR bstrSeverity;
            GetElementSeverity(spElement, &bstrSeverity);
            iImage = ImageFromSeverity(bstrSeverity);
            strType = TypeFromSeverity(bstrSeverity);

            // Get the id of the element
            CComBSTR bstrID;
            GetElementID(spElement, &bstrID);
            strID = bstrID;

            // Get the name of the element
            RETURN_FAILED(GetElementDisplayName(spElement, &bstrText));

      // Add the node to the tree and list controls
      if (bstrText.Length())
        // Typecast the element pointer as an LPARAM
        IXMLDOMElement* pElement = spElement.Detach();
        LPARAM lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(pElement);

        // Insert the element into the tree
        LPCTSTR pszText = OLE2CT(bstrText);
        HTREEITEM hItem = m_tree.InsertItem(mask, pszText, iImage, iImage,
          0, 0, lParam, hParent, TVI_LAST);

        // Insert the element into the list, if its not an <EventGroup>
        if (!bIsGroup)
          int iItem = m_listEvents.GetItemCount();
          iItem = m_listEvents.InsertItem(LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM,
            iItem, strType, 0, 0, iImage, lParam);
          if (-1 != iItem)
            // Keep a reference on the element pointer in the LPARAM

            // Keep track of maximum widths
            int cx = m_listEvents.GetStringWidth(strType + "  ");
            m_cxMaxType = max(m_cxMaxType, cx);
            cx = m_listEvents.GetStringWidth(strID + "    ");
            m_cxMaxID = max(m_cxMaxID, cx);

            // Set the subitems
            m_listEvents.SetItem(iItem, 1, LVIF_TEXT, strID, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            m_listEvents.SetItem(iItem, 2, LVIF_TEXT, pszText, 0, 0, 0, 0);

        // Recurse into node, if it's a group
        if (bIsGroup)
          RETURN_FAILED(AddXMLNodeToTree(spChild, hItem));
  } while (NULL != spChild);

  // Indicate success
  return S_OK;