Id ReadCell::addChannel( Id compt, Id proto, double value, double dia, double length ) { Id copy = shell_->doCopy( proto, compt, "", // newName: same as old name. 1, // n: number of copies false, // toGlobal false // copyExtMsgs ); ///////////////////////////// assert( copy.element()->getName() == proto.element()->getName() ); ///////////////////////////// assert( copy != Id() ); if ( addCanonicalChannel( compt, copy, value, dia, length ) ) return copy; if ( addSpikeGen( compt, copy, value, dia, length ) ) return copy; if ( addCaConc( compt, copy, value, dia, length ) ) return copy; if ( addNernst( compt, copy, value ) ) return copy; return Id(); }
void ZombiePool::vSetSolver( Id ksolve, Id dsolve ) { // Nasty unsafe typecast. I would have preferred to pass in a // safely typed pointer but that would have exposed a low-level // class for the ZombiePoolInterface. if ( ksolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Ksolve" ) || ksolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Gsolve" ) ) { ksolve_= reinterpret_cast< ZombiePoolInterface *>( ObjId( ksolve, 0 ).data() ); } else if ( ksolve == Id() ) { ksolve_ = 0; } else { cout << "Warning:ZombiePool::vSetSolver: solver class " << ksolve.element()->cinfo()->name() << " not known.\nShould be Ksolve or Gsolve\n"; ksolve_ = 0; } if ( dsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Dsolve" ) ) { dsolve_= reinterpret_cast< ZombiePoolInterface *>( ObjId( dsolve, 0 ).data() ); } else if ( dsolve == Id() ) { dsolve_ = 0; } else { cout << "Warning:ZombiePool::vSetSolver: solver class " << dsolve.element()->cinfo()->name() << " not known.\nShould be Dsolve\n"; dsolve_ = 0; } }
void RefactoringApplier::changeElementInModel(const Id &changeFromId, const Id &changeToId) { if (mLogicalModelApi.isLogicalId(changeFromId)) { return; } if (!refactoringElements.contains(changeToId.element())) { IdList const inLinks = mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().incomingLinks(changeFromId); IdList const outLinks = mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().outgoingLinks(changeFromId); Id const parentId = mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().parent(changeFromId); QVariant const position = mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().position(changeFromId); bool const isFromLogicalModel = false; QString const refactoringsMetamodel = "RefactoringsMetamodel"; QString newEditor = changeToId.editor(); newEditor.chop(refactoringsMetamodel.length()); Id const newId = Id(newEditor, changeToId.diagram(), changeToId.element(), QUuid::createUuid().toString()); Id const newElementId = mGraphicalModelApi.createElement(parentId, newId , isFromLogicalModel, "ololo", position.toPointF()); for (Id idLink : inLinks) { mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().setTo(idLink, newElementId); } for (Id idLink : outLinks) { mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().setFrom(idLink, newElementId); } mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().removeChild(parentId, changeFromId); mGraphicalModelApi.mutableGraphicalRepoApi().removeElement(changeFromId); } }
void RefactoringApplier::changeElement(Id const &changeFromId, Id const &changeToId) { Id const beforeId = beforeIdInRule(changeToId); if (isElementTypesInRuleIdentical(beforeId, changeToId)) { if (changeToId.element() == "Element") { if (mRefactoringRepoApi->name(changeToId) == "(Element)") { return; } changeElementName(changeFromId, changeToId); } else if (changeToId.element() == "Link") { if (mRefactoringRepoApi->name(changeToId) != "(Link)") { changeElementName(changeFromId, changeToId); } checkDirection(changeFromId, changeToId, beforeId); } else { changePropertiesInModel(changeFromId, changeToId); if (!isNodeInRule(beforeId) && !isNodeInRule(changeToId)) { checkDirection(changeFromId, changeToId, beforeId); } } } else { changeElementInModel(changeFromId, changeToId); } }
void ZombieFunction::setSolver( Id ksolve, Id dsolve ) { if ( ksolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Ksolve" ) || ksolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Gsolve" ) ) { Id sid = Field< Id >::get( ksolve, "stoich" ); _stoich = ObjId( sid, 0 ).data(); if ( _stoich == 0 ) cout << "Warning:ZombieFunction::setSolver: Empty Stoich on Ksolve" << ksolve.path() << endl; } else if ( ksolve == Id() ) { _stoich = 0; } else { cout << "Warning:ZombieFunction::setSolver: solver class " << ksolve.element()->cinfo()->name() << " not known.\nShould be Ksolve or Gsolve\n"; _stoich = 0; } /* if ( dsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Dsolve" ) ) { dsolve_= ObjId( dsolve, 0 ).data(); } else if ( dsolve == Id() ) { dsolve_ = 0; } else { cout << "Warning:ZombieFunction::vSetSolver: solver class " << dsolve.element()->cinfo()->name() << " not known.\nShould be Dsolve\n"; dsolve_ = 0; } */ }
void ZombieMMenz::setSolver( Id solver, Id orig ) { static const DestFinfo* enz = dynamic_cast< const DestFinfo* >( EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "enzDest" ) ); static const SrcFinfo* sub = dynamic_cast< const SrcFinfo* >( EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "toSub" ) ); static const SrcFinfo* prd = dynamic_cast< const SrcFinfo* >( EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "toPrd" ) ); assert( enz ); assert( sub ); assert( prd ); stoich_ = reinterpret_cast< Stoich* >( solver.eref().data() ); /// Now set up the RateTerm vector< Id > subvec; vector< Id > prdvec; unsigned int rateIndex = stoich_->convertIdToReacIndex( orig ); unsigned int num = orig.element()->getNeighbours( subvec, enz ); unsigned int enzIndex = stoich_->convertIdToPoolIndex( subvec[0] ); MMEnzymeBase* meb; double numKm = 1.0; // Dummy default initial values, later to be reset double kcat = 1.0; /* double numKm = base->zGetNumKm( orig.eref(), 0 ); double kcat = base->zGetKcat( orig.eref(), 0 ); */ num = orig.element()->getNeighbours( subvec, sub ); if ( num == 1 ) { unsigned int subIndex = stoich_->convertIdToPoolIndex( subvec[0] ); meb = new MMEnzyme1( numKm, kcat, enzIndex, subIndex ); } else if ( num > 1 ) { vector< unsigned int > v; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < num; ++i ) v.push_back( stoich_->convertIdToPoolIndex( subvec[i] ) ); ZeroOrder* rateTerm = new NOrder( 1.0, v ); meb = new MMEnzyme( numKm, kcat, enzIndex, rateTerm ); } else { cout << "Error: ZombieMMenz::zombify: No substrates for " << orig.path() << endl; cout << "Will ignore and continue, but don't be surprised if " "simulation fails.\n"; // assert( 0 ); return; } num = orig.element()->getNeighbours( prdvec, prd ); stoich_->installMMenz( meb, rateIndex, subvec, prdvec ); }
void Gsolve::setDsolve( Id dsolve ) { if ( dsolve == Id () ) { dsolvePtr_ = 0; dsolve_ = Id(); } else if ( dsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Dsolve" ) ) { dsolve_ = dsolve; dsolvePtr_ = reinterpret_cast< ZombiePoolInterface* >( dsolve.eref().data() ); } else { cout << "Warning: Gsolve::setDsolve: Object '" << dsolve.path() << "' should be class Dsolve, is: " << dsolve.element()->cinfo()->name() << endl; } }
bool Shell::isRunning() const { static Id clockId( 1 ); assert( clockId.element() != 0 ); return ( reinterpret_cast< const Clock* >( clockId.eref().data() ) )->isRunning(); }
void Shell::doMove( Id orig, ObjId newParent ) { if ( orig == Id() ) { cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move root Element\n"; return; } if ( newParent.element() == 0 ) { cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move object to null parent \n"; return; } if ( Neutral::isDescendant( newParent, orig ) ) { cout << "Error: Shell::doMove: Cannot move object to descendant in tree\n"; return; } const string& name = orig.element()->getName(); if ( Neutral::child( newParent.eref(), name ) != Id() ) { stringstream ss; ss << "Shell::doMove: Object with same name already present: '" << newParent.path() << "/" << name << "'. Move failed."; warning( ss.str() ); return; } SetGet2< Id, ObjId >::set( ObjId(), "move", orig, newParent ); // innerMove( orig, newParent ); }
void Element::dropAllMsgsFromSrc( Id src ) { static Id clockId( 1 ); const Element* clock = clockId.element(); vector< ObjId > msgs; for ( vector< ObjId >::const_iterator i = m_.begin(); i != m_.end(); ++i ) { const Msg* m = Msg::getMsg( *i ); const Element* src; if ( m->e1() == this ) { src = m->e2(); } else { src = m->e1(); } if ( src == clock ) { msgs.push_back( *i ); } } sort( msgs.begin(), msgs.end() ); // C++ detritus. msgs.erase( unique( msgs.begin(), msgs.end() ), msgs.end() ); for( vector< ObjId >::iterator i = msgs.begin(); i != msgs.end(); ++i ) Msg::deleteMsg( *i ); }
void Exploser::refreshPalette(gui::PaletteTreeWidget * const tree, Id const &diagram) { QMap<QString, QList<gui::PaletteElement> > groups; QMap<QString, QString> descriptions; descriptions[mUserGroupTitle] = mUserGroupDescription; IdList const childTypes = mApi.editorManagerInterface().elements(diagram); foreach (Id const &child, childTypes) { QList<Explosion> const explosions = mApi.editorManagerInterface().explosions(child); foreach (Explosion const &explosion, explosions) { if (!explosion.isReusable()) { continue; } Id const target =; IdList const allTargets = mApi.logicalRepoApi().elementsByType(target.element(), true); foreach (Id const &targetInstance, allTargets) { if (mApi.isLogicalId(targetInstance) && !mApi.logicalRepoApi().incomingExplosions(targetInstance).isEmpty()) { groups[mUserGroupTitle] << gui::PaletteElement(child , mApi.logicalRepoApi().name(targetInstance) , QString(), mApi.editorManagerInterface().icon(child) , mApi.editorManagerInterface().iconSize(child) , targetInstance); } } } }
bool ReadCell::addSpikeGen( Id compt, Id chan, double value, double dia, double length ) { string className = chan.element()->cinfo()->name(); if ( className == "SpikeGen" ) { shell_->doAddMsg( "Single", compt, "VmSrc", chan, "Vm" ); if ( !graftFlag_ ) ++numOthers_; return Field< double >::set( chan, "threshold", value ); } return 0; }
/// Returns the Id of the loaded model. Id Shell::doLoadModel( const string& fileName, const string& modelPath, const string& solverClass ) { ifstream fin( fileName.c_str() ); if ( !fin ) { LOG( moose::failed, "Shell::doLoadModel: could not open file " << fileName ); return Id(); } string modelName; Id parentId; if ( !( findModelParent ( cwe_, modelPath, parentId, modelName ) ) ) return Id(); string line; switch ( findModelType( fileName, fin, line ) ) { case DOTP: { ReadCell rc; return fileName, modelName, parentId ); return Id(); } case SWC: { LOG( moose::info, "In doLoadModel for SWC" ); ReadSwc rs( fileName ); Id model = parentId; if ( !parentId.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Neuron" ) ) { model = doCreate( "Neuron", parentId, modelName, 1 ); } model, 0.5e-3, 1.0, 1.0, 0.01 ); return model; } case KKIT: { string sc = solverClass; ReadKkit rk; Id ret = fileName, modelName, parentId, sc); return ret; } break; case CSPACE: { string sc = solverClass; ReadCspace rc; Id ret = rc.readModelString( line, modelName, parentId, sc); rc.makePlots( 1.0 ); return ret; } case UNKNOWN: default: cout << "Error: Shell::doLoadModel: File type of '" << fileName << "' is unknown\n"; } return Id(); }
bool isDoingReinit() { static Id clockId( 1 ); assert( clockId.element() != 0 ); return ( reinterpret_cast< const Clock* >( clockId.eref().data() ) )->isDoingReinit(); }
void Exploser::refreshPalette(gui::PaletteTreeWidget * const tree, Id const &diagram) { QList<QPair<QString, QList<gui::PaletteElement>>> groups; QMap<QString, QString> descriptions; descriptions[mUserGroupTitle] = mUserGroupDescription; IdList const childTypes = mApi.editorManagerInterface().elements(diagram); for (Id const &child : childTypes) { QList<Explosion> const explosions = mApi.editorManagerInterface().explosions(child); for (Explosion const &explosion : explosions) { if (!explosion.isReusable()) { continue; } Id const targetNodeOrGroup =; Id target; if (mApi.editorManagerInterface().isNodeOrEdge(targetNodeOrGroup.editor(), targetNodeOrGroup.element())) { target = targetNodeOrGroup; } else { Pattern const pattern = mApi.editorManagerInterface().getPatternByName(targetNodeOrGroup.element()); target = Id(targetNodeOrGroup.editor(), targetNodeOrGroup.diagram(), pattern.rootType()); } IdList const allTargets = mApi.logicalRepoApi().elementsByType(target.element(), true); QList<gui::PaletteElement> groupElements; for (Id const &targetInstance : allTargets) { if (mApi.isLogicalId(targetInstance)) { groupElements << gui::PaletteElement(child , mApi.logicalRepoApi().name(targetInstance) , QString(), mApi.editorManagerInterface().icon(child) , mApi.editorManagerInterface().iconSize(child) , targetInstance); } } if (!groupElements.isEmpty()) { groups << qMakePair(mUserGroupTitle, groupElements); } } } tree->addGroups(groups, descriptions, true, mApi.editorManagerInterface().friendlyName(diagram), true); }
TEST(IdsTest, gettersTest) { Id id = Id::loadFromString("qrm:/editor/diagram/element/id"); EXPECT_EQ(id.editor(), "editor"); EXPECT_EQ(id.diagram(), "diagram"); EXPECT_EQ(id.element(), "element"); EXPECT_EQ(, "id"); EXPECT_EQ(id.type() ,Id("editor", "diagram", "element")); }
void ZombieCaConc::vSetSolver( const Eref& e, Id hsolve ) { if ( !hsolve.element()->cinfo()->isA( "HSolve" ) ) { cout << "Error: ZombieCaConc::vSetSolver: Object: " << hsolve.path() << " is not an HSolve. Aborted\n"; hsolve_ = 0; return; } hsolve_ = reinterpret_cast< HSolve* >( hsolve.eref().data() ); }
Id InterpreterEditorManager::element(Id const &id, qrRepo::RepoApi const * const repo, Id const &diagram) const { foreach (Id const &element, repo->children(diagram)) { if (id.element() == repo->name(element) && repo->isLogicalElement(element)) { return element; } } return Id(); }
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { bool doUnitTests = 0; bool doRegressionTests = 0; unsigned int benchmark = 0; // This reorders the OpFunc to Fid mapping to ensure it is node and // compiler independent. Id shellId = init( argc, argv, doUnitTests, doRegressionTests, benchmark ); // Note that the main loop remains the parser loop, though it may // spawn a lot of other stuff. Element* shelle = shellId.element(); Shell* s = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( shelle->data( 0 ) ); if ( doUnitTests ) nonMpiTests( s ); // These tests do not need the process loop. if ( Shell::myNode() == 0 ) { if ( Shell::numNodes() > 1 ) { // Use the last clock for the postmaster, so that it is called // after everything else has been processed and all messages // are ready to send out. s->doUseClock( "/postmaster", "process", 9 ); s->doSetClock( 9, 1.0 ); // Use a sensible default. } #ifdef DO_UNIT_TESTS if ( doUnitTests ) { mpiTests(); processTests( s ); } // if ( doRegressionTests ) regressionTests(); #endif // These are outside unit tests because they happen in optimized // mode, using a command-line argument. As soon as they are done // the system quits, in order to estimate timing. if ( benchmark != 0 ) { mooseBenchmarks( benchmark ); s->doQuit(); } else { // Here we set off a little event loop to poll user input. // It deals with the doQuit call too. if(! quitFlag) Shell::launchParser(); } } else { PostMaster* p = reinterpret_cast< PostMaster* >( ObjId( 3 ).data()); while ( Shell::keepLooping() ) { p->clearPending(); } } Msg::clearAllMsgs(); Id::clearAllElements(); #ifdef USE_MPI MPI_Finalize(); #endif return 0; }
void SbmlReader::getRules() { unsigned int nr = model_->getNumRules(); //if (nr > 0) // cout << "\n ##### Need to populate funcpool and sumtotal which is pending due to equations \n"; Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() ); for ( unsigned int r = 0; r < nr; r++ ) { Rule * rule = model_->getRule(r); bool assignRule = rule->isAssignment(); if ( assignRule ) { string rule_variable = rule->getVariable(); map< string,Id >::iterator v_iter; map< string,Id >::iterator m_iter; v_iter = molSidMIdMap_.find( rule_variable ); if (v_iter != molSidMIdMap_.end()) { Id rVariable = molSidMIdMap_.find(rule_variable)->second; string rstring =molSidMIdMap_.find(rule_variable)->first; Id sumId = shell->doCreate( "SumFunc", rVariable, "func", 1 ); rVariable.element()->zombieSwap( FuncPool::initCinfo() ); ObjId ret = shell->doAddMsg( "single", ObjId( sumId, 0 ), "output", ObjId( rVariable, 0 ), "input" ); assert( ret != ObjId() ); const ASTNode * ast = rule->getMath(); vector< string > ruleMembers; ruleMembers.clear(); printMembers( ast,ruleMembers ); for ( unsigned int rm = 0; rm < ruleMembers.size(); rm++ ) { m_iter = molSidMIdMap_.find( ruleMembers[rm] ); if ( m_iter != molSidMIdMap_.end() ) { Id rMember = molSidMIdMap_.find(ruleMembers[rm])->second; ObjId ret = shell->doAddMsg( "single", ObjId( rMember, 0 ), "nOut", ObjId( sumId, 0 ), "input" ); string test = molSidMIdMap_.find(ruleMembers[rm])->first; } else { cerr << "SbmlReader::getRules: Assignment rule member is not a species" << endl; // In assignment rule there are constants instead of molecule which is yet to deal in moose. errorFlag_ = true; } } } } bool rateRule = rule->isRate(); if ( rateRule ) { cout << "warning : for now Rate Rule is not handled " << endl; errorFlag_ = true; } bool algebRule = rule->isAlgebraic(); if ( algebRule ) { cout << "warning: for now Algebraic Rule is not handled" << endl; errorFlag_ = true; } } }
void HSolve::setSeed( Id seed ) { if ( !seed.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Compartment" ) ) { cerr << "Error: HSolve::setSeed(): Seed object '" << seed.path() << "' is not derived from type 'Compartment'." << endl; return; } seed_ = seed; }
void Gsolve::setStoich( Id stoich ) { // This call is done _before_ setting the path on stoich assert( stoich.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Stoich" ) ); stoich_ = stoich; stoichPtr_ = reinterpret_cast< Stoich* >( stoich.eref().data() ); sys_.stoich = stoichPtr_; sys_.isReady = false; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pools_.size(); ++i ) pools_[i].setStoich( stoichPtr_ ); }
// See what Element::getNeighbors does with 2 sub <----> prd. void testTwoReacGetNeighbors() { Shell* shell = reinterpret_cast< Shell* >( Id().eref().data() ); Id comptId = shell->doCreate( "CubeMesh", Id(), "cube", 1 ); Id meshId( comptId.value() + 1 ); Id subId = shell->doCreate( "Pool", comptId, "sub", 1 ); Id prdId = shell->doCreate( "Pool", comptId, "prd", 1 ); Id reacId = shell->doCreate( "Reac", comptId, "reac", 1 ); ObjId mid = shell->doAddMsg( "OneToOne", subId, "requestVolume", meshId, "get_volume" ); assert( mid != ObjId() ); mid = shell->doAddMsg( "OneToOne", prdId, "requestVolume", meshId, "get_volume" ); assert( mid != ObjId() ); ObjId ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "sub", subId, "reac" ); assert( ret != ObjId() ); ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "sub", subId, "reac" ); assert( ret != ObjId() ); ret = shell->doAddMsg( "Single", reacId, "prd", prdId, "reac" ); assert( ret != ObjId() ); vector< Id > pools; unsigned int num = reacId.element()->getNeighbors( pools, Reac::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "toSub" ) ); assert( num == 2 ); assert( pools[0] == subId ); assert( pools[1] == subId ); pools.clear(); num = reacId.element()->getNeighbors( pools, Reac::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "sub" ) ); assert( num == 2 ); assert( pools[0] == subId ); assert( pools[1] == subId ); shell->doDelete( comptId ); cout << "." << flush; }
void ContextMenuActionTrigger::contextMenuActionTriggered(QString const &name) { QString actionName = name.section("###", 0, 0); QString uuid = name.section("###", 1, 1); if (actionName == "Add method") { MethodEditorDialog dialog; int dialogResult = dialog.exec(); if (dialogResult) { qDebug() << "ACCEPTED!!!"; Id id = Id::loadFromString(uuid); if (id.element() == "MethodsContainer") { Id newMethodId = mApi->createElement(id, Id("Kernel_metamodel", "Kernel", "Method")); mApi->setProperty(newMethodId, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant(dialog.generateMethodString())); } else if (id.element() == "Class") { //Id newMethodId = mApi->createElement(id, Id("Kernel_metamodel", "Kernel", // "Method")); } } } else if (actionName == "Add field") { FieldEditorDialog dialog; int dialogResult = dialog.exec(); if (dialogResult) { qDebug() << "ACCEPTED!!!"; Id id = Id::loadFromString(uuid); if (id.element() == "FieldsContainer") { Id newMethodId = mApi->createElement(id, Id("Kernel_metamodel", "Kernel", "Field")); mApi->setProperty(newMethodId, Qt::DisplayRole, QVariant(dialog.generateFieldString())); } else if (id.element() == "Class") { //Id newMethodId = mApi->createElement(id, Id("Kernel_metamodel", "Kernel", // "Method")); } } } }
void checkChildren( Id parent, const string& info ) { vector< Id > ret; Neutral::children( parent.eref(), ret ); cout << info << " checkChildren of " << parent.element()->getName() << ": " << ret.size() << " children\n"; for ( vector< Id >::iterator i = ret.begin(); i != ret.end(); ++i ) { cout << i->element()->getName() << endl; } }
Id ModelsAssistApi::createElement(Id const &parent, Id const &id, Id const &logicalId , bool isFromLogicalModel, QString const &name, QPointF const &position) { Q_ASSERT(parent.idSize() == 4); Id newId = id; Id realLogicalId = logicalId; if (isFromLogicalModel) { realLogicalId = id; newId = Id(id.editor(), id.diagram(), id.element(), QUuid::createUuid().toString()); } mModel.addElementToModel(parent, newId, realLogicalId, name, position); return newId; }
/** * Return the MeshEntry into which the enzyme should be placed. * This is simple: Just identify the compartment holding the enzyme * molecule. */ Id findMeshOfEnz( Id enz ) { static const Finfo* enzFinfo = EnzBase::initCinfo()->findFinfo( "enzOut" ); assert( enzFinfo ); vector< Id > enzVec; unsigned int numEnz = enz.element()->getNeighbors( enzVec, enzFinfo ); assert( numEnz == 1 ); vector< Id > meshEntries; return getCompt( enzVec[0] ); }
void ReadKkit::buildSumTotal( const string& src, const string& dest ) { map< string, Id >::iterator i = poolIds_.find( dest ); assert( i != poolIds_.end() ); Id destId = i->second; // Don't bother on buffered pool. if ( destId.element()->cinfo()->isA( "BufPool" ) ) return; Id sumId; // Check if the pool has not yet been converted to handle SumTots. if ( destId.element()->cinfo()->name() == "Pool" ) { sumId = shell_->doCreate( "SumFunc", destId, "func", 1 ); // Turn dest into a FuncPool. destId.element()->zombieSwap( FuncPool::initCinfo() ); ObjId ret = shell_->doAddMsg( "single", ObjId( sumId, 0 ), "output", ObjId( destId, 0 ), "input" ); assert( ret != ObjId() ); } else { sumId = Neutral::child( destId.eref(), "func" ); } if ( sumId == Id() ) { cout << "Error: ReadKkit::buildSumTotal: could not make SumFunc on '" << dest << "'\n"; return; } Id srcId = findSumTotSrc( src ); ObjId ret = shell_->doAddMsg( "single", ObjId( srcId, 0 ), "nOut", ObjId( sumId, 0 ), "input" ); assert( ret != ObjId() ); }
Id LogicalModelAssistApi::createElement(const Id &parent, const Id &type) { Q_ASSERT(type.idSize() == 3); Q_ASSERT(parent.idSize() == 4); const Id newElementId = type.sameTypeId(); const QString elementFriendlyName = mModelsAssistApi.editorManagerInterface().friendlyName(type); const bool isEdge = mModelsAssistApi.editorManagerInterface().isNodeOrEdge( newElementId.editor(), newElementId.element()) == -1; ElementInfo newElement(newElementId, Id(), parent, Id(), {{"name", elementFriendlyName}}, {}, Id(), isEdge); mLogicalModel.addElementToModel(newElement); return newElementId; }
/** * This function performs a depth-first search (for a compartment) in the tree * with its root at 'base'. Returns (Id of) a compartment if found, else a * blank Id. */ Id HSolve::deepSearchForCompartment( Id base ) { /* * 'cstack' is a stack-of-stacks used to perform the depth-first search. * The 0th entry in 'cstack' is a stack containing simply the base. * The i-th entry in 'cstack' contains children of the node at the top * of the stack at position ( i - 1 ). * Hence, at any time, the top of the i-th stack is the i-th node on * the ancestral path from the 'base' node to the 'current' node * (more below) which is being examined. Also, the remaining nodes in * the i-th stack are the siblings of this ancestor. * * 'current' is the node at the top of the top of 'cstack'. If this node is * a Compartment, then the search is completed, returning 'current'. * Otherwise, the children of 'current' are pushed onto 'cstack' for a * deeper search. If the deeper search yields nothing, then this * 'current' node is discarded. When an entire stack of siblings is * exhausted in this way, then this empty stack is discarded, and * the search moves 1 level up. * * 'result' is a blank Id (moose root element) if the search failed. * Otherwise, it is a compartment that was found under 'base'. */ vector< vector< Id > > cstack( 1, vector< Id >( 1, base ) ); Id current; Id result; while ( !cstack.empty() ) if ( cstack.back().empty() ) { cstack.pop_back(); if ( !cstack.empty() ) cstack.back().pop_back(); } else { current = cstack.back().back(); // if ( current()->cinfo() == moose::Compartment::initCinfo() ) // Compartment is base class for SymCompartment. if ( current.element()->cinfo()->isA( "Compartment" ) ) { result = current; break; } cstack.push_back( children( current ) ); } return result; }