Exemple #1
FeatureExtractor::operator()(const ImageDatabase& db, FeatureSet& featureSet) const
	int n = db.getSize();

	for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
		CByteImage img;
		ReadFile(img, db.getFilename(i).c_str());

		featureSet[i] = (*this)(img);
Exemple #2
// Perform a query on the database.  This simply runs matchFeatures on
// each image in the database, and returns the feature set of the best
// matching image.
bool performQuery(const FeatureSet &f, const ImageDatabase &db, int &bestIndex, vector<FeatureMatch> &bestMatches, double &bestDistance, int matchType) {
    vector<FeatureMatch> tempMatches;

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<db.size(); i++) {
        if (!matchFeatures(f, db[i].features, tempMatches, matchType)) {
            return false;

        bestIndex = i;
        bestMatches = tempMatches;

    return true;
// Perform a query on the database.  This simply runs matchFeatures on
// each image in the database, and returns the feature set of the best
// matching image.
bool performQuery(const FeatureSet &f, const ImageDatabase &db, int &bestIndex, vector<FeatureMatch> &bestMatches, double &bestScore, int matchType) {
    // Here's a nice low number.
    bestScore = -1e100;

    vector<FeatureMatch> tempMatches;
    double tempScore;

    for (unsigned int i=0; i<db.size(); i++) {
        if (!matchFeatures(f, db[i].features, tempMatches, tempScore, matchType)) {
            return false;

        if (tempScore > bestScore) {
            bestIndex = i;
            bestScore = tempScore;
            bestMatches = tempMatches;

    return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv){
	ros::init(argc, argv, "publishdataset");
	ros::NodeHandle n("~");
	double _approxdelay = 0.1;
	double _scale = 1.;
	int _seqno = 1;
	bool _kittidataset = false;
	std::string _pathtodataset("/mnt/work/Research/DataBases/Vision/labdatabase/");
	std::string _camframe("/camframe");
	ImageDatabase *db;
	// get parameters
	n.param<std::string>("path", _pathtodataset, _pathtodataset);
	n.param<std::string>("camframe", _camframe, _camframe);
	n.param<bool>("kitti", _kittidataset, _kittidataset);
	n.param<int>("sequence", _seqno, _seqno);
	n.param<double>("scale", _scale, _scale);
	n.param<double>("approx_delay", _approxdelay, _approxdelay);
	if ( _kittidataset ){
		ROS_INFO("Using Kitti Dataset");
	} else {
		ROS_INFO("Using Custom Dataset");
	ROS_INFO("Dataset base directory is : %s", _pathtodataset.c_str());
	ROS_INFO("Publishing Sequence no. is : %d", _seqno);
	ROS_INFO("Scaling is %lf", _scale);
	ROS_INFO("camframe is : %s", _camframe.c_str());
	ROS_INFO("approximate delay for publishing is set to %lf seconds", _approxdelay);
	// remap topics
	ROS_INFO("Namespace is: %s", n.getNamespace().c_str());
	std::string stereo_name = ros::names::remap("stereo");
	std::string topic_left(stereo_name);
	std::string topic_right(stereo_name);
	std::string topic_camleft(stereo_name);
	std::string topic_camright(stereo_name);
	ROS_INFO("Publishing rectified left at : %s", topic_left.c_str());
	ROS_INFO("Publishing rectified right at : %s", topic_right.c_str());
	ROS_INFO("Publishing left camera info at : %s", topic_camleft.c_str());
	ROS_INFO("Publishing right camera info at : %s", topic_camright.c_str());
	// publishers
	image_transport::ImageTransport it(n);
	image_transport::Publisher publ = it.advertise(topic_left.c_str(), 2);
	image_transport::Publisher pubr = it.advertise(topic_right.c_str(), 2);
	ros::Publisher publinfo = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>(topic_camleft.c_str(), 2);
	ros::Publisher pubrinfo = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::CameraInfo>(topic_camright.c_str(), 2);
	// create database retrieveal object
	if ( _kittidataset ){
		db = new KittiDatabase(_seqno, _pathtodataset.c_str());
	} else {
		db = new ImageDatabase(_seqno, _pathtodataset.c_str());
	// apply scale
	cv::Mat _imagel, _imager;
	double _time;
	sensor_msgs::CameraInfo caminfoleft, caminforight;
	caminfoleft = getCamInfo(db, true);
	caminforight = getCamInfo(db, false);
	ROS_INFO("Created Image Database Object, Starting Publishing");
	std_msgs::Header hdr;
	hdr.frame_id = _camframe;
	ros::Time sttime = ros::Time::now();
	for ( int _no = 0; ros::ok() ; ++_no){
		if ( !(db->load_grayimage(_no, &_imagel, &_imager, &_time))) break;
		ros::Duration _deltat(_time);
		// header
		hdr.seq = _no;
		hdr.stamp = sttime + _deltat;
		// publish all
		caminfoleft.header = hdr;
		caminforight.header = hdr;
		sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msgl = cv_bridge::CvImage(hdr, "mono8", _imagel).toImageMsg();
		sensor_msgs::ImagePtr msgr = cv_bridge::CvImage(hdr, "mono8", _imager).toImageMsg();
		// publish
		ROS_INFO("Published image no . %d", _no);
	ROS_INFO("End of Image Sequence, Shutting Down");
	delete db;
	return 0;