int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int src_GUID = -1, dst_GUID = -1; /* parameter parsing */ while(1) { int option_index = 0, c = 0; static struct option long_options[] = { {"h", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"v", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"orbit", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"d", no_argument, 0, 0}, {"m", required_argument, 0, 0}, {"o", required_argument, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; c = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "", long_options, &option_index); /* no more options to parse */ if(c == -1) break; /* unrecognized option */ if(c == '?') { help(); return 0; } switch(option_index) { /* h, help */ case 0: case 1: help(); return 0; break; /* v, version */ case 2: case 3: printf("Real-Time CPS Server Version: 0.1\n" \ "Compilation Date.....: unknown\n" \ "Compilation Time.....: unknown\n"); return 0; break; /* orbit, run in orbit mode */ case 4: orbit = 1; break; /* debug mode */ case 5: debug = 1; break; /* mine GUID */ case 6: src_GUID = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; /* other's GUID */ case 7: dst_GUID = strtol(optarg, NULL, 10); break; default: help(); return 0; } } /* register signal handler for <CTRL>+C in order to clean up */ // if(signal(SIGINT, signal_handler) == SIG_ERR) // { // printf("could not register signal handler\n"); // exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // } // init the mutex lock if (pthread_mutex_init(&user_map_lock, NULL) != 0 || pthread_mutex_init(&queue_map_lock, NULL) != 0 || pthread_mutex_init(&sem_map_lock, NULL) != 0) { printf("\n mutex init failed\n"); return 1; } if (orbit) { if (src_GUID != -1 && dst_GUID != -1) { if (debug) printf("src_GUID: %d, dst_GUID: %d\n", src_GUID, dst_GUID); /* init new Message Distributor */ MsgD.init(src_GUID, dst_GUID, debug); } else { printf("ERROR: please enter src_GUID and dst_GUID with flags -m & -o\n"); exit(1); } } // imgM.init_DB(100,"./imgDB/","./indexImgTable","ImgIndex.yml"); imgM.init_matchImg("./indexImgTable", "ImgIndex.yml", "./infoDB/"); server_run(); return 0; }
/****************************************************************************** Description.: this is the transmit child thread it is responsible to send out one frame Input Value.: Return Value: ******************************************************************************/ void *result_child(void *arg) { if (debug) printf("result child thread\n"); struct arg_result *args = (struct arg_result *)arg; int sock = args->sock; char *file_name = args->file_name; int matchedIndex; char defMsg[] = "none"; char sendInfo[200]; vector<float> coord; ImgMatch imgM; // start matching the image imgM.matchImg(file_name); matchedIndex = imgM.getMatchedImgIndex(); if (matchedIndex == 0) { // write none to client if (!orbit) { if (write(sock, defMsg, sizeof(defMsg)) < 0) { errorSocket("ERROR writting to socket", sock); } printf("Not match.\n\n"); } else { MsgD.send(sock, defMsg, sizeof(defMsg)); printf("Not match.\n\n"); } // if (debug) printf("not match\n"); } else { // send result to client coord = imgM.calLocation(); string info = imgM.getInfo(); sprintf(sendInfo, "%s,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", info.c_str(),,,,,,,,; printf("Matched Index: %d\n\n", matchedIndex); if (debug) printf("sendInfo: %s\n", sendInfo); if (!orbit) { if (write(sock, sendInfo, sizeof(sendInfo)) < 0) { errorSocket("ERROR writting to socket", sock); } } else { MsgD.send(sock, sendInfo, sizeof(sendInfo)); } // if (debug) printf("matched image index: %d\n", matchedIndex); } if (debug) printf("------------- end matching -------------\n"); return NULL; }
/****************************************************************************** Description: function for sending back the result Input Value.: Return Value: ******************************************************************************/ void server_result (int sock, string userID) { // printf("result thread\n\n"); int n; char response[BUFFER_SIZE] = "ok"; char defMsg[BUFFER_SIZE] = "none"; int matchedIndex; char sendInfo[BUFFER_SIZE]; vector<float> coord; sem_t *sem_match = new sem_t(); // create a new semaphore in heap queue<string> *imgQueue = 0; // queue storing the file names // Init semaphore and put the address of semaphore into map if (sem_init(sem_match, 0, 0) != 0) { errorSocket("ERROR semaphore init failed", sock); } // grap the lock pthread_mutex_lock(&sem_map_lock); sem_map[userID] = sem_match; pthread_mutex_unlock(&sem_map_lock); // reponse to the client if (!orbit) { n = write(sock, response, sizeof(response)); if (n < 0) { error("ERROR writting to socket"); } } else { MsgD.send(sock, response, BUFFER_SIZE); } while(!global_stop) { sem_wait(sem_match); // get the address of image queue if (imgQueue == 0) { imgQueue = queue_map[userID]; } // check if the queue is empty if (imgQueue->empty()) { sem_map.erase(userID); queue_map.erase(userID); user_map.erase(userID); delete(sem_match); delete(imgQueue); sem_destroy(sem_match); MsgD.close(sock, 0); printf("[server] client disconnectted\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); //terminate calling thread! } if (debug) printf("\n----------- start matching -------------\n"); string file_name = imgQueue->front(); if (debug) printf("file name: %s\n", file_name.c_str()); imgQueue->pop(); // start matching the image imgM.matchImg(file_name); matchedIndex = imgM.getMatchedImgIndex(); if (matchedIndex == 0) { // write none to client if (!orbit) { if (write(sock, defMsg, sizeof(defMsg)) < 0) { errorSocket("ERROR writting to socket", sock); } } else { MsgD.send(sock, defMsg, BUFFER_SIZE); } if (debug) printf("not match\n"); } else { // write index to client coord = imgM.calLocation(); sprintf(sendInfo, "%d,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f", matchedIndex,,,,,,,,; if (debug) printf("sendInfo: %s\n", sendInfo); if (!orbit) { if (write(sock, sendInfo, sizeof(sendInfo)) < 0) { errorSocket("ERROR writting to socket", sock); } } else { MsgD.send(sock, sendInfo, BUFFER_SIZE); } if (debug) printf("matched image index: %d\n", matchedIndex); } if (debug) printf("------------- end matching -------------\n"); } if (!orbit) { close(sock); } printf("[server] Connection closed. --- result\n\n"); delete(sem_match); pthread_exit(NULL); //terminate calling thread! }