Exemple #1
SpeckleyNodes::SpeckleyNodes(SpeckleyNodes_ptr fullNodes, IntVec& requiredNodes,
                   const string& meshName) :
    numDims = fullNodes->numDims;
    nodeDist = fullNodes->nodeDist;
    globalNumNodes = fullNodes->globalNumNodes;

    // first: find the unique set of required nodes and their IDs while
    // updating the contents of requiredNodes at the same time
    // requiredNodes contains node indices (not IDs!)
    IntVec::iterator it;
    IndexMap indexMap; // maps old index to new index
    size_t newIndex = 0;

    for (it = requiredNodes.begin(); it != requiredNodes.end(); it++) {
        IndexMap::iterator res = indexMap.find(*it);
        if (res == indexMap.end()) {
            indexMap[*it] = newIndex;
            *it = newIndex++;
        } else {
            *it = res->second;

    // second: now that we know how many nodes we need use the map to fill
    // the coordinates
    numNodes = newIndex;
    for (int dim=0; dim<numDims; dim++) {
        const float* origC = fullNodes->coords[dim];
        float* c = new float[numNodes];
        IndexMap::const_iterator mIt;
        for (mIt = indexMap.begin(); mIt != indexMap.end(); mIt++) {
            c[mIt->second] = origC[mIt->first];
Exemple #2
bool jobSchedule(
    const map<JobID, vector<JobID> > &deps, 
    int n,
    vector<JobID> &result) {
    int index(0);
    for ( JobID i = static_cast<JobID>(1); i <= n; ++i )
        IndexMapIt it = indexMap.find(i);
        if ( it == indexMap.end() )
            if ( !process(i, index, deps, result) ) return false;

    return true;
Exemple #3
bool process(
    const JobID id,
    int& index,
    const map<JobID, vector<JobID> > &deps, 
    vector<JobID> &result)
    JobIndex jobIndex(index, index);
    indexMap.insert(make_pair(id, jobIndex));
    map<JobID, vector<JobID> >::const_iterator jobIt = deps.find(id);
    if ( jobIt != deps.end() )
        for ( int i = 0, len = jobIt->second.size(); i < len; ++i )
            JobID currId = (jobIt->second)[i];
            IndexMapIt mapIt = indexMap.find(currId);
            if ( mapIt == indexMap.end() )
                if ( !process(currId, index, deps, result) ) return false;
            else if ( st_set.find(currId) != st_set.end() )
                return false;
    return true;
Exemple #4
// Load the shape with vertices and faces from the OBJ file.
// Returns ST_ERROR on failure, ST_OK on success.
STStatus STShape::LoadOBJ(const std::string& filename)
    static const int kMaxLine = 256;

    // The subset of the OBJ format that we handle has
    // the following commands:
    // v    <x> <y> <z>         Define a vertex position.
    // vn   <x> <y> <z>         Define a vertex normal.
    // vt   <s> <t>             Define a vertex texture coordiante.
    // f    <p0>/<t0>/<n0> ...  Define a face from previous data.
    // Every face in an OBJ file refers to previously-defines
    // positions, normals and texture coordinates by index.
    // Vertices in an STShape must define all three of these,
    // so we must generate one STShape vertex for each combination
    // of indices we see in the OBJ file.

    // Open the file.
    FILE* file = fopen(filename.c_str(), "r");
    if (!file) {
                "STShape::LoadOBJ() - Could not open shape file '%s'.\n", filename.c_str());
        return ST_ERROR;

    char lineBuffer[kMaxLine];
    int lineIndex = 0; // for printing error messages

    // Arrays to collect the positions, normals and texture
    // coordinates that we encounter.
    std::vector<STPoint3> positions;
    std::vector<STPoint2> texCoords;
    std::vector<STVector3> normals;

    // Map to point us to previously-created vertices. This maps
    // triples of indices (a position, texcoord and normal index)
    // to a single index in the new shape.
    typedef std::pair<int,int> IntPair;
    typedef std::pair<int, IntPair> IntTriple;
    typedef std::map<IntTriple, size_t> IndexMap;
    IndexMap indexMap;

    // Keep track of whether the file contained normals...
    bool needsNormals = false;

    // Read the file line-by-line
    while (fgets(lineBuffer, kMaxLine, file)) {
        char* str = strtok(lineBuffer, " \t\n\r");

        // Skip empty or comment lines.
        if (!str || str[0] == '\0' || str[0] == '#')
        if (str[0] == 'g' || str[0] == 's' || strcmp(str, "usemtl") == 0 || strcmp(str, "mtllib") == 0)
        // Process other lines based on their commands.
        if (strcmp(str, "v") == 0) {
            // Vertex position line. Read the position data (x, y, z).
            str = strtok(NULL, "");
            STPoint3 position;
            sscanf(str, "%f %f %f\n", &position.x, &position.y, &position.z);
        else if (strcmp(str, "vt") == 0) {
            // Vertex texture coordinate line. Read the texture coord data.
            str = strtok(NULL, "");
            STPoint2 texCoord;
            sscanf(str, "%f %f\n", &texCoord.x, &texCoord.y);
        else if (strcmp(str, "vn") == 0) {
            // Vertex normal line. Read the normal data.
            str = strtok(NULL, "");
            STVector3 normal;
            sscanf(str, "%f %f %f\n", &normal.x, &normal.y, &normal.z);
        else if (strcmp(str, "f") == 0) {
            // Face command. Each vertex in the face will be defined by
            // the indices of its position, texture coordinate and
            // normal.
            std::vector<Index> faceIndices;

            // Read each vertex entry.
            int curIndex = 0;
            Index indices[3];
            enum FaceFormat {
              PosTexNorm, // %d/%d/%d
              PosTex,     // %d/%d
              PosNorm,    // %d//%d
              Pos,         // %d

            const char* FaceFormatToString[LAST_FACE_FORMAT] = {

            bool set_format = false;
            FaceFormat format;

            const int kNoTextureIndex = -1;
            const int kNoNormalIndex = -1;

            int positionIdx;
            int texCoordIdx;
            int normalIdx;

            while ((str = strtok(NULL, " \t\n\r")) != NULL) {

                if (sscanf(str, "%d/%d/%d", &positionIdx, &texCoordIdx, &normalIdx) == 3) {
                  if (!set_format) {
                    format = PosTexNorm;
                    set_format = true;
                  } else {
                    if (format != PosTexNorm) {
                      fprintf(stderr, "STShape::LoadOBJ() - "
                              "Line %d: Current face format is %s, but received another vertex in format %s\n",
                              lineIndex, FaceFormatToString[format], FaceFormatToString[PosTexNorm]);
                } else if (sscanf(str, "%d/%d", &positionIdx, &texCoordIdx) == 2) {
                  if (!set_format) {
                    format = PosTex;
                    set_format = true;
                  } else {
                    if (format != PosTex) {
                      fprintf(stderr, "STShape::LoadOBJ() - "
                              "Line %d: Current face format is %s, but received another vertex in format %s\n",
                              lineIndex, FaceFormatToString[format], FaceFormatToString[PosTex]);
                } else if (sscanf(str, "%d//%d", &positionIdx, &normalIdx) == 2) {
                  if (!set_format) {
                    format = PosNorm;
                    set_format = true;
                  } else {
                    if (format != PosNorm) {
                      fprintf(stderr, "STShape::LoadOBJ() - "
                              "Line %d: Current face format is %s, but received another vertex in format %s\n",
                              lineIndex, FaceFormatToString[format], FaceFormatToString[PosNorm]);
                  // Pass
                } else if (sscanf(str, "%d", &positionIdx) == 1) {
                  if (!set_format) {
                    format = Pos;
                    set_format = true;
                  } else {
                    if (format != Pos) {
                      fprintf(stderr, "STShape::LoadOBJ() - "
                              "Line %d: Current face format is %s, but received another vertex in format %s\n",
                              lineIndex, FaceFormatToString[format], FaceFormatToString[Pos]);
                } else {
                  // TODO(boulos): Print out line #?
                  fprintf(stderr, "STShape::LoadOBJ() - "
                          "Line %d: Bad face format given %s\n", lineIndex, str);

                // We look to see if we have already created a vertex
                // based on this position/texCoord/normal, and reuse it
                // if possible. Otherwise we add a new vertex.
                positionIdx = OBJIndexing(positionIdx, positions.size());
                texCoordIdx = (format == PosTexNorm ||
                               format == PosTex)
                                    ? OBJIndexing(texCoordIdx,
                                    : kNoTextureIndex;
                normalIdx   = (format == PosTexNorm ||
                               format == PosNorm)
                                    ? OBJIndexing(normalIdx,
                                    : kNoNormalIndex;
                size_t newIndex;

                IntTriple key(positionIdx, IntPair(texCoordIdx, normalIdx));
                IndexMap::const_iterator ii = indexMap.find(key);
                if (ii != indexMap.end()) {
                    newIndex = ii->second;
                else {
                  // Construct a new vertex from the indices given.
                  STPoint3 position = positions[positionIdx];
                  STVector3 normal = (normalIdx != kNoNormalIndex) ? normals[normalIdx] : STVector3::Zero;
                  STPoint2 texCoord = (texCoordIdx != kNoTextureIndex) ? texCoords[texCoordIdx] : STPoint2::Origin;

                  // If the vertex has no normal, then remember
                  // to create normals later...
                  if (normalIdx == kNoNormalIndex) {
                    needsNormals = true;

                  Vertex newVertex(position, normal, texCoord);
                  newIndex = AddVertex(newVertex);
                  indexMap[key] = newIndex;

                indices[curIndex++] = newIndex;
                // Keep triangle fanning
                if (curIndex == 3) {
                  AddFace(Face(indices[0], indices[1], indices[2]));
                  indices[1] = indices[2];
                  curIndex = 2;
        else {
            // Unknown line - ignore and print a warning.
            fprintf(stderr, "STShape::LoadOBJ() - "
                    "Unable to parse line %d: %s (continuing)\n",
                    lineIndex, lineBuffer);

    // If the file didn't already have normals, then generate them.

    return ST_OK;
Exemple #5
void SplitGeoRec::feedResults(OSG::UInt32 part, GeoReceiver *obj, 
                              pntRec pntfunc, triRec trifunc)
    char name[_basename.size() + 20];

    sprintf(name, "%s_%d.ooc", _basename.c_str(), part);

    std::ifstream s(name, std::ios::in|std::ios::binary);

    OSG::UInt32 vcnt = 0, tcnt = 0;

       OSG_STDEXTENSION_NAMESPACE::hash_map<OSG::UInt32, OSG::UInt32> IndexMap;
       std::map<OSG::UInt32, OSG::UInt32> IndexMap;
    IndexMap indexMap;
    while(s.good() && ! s.eof())
        OSG::UInt8 rec;
        s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&rec), sizeof(rec));
        if(rec == PNT_RECORD)
            OSG::Pnt3f pnt;
            OSG::UInt32 ind;
            s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ind), sizeof(ind));
            s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pnt), sizeof(Pnt3f));  
            pntfunc(obj, pnt);
            FDEBUG(("SplitGeoRec::feedResults: PNT(%d): added as %d\n",
                        vcnt, ind));
            indexMap[ind] = vcnt++;
        else if (rec == TRI_RECORD)
            OSG::UInt32 i1,i2,i3,mat;
            s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i1), sizeof(i1));
            s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i2), sizeof(i2));
            s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&i3), sizeof(i3));
            s.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&mat), sizeof(mat));
            FDEBUG(("SplitGeoRec::feedResults: TRI(%d): adding "
                    "%d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) (mat %d)\n",
                        i1, (indexMap.find(i1)!=indexMap.end())?indexMap[i1]:888888888, 
                        i2, (indexMap.find(i2)!=indexMap.end())?indexMap[i2]:888888888, 
                        i3, (indexMap.find(i3)!=indexMap.end())?indexMap[i3]:888888888, 
            if(indexMap.find(i1) == indexMap.end())
                FWARNING(("SplitGeoRec::feedResults: TRI(%d): Couldn't "
                    "find %d in the indexMap!\n", tcnt, i1));
            if(indexMap.find(i2) == indexMap.end())
                FWARNING(("SplitGeoRec::feedResults: TRI(%d): Couldn't "
                    "find %d in the indexMap!\n", tcnt, i2));
            if(indexMap.find(i3) == indexMap.end())
                FWARNING(("SplitGeoRec::feedResults: TRI(%d): Couldn't "
                    "find %d in the indexMap!\n", tcnt, i3));
            trifunc(obj, indexMap[i1], indexMap[i2], indexMap[i3], mat);
            FWARNING(("SplitGeoRec::feedResult: unknown record type '%d'!\n",