Exemple #1
		void save( IECore::Object::SaveContext *context ) const
			IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( ShaderNetwork::staticTypeName(), g_ioVersion );

			IndexedIOPtr shaders = container->subdirectory( "shaders", IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
			IndexedIOPtr connections = container->subdirectory( "connections", IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );

			int connectionIndex = 0;
			for( const Node &node : m_nodes )
				context->save( node.shader.get(), shaders.get(), node.handle );
				for( const Connection &connection : node.inputConnections )
					InternedString c[4] = {
						std::to_string( connectionIndex ),
						c, 4

			InternedString o[2] = { m_output.shader, m_output.name };
			container->write( "output", o, 2 );
Exemple #2
void TypedData< TimePeriod >::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	Data::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), 0 );

	container->write( g_beginEntry, boost::posix_time::to_iso_string( readable().begin() ) );
	container->write( g_endEntry, boost::posix_time::to_iso_string( readable().end() ) );
Exemple #3
void Display::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	PreWorldRenderable::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
	container->write( g_nameEntry, m_name );
	container->write( g_typeEntry, m_type );
	container->write( g_dataEntry, m_data );
	context->save( m_parameters.get(), container.get(), g_parametersEntry );
Exemple #4
void MeshPrimitive::save( IECore::Object::SaveContext *context ) const
    IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
    context->save( m_verticesPerFace, container, g_verticesPerFaceEntry );
    context->save( m_vertexIds, container, g_vertexIdsEntry );

    /// \todo: mac has problems with the size_t type, resulting in the write() call being
    /// ambiguous to the compiler
    unsigned int numVertices = m_numVertices;
    container->write( g_numVerticesEntry, numVertices );

    container->write( g_interpolationEntry, m_interpolation );
void MatrixMotionTransform::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	Transform::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
	container = container->subdirectory( g_snapshotsEntry, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
	int i = 0;
	for( SnapshotMap::const_iterator it=m_snapshots.begin(); it!=m_snapshots.end(); it++ )
		string is = str( boost::format( "%d" ) % i );
		IndexedIOPtr snapshotContainer = container->subdirectory( is, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
		snapshotContainer->write( g_timeEntry, it->first );
		snapshotContainer->write( g_matrixEntry, it->second.getValue(), 16 );
void CurvesPrimitive::save( IECore::Object::SaveContext *context ) const

	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
	container->write( g_basisMatrixEntry, m_basis.matrix.getValue(), 16 );
	container->write( g_basisStepEntry, m_basis.step );
	int p = m_periodic;
	container->write( g_periodicEntry, p );
	context->save( m_vertsPerCurve.get(), container.get(), g_verticesPerCurveEntry );
	// we could recompute these on loading, but it'd take a while and the overhead
	// of storing them isn't great.
	container->write( g_numVertsEntry, m_numVerts );
	container->write( g_numFaceVaryingEntry, m_numFaceVarying );
void NURBSPrimitive::save( IECore::Object::SaveContext *context ) const
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );

	container->write( g_uOrderEntry, m_uOrder );
	context->save( m_uKnot.get(), container.get(), g_uKnotEntry );
	container->write( g_uMinEntry, m_uMin );
	container->write( g_uMaxEntry, m_uMax );

	container->write( g_vOrderEntry, m_vOrder );
	context->save( m_vKnot.get(), container.get(), g_vKnotEntry );
	container->write( g_vMinEntry, m_vMin );
	container->write( g_vMaxEntry, m_vMax );
void ImagePrimitive::save(IECore::Object::SaveContext *context) const
	assert( context );

	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container(staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion);

	container->write(g_displayWindowMinXEntry, m_displayWindow.min.x);
	container->write(g_displayWindowMinYEntry, m_displayWindow.min.y);
	container->write(g_displayWindowMaxXEntry, m_displayWindow.max.x);
	container->write(g_displayWindowMaxYEntry, m_displayWindow.max.y);

	container->write(g_dataWindowMinXEntry, m_dataWindow.min.x);
	container->write(g_dataWindowMinYEntry, m_dataWindow.min.y);
	container->write(g_dataWindowMaxXEntry, m_dataWindow.max.x);
	container->write(g_dataWindowMaxYEntry, m_dataWindow.max.y);
Exemple #9
void Shader::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	StateRenderable::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
	container->write( g_nameEntry, m_name );
	container->write( g_typeEntry, m_type );
	context->save( m_parameters.get(), container.get(), g_parametersEntry );
Exemple #10
IndexedIOPtr Object::SaveContext::container( const std::string &typeName, unsigned int ioVersion )
	IndexedIOPtr typeIO = m_ioInterface->subdirectory( typeName, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
	typeIO->write( g_ioVersionEntry, ioVersion );
	IndexedIOPtr dataIO = typeIO->subdirectory( g_dataEntry, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
	return dataIO;
Exemple #11
void Primitive::save( IECore::Object::SaveContext *context ) const
    VisibleRenderable::save( context );
    IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
    IndexedIOPtr ioVariables = container->subdirectory( g_variablesEntry, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
    for( PrimitiveVariableMap::const_iterator it=variables.begin(); it!=variables.end(); it++ )
        IndexedIOPtr ioPrimVar = ioVariables->subdirectory( it->first, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
        const int i = it->second.interpolation;
        ioPrimVar->write( g_interpolationEntry, i );
        context->save( it->second.data.get(), ioPrimVar.get(), g_dataEntry );
void PathMatcherData::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	Data::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), g_ioVersion );

	std::vector<InternedString> strings;
	std::vector<unsigned int> pathLengths;
	std::vector<unsigned char> exactMatches;

	for( PathMatcher::RawIterator it = readable().begin(), eIt = readable().end(); it != eIt; ++it )
		pathLengths.push_back( it->size() );
		if( it->size() )
			strings.push_back( it->back() );
		exactMatches.push_back( it.exactMatch() );

	container->write( "strings", strings.data(), strings.size() );
	container->write( "pathLengths", pathLengths.data(), pathLengths.size() );
	container->write( "exactMatches", exactMatches.data(), exactMatches.size() );
void MotionPrimitive::save( IECore::Object::SaveContext *context ) const
	VisibleRenderable::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
	IndexedIOPtr snapshots = container->subdirectory( g_snapshotsEntry, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );

	int i = 0;
	for( SnapshotMap::const_iterator it=m_snapshots.begin(); it!=m_snapshots.end(); it++ )
		string is = str( boost::format( "%d" ) % i );
		IndexedIOPtr snapshot = snapshots->subdirectory( is, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );
		snapshot->write( g_timeEntry, it->first );
		context->save( it->second, snapshot, g_primitiveEntry );
Exemple #14
void Object::SaveContext::save( const Object *toSave, IndexedIO *container, const IndexedIO::EntryID &name )
	if ( !toSave )
		throw Exception( "Error trying to save NULL pointer object!" );

	SavedObjectMap::const_iterator it = m_savedObjects->find( toSave );
	if( it!=m_savedObjects->end() )
		container->write( name, &(it->second[0]), it->second.size() );
		bool rootObject = ( m_savedObjects->size() == 0 );
		if ( rootObject )
			if ( container->hasEntry( name ) )
				container->remove( name );
		IndexedIOPtr nameIO = container->createSubdirectory( name );

		IndexedIO::EntryIDList pathParts;
		nameIO->path( pathParts );
		(*m_savedObjects)[toSave] = pathParts;

		nameIO->write( g_typeEntry, toSave->typeName() );

		IndexedIOPtr dataIO = nameIO->createSubdirectory( g_dataEntry );

		SaveContext context( dataIO, m_savedObjects );
		toSave->save( &context );

		// Objects saved on a file can be committed to disk to free memory.
		if ( rootObject )
void ObjectVector::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	Object::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );

	unsigned int size = m_members.size();
	container->write( g_sizeEntry, size );

	IndexedIOPtr ioMembers = container->subdirectory( g_membersEntry, IndexedIO::CreateIfMissing );

	unsigned i=0;
	for( MemberContainer::const_iterator it=m_members.begin(); it!=m_members.end(); it++ )
		if( *it )
			std::string name = str( boost::format( "%d" ) % i );
			context->save( *it, ioMembers, name );
void MatrixTransform::save( SaveContext *context ) const
	Transform::save( context );
	IndexedIOPtr container = context->container( staticTypeName(), m_ioVersion );
	container->write( g_matrixEntry, matrix.getValue(), 16 );