void TerrainRenderingView::VisitHeightMapNode(HeightMapNode* node) {
                bool bufferSupport = arg->renderer.BufferSupport();
                GeometrySetPtr geom = node->GetGeometrySet();

                IShaderResourcePtr shader = node->GetLandscapeShader();
                if (this->renderShader && shader){
                    // Setup uniforms
                    shader->SetUniform("lightDir", lightDir);
                    shader->SetUniform("viewPos", arg->canvas.GetViewingVolume()->GetPosition());


                IndicesPtr indices = node->GetIndices();
                if (bufferSupport) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indices->GetID());

                // Replace with a patch iterator

                if (shader){
                if (bufferSupport) glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);

                if (renderTangent)

Exemple #2
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeMedian (
    const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const IndicesPtr &indices, Eigen::Vector4f &median)
  // Copy the values to vectors for faster sorting
  std::vector<float> x (indices->size ());
  std::vector<float> y (indices->size ());
  std::vector<float> z (indices->size ());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size (); ++i)
    x[i] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x;
    y[i] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].y;
    z[i] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].z;
  std::sort (x.begin (), x.end ());
  std::sort (y.begin (), y.end ());
  std::sort (z.begin (), z.end ());

  int mid = indices->size () / 2;
  if (indices->size () % 2 == 0)
    median[0] = (x[mid-1] + x[mid]) / 2;
    median[1] = (y[mid-1] + y[mid]) / 2;
    median[2] = (z[mid-1] + z[mid]) / 2;
    median[0] = x[mid];
    median[1] = y[mid];
    median[2] = z[mid];
  median[3] = 0;
Exemple #3
template <typename PointT> double
pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus<PointT>::computeMedianAbsoluteDeviation (
    const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const IndicesPtr &indices, double sigma)
  std::vector<double> distances (indices->size ());

  Eigen::Vector4f median;
  // median (dist (x - median (x)))
  computeMedian (cloud, indices, median);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size (); ++i)
    pcl::Vector4fMapConst pt = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].getVector4fMap ();
    Eigen::Vector4f ptdiff = pt - median;
    ptdiff[3] = 0;
    distances[i] = ptdiff.dot (ptdiff);

  std::sort (distances.begin (), distances.end ());

  double result;
  int mid = indices->size () / 2;
  // Do we have a "middle" point or should we "estimate" one ?
  if (indices->size () % 2 == 0)
    result = (sqrt (distances[mid-1]) + sqrt (distances[mid])) / 2;
    result = sqrt (distances[mid]);
  return (sigma * result);
jsk_pcl_ros::Filter::input_indices_callback (const PointCloud2::ConstPtr &cloud, const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices)
  // No subscribers, no work
  if (pub_output_.getNumSubscribers () <= 0)

  // If cloud is given, check if it's valid
  if (!isValid (cloud))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Invalid input!", getName ().c_str ());
  // If indices are given, check if they are valid
  if (indices && !isValid (indices))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Invalid indices!", getName ().c_str ());

  /// DEBUG
  if (indices)
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_indices_callback]\n"
                   "                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                   "                                 - PointIndices with %zu values, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                   getName ().c_str (), 
                   cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), cloud->header.stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                   indices->indices.size (), indices->header.stamp.toSec (), indices->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("indices").c_str ());
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_indices_callback] PointCloud with %d data points and frame %s on topic %s received.", getName ().c_str (), cloud->width * cloud->height, cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("input").c_str ());

  // Check whether the user has given a different input TF frame
  tf_input_orig_frame_ = cloud->header.frame_id;
  PointCloud2::ConstPtr cloud_tf;
  if (!tf_input_frame_.empty () && cloud->header.frame_id != tf_input_frame_)
    NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Transforming input dataset from %s to %s.", getName ().c_str (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), tf_input_frame_.c_str ());
    // Save the original frame ID
    // Convert the cloud into the different frame
    PointCloud2 cloud_transformed;
    tf_listener_.waitForTransform(cloud->header.frame_id, tf_input_frame_, cloud->header.stamp, ros::Duration(5.0)); 
    if (!pcl_ros::transformPointCloud (tf_input_frame_, *cloud, cloud_transformed, tf_listener_))
      NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_indices_callback] Error converting input dataset from %s to %s.", getName ().c_str (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), tf_input_frame_.c_str ());
    cloud_tf = boost::make_shared<PointCloud2> (cloud_transformed);
    cloud_tf = cloud;

  // Need setInputCloud () here because we have to extract x/y/z
  IndicesPtr vindices;
  if (indices)
    vindices.reset (new std::vector<int> (indices->indices));

  computePublish (cloud_tf, vindices);
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::StatisticalMultiscaleInterestRegionExtraction<PointT>::extractExtrema (std::list<IndicesPtr> &rois)
  std::vector<std::vector<bool> > is_min (scale_values_.size ()),
      is_max (scale_values_.size ());

  // for each point, check if it is a local extrema on each scale
  for (size_t scale_i = 0; scale_i < scale_values_.size (); ++scale_i)
    std::vector<bool> is_min_scale (input_->points.size ()),
        is_max_scale (input_->points.size ());
    for (size_t point_i = 0; point_i < input_->points.size (); ++point_i)
      std::vector<int> nn_indices;
      geodesicFixedRadiusSearch (point_i, scale_values_[scale_i], nn_indices);
      bool is_max_point = true, is_min_point = true;
      for (std::vector<int>::iterator nn_it = nn_indices.begin (); nn_it != nn_indices.end (); ++nn_it)
        if (F_scales_[scale_i][point_i] < F_scales_[scale_i][*nn_it])
          is_max_point = false;
          is_min_point = false;

      is_min_scale[point_i] = is_min_point;
      is_max_scale[point_i] = is_max_point;

    is_min[scale_i] = is_min_scale;
    is_max[scale_i] = is_max_scale;

  // look for points that are min/max over three consecutive scales
  for (size_t scale_i = 1; scale_i < scale_values_.size () - 1; ++scale_i)
    for (size_t point_i = 0; point_i < input_->points.size (); ++point_i)
      if ((is_min[scale_i - 1][point_i] && is_min[scale_i][point_i] && is_min[scale_i + 1][point_i]) ||
          (is_max[scale_i - 1][point_i] && is_max[scale_i][point_i] && is_max[scale_i + 1][point_i]))
        // add the point to the result vector
        IndicesPtr region (new std::vector<int>);
        region->push_back (static_cast<int> (point_i));

        // and also add its scale-sized geodesic neighborhood
        std::vector<int> nn_indices;
        geodesicFixedRadiusSearch (point_i, scale_values_[scale_i], nn_indices);
        region->insert (region->end (), nn_indices.begin (), nn_indices.end ());
        rois.push_back (region);
template<typename PointT, typename LeafT, typename BranchT, typename OctreeT> void
pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<PointT, LeafT, BranchT, OctreeT>::addPointFromCloud (const int pointIdx_arg, IndicesPtr indices_arg)
  this->addPointIdx (pointIdx_arg);
  if (indices_arg)
    indices_arg->push_back (pointIdx_arg);
    UniformSamplingWrapper::compute(PointCloudInPtr input, PointCloudOut &output)
      float keypoint_separation = 0.01f;

      IndicesPtr indices (new std::vector<int>());
      PointCloud<int> leaves;
      UniformSampling<PointNormal> us;

      // Copy point cloud and return
      indices->assign(leaves.points.begin(), leaves.points.end()); // can't use operator=, probably because of different allocators
      copyPointCloud(*input, *indices, output);
Exemple #8
template <typename PointT> void
pcl::MaximumLikelihoodSampleConsensus<PointT>::getMinMax (
    const PointCloudConstPtr &cloud, const IndicesPtr &indices, Eigen::Vector4f &min_p, Eigen::Vector4f &max_p)
  min_p.setConstant (FLT_MAX);
  max_p.setConstant (-FLT_MAX);
  min_p[3] = max_p[3] = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < indices->size (); ++i)
    if (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x < min_p[0]) min_p[0] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x;
    if (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].y < min_p[1]) min_p[1] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].y;
    if (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].z < min_p[2]) min_p[2] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].z;

    if (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x > max_p[0]) max_p[0] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x;
    if (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].y > max_p[1]) max_p[1] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].y;
    if (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].z > max_p[2]) max_p[2] = cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].z;
Exemple #9
pcl::MovingLeastSquares<PointInT, PointOutT>::MLSVoxelGrid::MLSVoxelGrid (PointCloudInConstPtr& cloud,
    IndicesPtr &indices,
    float voxel_size) :
    voxel_grid_ (), bounding_min_ (), bounding_max_ (), data_size_ (), voxel_size_ (voxel_size)
  pcl::getMinMax3D (*cloud, *indices, bounding_min_, bounding_max_);

  Eigen::Vector4f bounding_box_size = bounding_max_ - bounding_min_;
  double max_size = (std::max) ((std::max)(bounding_box_size.x (), bounding_box_size.y ()), bounding_box_size.z ());
  // Put initial cloud in voxel grid
  data_size_ = static_cast<uint64_t> (1.5 * max_size / voxel_size_);
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices->size (); ++i)
    if (pcl_isfinite (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].x))
      Eigen::Vector3i pos;
      getCellIndex (cloud->points[(*indices)[i]].getVector3fMap (), pos);

      uint64_t index_1d;
      getIndexIn1D (pos, index_1d);
      Leaf leaf;
      voxel_grid_[index_1d] = leaf;
Exemple #10
pcl_ros::FeatureFromNormals::input_normals_surface_indices_callback (
   const PointCloudInConstPtr &cloud, const PointCloudNConstPtr &cloud_normals,
   const PointCloudInConstPtr &cloud_surface, const PointIndicesConstPtr &indices)
  // No subscribers, no work
  if (pub_output_.getNumSubscribers () <= 0)

  // If cloud+normals is given, check if it's valid
  if (!isValid (cloud))// || !isValid (cloud_normals, "normals"))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback] Invalid input!", getName ().c_str ());
    emptyPublish (cloud);

  // If surface is given, check if it's valid
  if (cloud_surface && !isValid (cloud_surface, "surface"))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback] Invalid input surface!", getName ().c_str ());
    emptyPublish (cloud);
  // If indices are given, check if they are valid
  if (indices && !isValid (indices))
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback] Invalid input indices!", getName ().c_str ());
    emptyPublish (cloud);

  /// DEBUG
  if (cloud_surface)
    if (indices)
      NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback]\n"
                     "                                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                                 - PointIndices with %zu values, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                     getName ().c_str (),
                     cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                     cloud_surface->width * cloud_surface->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud_surface).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud_surface->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud_surface->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("surface").c_str (),
                     cloud_normals->width * cloud_normals->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud_normals).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud_normals->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud_normals->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("normals").c_str (),
                     indices->indices.size (), indices->header.stamp.toSec (), indices->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("indices").c_str ());
      NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback]\n"
                     "                                         - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                         - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                         - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                     getName ().c_str (), 
                     cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                     cloud_surface->width * cloud_surface->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud_surface).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud_surface->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud_surface->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("surface").c_str (),
                     cloud_normals->width * cloud_normals->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud_normals).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud_normals->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud_normals->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("normals").c_str ());
    if (indices)
      NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback]\n"
                     "                                         - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                         - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                         - PointIndices with %zu values, stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                     getName ().c_str (),
                     cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                     cloud_normals->width * cloud_normals->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud_normals).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud_normals->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud_normals->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("normals").c_str (),
                     indices->indices.size (), indices->header.stamp.toSec (), indices->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("indices").c_str ());
      NODELET_DEBUG ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback]\n"
                     "                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.\n"
                     "                                 - PointCloud with %d data points (%s), stamp %f, and frame %s on topic %s received.",
                     getName ().c_str (), 
                     cloud->width * cloud->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("input").c_str (),
                     cloud_normals->width * cloud_normals->height, pcl::getFieldsList (*cloud_normals).c_str (), fromPCL(cloud_normals->header).stamp.toSec (), cloud_normals->header.frame_id.c_str (), pnh_->resolveName ("normals").c_str ());

  if ((int)(cloud->width * cloud->height) < k_)
    NODELET_ERROR ("[%s::input_normals_surface_indices_callback] Requested number of k-nearest neighbors (%d) is larger than the PointCloud size (%d)!", getName ().c_str (), k_, (int)(cloud->width * cloud->height));
    emptyPublish (cloud);

  // If indices given...
  IndicesPtr vindices;
  if (indices && !indices->header.frame_id.empty ())
    vindices.reset (new std::vector<int> (indices->indices));

  computePublish (cloud, cloud_normals, cloud_surface, vindices);
Exemple #11
 void generateIndices(size_t step = 100)
     for(size_t i = 0; i < cloud->points.size(); i += step)