void InputManager::waitForKeys(int key, const InputSource & source){
    InputMap<int> wait;
    wait.set(key, 0, false, 1);
    InputManager::waitForRelease(wait, source, 1);
    InputManager::waitForPress(wait, source, 1);
    InputManager::waitForRelease(wait, source, 1);
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    if (argc > 1){
        Global::InitConditions conditions;
        std::string file = argv[1];

        InputManager manager;
        Graphics::Bitmap screen(*Graphics::getScreenBuffer());
        Util::Parameter<Graphics::Bitmap*> use(Graphics::screenParameter, &screen);
        InputMap<Keys> input;
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_ESC, 0, true, Esc);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_ENTER, 0, true, Enter);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_UP, 0, true, Up);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_DOWN, 0, true, Down);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_LEFT, 0, true, Left);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_RIGHT, 0, true, Right);
        try {
            Filesystem::AbsolutePath path(file);
            CharacterSelect select(path);
            Logic logic(input, select);
            Draw draw(select);

            Util::standardLoop(logic, draw);
        } catch (const LoadException & ex){
            Global::debug(0) << "Problem loading file [" << file << "]. Reason: " << ex.getTrace() << std::endl;
        } catch (const TokenException & ex){
            Global::debug(0) << "Problem parsing file [" << file << "]. Reason: " << ex.getTrace() << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Usage: ./" << argv[0] << " select-screen.txt" << std::endl;
    return 0;
Exemple #3
static void checkFullscreen(){
    InputMap<int> input;
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F11, 0, true, 5);
    std::vector<InputMap<int>::InputEvent> events = InputManager::getEvents(input, InputSource(true));

    for (std::vector<InputMap<int>::InputEvent>::iterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); it++){
        InputMap<int>::InputEvent event = *it;

        if (!event.enabled){

        if (event.out == 5){
Exemple #4
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    if (argc > 1){
        Global::InitConditions conditions;
        std::string file = argv[1];
        InputManager manager;
        Graphics::Bitmap screen(*Graphics::getScreenBuffer());
        Util::Parameter<Graphics::Bitmap*> use(Graphics::screenParameter, &screen);
        InputMap<Keys> input;
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_ESC, 0, true, Esc);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_ENTER, 0, true, Enter);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_UP, 0, true, Up);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_DOWN, 0, true, Down);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_LEFT, 0, true, Left);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_RIGHT, 0, true, Right);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_S, 0, true, S);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_P, 0, true, P);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_R, 0, true, R);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_SPACE, 0, true, SpaceBar);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_1, 0, true, Key1);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_2, 0, true, Key2);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_3, 0, true, Key3);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_4, 0, true, Key4);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_5, 0, true, Key5);
        input.set(Keyboard::Key_6, 0, true, Key6);
        try {
            CutSceneTool cutscene(file);
            Logic logic(input, cutscene);
            Draw draw(cutscene);

            Util::standardLoop(logic, draw);
        } catch (const LoadException & ex){
            Global::debug(0) << "Problem loading file [" << file << "]. Reason: " << ex.getTrace() << std::endl;
        } catch (const TokenException & ex){
            Global::debug(0) << "Problem parsing file [" << file << "]. Reason: " << ex.getTrace() << std::endl;
        } catch (const Storage::NotFound & ex){
            Global::debug(0) << "Couldn't find file. Reason: " << ex.getTrace() << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << "Usage: ./" << argv[0] << " cutscene.txt" << std::endl;
    return 0;
Exemple #5
vector<Input::PaintownInput> Player::fillKeyCache(){
    acts += 1;
    if (acts > GLOBAL_KEY_DELAY){
        if (!key_cache.empty()){

        acts = 0;

    InputMap<Input::PaintownInput> input;
    InputSource useSource(true);
    if (source != NULL){
        useSource = *source;

    int facing = getFacing();
    /* set up keyboard */
    if (useSource.useKeyboard()){
        enum Input::PaintownInput all[] = {Input::Forward, Input::Back, Input::Up, Input::Down, Input::Attack1, Input::Attack2, Input::Attack3, Input::Attack4, Input::Attack5, Input::Attack6, Input::Jump, Input::Grab};
        for (vector<int>::const_iterator it = useSource.getKeyboard().begin(); it != useSource.getKeyboard().end(); it++){
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(all) / sizeof(Input::PaintownInput); i++){
                input.set(getKey(*it, all[i], facing), 0, false, all[i]);

    /* set up joystick */
    if (useSource.useJoystick()){
        enum Input::PaintownInput all[] = {Input::Forward, Input::Back, Input::Up, Input::Down, Input::Attack1, Input::Attack2, Input::Attack3, Input::Attack4, Input::Attack5, Input::Attack6, Input::Jump, Input::Grab};

        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(all) / sizeof(Input::PaintownInput); i++){
            input.set(getJoystickKey( all[i], facing), 0, false, all[i]);

    acts += 1;

    // keyHold.back = false;

    vector<InputMap<Input::PaintownInput>::InputEvent> events = InputManager::getEvents(input, useSource);
    for (vector<InputMap<Input::PaintownInput>::InputEvent>::iterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); it++){
        InputMap<Input::PaintownInput>::InputEvent event = *it;

        switch (event.out){
            case Input::Forward: keyHold.forward = event.enabled; break;
            case Input::Back: keyHold.back = event.enabled; break;
            case Input::Up: keyHold.up = event.enabled; break;
            case Input::Down: keyHold.down = event.enabled; break;
            default: break;

        if (!event.enabled){

        acts = 0;

    while (key_cache.size() > KEY_CACHE_SIZE){

    if (acts > GLOBAL_KEY_DELAY){
    InputMap<Input::PaintownInput> inputHold;

    /* normalize such that forward is left */
    int facingHold = FACING_LEFT;
    enum Input::PaintownInput allHold[] = {Input::Forward, Input::Back, Input::Up, Input::Down};
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof(allHold) / sizeof(Input::PaintownInput); i++){
        for (vector<int>::const_iterator it = useSource.getKeyboard().begin(); it != useSource.getKeyboard().end(); it++){
            inputHold.set(getKey(*it, allHold[i], facingHold), 0, false, allHold[i]);

        if (useSource.useJoystick()){
            inputHold.set(getJoystickKey(allHold[i], facingHold), 0, false, allHold[i]);

    vector<InputMap<Input::PaintownInput>::InputEvent> eventsHold = InputManager::getEvents(inputHold, useSource);
    for (vector<InputMap<Input::PaintownInput>::InputEvent>::iterator it = eventsHold.begin(); it != eventsHold.end(); it++){
        InputMap<Input::PaintownInput>::InputEvent event = *it;

        switch (event.out){
            case Input::Forward: keyHold.left = event.enabled; break;
            case Input::Back: keyHold.right = event.enabled; break;
            case Input::Up: keyHold.up = event.enabled; break;
            case Input::Down: keyHold.down = event.enabled; break;
            default: break;

    vector<Input::PaintownInput> real_input;
    if (keyHold.up){
    if (keyHold.down){
    if (keyHold.left){
        if (getFacing() == FACING_LEFT){
        } else {
    if (keyHold.right){
        if (getFacing() == FACING_LEFT){
        } else {
        // keyHold.forward = true;

    return real_input;
Exemple #6
static InputMap<Keys> getKeys(){
    InputMap<Keys> input;
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F1, 10, false, F1);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F2, 10, false, F2);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F3, 10, false, F3);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F4, 10, false, F4);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F5, 10, false, F5);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F6, 10, false, F6);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F7, 10, false, F7);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F8, 10, false, F8);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F9, 10, false, F9);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F10, 10, false, F10);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F11, 10, false, F11);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_F12, 10, false, F12);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_ESC, 10, false, Esc);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_ENTER, 10, false, Enter);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_UP, 10, false, Up);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_DOWN, 10, false, Down);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_LEFT, 10, false, Left);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_RIGHT, 10, false, Right);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_SPACE, 10, false, Space);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_PGUP, 10, false, PageUp);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_PGDN, 10, false, PageDown);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_M, Action1);
    input.set(Keyboard::Key_P, Action2);
    return input;
Exemple #7
void doBackground(const std::string &file, const std::string &section){
    Mugen::Background background = Mugen::Background(Filesystem::AbsolutePath(file), section);
    Graphics::Bitmap workArea(320,240);
    Graphics::Bitmap screen(640,480);
    double runCounter = 0;
    Global::speed_counter4 = 0;
    Global::second_counter = 0;
    int game_time = 100;
    // Set game keys temporary
    InputMap<int> gameInput;
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_ESC, 10, true, 0);
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_UP, 1, false, 1);
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_DOWN, 1, false, 2);
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_LEFT, 1, false, 3);
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_RIGHT, 1, false, 4);
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_F1, 10, true, 5);
    gameInput.set(Keyboard::Key_LSHIFT, 1, false, 6);
    bool done = false;

    Mugen::Point camera;
    while ( ! done ){
	bool draw = false;
	if ( Global::speed_counter4 > 0 ){
	    draw = true;
	    runCounter += Global::speed_counter4 * Global::ticksPerSecond(60);
	    while ( runCounter >= 1.0 ){
		runCounter -= 1;
		// Key handler
		InputMap<int>::Output out = InputManager::getMap(gameInput);
		if (out[0]){
		    done = true;

                int speed = 1;
                if (out[6]){
                    speed = 10;

                if (out[1]){
		    camera.y -= speed;
                if (out[2]){
		    camera.y += speed;
                if (out[3]){
		    camera.x -= speed;
                if (out[4]){
		    camera.x += speed;
                if (out[5]){
                    // Reset camera
                    camera.x = camera.y = 0;
		// Backgrounds
	    Global::speed_counter4 = 0;
	while ( Global::second_counter > 0 ){
	    if ( game_time < 0 ){
		    game_time = 0;

	if ( draw ){
	    // render backgrounds
	    background.renderBackground(camera.x, camera.y, workArea);
	    // render Foregrounds
	    background.renderForeground(camera.x, camera.y, workArea);

            // This is a reminder of where the current 0,0 position is
            Font::getDefaultFont().printf( 5, 0, Graphics::makeColor(255,0,0), workArea, "Camera X: %i",0, camera.x );
            Font::getDefaultFont().printf( 5, 10, Graphics::makeColor(255,0,0), workArea, "Camera Y: %i",0, camera.y );
	    // Finally render to screen

	while ( Global::speed_counter4 < 1 ){
		PaintownUtil::rest( 1 );