Exemple #1
/** Handles the "point" command that adds a point to the point list. */
void EmSpecialHandler::point (InputReader &ir, SpecialActions &actions) {
	DPair pos(actions.getX(), actions.getY());
	int n = ir.getInt();
	if (ir.getPunct() == ',') {
		if (ir.getPunct() == ',')
	_points[n] = pos;
Exemple #2
/** Handles the "line" command that draws a straight line between two points
 *  from the point list. */
void EmSpecialHandler::line (InputReader &ir, SpecialActions& actions) {
	int pointnum1 = ir.getInt();
	int cut1 = 'p';
	if (isalpha(ir.peek()))
		cut1 = ir.get();
	int pointnum2 = ir.getInt();
	int cut2 = 'p';
	if (isalpha(ir.peek()))
		cut2 = ir.get();
	double linewidth = _linewidth;
	if (ir.getPunct() == ',')
		linewidth = read_length(ir);
	auto it1=_points.find(pointnum1);
	auto it2=_points.find(pointnum2);
	if (it1 != _points.end() && it2 != _points.end())
		create_line(it1->second, it2->second, char(cut1), char(cut2), linewidth, actions);
	else {
		// Line endpoints don't necessarily have to be defined before
		// a line definition. If a point isn't defined yet, we put the line
		// in a wait list and process the lines at the end of the page.
		_lines.emplace_back(Line(pointnum1, pointnum2, char(cut1), char(cut2), linewidth));